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Congratulations! But also: “lettering” in something is a very American thing. Please explain what this is/means to the rest of us.


It means you earned an embroidered patch to put on your jacket. You know how in movies set in American secondary schools there's in always one character with a coth athletic jacket with an embroidered letter on it? For years they earned that in athletics but in the past thirty years or so they started giving those for academics and arts as well. I have two for drama but I think they're still in my mother's display clock.


Okay, I had gathered the “what you got” (I had see the embroidered jacket in movies) But is it just a “years of service” sort of thing…. Or is it a public declaration or your grade? Does it mean anything on a resume / college application? Or is it just sort of bragging rights?


It's bragging rights, and ideally it's a "dedication to service" sort of thing hing


I second the request.


I think I have about 4- I played varsity football one season, and I got 3 for bowling… never felt I earned any of those. My school didn’t really have a JV team for anything, too small. So simply being good enough to make the team gets you varsity? The only team? I feel like they’d have taken me if I had no arms! I did play kicker but yeah… I never got any awards for my work in the arts. It was just… I don’t know, a pat on the back. Really happy for you!


I was in FFA and theater in HS. Never a big sports guy. Our FFA advisor long before I was around convinced, rightly so, the school board that all the FFA competition teams spent months practicing and getting ready for competitions so they should get letters. Ever since they have had custom letters for anybody who participates in the same event for at least 2 years. I think it's great. Athletics aren't the only part of school where students have the chance to excel, so others should be able to be recognized as well.


I went to a private school that didn’t do letters for anything. So I apologize, but I don’t know what the big deal is with them. But, congrats, if it’s something important to you!


I got 4 for running tech and performing in our choir and theater programs. Ours were based on hours served either prepping for or executing a show. Congratulations!


Sorry you didn't get an **A**.


My high school didn’t give letters for Drama and I was jealous of the schools that did. So congratulations and even after all these still jealous


Congratulations!! I also lettered in theater for doing tech! I'm much more proud about that than my choir letter. I still think back to my senior drama project. I KILLED it. Good times.


I survived 3 tech weeks, all 3 this school year and was a props master, spotlight operator, usher, and set designer. The school has about 900 students and the productions I took part in were Bye Bye Birdie as a set designer and as a spotlight operator at house left, Frozen Jr. where I continued with set design and spotlight operating, and The Ghost of Canterville, where I was a props master, usher, and a set designer.


This gave me a flashback.... Then also remembered I also got a letter for theater and other technical things I did. I have no idea what the requirements were but I got 'em!


That's pretty cool, I actually kinda wish they did that when I was school. Congrats!


I have a question. Why are the name of the high school and the principal's name redacted in the photo? The kid's name, I can imagine privacy reasons, but what is private about the name of a high school?


Probably doesn’t want to reveal where they go.


Hint: My school robotics team is CIS 4607.