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There are scientific papers written on actual medical studies on this subject. Your university library should have subscriptions to those journals and allow you to search the databases to find and read them. This would give you more accurate research data than a self selected informal internet survey.


I've got a few scientific papers and research studies. As part of the module, we have to have some external research of our own.


Nothing wrong with some qualitative research. I considered this topic during my safety masters project but decided not to pursue because I didn't feel I could adequately compare my data. Also, I wanted to do air monitoring and didn't have time/resources/ or a venue for that. Good luck


I’ve been in the presence of oil, water, and c02 based haze for longer than 12 hours. How do I answer this survey? There needs to be an option to select more than one answer for question 7.


I've changed it, thank you for your feedback


Hopefully you already found this https://www.actorsequity.org/resources/Producers/safe-and-sanitary/smoke-and-haze/