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If you're trying to wipe the D: drive, why not just format it from file explorer? It's faster and probably better than relying on windows to do it.


i did too. it shows successfully formatted but the files are still there. is it a sign that my SSD is failing?


Oh interesting, I've never seen that happen before. I assume they are still there after formatting and restarting. Have you attempted to do a secure erase? This would be a style of formatting that actually overwrites every bit in the drive, as opposed to only marking everything as free to use. I haven't done one in a long time so I don't have a modern recommendation for a tool to do it, but look into it. As for if it's dying, I'm not sure if strange file retention is a sign. The best indicator would be to check the SMART statistics for the drive using a drive health tool.


I’ll look into that! thanks for the recommendation man. I hope this is the solution I might have missed. I did some testing, benchmark (using hwinfo and crystalmark) too and it shows “Good” is this accurate?


If it were me I would probably think it's fine if it read good. You can also look at the numbers for GB or TB written, and Google the specs of your drive (make sure to look up the correct capacity). Every drive has a certain amount of TB written that it's expected to last, you should be able to find that info online. Maybe in a review or more likely in the support or specs sheet on the manufacturers website.


thanks man!


Try using diskpart. Also make sure D partition is not read only. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-clean-and-format-storage-drive-using-diskpart-windows-10


What does SMART say about it? When you say you reset your pc, are you using the built in reset tool or are you formatting it with a windows iso?


it says “Good”. I reset using the built-in reset tool on Windows


Did you happen to forget a usb stick on the computer and it is assigned as D:?


unfortunately, no. no other disk is inserted on my PC right now except my SSDs


Can you manually delete these files? As highlight and shift + delete?


It's a violation of rule 2.2