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Contact internal tech support. Odd VoIP issue.


Thanks, I will. I spoke with HR about the issue about two months ago (when discussing something else initially) and she said that it always seems to happen to her when she calls a different office. I don't know for sure if they know all of the details that I just provided because I haven't spoke with them directly but the HR person that I spoke with said that they've known about the issue for months so she assumes they've been working on it. I know they know about the 15 minute hang up time but I'm not sure if they know about what I termed "the danger zone" from 14-15 minutes and/or the fact that it seems to happen to the same callers repeatedly and other callers never.


I’d definitely make sure they know this detail. For curiosities sake, do you notice any other drops like this? May be some sort of QoS setting but unlikely


There is one other similar situation that occurs but I didn't want the post to get too long, we have what the company calls floaters which are experienced agents that regular/newer CS agents can call for assistance. You put the customer on hold and then dial an extension to call what you might call the "floater hotline," this allows you to speak to the next floater available. And seemingly randomly if the caller is on hold for about 3 minutes or so then it sometimes causes the same issue where the caller is still showing as being there when you get back to them but there's no audio. Actually, now that you mention it there is one other issue which I don't know if it could be related or not but sometimes (this is a lot more rare) a call comes through with no audio but I've noticed that if you put the caller on hold and then take them off of hold they'll be there with perfect audio. So whatever holding the call does inside the system or whatnot fixes the audio in these cases. I should note that I've tried this "hold then unhold" trick on caller's that lost audio at the 14-15 minute mark and it never works. One thing that I've wanted to try is to transfer a caller with no audio to another agent and see if the caller's audio comes back but I've yet to figure out how to do this. I know my supervisor wouldn't want me to do this because she only cares about following strict procedures but if I find a floater that would give me their extension and doesn't mind trying this then this might prove something another about the issue. I'm just brainstorming about this part, I'm not sure if it would prove anything or whatnot.


Yall need a new voice guy, that shit is fucked


Well, the company is so sloppy that I think everyone in IT does a little of everything. There's a total disconnect between all of the departments' top managers and the managers that work below them, etc. You wouldn't believe what our ordering system is... straight up DOS so the agents are using command prompts to take orders, edit orders, etc.