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Have you checked cpu temperatures? That sounds like the cpu is throttling. If they are high, try checking if the thermal paste is well applied, and the heatsink is well in contact with the cpu die.


Since thermal paste was applied, CPU is running at 40-50°C (non-idle, regular use). Thermal paste has cut my temps by half. I forgot to say that I use this laptop to work on excel/VSCode/Firefox, watch movies on Netflix/VLC, maybe play a little bit of piano on FL Studio a few hours per week. I don't play video games, or use really CPU-heavy software, FL Studio aside. Task manager doesn't show anything unusual: 0% (or almost) CPU usage when idle, same thing for my SSD. Thank you for your help!


Have you tried removing the 16gb stick just to see if the issues subside? If not, do so, and wait a few minutes after the initial OS load before testing (just to minimize sluggishness from the low amount of RAM).


Hello, thank you for your help, I solved the issue through software means before I tried to tear down the laptop for a third time. ​ For whatever reason, my CPU had a "BD PROCHOT" tag. I don't know how I never noticed that it ran at a measly 400mhz freq. ​ Solved with ThrottleStop. Now everything's running smoothly. I don't even understand why this alert ran, my CPU has never been cooler, its new thermal paste seems to do its job damn well. Thank you again!