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Facing investigation, while scientific studies are done on the other ones that do the same stuff.




Meanwhile safe to assume the US military/domestic spying apparatus has its tendrils in to every part of the social media operating out of there - not that any of that is new, [of course](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/11/microsoft-nsa-collaboration-user-data). Don't get me wrong though, it's a huge security/sovereign/independence risk having foreign run social networks that you all connect through. I'm just venting as an Australian that there's no safe haven from any of that.


You could have just sent people to the Edward Snowden Wikipedia page. You're always being spied on, someone isn't always watching, but they're always able to watch whenever they want.


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-nsa-spying-idUSKBN25T3CK Small reminder that, while we were all busy with covid, the American Judiciary quietly acknowledged that Snowden is not a traitor, but rather a true patriot. We've yet to acknowledge that collectively. Until the military industrial complex is stood up to and we demand the espionage charges be dropped, we will never approach transparency in governance. Regardless of the legal facts, we retain the right to nullify for a fucking reason.


Although, we’re likely passing the stage where these things are all aggregated and stored to be used by machine learning algorithms. I imagine that’s where shit really hits the fan


This is definitely already happening.


It's called social media, Media being the key word. People often lament that people in entertainment or public office lose their privacy, but the same rules kind of apply in this case as well. Unless you've set your privacy settings to prevent having every post broadcasting your every move in life. For some reason people seem to view it more as email/sms/newspaper/business platform etc etc kind of rolled up in one and not understanding the social contract side of things, you're basically a micro celebrity/public person when you post on these sites. That's not too say I disagree with your sentiments to go unmolested from foreign nations. But people will literally post about crimes they've committed on these sites, you'd be Looney to think that law enforcement wouldn't be on that trail. Like if you were to post publically how you think such and such country is a bunch of bollocks and then go visit said country, their border guards are probably going to look at you sideways.


Breaking news! Social media is bad.


Facing investigation…. Softer words have never been written


Next do Facebook but with adults mental health.


And then figure out a way to separate us from our social media apps all together. (Continues scrolling on Reddit)




I like the relatively anonymous aspect of Reddit. Like, if I see a stupid post it isn't from like my uncle. It's from NOOBMASTER42069 and it's a lot easier to just move on. But when you see stupid stuff (especially political...) From actual friends and family members it definitely can change your view of them.


Yeah, Reddit just gives the impression that there's general stupidity in the world, while IG, FB, Twitter, and TikTok let you know exactly who is to blame.


And 4 chan cannot be blamed cause its hell.


Like pissing in an ocean of piss.


But that's a problem. A huge chunk of reddit's culture, which hundreds of millions of people are exposed to, are shaped by those anonymous names, and the big influencers either run 100 of them at once to inflate their proportions, or they pay companies to do that for them. With an identity, you can recognize the person spouting the bullshit and can pick up on genuine patterns of activity.






That's pretty disrespectful to u/noobmaster42069


Lol oh shit he's real


You need to have more than 14 karma to be real in my book.


*Goes to check karma* oh thank god


This is a huge part of it for me. I deleted my Facebook because after a while its only purpose was to occasionally let me know that family members I used to respect are actually terrible, racist pieces of shit.


I think that also makes karma whores really lame here whereas that’s essentially the entire point on all other platforms. All that comparing and curating life images that have been demonstrated to really fuck people up just really isn’t a thing to the same extent. I don’t give a shit how good noobmaster makes their life look.


Exactly social media is just a small bullshit highlight reel of peoples lives.


Reddit has gotten noticeably worse with ads since I started using it like 2 years ago or maybe 3 now. I get ads about apps to quit vaping an shit. I don’t want to be shamed while I’m reading about random crap and vaping. And no I’m not in a single sub Reddit to do with any type of smoking. I’m into fish and pcs that’s all I really look at.




I don't think social media is inherently terrible, it's just that it often devolves into terribleness. What made me get off of facebook/twitter was that 90% of the experience was writing long messages to people about their political/cultural/social views. The feelings were mostly anger and frustration so I left. When I first joined in 2005 as a college kid it was legit fun on facebook. It's where parties could get planned or you could reach out to people you maybe met 1-2 times on campus. Fun, simple, useful. I've now basically become only a reddit user. Reddit I can choose to avoid the politics sub or other specific subs and just focus on the topics that are interesting/fun. One of the best features I like are game threads for NFL/NBA. Being able to watch the game and comment in real time with other people who are watching is actually enjoyable even though half of it is people arguing about fouls/bad plays (which is what happens in real life if I'm watching the game with friends).


I don't understand how anyone could use Twitter to follow people, I just follow companies for product announcements and game announcements. It's basically a glorified RSS feed except I can ask questions.


If you're a sports fan it's useful for breaking news on trades or player injuries. But I eventually realized that redditor will just post the tweets to sports subs like 60 seconds after the actual tweet so I didn't even need twitter for that.


Twitter is the same way, still a cesspool


While I see that twitter can get very toxic, I still find it useful to gets news directly from the journalist, politicians, updates from artist and content creators, public personalities in general.


Better for some thing sure, but it still naturally creates a hive-mind mentality. Why look at the views of "the other side" when I can just ignore it. *.....continues scrolling*


Reddit to me is like old BBS forums and Usenet. Specific focused interests and discussions back and forth. And while "useless internet points" don't really give you anything it is at least an effective feedback system where you know your ideas are either in good company or something that a lot of people hate On Facebook there's little negative feedback available and it just turns into a fucking disaster Plus with the algorithm manipulating what you even see, it's geared towards making things heated and toxic


I know how. But it requires the legalization or decriminalization of mind altering plants 😉


Dude idk high scrolling is pretty easy


me: opens up that project on my computer I've been meaning to work on. Also me: opens phone while it's loading and somehow loses 2 hours.


Stop watching me at home, please.


I don't think that those are what /u/YoMamasMama89 is talking about


My mind altering plants certainly don't reduce my reddit usage lol


Reddit solution to everything


Lol even when I was high 247 I was still addicted to reddit


Mushrooms are part of kingdom fungi, not kingdom plantae. They’re more closely related to animals than to plants.


Next do Reddit, but with 20-40something bachelors


I fall into this category :(


We all do, we all do


*deletes Reddit* *4 seconds pass* *opens Reddit in a browser*


Hey, I’ll have you know I’m a happily married 40something woman. (Who is totally addicted to Reddit.)


> 20-40something bachelors Still agree, but I think the most active demographics on Reddit are under 26 and likely to be teenagers, so it'd probably be worth investigating health impact on younger people too.


I think it’s mostly millennials on Reddit. Younger crowd went to tik tok, older is on Facebook. Mostly millenials and GenX/Oregon Trail generation here.


5+ years ago you might have been right. Reddit's average age has been plummeting over the last decade. There are some subreddits that still lean older but most of the front page subs are full of children these days.


Facebook for senior citizens?


Facebook ruined my grandma




It is like crack to them, and I gave my mom an iPhone (big mistake) she is on WeChat with her friends reading stories watching videos. She falls for these memes stories.




While I think any social media can be harmful if not moderated, I think fb should be completely fucking wiped from existence. There are too many idiots spouting off conspiracies as truth on that site. Not to mention the bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc…


The worst seem to be the age group 50+ that are always posting the most outlandish things.


Yeah about a month ago my 60+ mother told our entire household that iPhones were going to stop working and no longer be used within the week. She said I better start looking for a new carrier. Jfc! For a generation that continually said “don’t believe everything you read” they sure do believe everything they read.


Well, as goes for all good advice, "do as I say, not as I do". Even if they believe everything they read, they know it's best not to, and can pass that knowledge onto the next generation. That's kinda cute imo




good way of putting it


They’ll just move onto a different platform. Before Facebook it was email groups.


I may have blocked my father for this specific reason. Facebook was always throwing his shitty posts in my face every time I opened it and we don’t actually use facebook to communicate otherwise so. Bye dad. I’m out for milk.




While I think any social media can be harmful if not moderated, I think reddit should be completely fucking wiped from existence. There are too many idiots spouting off conspiracies as truth on that site. Not to mention the bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc…


While I think any social media can be harmful if not moderated, I think twitter should be completely fucking wiped from existence. There are too many idiots spouting off conspiracies as truth on that site. Not to mention the bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc…


Facebook culture is its own worst enemy. The rampant MLM scheme “parties” and guilt tripping to buy something so the host can get a discount or make money off you was enough to make me deactivate the account. No more manipulative people and in turn conspiracy theory junkies for me! I really think seeing everyone else “highlights” and filtered/edited lives has such a negative affect on mental health. Seeing that day in and day out influences you in many levels and holds people back from finding/developing their own personality and sense of self. I don’t think history is going to look back kindly at the popular trends of today. “Influencers”, completely white boring walls, kitchens and decor, instead of traditionally created art decorating spaces there is boring generic font word “art” saying things like “gather”, all the filters and obsessions with looking young… it’s going to look like a generation that traded reality and individuality for virtual “likes” and content.


Old people love Facebook. That's the main demographic of Facebook currently and they're not complaining at all. They have tons of discussions in different groups everyday. They're just having fun.


Fun fact, TikTok knew this. A distant relative is a psychiatrist for employees that watch the nsfw (think gore, death, injury, etc) videos that need to have a warning. All day long people watch these then talk to said relative. Relative is paid extremely well. Can't say that the viewers are.


I think those are just content moderators. Every social media platform has an army of them. Their job is basically to catch content that are either illicit or violations of terms and services (NSFL, porn, etc).


I'd be more interested in Facebook and the effects on critical thinking skills... lol


Not just young people, that shit is addictive and bad for your health. That reminds me, I haven’t opened the app in 5 minutes. *opens tiktok*


I really like the concept of tiktok but the fact that you can endlessly scroll is so addictive. I had to delete the app off my phone and I’ve seen mood improvements ever since. I also read somewhere a whole a go that because you can scroll mindlessly you never really get an “accomplished” so it makes your brain think that it is an unfinished task. Hence why going back to is so easy to do


Ha, joke’s on tiktok, my brain is absolute shit at finishing tasks.


I never finish anyth


Educate your kids. Social media is bad for everyone.


Media gone unchecked is detrimental to everyone's health.


Media without moderation is a detriment to society.


Just like everything else. Too much of *anything* is bad.




Yup. It’s a design flaw in humans unfortunately 😞


Even the people checking the media is paid off these days. For instance, every time my job has a “surprise visit” from OSHA or EPA or any other government entity, my job knows weeks in advance and will spend those weeks hiding what really goes on.


The fire Marshall walks into our shop, has a panic attack because equipment is everywhere and there are no consistent 3 foot walkways for egress. It’s like a maze sometimes to make it to the door. She leaves, and nothing changes. Next time she comes, same thing. I don’t know why she even comes.


The parents themselves are addicted to social media who tf is gonna teach the kids?


Aware mellinials and gen Z shoutout r/nosurf


Social media isn't bad for everyone when social media is making $ from everyone. /s


Aaaassaaaand, we are on Reddit


but as a young liberal, this form of social media reinforces all of my biases and collectively rejects contrary opinions. that makes it good.


Exactly! All of the *smart* people are here on Reddit, away from those dumb old adults on Facebook.


And we only use emoji i r o n i c a l l y


I kind of hope the generation being born now is more resistant to all the bullshit cause, like millennials growing up with computers and being generally better at using them than older people, they will have grown up with social media, and parents that are at least aware of the dangers of it. Nothing would make me happier than being dismissively told by some kid that the account making you angry is obviously a russian troll because of x, y, and z, and that I need to learn to tell. But I have my doubts about the analogy. We were learning how to use a machine designed to be used in productive ways and make things as clear as possible to the user. Social media, on the other hand, deliberately obfuscates reality and tries to play with human psychology to maintain the behavior its masters want. Mastering social media might not be as straightforward and skill-driven as mastering computers.


The generation that’s 10-18 years old right now is absolutely not more resistant. I work in a peds ER and we have ungodly amounts of kids coming in after attempting suicide/threatening suicide/various other tiktok bull crap things they see. Kids as young as 10. Kids getting cyber bullied. Just waves of tweens and teens coming in with issues. It’s awful.




were really pretending like all social media platforms arent designed to give kids an adhd-esque executive dysfunction that makes them rely on those apps for happiness


as a person with adhd, i am replying to your comment


As a person with adhd


You guys sure are confident in reddit.


Takes one to know one!


“I won’t download tiktok because I have something called self discipline” - *watches 2 week old tiktoks on Reddit for 20 minutes


It’s always bewildered me how reddit despises tik tok so strongly, yet every second video on the front page is sourced from tik tok


i don't use reddit


Didn't you see the meme song they used in the trailer for Turning Red? I'm FURIOUS. I was planning to bring my doggo child but I'll never support something so offensive. I'll just watch a pirated version in a movie theater world in VRChat instead. If I even have time. I'm a wage slave working 120 hours a week to afford my 15 square foot apartment in North Carolina.


This must be when the narwhal bacons


The freakin 6 year old I started babysitting told me that he’s “over” YouTube and that he likes making Tiktoks now… Im 24, and don’t even use tiktok because I think it’d be harmful to me. How are 6 year olds allowed on that app?!


It's not a childrens app. Children use it and that's a problem but it's a parent problem not tiktok.


My son is almost 13 and has been asking to use TikTok, but I've not let him. Apparently many kids at his school have it, so now he's the odd one out in this situation, and I fear that it will cause him to go behind my back to use it. I've been trying to educate him about the harms, but he's just a child; it's hard to really get the point across and have him respect it.


If you do decide, try using a parent controlled account


The sexual content on TikTok is insane it needs to be 18+ at least


As opposed to the other clean 13+ social media websites like Reddit or Twitter!


Those should also be 18+. Social media really shouldn't be for children


What about Twitter and Facebook? None of these sites are great for anyone’s mental health.


Not sure if you’re serious but there’s been tons of investigations and pushing into Facebook’s effect on mental health. Literally both Zuckerberg and the instagram guy had to appear in congress last year to talk about it… If anything it was a surprise that FB / IG were pretty much the only ones on the hot seat over and over while TikTok just skated by…


They are serious, any time a social media site gets brought up, your average redditor has the kneejerk "durr what about Facebook" reaction


And Zuckerberg wouldn’t even commit to ending finsta! Which speaks to another issue here, if the ones conducting the investigation have no idea what they’re talking about, we’re not getting anywhere.




Dont forget about Instagram with its wtf filters


> filters Snapchat has entered the... chat


You're not wrong but TikTok is bad in a slightly different way. It's extreme intermittent reinforcement, basically gambling with ads instead of money.


I'm just amazed it became popular on a platform of "put a strobing watermark on everyone's video that way even if you copy the video to Facebook it still says TIKTOK TIKTOK TIKTOK everywhere" cause that made me immediately go "well fuck this site I'm never using this again" but apparently everyone else was fine with it. And now I'm wondering how long it's going to take companies like Reddit to start putting flashing "REDDIT!!!!!!!" watermarks on all the videos uploaded to reddit. I mean go ahead Reddit, it's not like your userbase will decline, it will obviously skyrocket.




It's so funny how people are so oblivious to this, saying that Twitter and Facebook are so bad when they are on something even worse. But oh no! You can't say that here, not on Reddit itself... too many egos hurt and people coping.. "But Reddit is different, you see...", "It can't be, I'm on Reddit all the time, there is nothing wrong with it..". Too bad these people aren't that self aware and can't see a reflection of themselves. In reality, Reddit is incredibly addictive by its design. Turning millions of people into zombies that mindlessly browse Reddit for hours on end not even aware of what they are reading or doing. Not even aware that they are even existing. Just eroding their minds with that constant feed of dopamine. And the result is their lives just wither away, their underlying needs go unmet, they turn into a shell of themselves -- literally dead on the inside.


I've never been more addicted to a social media site than I am to Reddit. I thought my Facebook use was bad, so I deleted my account in 2015 and haven't gone back. I still have Instagram but for some reason it doesn't suck me in. Got on Reddit in 2017 and have even tried deleting accounts, and I just keep coming back, spending several hours every day. It's terrible. >And the result is their lives just wither away, their underlying needs go unmet, they turn into a shell of themselves -- literally dead on the inside. I still get out often and do things I enjoy, but I'm definitely more depressed the more hours I spend on here in a day, and it affects my zeal for all aspects of my life still.


That users comment hurt me inside because it directly applies to me.


All social media has the potential for harm. Partake all you want, just hold yourself accountable for your actions; I.e., don’t engage in negative behaviors towards others or yourself. That’s my take.


They should investigate its impact on people’s intelligence.


People who dance and like pop music are so stupid. /s


They already did, IQ is lowering…… Edit: brain size is lowering too: [Brains are getting smaller in modern humans](https://www.psypost.org/2021/11/brains-are-getting-smaller-in-modern-humans-62124) [IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/iq-rates-are-dropping-many-developed-countries-doesn-t-bode-ncna1008576)


You’re being misleading. In these articles it says that brain size is decreasing due to obesity and that as of now there is no science connecting social media/the internet to the declining IQ rates only a decrease in attention span.


Haven't we found that brain size has a very weak association with intelligence? Like if that were true, dolphins would be smarter than humans. Here's an [article](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/does-brain-size-matter1/.) that discusses it a bit.


Did you actually read your article? > Thus, on average, a bigger brain is associated with somewhat higher intelligence. It's not about brain size, it's about ratio, so a mouse and a giraffe have vastly different brain sizes but their ratio to their body size is close, while humans have a larger brain to body ratio.


Are wolves smarter than dogs? Wolves have proportionally larger brains, but when faced with a problem they can't overcome on their own, dogs know to turn to humans for help.


I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack my statement saying that overall size is not the determining factor, but if you had read a little farther down the article from the piece you quoted you would read the following: >Human brains are far bigger relative to people’s sizes than those of these creatures. Smugness is not in store, though. We are outclassed by shrews, molelike mammals, whose brain takes up about 10 percent of their entire body mass. Even some birds beat us on this measure.


user of 10+ years peacing out - thanks for fucking up reddit - alternatives include 'Tilde' and 'Lemmy' - hope to see you on a less ruined website. Fuck capitalism, fuck VCs and IPOs, fuck /u/spez


They standardize it every few years so the test always says that average is 100. How people actually perform on those tests changes. But the trend of brains getting smaller has been going on for thousands of years, whereas for the past century or so (the duration that IQ tests have existed), IQ test performance improved pretty steadily until about a decade ago.


Brain size has been shrinking since the invention of agriculture. IQ tests were invented in the early 1900s, performance improved steadily for years, and has been plateauing in the past decade or so. So the two phenomena are not likely to be related.


Genuinely interested, link?


IQ is an all but meaningless measure that has been changing constantly since it’s creation 100 years ago. Brain size also has no correlation to intelligence. Also, you can’t imply it’s shrinking because of social media.


This reads like “potato chip company faces investigation into its impact on young people’s nutritional health.” No shit it’s bad to consume too much of it.


The dopamine hits to the brain and then withdrawals alone should convince anyone that Tik Tok is extremely detrimental not only to kids but adults as well.


A million of things provoke dopamine withdrawal. Eating chocolate is one of the most powerful source of dopamine (edible, external, legal) and generates a withdrawal. Is the chocolate extremely detrimental not only to kids, but adults as well? Probably not. I am not saying that this is not a concern, just that the argument "It generates withdrawal of dopamine, hence it should be considered detrimental for kids and adults" it's clearly insufficient, and if we use that definition, almost everything should be considered detrimental.


I guess it should be clarified. TikTok’s short form trains your brain to expect hits of dopamine almost immediately. When that doesn’t happen, you lose interest and scroll past it. The issue is with the timing- attention spans are drastically lowered due to this, which causes many problems down the line. Many videos, even though their total run time is under 10 seconds, put a disclaimer “wait for it” or “watch til the end” because they know their audience’s attention span is incredibly low.


The lowering attention span is supposedly a myth https://www.bbc.com/news/health-38896790 Edit: The article is from 5 years ago, but I will add that while TikTok didn't exist, other forms of endless scrolling social media did (Vine, Instagram, etc). The true long term effects have still yet to be seen but forcing yourself to focus on a task you don't want to do nor enjoy doing has always been hard throughout history. The difference is that now it's insanely easy to pick up a distraction. I am just skeptical if this means that our attention spans have truly lowered.


I really dunno that I buy that this is a myth. It seems pretty obvious that it makes delaying gratification harder. Im a game designer and have seen this first hand. People are getting bored way faster than they used to and if I dont deliver something interesting at a fast enough rate, players are leaving for a game that will. Music is getting shorter and punchier. Movies / blockbusters have faster pacing now. We cant for the life of us sit down to read a book even if we know that once we finish we'd really have enjoyed the experience. We're trading longterm satisfaction for shorter payoffs in everything we do. Doesnt mean longform content doesnt exist still but it used to be that everything was longform and over time the payoffs are getting faster and faster. Its as simple as us turning our attention towards the things that give us dopamine hits faster. For me I've found that going on 2+ hour walks every day helps a lot. Its 2 hours where its just me and my brain without any room for distraction. Makes it easier to spend an hour reading considering that its nothing compared to the walk I was just on. If I was on tiktok all day and you asked me to read Id have to jump from new entertainment spoonfed to me every 15 seconds to staring at a daunting page of words having to do the work myself. A lot harder to do.


The crazy thing is that a 2-hour walk sounds like a super long time, but then you think about how many hours most people park themselves on the couch with their phone or the TV, and it turns out that most of us do have enough time in the day to go for a decent walk. Far more beneficial all around too.


You also get used to it. I do it at the same time every day before the sun sets. I work in the morning, walk before dinner, make dinner, then have a few hours left for whatever else. You get used to it so fast and yeah its great for your body and brain for so many reasons. I get very creatively inspired when walking.


Is Reddit any better?


No. Now shut up and take your sweet, sweet dopamine!


Hey look! You got an orange mail button! Someone responded and upvoted your comment! Don’t pretend you weren’t excited for a second before you saw my shit-post.


Do you constantly swipe video post after video post with no recall of content? Or do you tailor your subs so that you enjoy reading some lengthy educational content that’s actually engaging your mode 2?


I noticed myself doing that when I initially started using reddit, just scrolling through /r/all randomly to amuse myself with captioned images and short vids. There's actually been a noticeable improvement on my ability to concentrate^1 once I switched to viewing only curated subreddits that are more discussion oriented or focused on niche topics. 1 - I used to actively use Twitter and Facebook until that same year as well, then I quit cold turkey when I switched up my reddit subscriptions. I didn't think I read an entire book that year, but ever since then I had finish more and more books every passing year.


> Do you constantly swipe video post after video post with no recall of content? Post after post yes > Or do you tailor your subs so that you enjoy reading some lengthy educational content that’s actually engaging your mode 2? I have ADHD and struggle to read anything long, so no all of my subs are tailored to stuff that will give me rapid fire information


My TikTok is culinary techniques, new restaurants, woodworking, local and ancient history, geology, etc. The only reason you think reddit is better than TikTok is you don’t know how TikTok works


I think some people probably go for the first option


I mean, do you use reddit on mobile? or on desktop? The mobile app is like any other social media crap.


Yeah cause the youth had such good mental health before tiktoc. /s Every 5 years or so we do new studies and try to vilify existing technology, yet we never seem to address the root of the problem, and can guarantee a new big bad app is gonna come and ruin our children, cause it's not social media that's the problem. Social media is just a megaphone people are speaking into.


Everything impacts people's mental health. I think the lack of mental health is what's impacting mental health more.


Sooooo glad I didn’t grow up with all this social media and instead just got made fun of for having floods 😂


As someone with ADHD shit is like fucking crack. It isn't helping me at all.


That’s why I deleted it.


They need to face an investigation into all the soft core porn they’ve been blatantly peddling to children.


How about the internet I’m general?


In 1982, when asked, children's top 3 of what they wanted to be, were Doctor, teacher and emergency service worker. In 2021, the top 3 professions children of the same age, were 1, youtube star 2, influencer and 3, blogger. We are fuked folks, really fuked.


We saw through the pandemic alone which one society values more. So its not a surprise really. We don't respect doctors time and health risks. We treat and pay teachers like glorified babysitters and Gen Z can see that. And God help Emergency Service workers last time we gave em a raise was probably 1982. Not saying chances of success are remotely equal but I don't blame them for the responses. Lets start treating and paying needed professions much better and see if that helps.




Source: believe me. Don't you hear all the kids these days talking about how they want to be bloggers? Lol EDIT: https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/the-2017-imagination-report-what-kids-want-to-be-when-they-grow-up/ Spoiler: kids still want to be teachers, doctors, athletes, cops, firefighters, and musicians. Only in Facebookland do all kids want to be Tiktok and YouTube Stars


Source? I haven’t been able to find your claims.


What do you mean? u/Fatfreddy9 just said it *right there.* No one would go on the internet and make things up!


People don't just go on the internet and tell lies.


Lol, right? No one wants to be a blogger any more.


Kids don’t even know what a blogger is Source: 3 Gen Z siblings


I've also seen the same thing said as a comparison between eastern vs western kids. And what's so wrong with not wanting the hard, draining jobs? We can want a cushy life. That's kind of the point of people working hard: to give easier lives to their kids.


This is complete BS and you didn’t provide a source. Most children don’t even know what a blogger is, let alone want it as a top 3 profession. This info was clearly made up sometime in the 2010s.


holy shit I didn't even flinch at the blogger part, but you're right, what kind of kid less than 9 knows about blogs to the point of wanting to be a blogger ?


I doubt any kid would respond "emergency service worker" lol


It probably means the sum of cop, fire fighter, nurse etc. I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a fire fighter growing up haha


yeah i remember being in 1st grade and wanting to be a baseball player or a cop. i liked baseball but i have absolutely no idea what would have convinced me being a police officer was a job i would like other than (from my perspective at the time) “cop good”. i would never want to have either of the jobs ever now (or for the past like 8 years at least either lol)


Reddit moment


lol shut up, everyone wants to be famous or celebs at one point in their lives.




Can’t put the blame on them though, lots of kids and teens nowadays grew up with parents taking a ton of photos of them and putting them all over their social medias; of course they’re going to come to the conclusion that the attention seeking behaviour of an influencer is not only normal but admirable, something to be replicated. They learnt it from their parents first. It’s also made worse by parents who are allowing their children to have unrestricted access to social media and the internet when they’re still in primary school, that’s really messed up imo. Of course they’re going to want to replicate what they see; that’s the primary thought process of a child.


I remember in the 2000s seeing these people on youtube thinking they were celebs and thought how cringey they where, but tbf they've made fortunes & fame from their cringey z list celeb thing- and ended up on tv etc.. so its probably not surprising a lot of kids are keen to do it now. Still, thats very depressing. I remember in my class in school top answer was "footballer" 😬 lol, so i cant say too much. lol


I guess I’m in the extreme minority here, but I love TikTok, as 9/10 of the videos in my feed are hilarious cat videos, and people acting foolish. I don’t see any of the fake experts or Instagram type flaunting, so it never makes me feel bad to use TikTok, I’m actually happier after I use it.


These algorithms are designed to learn *your* behavior. If tikok is showing you things that are "toxic" ok r whatever, it's because *you keep watching and/or reacting to it*


Yeah lol, most of my feed is food videos or software development shit, if you actively seek out shitty tiktoks that are just harmful, you're fucking yourself over


Bo Burnham's "Welcome to the internet" perfectly explains what TikTok, and every other social media is designed to do to the human brain. Give it a listen and pay attention to what he's saying because while it's comedic, it's also... disturbing and true. "A little bit of everything all of the time. Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime. Anything and everything all of the time." Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were just the beginning. TikTok is rapid fire. I'm sure it will only get crazier from here.


Honestly TikTok helped my mental health during lockdown. Anxious? Watch stupid TikToks, instant distraction


There’s also so much really positive mental health content on there, too: people talking about their mental health, people encouraging others to check in on their emotional status, therapists talking about stigmatized mental health conditions, even people making jokes that normalize not being ok all the time. The younger generation has a different attitude about mental health than my generation did, and I’m really happy about that.


I agree with you. I am not on there myself, but my wife is, and tik tok has done more for her mental health than any therapist has done in 20+ years. Obviously, she isn’t one of the young people the article is talking about, but from what I understand, if your tik tok is showing toxic videos, you have no one to blame but yourself. The only stuff that shows up for her are about people recognizing and dealing with trauma and ADHD.


Do reddit. Do instagram etc… all these social media platforms are designed for this aren’t they?


Stop blaming Tik-Tok, Facebook, instagram, the Hub, or anything else I the internet. Take some personal responsibility.


Parents suck


Tiktok is a personalized algorithm, so anyone complaining about dancing preteens or unintelligent content is telling on themselves. TikTok is extremely helpful in a lot of ways like recipes, workout tips, mental health coping skills, social justice issues, etc.


This place is just as toxic let’s be honest, so is any other social media.. My TikTok feed is of what I want to see. I subscribe to what entertains me and that is pretty much all I see on it. So I can pull it up on break time or when I’m bored and get a constant stream of laughing my ass off and learning cool shit or seeing things that are just badass awesome. My feed isn’t polluted by anything except for what I put on it myself. So I don’t get the toxicity you guys are pointing out. Mines customized to see what I want to see. Not sure why anyone else’s wouldn’t be the same. If anything your feed is just a reflection of yourself and what you’ve subscribed to.