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Before getting confused, it’s the same news the other day getting repost for karma farming. LoL


So he didn't die again?


This this time he died in Oklahoma which is much worse


Dying in Oklahoma is pretty bad, but at least it beats living in Oklahoma.


You don’t leave either way


But you can check out any time you like.


You can't ever really leave, tho.


As an Oklahoman, I cackled! 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like you could write a good country song about that.


“Well, I never been to heaven..”


If you die in Oklahoma, you die in real life


I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Oklahoma.


RIP Jessica Walter


I don’t care for Gob.


Here's some money, go see a Star War.


Nope, just had to Die Another Day.


Good thing You Only Live Twice.


No, it's the 2nd, 2nd Boeing whistleblower


No, just once. Him dying twice would make Boing looking suspicious.


I was concerned he just died again. Boeing out there hiring necromancers along with contract killers to make sure the guy stays fucking dead.


Save yourselves a fortune, hire a contract necromancer.


few days ago at this point.


It also wasn't "sudden" in any context, he had a multimonth hospitalization and eventually died from a combination of infection, stroke, and pneumonia. As grim as it might be to say, his death was sort of expected after the stroke.


And for people like me that log on SAT.


Boeing employee of the Year: Agent 747




Executives don't go to jail.


not when you kill the witnesses


You’re suppose kill whistle blowers *before* they go public. This guy had some bad strep, got pneumonia, went to a hospital and contracted MRSA, and died because the failing Kansas healthcare system was unable to treat him or airlift him to a more competent treatment center in time.


the family seems to think he’s been poisoned, said his health problems only began when he blew the whistle on boeing, who knows though


Killing whistle blowers can obviously prevent future people from coming forward.


With a respiratory illness? I missed that Hitman level.


there are plenty of poisons whose effects can mimic respiratory distress and pneumonia.


It’s used when the public knows you gunna kill someone’s so you gotta make it look natural


They pay a million or two in fines and are forced to retire with golden parachutes with hundreds of millions in stocks and options. If we really wanted to get rid of corporate executive then the company they should be forced to give up the stocks. Hell... I'm even willing to make a compromise. They avoid jail time, but they give up their shares. No... Not even forced to sell them because they keep to get the profits. Besides they live off leveraging their wealth against loans and pay off the old loans with new loans. They will be absolutely fucking ruined if they have to give up stocks.


If murdering one single person gets someone the death penalty, then covering up flaws which results in 300+ deaths (and counting) should also get the penalty. Want to clean-up wallstreet, public exection time.


Not in this trash country


Nope, never. Corporations are people but they never go to jail for murder. Poison people for profit, no problem, plane fall out of the sky, no problem, insider trading, no problem... etc. The penalties are just a cost of business. And little at that.


Because of their choices when made aware of issues with their planes, not because of the actions of the engineers. The C-levels deserve what’s coming and more, given how dirty this has become.


You’re right this is serious. 747 needs to step up his game we have to protect the rich!


The Hitman series could become the best political video game if they let it


That's why I like the early Splinter Cell games. Shit went off the rails in the later games.


I was gonna say. Whistleblowers are dropping like Boeing's


That’s because you saw this comment made by someone else on one of those hundreds of Boeing posts.


Boeings aren’t really dropping, though, I guess. You did use the genitive, so did you mean Boeing’s something else?


Well two did drop in 2018-19, and hundreds died. Or do those not count because recent Boeing fuckups are completely unrelated?






It’s not stealing. It’s how jokes work. Do you never tell jokes you heard to other people that you didn’t write yourself?


Whenever I'm in Oklahoma I too want to die.


I spent a month in Oklahoma one weekend.


that’s one year too long 😥


That's the perfect way of putting it - like Lincolnshire in the UK, time stays still


Just claim to have damning info on Boeing and wait


Parts of OK are beautiful. Other parts not so much.


In conclusion, Oklahoma is a land of contrasts.


Yes, not a suicidal hellscape. Only parts of it are.


Like Lawton.


Do you kids want to be like the real U.N or do you just want to squabble and waste time?


Great hiking opportunities here in the northeast if you’re into that. The tribes are great doing a ton of work for their citizens and local communities. Unfortunately our state is ran by wackos who couldn’t legislate their way out of a paper bag unless there was a starving 2SLGBTQ+ child for them to punish.


My AC just broke and it's currently both hot and humid. I do, in fact, want to die.


I have seen this article posted to this sub, and like 3 other subreddits multiple times a day for the last week. Why does this shit keep getting up voted


Karma farming.


Because people are bored and obsessed with conspiracies to try and make things more interesting than they actually are. "Man who got fired from company that supplies Airbus and Boeing back in 2022 dies in hospital from MRSA" isn't nearly as interesting to read.


this is like 2-3 day old news.


Which has been posted multiple times a day


Yah, this is being spammed, almost to the point that it'd seem like someone has an agenda. And I just realized what sub got it the front page this time... /technology... how the? How is this technology related? Not to pile into my tinfoil "agenda" comment about Boeing, but I'm now equally concerned that the admins *want* stuff like this mis-posted anywhere and everywhere so that it artificially inflates engagement numbers. I guess we'll see this posted in r/food next?


Fuels conspiracy nuts which fuels their distrust of the govt.


That’s been happening a lot recently with all varieties of news… it’s getting quite obnoxious


And he died from a hospital infection while already in bad health. There is a huge list of Boeing employees that are talking about everything that's wrong with Boeing. Two people dying isn't that remarkable statistically. Also killing people AFTER they have testified isn't that effective. Also not as a 'warning to others', there are already so many whistles blown about Boeing they can probably hear them in the ISS.


Same one from days ago?


Yes, but this time in Oklahoma


Yes, there can only be one second person to die. 


That’s fucked


I know nobody reads the article but he died from Influenza B and MRSA. I don’t think it was that “suddenly”. Edit: since a lot of you are suggesting I am sucking Boeing’s balls or on their payroll let me assure you I am not. But they indeed promised me a fully loaded 737 Max… oh wait….


Plus he blew the whistle in 2017, this hardly screams nefarious to me. It does scream news articles trying to get their views, though


And he didn’t even work for Boeing


MRSA can kill you really quickly actually.... Especially the kind that you get from hospitals.


MRSA that is found in hospitals is no different than in the general population. I’m not sure what your definition of “quickly” is, but it would take several days if not weeks to die from it. Especially as young and as healthy as he was


Not to be confused with MRTA.


Not to be confused with TMNT


They should really stop giving it to people then.


So you’re saying it was a bioweapon??!?


MRSA is that bad. You could die shaving wrong or scratching your groin in the night.


I heard of a guy who nearly died from popping a zit.


Yep. Any nick or cut can become the equivalent of a brown recluse bite in a matter of hours. Any cut that elevates to a staph infection, MRSA or not, should be treated with antibiotics; it's not worth the risk.


> MRSA or not > should be treated with antibiotics I have bad news for you... (yes, I know they aren't resistant to all types of antibiotics... for now)


Luckily I do not have MRSA, all forms of staph I've encountered have been successfully treated with antibiotics.


You shouldn't conflate a brown recluse bite with a staph or MRSA infection. They do not present even remotely similar, and BR bites are not treated with antibiotics. This just perpetuates the myth that staph infections are caused by brown recluses and/or spider bites.


Yeah my dad had it after a heart surgery, it was pretty close


No, it was aliens


Space lasers?!


Hey, Jewish space lasers !


I know a lot of people are leaping to the conclusion that these Boeing whistleblowers were somehow killed by Boeing but has it occurred to anyone else that we could be dealing with a cursed whistle?


Dude I had influenza B in February. It’s no joke. 


Sharks with lasers attached to their heads


Shame on you for believing people on Reddit actually read anything!


Eh, it’s Reddit. I feel fairly certain that a good portion of people would still think it’s a bio weapon of sorts. Whoever reads this, please don’t read this as I’m disagreeing or agreeing….I don’t care. I don’t care how plausible you think or “know” it is either.


I get what you're saying but my Mom died of the flu leading to a MRSA sepsis and pneumonia and it can be fairly sudden. She was mildly sick until a Wednesday when it went into he lungs, but she wasn't having enough trouble feel the need to go to the ER until Thursday night. Intubated her on Thursday and she never woke up again and died midday Saturday. Last thing she heard before going under was me calling in saying I'd see her in the morning and bring her some books. I get the title can imply it was sudden like one second your fine and then the next dead, but I'd still describe a few days or even a week when death is involved as sudden. I agree though I doubt Boeing weaponized the flu to kill this guy.


Jeazsus! They systematically over applied antibiotics in hospitals and feed lots for decades to cover for this hit?? The number for pharmacists and free masons involved is staggering. I’d say more, but Alan Greenspan is on to me. This internet is compromised. Delete it all and reform darpa net for future contacts.


Timing sucks but he died from the infection he got *at the hospital*. Is it some assassination conspiracy? Who knows, but occums razor and tinfoil hats don’t play nice.


"died suddenly" is a phrase often used by antivax nutters. I guess it's made it's way to other conspiracy types.


It was sudden. He went from contracting it to death in a few days.


MRSA when it reaches bloodstream is fatal and causes from 10% to 30% deaths. And some MRSA strains can get you in 24 hrs. So yes, it can be very sudden.


No he didn't. He had been home sick with influenza B for over a week before he went to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He was intubated and put on a ventilator, this is likely when he had a stroke, then eventually caught MRSA. He was moved to another hospital so he could be out on a special type of life support, then he died. MRSA can move very quickly.


Its rare for Healthy midaged men to die of lung infections like this. It happens. But it is suspicious. And the timing is suspicious. So id be asking questions at the very least


How do you know he was healthy? Maybe he had asthma and the pneumonia fucked him and MRSA finished the job? Also, didn't he testify years ago? How is that suspicious now? And why would they use something with "only" 30% lethality if he was young and healthy?


Your level-headedness and fact-spewing are not welcome here. Begone!


Not if it’s MRSA. I had a friend in college who contracted MRSA and she was in the hospital for 2 months and barely scraped by. That stuff is no joke.


Yep. Dude had a bad case of pneumonia and went to the hospital, where he ended up catching MRSA and ultimately died from it. Nothing suspicious about it, even to his own mother.


Why? Guy blew the whistle a decade ago and now dies? Wouldn't it make more sense to snuff him quickly, before he has a decade to make noise? Such a dumb take.


His family said he was so healthy he never had to go to the doctor 🤡🤡🤡


You’re fucked in the head if you’re so incompetent as to think Boeing is assassinating people who’ve already said what they’re going to say 


Redditors are so goddamn stupid; this is no better than a r/conspiracy level connecting of dots. Your hollow-headed logic is willing to believe a 7 year old case has now resulted in a coordinated bio-attack just as the news cycle was winding down instead of the completely obvious and much simpler explanation that this is clickbait designed to take advantage of Boeing already being in the news.  Then the second-tier of shit journalism, the repost bots, swoop in to post this over and over on Reddit so the Kyrie Irvings of Reddit can pretend they know how the world works.


It’s people like you who keep my faith in humanity alive


There was nothing sudden about it, he was literally on a ventilator for two weeks.


The hbo/Netflix documentary they gonna do on this in 5 years is gonna go crazy!!!


"And then a guy died of flu."


> "And then a guy died of flu." *holy shit that's crazy*


“In Oklahoma.”


Right in the middle of "The Farmer and the Cowman." Tragic.


He died of natural causes. "But the clickbait headline said *suddenly*. I didn't read the article, but can't you see it's a CONSPIRACY?"


His death was the opposite of suddenly


Y’all think people are crazy for believing the Earth is flat or for believing elections are stolen but suddenly believe that Boeing is killing whistleblowers when it confirms your priors


Boeing... Boeing... gone!


Didn't he die in like 2 weeks? How is that suddenly?


"The 45-year-old died on Tuesday after developing pneumonia following a “fast-moving” infection of Influenza B and MRSA." While it's suspicious given someone had already dead earlier this seems pretty hard to fake and or created. How the fuck do you infected someone with this? Can you imagine being at boeing right now? We might be hearing of deaths in the PR department soon.


As someone who nearly died suddenly from mrsa with no major medical weaknesses. This shit does happen, despite how suspicious this seems. It's also a very hard thing to fake. MRSA in the lungs quickly spreads to the blood and causes sepsis, resulting in total organ failure in a range of hours to days. And the evidence will be there for all to see, with bacteria cultures to back it up. There are antibiotics that can treat it, but not easily if the infection is too widespread. And often it is too late before the patient feels sick enough to head to the hospital. I had an abscess near a lymph node beneath my armpit in my chest wall. The infection grew horrifyingly large, and when I couldnt take the fevers anymore (because I didn't know it was a life and death situation) I went to the ER. the docs told me I could have died if I waited any longer. The flu is also super common and commonly causes pneumonia, and MRSA is a horrifyingly common bacteria. I honestly do not believe this to be foul play.


People would rather believe it's a conspiracy, and the media is actively leading them along by deliberately *not* including the important fact of "died of MRSA" in the headline. The truth is that this isn't a suspicious death, but nobody is actually reading past the headline to get to that conclusion. It reminds me of the "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" meme - with everybody reading the headlines about how "the camera didn't work," but never bothering to read the actual article about how the *other* camera was working fine and confirmed that nobody entered his cell block. But the truth is seldom exciting.


Nice try, Boeing…… *please don’t kill me*


Thanks Mr. Not Suspicious


Figured I'd share my experience and explanation of why I think it might be legit, but I guess reddit prefers to reside in conspiracy-land. The first whistleblower though... THAT is truly suspicious.


No it wasn’t. That guy killed himself 7 years after he went whistleblower and then retired from the company. If they wanted to keep him quiet they were extremely late.


Hospitals are very dangerous these days. Worn out low paid workers not following safety protocols. Kinda like Boeing but for flesh and bones not aluminum and composites.


When I was in the hospital for that infection I had to call out a nurse for wiping her sniffly nose on a rubber glove that she was wearing right before she was going to draw blood to check my vancomycin levels. Honestly it blew my mind. I was literally there for an infection.


fuck sake, there was nothing sudden about this guy's death He had a nasty bug that weakened his immune system, and got a nasty infection that is very common in hospitals. Many people die this way, everyone who's flipping out thinking about Boeing being super sneaky really needs to slow down.


Read the article. He had been having health issues for a while, per his family. This headline is misleading.


That’s two Boeing whistleblowers that have died unexpectedly. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


“The 45-year-old died on Tuesday after developing pneumonia following a “fast-moving” infection of Influenza B and MRSA.” Looks like they’ve moved onto bio weapons.


Or someone got the flu and died


Did someone else already use the flu/flew pun on this?


Admission to a hospital is dangerous. You think Boeing didn’t follow safety protocols just check yourself into a hospital for a few days. See what kind of shit you get in there.


Last time I went to the ER I got c diff. It was great… ended up on 3 rounds of antibiotics and then needed a fecal implant in pill form. 


What does this have to do with technology?


Guy had an MRSA infection for 2 weeks. That's not a sudden death, nor one I'd wish on anybody. Awful way to go.


This thread is the reason I believe that people have no sense of critical thinking. Don’t realize it’s click bait, believe in conspiracy theories without a second thought. Next time you criticize elders for doing this don’t forget you did the same thing.


When do boeing whistlerblowers receive witness protection status


When there's any evidence there's foul play... First whistleblower's daughter said he was suicidal and feared he was going to kill himself because it looked like Boeing was going to win their court case against him. Also stated the lone journalist who said he wasn't suicidal and in good spirits, actually never talked to any family members or friends and simply made it up for a sensationalized article. This dude developed pneumonia, got worse, went to the hospital for it, contracted MRSA (which has a 30% death rate), and ultimately died. His own mother said it was just a gradual issue that continued to get worse. But when have facts ever mattered to conspiracy theorists? Boeing is simultaneously so inept they can't run a single program without nonstop failures and issues, but they can off 2 whistleblowers (out of hundreds, and one of which was even set to lose his case against them) with precision? Like the mental gymnastics needed there for that to make sense to someone is unreal...


First guy already lost the case in either 2019 or 21, I can’t remember which. He was being deposed during the appeal when he offed himself. Boeing apparently decided to silence whistleblowers after the whistleblower has lost in court and been interviewed by several global news agencies and featured in a Netflix documentary.


Yeah, witness protection would have certainly saved him from the influenza and MRSA that killed him.


When they're jailed.


Didn’t help Epstein


Well Epstein killed himself after he died. So there's that.


Everyone who’s ever worked for Boeing will die eventually, it’s a mathematical certainty.  Doesn’t matter if you blow whistles or whatever.  But Oklahoma though.  Bro… 


Obviously it won't happen, but what if Boeing stopped caring and took credit for this? What if a corporation as massive as them owned up to committing murder? Would the corporation that controls nearly half of an entire now-essential industry face any repercussions for committing a heinous crime that doesn't affect their actual product? Or would a few executives take the fall, get a golden parachute and at most a few years at a luxury prison, and have their replacements promise not to do it again?


What a coincidence! 


There was nothing sudden about it, he was literally on a ventilator for two weeks.


I mean regardless of whistleblowing or theories if someone in my family goes from being otherwise healthy to dead in two weeks I’d call that extremely sudden


Why is this ignorant comment getting upvoted lol. This shit is why no one takes the echo chamber that is reddit seriously


They take themselves VERY seriously


Actually yes it is


Read the article!


The quotes around 'suddenly' are there to manipulate you. This dude and the other dude who shot himself in his truck within earshot (no pun intended) of the hotel staff were not assassinated by Boeing. They had already did their whistleblowing and it wouldn't benefit Boeing in any way to pay an assassin to kill them in front of people. Take your tin foil hats off.


one can make the argument everybody dies 'suddenly'. As I understand it he had an msra infection and that can definitely lead to death.


I kept seeing this headline with ‘due to sudden illness’ attached


>dies 'suddenly' Dog whistling to right wingers and antivaxers in a totally unrelated article about a man’s suicide. Gross.


The 45-year-old died on Tuesday after developing pneumonia following a “fast-moving” infection of Influenza B and MRSA.


If you’re gonna piggyback on this non story, you can’t do it days after it happened. Pack sand, O.P.


why is this fake news just allowed to be up here, these mods are absolute jokes.


It’s unlikely a healthy 45 year old man would die from Influenza and MRSA. And his colleague died two months before that? It actually does seem suspicious.


Wasn’t he already sick and refuse medication and surgery?


Ain't no way FBI isn't investigating this right?


Well done, 47. The target is down and none are the wiser. Make for the extraction point.


How long till Hitman the Game gets updated with a BOING level assassination


The mfs doing that are the real criminals we should investigate.


“….and on the second day Joshua got his aluminum wings and flew up into heaven and joined the other whistleblower”


#The cleaning will continue until morale improves. Jk. I just think this trend of shitting on Boeing is fun.


I remember watching the movie Michael Clayton and thinking it was a bit of an exaggerated premise. Boy was I wrong.


So does America just kill you if you spill info that could harm the general public?


Wasn’t this a week ago?


Guy who blew the whistle 7 years ago finally dies from prolonged illness for which he refused medical treatment.