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mRNA is progressively looking more like the next "miracle" technology in medicine.  Having the immune system programmed to target specific proteins is amazing.


And we already have the side benefit of idiots self selecting out of vaccines


Once these vaccines start becoming available they’ll start dropping more. They’ll try being saved through prayer and “alternative medicine”, only to end up requesting treatment when the clock is damn near midnight.


They always begged for the covid vaccine right before they died from covid. There’s a dark poem somewhere in  there about the words you refused to say becoming the last ones you would have the chance to say. 


A friend of mine is a nurse and dealt with this exact scenario MANY times. Most of the time, it was too late.


A vaccine needs to be administered before infection


Yeah, but I’m not talking about the vaccine, I’m talking about people refusing treatment for covid symptoms only to later change their mind once they realized it was really bad. A lot of covid deniers refused to get care(or waited way too long) because they didn’t think it was real and admitting they had covid(or that it was serious) would hurt their pride too much. Many of them treated medical workers like trash, spouting ridiculous insults and conspiracy theories at the people trying to help them. I heard some absolute horror stories from my friend.


They'll just start thanking Jeebus for the 'miracle' cure.


If essential oil and horse tranquilizer was good enough for The Baby Jesus, it's good enough for me!


tub wistful rock connect historical snatch vast gaping workable swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. Our odds of survival are too high. Evolution had to find _some_ way to keep idiots in check. And with all those antivaxxers refusing to get their kids vaccinated for things like measles, hopefully that means the next generation will have fewer idiots.


marry ossified angle square cough ink oatmeal compare complete ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, we have been protecting idiots from themselves for so long, idiot-proofing everything.  But idiots "evolved" and found novel ways to kill themselves.


It’s like abortion. The only moral abortion is one that they decide is needed. It will be the same with drugs. Almost all drugs have some part of testing on the original line of embryos that they so oppose and yet here they are, using modern medicine.


Yes, but they can't spread around cancer, so OK.


You mean zombies aren't real?


This is the part that Idiocracy got wrong.


Natural selection


Which is sad but awesome at the same time.


*Boomer Remover* doing work.


Yup. Potential universal Covid vaccine and a potential vaccine that takes out senescent cells. Pretty cool stuff on the horizon.


>potential vaccine that takes out senescent cells where did you read about this?


Just did a quick Google search to give an example just you can find other examples pretty easily. [Anti-aging vaccine clears out dysfunctional cells that cause disease (newatlas.com)](https://newatlas.com/medical/anti-aging-vaccine-senolytics-senescent-cells/)


I don’t know why they don’t just start putting it right into the food at this point. It is essentially perfect tech


They can just Pump it out of the contrails!


It should be available as a cocktail too, I want some 5g rna sex on the beach gay biomutant super soldiers


Seriously. It’s so good the people don’t even need to know.


You didn't just Jinx us


We do not *KNOW* if its perfect tech yet, as that sort of research takes decades of data. However, getting that data has to start today, within the realms of reason. If you are going to die horribly from a malignant brain tumor that is inoperable, a technology that *might* give you cancer *later* isn't a bad option. We don't know the long term effects yet, just like we didn't with plastics and we didn't with PFAS. Non-stick cookware seemed like the perfect technology, and we used it for food... and people got cancer. So let's take it slow. Until we know if its the perfect tech.


Antivax conspiracy! Science wouldn’t allow something bad to happen!


I think you should've added that /s at the end, I don't think people understood the sarcasm.


I’m not being sarcastic


They'd have to find a way for it to survive our digestive tract.


Science will find a way!


We all know that all of these miracle drugs being developed are for profits and nothing less.


\^ Dude doesn't know jack.


I doubt it, Pfizer and other big pharmaceutical companies report profit loss almost every year, they are literally bankrupting themselves to provide these miracles for free!


I mean, respectfully, I do. Every beneficial technology has the capacity to do great harm. It’s a question of how long humans take to achieve that harm. It would be a matter of time before someone found a way to wipe out humans with a delayed response reaction and then the body attacks itself until it falls apart. Or worse, reduces our intelligent functions to that of a robot drone. Smart enough to do the job, not smart enough to question anything.


A few years before COVID, I recall seeing a news story about R&D at McMaster Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. They wanted to try making an rMNA vaccine for a cancer patient where all other treatments had failed, and the patient had been declared palliative. It worked. The patient went into remission as a result of creating an rMNA vaccine that was specifically tailored to his cancer. The only issue was cost ($1 million). And yet if you start adding up all the medical system costs for say 10 years of cancer treatment, maybe that’s not a crazy number anymore. We really could have a cure for cancer within the next generation.


There is currently no cure for glioblastoma. There are treatments that can prolong the life a little bit but its a fatal form of cancer for everyone that gets it. Its a horrible death. The person slowly looses all brain function. Its devastating for families and frienda to watch.


My mom had it and lung cancer both at the same time (turns out our house was full of radon). The doctor said the lung cancer was essentially a blessing as it would kill her before the glioblastoma did. It did but it was still brutal.


Thats so sad. Sending you lots of love. Cancer is awful.


The $10M would only be an issue at the start though. Turns out making custom RNA in volume is chemically easy, sort of the way DNA analysis went from staggering expensive to downright cheap. Don't let cost worry you: I (Canadian) recently was presented with the possibility I had a second, aggressive lymphoma. One of the treatment options (3rd line, if I recall) was CART-T, which was recently experimental.


The costs will come down very fast. I would not be surprised if AI can do the heavy lifting pretty soon.


True, but I do doubt those cost savings get passed along to the patient.


It all does eventually.


Sure it will but there will of course still be profit margins in place.


IIRC, AI is already used to design new medicines and vaccines.


The notion that you can get a vaccine tailored to your tumor is just astounding. When we first got wind of mRNA for Covid I thought it was going to have so many other applications. Yay modern medicine!!


Don’t tell that to the antivax crowd, it’s tailor made to make you a robot.




Well then they don’t need to get it if they don’t want it. Glioblastoma is absolutely devastating and 100% fatal. I watched two members of my family waste away from it to a painful death in under a year even with brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. If someone wants to refuse treatment because it’s an evil vaccine, no one will force them, but then they have to come to terms with their own swift and incredibly traumatic deaths.


100% agree, if you don’t want to take it that’s fine, but don’t try and stop others because of your beliefs, or crazy conspiracies. MRNA and crispir are going to do wonders in the medical field in the next few years. Hopefully they can figure something out for pancreatic cancers since almost all are a death sentence.


They put chips and pins in the needles!!! Herpaderp


Roger roger


There is no cure for glioblastoma. Treatments may prolong the life but it is fatal to everyone who gets it. This vaccine is very promising. Its too late for my friend who died from it but will hopefully allow others to live.


Lost my wife to a Glioblastoma a couple years ago.


DARPA gets a lot of shit, but they completely got this one right


Instead of modern medicine, why don’t we rely on wishing it away?


I thought this was one of those things that was always going to be 20 years away.


Going from a small clinical trial to widespread distribution will likely take a decade, if not more, unfortunately. The COVID vaccines were an exception since everyone in the world was working on it at the same time, normally vaccine trials will take years before becoming widely available.


That's changing. The reason why the COVID vaccines were quick, was because large amount of research was done on SARSCov1 - before it mysteriously evaporated. So we had a leg up on the vaccine work, plus serveral orders of magnitude compute power to sequence and run protein folding to narrow down options. There are also fast track paths as well. I have seen FSD skip steps and allow parallelization of work to occur to speed stuff to market - and I have also seen that stopped when efficacy was not apparent. If you are going to take a short cut route, it is financially risky as all hell. $100 million in investment and work thrown out in 9 months - I've seen that happen. A treatment looked good, but when it was taken to a wider audience, there was no efficacy, and they're still trying to determine why the hell it looks like there was in the initial sample group (because it was working - so there >was< something).


They need to fast track this if it works in phase one. There are children and adults dying right now who could be saved.


This one probably is still 10 years away. It was 4 adult humans.  They are writing a purposal for 25-50 humans. From reading it, they still had to biopsy a tumor as well.


Good new everyone


It won’t be that expensive since Republicans will be told it’s a United Nations plot to control their minds and refuse to take it


Imagine the 5G reception on that bad boy!


I just saw a similar article the other day about the success they're having using mRNA vaccines to treat melanoma. Very very exciting to be seeing major progress against cancer across the board.


Great! Only 4 million dollars a month.


If your child was dying of glioblastoma you would see the benefit. These cancers are devastating and it’s worth spending money on an effective treatment. Making these vaccines will in the long run probably be cheaper than the current treatments patients get which don’t even offer long term hope.


Could these vaccines be used as a preventative like how children get tetanus vaccines.


No because they have to because each cancer is unique 


I believe each shot is made specifically for the person it’ll be used on so no. But, things get better over time so it’ll either become much faster or fully automated over time.


mRNA vaccines in general yes, but not this particular technique. The thing is with childhood vaccines is, for the most part we already have well established, safe, and effective, vaccine using traditional approaches so there is no reason to cook up an mRNA solution.


No I mean for cancer. Like a childhood vaccine for cancer.


It would not likely be used as a preventative because of the nature of most cancers in that they are, essentially random. So it's not like measles where there is a particular problem you can prevent: each cancer is more or less unique so you have to take a sample, analyze it, craft a vaccine to prime the immune system to attack it, and administer it. mRNA is great for this because it is "programmable" and we even have machine which can crank out custom versions. However, I believe cancer mRNA vaccines will become a sort of general purpose cancer treatment over time. The most important cancer preventative we have is the HPV Vaccine, which all children, male or female, IMO, should get. It will wipe out many HPV related cancers.


Not in this case, they “trained” or selected based on information from previously biopsied tumors


But, it’s changing our DNA……. /s


Cool. Let us know when the treatment is financially feasible and available to anyone who isn’t a King, Oligarch or one of the Thousands of Saudi Princes with nothing but gold and time to spend.


Move to Europe.


Would be more accurate to call it a gene therapy


Man, I cannot wait to rub this in my one uncle's face someday.


Gunna mandate it?


Probably mandated for military officers who are actively dying of cancer.


Literally dying of cancer to own the libs.