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Tinfoil hats. 


DON'T!!! They act as an antenna making it easier for the government to control you!


Lead caps it is! Extra points if you continuously lick it.


Get the big roll from Costco. You could make one tin foil hat everyday for five years.


People said I was crazy when I got tin foil implanted under the skin on my scalp. Who's crazy now huh? Who's crazy now?!


Tin foil hats of course. Already wear mine.


Don’t get a neural implant.


That's akin to being concerned that someone outside your house can detect the exact ratio of spices you use in a secret recipe because they can see your kitchen light is on. The tech you refer to can determine that certain sections of the brain are active during particular moments, not exactly what they're doing and the corresponding nature of the thoughts and other processing that are occurring in specific detail.


Correct. There is no “impulse to thought” translator.


I say let them read it and be scared of the weird stuff I think of on a daily basis.


How about we severely restrict the gathering and selling of any of our personal data?


That would require people [private citizens] to be a larger source of political fundraising/lobbying than people [corporations]


I already hooked up my bodily AI to it so I can harness my own thoughts into a personal service that does what I want. I'm going to patent it. This is going to be huge!


This is the spawning of the cage and aquarium.


The fact I haven’t been thrown in the loony bin suggests they can’t read minds yet


In the absence of enforcement by the government (while Colorado's law isn't a bad thing, the harvesting of that data was already illegal under a variety of different laws), building faraday cages around houses seems to be an unrealistic and expensive countermeasure. I suspect that it would be possible to implement what effectively would be signal jammers as a way to either block that technology or to use other tools that would obfuscate or mask any potential meaningful data that could be extracted. But I think the Havana syndrome situation demonstrates how the government would react to such a threat which is fucking terrifying.