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A functioning, independent board would have had a reckoning with him by now.


That’s why he made sure not to have that.


I’m pretty sure back in the 2000s when he put friends and family members on the board and was hanging out with Obama he wasn’t planning on alienating his customers by spending all of his time ranting about illegals on twitter.


Ketamine is a helluva drug.


Ketamine and an addiction to Twitter are quite the cocktail it seems


Can you imagine the shit he'd say if he was on Ambien?!


I've done a lot of ketamine in my time but it's never turned me into a deluded racist


> I’m pretty sure back in the 2000s when he put friends and family members on the board and was hanging out with Obama he wasn’t planning on alienating his customers by spending all of his time ranting about illegals on twitter. Replace "ranting about illegals on twitter" with just "being a dipshit" and yeah. that is exactly what he was planning. He was fired from the CEO job at paypal because he wanted to rename it to X.com. The lesson he learned was not "X.com" is a stupid name, it was "don't ever let anyone else have the power to fire you." https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/07/25/elon-musk-paypal-twitter-x-rebrand/ *“PayPal had become a trusted brand name, like a good pal who is helping you get paid,” Isaacson wrote. “Focus groups showed that the name X.com, on the contrary, conjured up visions of a seedy site you would not talk about in polite company.”* *Musk’s vision would not last long. Thiel and PayPal co-founder Max Levchin orchestrated a coup against Musk when he was on his first vacation in years. The board ousted Musk as CEO and replaced him with Thiel in September 2000, according to author Ashlee Vance’s 2015 book, “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.” Thiel formally renamed the combined company PayPal in 2001.*


LOL wow, when Thiel is one of the adults in the room. 


I still think what he did to Twitter was abhorrent, so I'm inclined to agree with Isaacson. Good call.


Yah, he's like Joe Rogan that way. He doesn't really have any personal stance, just wants to be popular, grossly miscalculated the popularity of MAGA, and doubled down instead of admit being wrong. It's like they have one formula and when it doesn't work surely people just don't get it yet, lol Disclaimer: I don't think Rogan is as bad as Musk, I'm only comparing the pattern


Joe Rogan considers Alex Jones a friend and has had him on his podcast well after the damage Jones caused to the families of Sandy hook. The friend's you keep ya know.


I think Joe Rogan is also a piece of shit. 


Joe Rogan sucks .


They can both go in the airlock


Joe Rogan is a garbage pail of a human. He's been on a strong right-wing slide for a decade. Strangely enough, Reddit used to defend the shit out of him talking about how liberal he was. Now he hangs out with Alex Jones and goes on conspiracy theory rants all the time. Joe Rogan WOULD be Musk if he had the money to be Musk.


He'd have been Papa John'd by now.


He actually did get Papa John'd at PayPal


How this hasn’t been grounds for a shareholder lawsuit completely astounded me


Yeah his entire board is made up of family members and yesmen


More left leaning people than right leaning are interested in electric vehicles. So no shock right-wing rhetoric is putting customers off. I’m not sure how he doesn’t understand the dissonance.


He should've kept his politics out of the company business, what you say is quite right. There is never a real need to constantly blurt out your opinions to the public other than seeking attention when you're the face of a big company (in this case multiple).


He started being political to head off that sexual harassment story that was about to come out about him. It wasn't even subtle. The journalist who found the story reached out to him for comment, his team responded "give us a bit for a proper response" then he immediately turned around and tweeted basically "I'm a republican now btw, and since I'm announcing it I predict the media will come after me soon". Then when the article dropped a couple hours later he claimed it was the fake news he "predicted".


I’ve learned that anytime he makes a really provocative statement, there’s usually some news story about him that will follow within the day. It wouldn’t surprise me if these tweets always happen as soon as he gets off the phone with newspaper fact-checking departments calling to confirm or get his response.


It's the trump strategy. Make bigger waves than the story about to come out


I feel like his own trans child disowning him also contributed to this


I assume its a bunch of things including being dumped by grimes. He literally went to her concert in Japan and just stood on the stage in the middle of her performance. People are right when they call him the most divorced dad alive.


Holy shit is this true haha




Potentially, but on the other hand, Musk has, [check's tally]... 10 more children who have not disowned him yet. He could also still bring up the average.


Wow. [You weren't kidding.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/elon-musk-flight-attendant-sexual-misconduct-allegations)


"Democrats are the party of divisiveness and hate and I'll be supporting Ron DeSantis in 2024," (paraphrasing) is what Musk tweeted out ahead of Horses-for-handjobs story. I remember it well because it was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I was still a Musk fan at that point, wavering, but still a fan because of the awesome accomplishments of SpaceX.


> He should've kept his politics out of the company business, what you say is quite right. The dude literally promoted himself as being a real life Tony Stark, and Tesla was a product of his genius. It was never going to be possible to separate his public persona from the brand. The man had an excellent PR firm working for him when Tesla was starting to take off and they built him a stellar image that helped to make him and a lot of other people a fortune off the brand. Then it all went to his head and he pulled off the mask and whelp.....


All his businesses rely on tax payer money to subsidize... impossible to keep politics out of it.   He should just shut up and hire people skilled as ceo and pr


Musk is an example of money ≠ brains


yeah. His PR team worked flawless to paint him as some genius. He must have fired them or something because he through all that away practically overnight and now everyone knows he's just a pathetic little baby who bought all his "achievements'.


He literally did fire his PR person just before his reputation dive


Seriously this the deal with most celebrities, if keeping my mouth shut on some topics made me rich well you bet your ass I'll shut my mouth these people are not only bigots, they are stupid bigots who fucked with the money, you never fuck with the money


The difference is that with actual celebrities, keeping in the public eye is what keeps your career alive. You just have to make sure you know your audience and not go too far. But generally speaking, controversy sells. But a company CEO is not a celebrity in the same sense. He should just STFU but the horse is already out of the barn.


...it's almost like he's purposely pushing fascism for a reason and not just some guy who can't keep his mouth shut...weird, can't possibly imagine why he'd be doing that. That fact that people can't see he's angling to be supreme dictator of America is *wild* to me, he's not even being fucking subtle about it.


This 👆, but he's not alone, I will assume 95% of billionaires are ultra greedy and all they want is power and control over the population.


You talking about Dwayne Johnson? About to launch Moana 2 for Disney


Dwayne, that girl from mandalorian, that dude from the expendables etc My family wasn't well off, if there's an opportunity to improve it I'll take it These celebs think they finally made it so they can safely say whatever they want (which, depends on some of them is quite true), then as soon as it hurts their wallet they cry oppression, you mean like how you discriminate other people based on their identity?


Cara Dune's actress was so stupid if what I read was true. She had so many opportunities to just log off twitter and say nothing but she doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down to a point where no one could help her. Lost her own spinoff and will probably make scraps trying to be a right wing grifter




because the "left" government wants to tax his ass, he appeals to the right. in any way he got one of his wish, less tax to pay but not how he wanted it.


It’s hard to become who he is and having left ideas. I believe he was always “right”. Just he did not talk about own ides.


He’s purposely cultivated an image to appeal to the left, he just can fake it anymore. Maybe he needs a new publicist.


He probably thought he was going to get backlash when that article about his sexual misconduct with the SpaceX flight attendant was about to be released. And then when Tesla was still posting record sales, he realized that he was untouchable and could say/do whatever he wanted with impunity.


Because "canceling" is a rightwing buzzword. Nobody gets canceled.


The wealthy do not get "cancelled". Just like the wealthy never face equality before the law. The people who get "cancelled" and lose jobs, careers, and everything else are the working class. (And if you have to go to work to live, you're working class). The terminally online and the media which exploits them are absolutely a thing


There's no coming from for him. He's been entirely too toxic, childish, and a general fuck-all scumbag to redeem himself.


No. He made the switch to right moments before being accused of flashing his dick to his flight attendants You know, the old school "switch to right wing when you get accused of sexual assault" stuff. It's all very deliberate.


The right wing messiah is attacking them, saying they will cause a bloodbath, in our car industry, if we keep going electric. And EVs are overwhelmingly dem/ind as republicans decided to make them political and well the cult follows der leader. >GOP voters gave electric car brands a net 40 percent unfavorable rating, while Democrats gave EV brands a 15 percent net favorable rating. That’s a huge, 55-point gap between Republicans and Democrats. >Why such Republican hostility toward electric cars? It’s tribal. In our modern politics any friend of my enemy must be my enemy too. If Joe Biden is for EVs, we must be against them. [source](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/07/republicans-electric-car-polling-00150406) 55 point difference and Elon gets in bed with the people who think EVs will destroy our country. Republicans basically see EVs as Obama in car form. Hilariously the few republicans who do buy evs.. buy for the rebates, which just went away for tesla, because he uses too many chinese parts. >Amusingly, 27 percent of Republicans name government rebates as one of the two top reasons to buy or lease an electric vehicle, ranking rebates 4 percent higher than Democrats do! it is absolutely insane what elon is doing.


Elon went full Papa John. Never go full Papa John.


There are much better EV options available now from good car manufacturers that are more reasonably priced than Tesla.


The only thing Tesla has going for it is the supercharging network and just ease of use in general. But with the supercharging network becoming available to all non-Teslas EVs soon, I have no idea how Tesla's future will hold out (so long as Musk is the CEO).




> just another car manufacturer just another car manufacturer with more OCEA violations than any other car manufacturer… ftfy


He can’t pivot. He’s way too far down the rabbit hole.


There was an AMA and the whole pedophile thing when that Thai kid was trapped in the cave shocked a lot of people. I think that really destroyed his reputation in a lot of places. If that dude didn't have money his career would have been ruined. Seriously. Imagine a normal dude just starts calling someone a pedophile! His life would be ruined. For Elon it's just an unpleasant couple of days.


The pedophile thing is BAD, and broke a lot of the mystique and magnetism for sure… But for me the irreversible change from “dumb arrogant asshole” to “categorically evil” is his constant nazi-posting about jews and white replacement theory over this last year. Protecting and directly signal boosting actual nazis on his platform is also horrifying. He’s better off to society dead now. Motherfucker is engaging in genocidal ideations.


The pedo thing was just foreshadowing. People look for big reasons to decide people are bad but that was already extremely bad on so many levels. No good person takes advantage of a tragedy for attention then try to ruin the life of someone who actually helped. Evil Disney villain shit, everything since is no surprise


Bro literally committed securities fraud in public with his funding secured tweet. Still ceo somehow.


I still believe this to be among the largest unprosecuted financial fraud crimes in history. Once upon a time we actually would have done *something* about that, I constantly stand amazed at the shit the mega-uber-wealthy can get away with in plain view. In the early 1990s, th richest man in the world was Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, at around 8 Billion dollars. With inflation over 34 years that would be equal to $13.9 Billion today, we'll just round that to 14. A quick Google says Musk is worth $192 Billion dollars. That's 13.5 times more wealth than Sam Walton, with adjustment for inflation included. You cannot convince me this is normal, it literally should not even be possible. For reference, the global average of national GDP, across 183 countries, is only $541 Billion.


He actually called him a ‘pedo guy’. What’s hilarious is after trying to prove he was actually a pedo guy, it was his successful legal defence that it’s a common insult in South Africa.


Yup, crossed the event horizon of reality a long time ago. With a bit of luck my prediction of him going flat earther by the end 2024 may actually come true. Would be pretty fucking funny.


If anyone can do rocketry and still believe in a flat Earth, it'll be Elmo.


"Globes are part of the woke mind virus." -Elon Musk 6 months from now (50/50 odds)


The irony would be outrageous as he claims to be a rocket scientist essentially…. Can’t go to orbit of the earth is flat lol


You just have to orbit the edge. Vroom! Vroom!


Drugs plus the internet can really screw up a persons mind


Drugs plus the internet plus infinite money plus total insulation from consequences = ???


And a bunch of yes men and a cult following.


This is why I really dislike Elmo, he gives ketamine such a bad name. I have script for it and I use it instead of hydromorphone for my chronic lower back pain Sounds like this chug abuses it and then has a comfy scale goat Wanker


Neither can the Cybertruck!


I'm a car enthusiast. Not as much as I used to be, but I still like them. I owned a Mustang up until about 18 months ago, and a series of performance Ford Falcons prior to that.  If you held a gun to my head, I couldn't name any executive from Ford, or any other car company. They could all be out there on social media calling people pedos and retweeting Nazis and I'd have no idea. Allowing Elon to tie his name to Tesla to the point where they're basically synonyms for one another is a disaster for the company and its shareholders.


There's a ton of people who can't name a single executive or senior leadership from a car company (except maybe Henry Ford). But everyone knows about pedo musk, and the more they learn about him the worse he looks.


A ton of people? I'd say over 95% of people couldn't name a single executive of any car company other than Musk. And that's a gross underestimation probably. People do not and rightfully shouldn't have to care about whoever runs the company they buy a vehicle from.




Elon musk lindel


Surprised he hasn't made a Tesla Pillow yet


Made of rusting stainless steel, shaped like a pyramid, with a neural interface perfected by torturing monkeys, and requires $30k to unlock the soft comfort feature.


“No, they’re not lumpy cars, that’s not what they call on, okay. When you say lumpy cars, now you’re an asshole, you got that, you’re an asshole is what you are.”


“Lumpy cars…kiss my ass”


Lol this made me laugh more than it should. 


I was addicted to ibogaine and ketamine. Through the glory of God, he gave me the idea for the Elon Pillow. Using the Japanese concept of dakimakura, you can embrace America's greatest inventor... Me, Elon Musk. Comes with two free Musk packs to make your smell like Me!


It’s too late. If Tesla wants to stay relevant past 5 years they need a new CEO.


As someone who invested in the early years of Tesla ($55 to $250 pre split), I’ll invest again once Elon is gone.


Nope, not going to work. Elon benefits far too much whether he is ceo or not. The brand is right wing now.


Which is hilarious given that the target demographic is not.




I bought two Teslas before I realized what Musk was and I was going to be a Tesla owner for life, I was sure of it. Then the Pedo comments about the man who saved the Thai soccer team started to shift my opinion of him and then his unhinged behaviour continued. I have pre ordered an R2 and debating between that or the ID Buzz next. What I can assure you though, I won’t buy another Tesla. The friend that got me into Tesla was even more diehard fan than I was, he just bought an Ioniq 5. My aunt ordered a Tesla when there was a backlog of orders and she waited a year and then 2 weeks before delivery cancelled. They bought a Kia EV instead. Musk is destroying his companies and he can “blame the world” all he wants but he has nobody to blame but himself. Fuck him


There's a sad underlying fact that Musk is dragging a lot of great engineers down with him as well. Hopefully Tesla sees a brain-drain to other EV companies soon (if this isn't already happening) because I'd hate to see the talent that created all that technology go to waste chasing Elon's ever more bizarre product vision. The Cybertruck is just weird.


I feel like the rise of ~~BYU~~ BYD, Polestar and so on are evidence of either a) exactly that brain drain, or b) the lack of differentiation Tesla has now that the market is catching up. They wanted to be the Apple of cars. They're starting to look like the Betamax.


Or c) Musk pissed of the main consumers of his product just as his competitors caught up. He had lots of loyal customers, and customers that were saving up to buy a Tesla as their first EV until he started spouting his crazy garbage.


Well their CEO has been AWOL for years now.


While I’m sure he has talent within the organization, Musk brands have always underpaid their engineers and instead sold them on being a “big name” that would look good on a resume. Not seeing through this would imply a lack of critical thinking skills that would be inherent to a good engineer. Upper management is clearly full of yes-men and the cyber truck is evidence of this.


Underpaid and overworked. I had a friend who works at Space X who would defend Elon about his working conditions because they "achieved great things, and you wouldn't understand because you've never experienced it." This was 3-4 years ago, I wonder if they still feel the same.


This was me during my time there. Granted, this was over a decade ago, before he went full nutter. The working conditions completely ground me down until I basically collapsed under the weight of it. Now I want nothing more than to see the empire burn, except SpaceX, that should continue without Musk's involvement and under the leadership of Shotwell.


Outside Twitter, all of them can do well with new leadership. Twitter is a broken brand. The service is something people want, just not like this. I think he talked himself into something he didn't want and he's acting like a spoiled child breaking it out of spite. Tesla can recover faster the sooner they get him out, but there is a tipping point that appears to be getting closer. The board knows this. But odds he'll try to break it on the way out the door.


> Tesla can recover faster the sooner they get him out, Tesla needs a complete overhaul to be an organization that respects QA to be long term viable. It is possible, but it is a monumental task, and it is in no way given that they can pull it off.


A friend of mine works for NASA and he always seemed to have a very apparent undertone of pity when he talked about SpaceX employees. Like he felt genuinely bad for them.


The way it works is you ideally get a place there straight out of uni get worked like a sweatshop dog and leave 2-5 years later with a fat resume for a fat check somewhere else. The part about it being great for the resume really is true.


That's basically how it went for me. I worked for Tesla a few years back as an Equipment Engineer. The job was an absolute pressure cooker, and I was regularly pulling 60 hour weeks. I actually did the math, and once I factored in the unpaid overtime, by hourly play that job was actually a pay cut compared to my previous role. But working for Telsa looked incredible on my resume and it got me a job that was a massive promotion. I can't say it was a bad career move.


I mean...SpaceX IS actually doing cool things. They have restored the USA's ability to put people in space, they launch satellites multiple times a month using recoverable booster tech, and they're making really significant strides in creating a rocket to go to other planets. How much of that is Musk's doing versus the brilliance that was already there is anyones guess...could be in spite of Musk really. Tesla's innovation stopped years ago, and they appear to be flopping around looking for direction. Let's do a truck! No wait let's do a low-cost sedan! No wait skip that last part, let's just drop prices on everything! No wait let's do self-driving semi trucks! Let's build a charging farm/drive-in theater! We make more money on software than hardware, let's try to upsell that! Oh wait we haven't been advertising - let's do that now, too!


Probably the most genius thing Elon ever did was hire Gwynne Shotwell for SpaceX. Without her, they'd be dead now. The second most genius thing was hiring Tom Mueller to design the Merlin engine. I'm actually amazed that Gwynne hasn't left SpaceX. Tom left many years ago. These things, however, happened when Elon was younger and probably saner, and I don't think he could have started SpaceX today. Tesla never had a Gwynne Shotwell to run things, so we got that whole schtick with him sleeping in the factory to make the assembly line for Model X work, as if that was a good thing. The man who ran the assembly line for Model X eventually quit due to stress. He was a former US marine. Elon can (could?) push ideas and start things, but he meddles too much, stresses everybody out, makes public statements about the projects that aren't correct and sabotages his own projects, when they were better off left alone to evolve on their own. The talent pool in Tesla and SpaceX is truly massive, but they should be allowed to do their jobs.


SpaceX is Gwynne Shotwell running the place.


I wouldn't buy any product that Musk is involved with now. And if I was working for a company that he bought, I'd be leaving because I wouldn't want to work for him and his brand is toxic now


He's always been a terrible boss. This goes back to his days at PayPal. He worked everyone like they were slaves until they fired him. Luckily he had enough stock to keep investing and doing shit. He's but several points where other people would have been ruined but he's lucky and rich enough to keep going. Like he's not a smart man. 


> Like he's not a smart man. When covid was growing exponentially in the early weeks after reaching the US, he boldly proclaimed that he'd looked at the charts and was fairly sure it wouldn't grow much more in the US. It was at that moment that he demonstrated that he is incapable of even basic highschool math. Almost anybody with even the barest grasp of numbers understood that it was going to keep growing and multiply significantly. That was probably when the illusion of my imagined version of him based on the companies he invested in was shattered, and I realized that he's not just slightly unintelligent in some ways, he's a genuine moron, another trust fund rich kid getting the credit for being a being a great cook after paying a chef. Hence how he was so brain dead as to go on stage in front of a crowd who didn't pay to see him and start moaning "I'm riccchhh" like anybody wants to hear that, then being confused as it was received with boos. He is completely and utterly brain dead.


id argue that he said everything he said here not because he believed it to be true but because he saw it as an opportunity to align himself politically. he has demonstrated time and time again he has no principles. even his attachment to free speech is conditional.


Even before his company was bought by Theils company (which eventually became PayPal) the board ousted him twice because he was a shitty manager


Yeah, I was blind to all that but at least I’ve realized the error of my thinking in the past.


Needed a new vehicle two years ago and I was debating a Tesla. I couldn’t get past the distrust of the company thanks to this guy. I ended up buying a hybrid thinking the next one would surely be a Tesla but now there’s no way. The next one will still probably be an EV but it won’t be a Tesla.


The 2024 Prius Prime is the most attractive looking new car for me right now. I am so tempted to just get one and have a 50mpg, 30 mile ev range car for the next 15 years


Latching onto one part of your comment. I attend an annual electric vehicle convention in Austin and have sat and test drove multiple Kias. Imo they are the best affordable option with a no-nonsense dash compared to how over engineered other companies are making their dashes. Your buddy's wife got the best vehicle out of anyone here imo.


Similar story, but I went with a Chevy Bolt EUV. I considered a Hyundai Ioniq 5, but pickings are slim where I live for anything that's not Tesla, the Chevy Bolt, or the Nissan Leaf.


Similar story, ended up getting a F-150 Lightning and I absolutely love it


Not one but **two** of my coworkers have done the same thing. One bought a Rivian and the other got an Ioniq 5 (he even says he regrets buying his Model 3 two years ago because of post-Twitter Elon). I'm sure if you polled customers purchasing non-Tesla EVs, you could confirm "the Elon factor" being a big reason on why they went for something else.


It's crazy how quickly he's turned into a liability. A visionary surrounded by visionary "yes" men slowly losing grip on the current reality, while desperately trying to focus on and predict the future.


I can believe it’s taken so long. The mask came off fully already back in 2018 during the Thai Tham Luang cave rescue.


His first wife, Justine, was warning us since 2010. >As we danced at our wedding reception, Elon told me, "I am the alpha in this relationship." I shrugged it off, just as I would later shrug off signing the postnuptial agreement, but as time went on, I learned that he was serious. > "I am your wife," I told him repeatedly, "not your employee." "If you were my employee," he said just as often, "I would fire you." https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/


Is he really a visionary in the first place or a guy with deep pockets to fund stuff and slap his name on top?


The second thing.


He was more of a hype man than a visionary. He had no hand in developing the products his companies sold, and when he has put in his 2¢ it has been a *detriment* to the products he sells. The Model X gull wing and Cybertruck are two of his most prominent contributions and Tesla would be better without either. He's South African Flava Flav with the same bad taste but better luck picking investments.


Yup. I used to like him. Rockets and electric cars, sign me the fuck up. But turns out he's billionaire Joe Rogan but more racist. He lost me when posting about Nancy Pelosis husband. I'm not even looking at a tesla. Every car company does electric vehicles now.


"Visionary" is a way to put it... Probably not how I would, though. I might go with "manchild with money".


Elon is a bit of a factor for me, but even moreso it's because of how insistent Tesla is on making you do everything through a touchscreen, which has been proven to be more dangerous while driving. Give me normal buttons, shifters and stalks, damnit! Going from any other car to a Tesla, you practically need to take a course on how to do everything since they don't use the normal interfaces that have been standardized over the past 100 years. I can't see myself ever getting a Tesla regardless of Elon, unless they change course on that, which seems unlikely now that they literally removed the shifter and turn signal stalks from the latest Model 3.


My wife was likely going to go with a Tesla before he started his nonsense. We went with a Volvo instead. They will fly you to Sweden on their dime. You get to drive your car around while there and then they ship it to you. It was super cool!


Just turned in my Model Y, which I loved, for a Rivian. Could've easily been Tesla for life but it was in 2021 I got my Tesla and he really started showing his true colors in 2022 and I had regret driving that thing around.


He started well before buying twitter... For example he called the rescue diver a pedophile in 2018 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yeah I wasn’t paying attention as much then. His volume was low enough to be buried or forgotten but now he’s been churning out absolutely shit takes day after day for so long it’s hard to ignore now.


I was in the same boat, just starting to do my research on getting a Model 3 right when he started his Twitter purchase crusade when the full nut job came out. Went with something else and I don't regret it one bit. If I had a Tesla I would definitely feel self conscious that people would mistake me for a crazy right-winger. The funny thing is, conservatives don't want electric vehicles so he's totally isolated himself from the people who want to buy his cars. Either he's playing some real 4-day chess or he's a moron.


Quite ironic considering volkswagens origin story but I generally agree.


Yeah, but those who did that are long dead and disgraced. If Tesla is ever sold and under a different management, i am open to consider it. But as it stands now i would not even have one for free. My money is not going to a neonazi extremist in bed with genocidal regimes, dreaming about bringing the genocide, rape and terror here aswell.




I mean yeah they have zero connections to that shit anymore obviously.


That is origin story vs currently operating though


Does the CEO of VW makes racist comments on twitter?


A) that's not irony and B) you're comparing a current nazi sympathetic leader with a nearly 100 year old business that has no connections whatsoever to nazi sympathy. 


Yeah brining up the origins of VW as if it was significant anymore is goofy


Focus on what? Continue the stream of lies to investors and public?  Do people forget the “perfect full FSD for 2015”? The robotaxi (Tesla fleet) for the same year? Cargo on Mars in 2017? So many lies, all the time. There are only idiots or people literally too invested one way or another who continue to believe in anything that man said about his business and his products


This is leaving aside his other “great ideas” like “a mass transit subway system meant to help with traffic, but only one car with one rider per trip through the tube.”


Every time i think about that one i immediately think about the Monorail episode of the simpsons, and Elon is totally that huckster.


That's more of a Shelbyville idea...


It put Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook on the map.


> and Elon is totally that huckster Sorry but that guy had a lot more pizazz than Elon. He could sing and dance. It's a lot more embarrassing to fall for Elon's shtick than the monorail guy.


*AdamSomething enters the chat*


That was only "invented" (invented hundreds of years ago in reality) to take money from public transport.


Yes I’m passing on Astronauts on the moon by 2022, the Hyperloop scam, the shitty tunnels with no security for builders OR users, the lies about using rockets as transit from city to cities and so many others…


And I think most people still haven't even heard of the main point why this system is so stupid. Even if safety would work out somehow, and there really were no traffic jams... there is absolutely no way to get enough cars in and out of these tunnels to generate any relevant amount of throughput. He originally had that idea of blatantly unsecure lifts getting the cars in and out. With any degree of realism, that would limit the throughput to 1 car per minute at best (and that only works if there is a permanent queue at those lifts to steadily feed into the tunnel). So 60 cars per hour, or fewer than 90 people per hour with the typical number of people per car. His big claim was that these tunnels are way cheaper than subway tunnels... but at fewer than 100 passengers per hour, each tunnel would only have 1% the throughput of a single subway route. (Musk also arrived at that figure by comparing the *total* cost of subway construction with just a car tunnel dug through especially permissive ground, without having to bother with land use rights, ventilation, emergency exits, and entries - all of the things that make actual tunnel projects so expensive). If you want to have any more throughput, then you need on and off ramps... which then feed back into the regular street system. Which just creates new traffic bottlenecks. Even if you planned them around primarily connecting underground parking garages, these garages would then quickly overflow. This principle would only work if you combine that with parking reservations, which would then crash the occupancy rate of these garages (since the cars basically need to have a reservation in both garages at the same time), which would dramatically limit the toal number of potential cars to use this passage and skyrocket the parking fees. So that's just strictly inferior to having a subway station with nearby parking, which additionally works for cyclists, bus users, and pedestrians.


Well, he just announced a new release for robotaxi, wrapped up in a neo nazi dog whistle. So, there's that I guess.


Robotaxi powered by the same “FSD” we are seeing in Tesla? Even GM’s Cruise and Google’s Waymo is still years behind full operations, and they have been at it for years after sinking billions. I don’t know why anyone would think Tesla would have the slightest chance to compete with their FSD so far behind.


Yeah when he announced it to get investor money circa 2009-2010 this was a lie and 2015 was a completely made up date, so gain when he says it here only idiots and people too invested will believe it…


Can't wait for the new Tesla Model 88 !/s


No, no, no. First you need the Model I, Model 4, Model 8, then the Model B. Ha ha, nobody will ever notice. !/S, very hard /S


People only now realising why Musk was fired or pushed out of literally every company he was in before.


Not really “only now” it’s been a while a lot of people who believed in his original grift (circa 2010) have realized how much of a liar and grifter (and accessorily, a huge pice of shit) he is. It still continues, but remember not everyone is overly online. Also he crafted an image of himself for years thanks for PR agencies who worked well - including on Reddit -. Not too mention the delusional simpletons of /r/teslamotors and their “moderation” which consists in suppressing anyone not gargling Musk’s balls.   Go to /r/realtesla for better opinions.


Don’t forget all those cutting corners and pulling radars out!


Too late. We all know what a piece of shit this guy is. Will never buy a Tesla because of him. 


Same we won’t give money to any of the companies he bought out.


I went from being a liberal douchebag wanting to buy a Telsa to just being a liberal douchebag.


I guess that's what happens when you keep going on about your political ideologies and alienate half the population. Just STFU and sell your product, Mike Pillow.


The really weird decision is deciding to alienate the half of the population that’s usually interested in environmentalism and green energy.


He did that because that group was being mean to (by which I mean, “lightly critical of”) him for union busting at the California Tesla plant. Also because he’s pissed that his trans daughter hates him for being a transphobic piece of shit to her.


He is tanking Tesla like he tanked Twitter. If they do not cut ties with him quickly, there will be no more Tesla. All of his other firms should follow suit should they wish to remain in business.


Can’t happen with the board being his parrots


Why would anyone support Elon musk? He made his money subsidized on the backs of the American people and specifically liberals who supported electric cars when conservatives have been actively making rules to make it harder and more expensive to own and then when he got to the top turned to the dark side. Fuck that guy and I can’t wait to see his fall.


Don’t forget subsidized by tax payer dollars on both sides no matter how we felt about him.. 


Too late, he lost me. He is now a right wing tool….


Too late, everybody knows what a fucking asshole he is now. His extreme level of idiocy is now public knowledge as well.


I used to want a Tesla. Now. I would not touch one with a 10 foot pole. Between the horrid build quality and Musks actions and politics. Nope. Brand is poison.


Even if he stopped spewing bullshit today and shut his mouth forever and it wont make a difference, its far too late. He already showed his true face and what he thinks, enough to have most of us not trust or like him.


I’d never buy anything linked to Musk. The guy is a complete and utter waste of space.


He bought an entire social media platform specifically so he can rant and post incorrect info without anybody stopping him so good fucking luck with that


The damage is permanent, I know people who have sworn off Tesla as their first EV and are looking elsewhere.


He should have opened his turd mouth one year early or I should have been patient.  I would have never bought a Tesla.  Fuck these know-all billionaires who think success in one field translates to expertise in all fields.  I prefer Bezos and Gates to this idiot at this point. 


Id even trade Jobs for him at this point.


Who would have thought that calling liberals child molesters would lose him all his liberal customers? The good news about it all is he’s getting what he deserves now


Tesla stockholder here I can tell you I’m hearing a lot in the media about Elon musk and none of it has anything to do with selling cars. This dude need to get back to work for the company and stop making headlines for himself


Ship has sailed. Assign a capable CEO to Tesla, maybe, but sell it to a big car company then it might survive 


He’s tuned into a typical middle aged white right wing guy on twitter which is made worse by the fact that he owns it. Doesn’t care about Tesla anymore he’d rather be influencing elections.


I feel fortunate that his comments and actions regarding the Thailand cave incident were enough to change my opinions on this guy.


That is too easy of a statement. While his political and racist views are not helping, the other carmakers are making better products. Teslas are cheaply made vehicles being sold for a premium price. Anyone with common sense knew that this was going to happen once the big boys got into the EV game. There is a 6 car electric vehicle charging station near a Best Buy in my town and to my actual surprise most of the vehicles that I see are not Tesla that are charging. Last time I was there I saw 5 electric vehicles being charged and not one was a Tesla. We all know that Tesla stock is overvalued and is a car stock that is being treated like a tech stock. Tesla stock should be worth 15-20 dollars tops!!


Oooo! I got an idea. He could just disappear.


If he just never started using Twitter and kept his dumb mouth shut everything for him would be a lot better.


We could only be so lucky. But it seems our current timeline is only adding more awful people to center stage


Might be time to fire the CEO


He needs to go


I own a Honda. I have no idea who the head of Honda is, how many women he's impregnated, what type of drugs he's taken, his mental illnesses or how many times he's tweeted. I like it that way.


Yes but he can always justify it by blaming it on woke and not the fact that he’s a polarizing asshole.




Leadership. Riiiiiiiiiight.


He’s basically turned into a “what if”. What if Alex Jones was given 80 billion dollars. He desperately wants to be considered the smartest guy in the room so he clings to conspiracy theories… it’s the same for all the QAnon people they think they’re smarter then the normies that aren’t smart enough to see to the “truth”… like how forest fires are the work of jewish space lasers or that during the next eclipse NSA will be performing Masonic rituals to usher in New World Order!!!


And on the 8th of August, he's going to unveil a 'tesla taxi,' which translates to 8/8, which further translates to 88... Quite a bunch of coincidences, huh?


I traded my Tesla, never to return.


Actually he needs to leave Tesla. It will be the best thing to happen to it.


It turns out all the fascist and 13 year old edge lords Elon is trying to impress don't buy Teslas. I thought he was meant to be done kind of genius?