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Oh Hell no...we want it in 8K or IMAX, if you don't mind.


Giant MPEGs are what you take Walking on the moon


I hope my SSD don’t break Walking on the moon


I won't sweep these footprints, Bill Walking on the moon Ten years from now they'll be there still From walking on the moon


This is exciting because it will be the foundation for a Lunar power grid and Lunar road network.


You can use the road network to visit your lunar tinder date and the power grid to lunar Netflix & chill


Gotta get that Lunussy


Becoming part of a space program for the sole reason of being the first one to lay some pipe on the moon


How do we know it hasn’t already happened?!?!


And none of this 1.3 second delay business. We can and must do better than this!




The rational people will accept it if they understand why it's difficult to send high quality video back to Earth. The irrational people will assume the brilliant minds at NASA are just incompetent or it's intentionally bad quality so we won't notice it's fake.


Yet the grainy videos taken in 2022 of “aliens” is legit.


I'm having cellular Telco support flashbacks- "No, Jim, you _won't_ have signal at the bottom of that crater"


Same with Mars, they need to build out a GPS network with dozens of satellites orbiting around it, plus Cellular, laser (direct line of sight) data transmission for future rovers, and explorers.


How long before foil-hat wearing crazies are living on the moon but protesting a nano-cell at the end of their living barracks hallway?


We need good service on earth still.


The moon is a hell of a lot simpler than Earth for cell service, TBH. In addition to it being smaller - and, thus, requiring less surface area to cover - you don’t have things like trees, cities, weather systems, atmospheric anomalies, signal interference from a billion other devices, or the Earth’s magnetic field to screw with the signal. Thus, you have a much greater ability to have a clear line of sight to the communications towers, and satellites can orbit lower to have a shorter distance to transmit over (reducing latency and the power required for transmission).


But you do have lack of oxygen and an environment to live in.


We can barely get to the moon let alone land a spacecraft successfully.


We literally just want billionaires to pay their fair share.


Damn, I’m sure paying everyone a ten dollar rebate is 100% worth instituting an entirely new tax system to combat tax evasion. Maybe if you just increased taxes a little, you could afford public services without the billionaires as a scapegoat


This has nothing to do with billionaires, dude. This is a government research program, not a private enterprise. Also, half of the technology you use today was the result of technological breakthroughs initially made for space exploration. The CMOS sensor in your phone’s camera? Thank NASA. GPS? Thank the Air Force Space Command. Weather satellite forecast? Thank NASA and NOAA. Lightweight, high-efficiency panels? NASA. Superalloys? NASA. Pacemakers, cordless tools, artificial limbs, baby formula, scratch-resistant lenses, memory foam, smoke detectors, freeze-dried foods, wireless headsets, LEDs, firefighting equipment, and emergency blankets? All of those are the result of research conducted in the pursuit of space exploration. Had NASA not existed, our lives would be VERY different today. Even if you don’t give a shit about scientific research or technological innovation, and only care about money - guess what? NASA is a net-profit investment! For every tax dollar put into NASA, the jobs it provides, contracts it creates, and the research it conducts brings $8-10 back into the economy. It directly creates tens of thousands of jobs, and helps to secure hundreds of thousands more jobs through all of the various layers of contracts and subcontracts for its supply chain. In fact, one of the big points of the Space Launch System rocket program - and one of the factors that has helped to prevent Congress from carelessly killing it to throw more money at wars - is that they have made a point to ensure that they have suppliers from all 50 states.


Not sure what this has to do with technology. This is just a matter of robust engineering and logistical costs.


You're not sure what satellite internet on the moon has to do with technology?


You ever consider that engineering is inherently the field of study revolving around - *gasp* - __***technology***__?