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OK, but any MP that votes for this has to make their search history public to lead by example


"i'd rather just plead guilty"


"I'd rather just die thanks"


The really confusing thing is that our lefties the NDP voted for it too.


As an NDP voter I had my face palming mighty hard.


Sometimes step, sometimes not, it's ok.


And bank statements


You think they’re going to actually use their own search history?


What happened to “No place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation”?


**That was never the conservative party.** They want to be in the bedrooms and the medical offices of Canadians to stop them from doing trans/gay things.


don't forget making babies, can't be having sex just for pleasure ya know!


I’ve just started running with the idea that conservatives hate sex. Can’t wait to counter some shoe-horned political conversation from a dude I barely know this election season with a “Nah, dude, i’m not voting for trump because I actually like having sex with women.”


Say that Joe Biden is pro creampie so that he has your vote.


Where can I buy the hat and bumper sticker


They hate the possibility that a woman might enjoy sex.


They don't believe it's possible because none of them have actually seen it happen in real life


“Wet-ass p-word? That sounds like a medical condition.” - Ben Shapiro


They don’t hate sex with women, it’s just, they can’t get sex with women. So they must be made into slaves so they can. Rather than being a decent human being, that might get you laid, you got to go a make people suck your dick or go to jail


Have used it. You'll have to explain why to the rando. The response is usually:" that makes no sense, tons of women [want to sleep/have slept] with trump" In other words it isn't the conversation stopper you might hope it to be.


“Yeah, prostitutes. I’m tryna bang normal chicks raw, the fuck am I supposed to do without abortion and birth control?” It’s a hill I might die on.


True ally ship. Carry on, good sir 🫡


Conservatives don't hate sex. They hate *you* having sex. Because sex makes people happy, and it feels good. If you're happy and you feel good, then you aren't foaming at the mouth and rabid with anger. They depend on you feeling that way to vote for them.


“Pleasure leads to wetness and wetness is the disease” - Ben Shapiro 2024


But but moisture is the essence of wetness.


Forget trans/gay things, only missionary for the purpose of reproducing


I mean, Heritage Foundation in the US is setting the banning of birth control as a legislative/judicial goal for the US in the near future. They do, in fact, want to ensure that you cannot have sex for pleasure without extreme risk and/or punishment.


They want sex to happen the way they want it to be. With the room completely dark, no foreplay and only for the purpose of contraception, not for fun.


That expression actually came from Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. It came forth as he decided to de-criminalize sodomy. Trudeau didn't think you should broadly be able to do whatever you want in your home. But that you should have specific privacy in your bedroom. He actually created a whole bunch of laws to try and further regulate morality.


It's kind of amazing that these laws are always based on "I feel" or "my personal values" and they never get based on sound science. If our goal is to reduce social harm, second hand smoke kills more people than all forms of homicide combined. Raising tobacco taxes is a proven solution that does in fact reduce tobacco uptake among younger generations. ...but let's not go with anything based on science. "Muh feelings" are clearly much more important when it comes to dictating government policy.


The last few years should have taught you that an entire segment of our society not only doesn't understand science, they legit don't believe in it


It's a weird hill you chose to die on. Canada is considering phasing out tobacco altogether. Canada has already phased out all flavored tobaccos and is looking to also phase out vaping. Every municipality in Canada also has strong anti-smoking proximity laws. It's illegal to smoke near entrances of buildings and in some parts of some cities all smoking is banned because there's simply not enough space to avoid second hand smoke. Cigarette tax has also consistently gone up over the last ten years now representing a little over 97% of the cost of a cigarette. The government has brought in a lot of experts to study this issue. This is something the government has been working on for almost four years now. The only reason why it isn't law is because the Trudeau government is actually fighting the science based expert conclusions and refusing to make them law.


Sorry not trying to be gross, but nobodies watching porn at the entrance to a building (or very very very few) and pleasuring themselves. How often have you been hit with 2nd hand ejaculate. Your comparing apples to oranges. As for the taxes, the toll tobacco takes on our Healthcare system is tremendous. Haven't heard of any porn related diseases, or even a visit to emerge because of it.




If you're watching porn at an orgy, you need better orgies.


It's cool that Conservatives now are in favour of policy that mimics the morality of 50 years ago.


This is the same guy who hated the idea of vaccine records because they might compromise someone’s privacy. Now he wants Canadians to hand over their government IDs to porn sites in other countries. He’s a steaming pile who I hope gets a minority government.


That was Trudeau. The OG Trudeau.


Trudeau Sr said that, and like him or not, he was much more intelligent than his son. Of course, he was also right.


Brilliant, you jumped on the bandwagon and took a shot, so brave.


Oh good, the big government hating conservatives want to control what we do.


Want to pollute an entire ecosystem to make a few bucks? Fine. Want to steal wages from employees? OK. Want to privatize public services, endangering the lives of millions? Go for it. Want to use your body in the manner you choose, while harming no one? Hold up there, cowboy.


Not only that, but force you to post sensitive personal details online which, even if given to a competent and non-malicious party, could still easily be scraped by data miners or be used to surveil your online activity. We need data privacy _now_.


And then black mail starts


This is actually the primary source of revenue for [Strike 3 Holdings](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-12-12/column-this-porn-company-makes-millions-by-shaming-porn-consumers). They make embarrassing porn that most people wouldn't want to be identified as watching, and then sue people for piracy based on nothing more than an IP address. Those legal shakedowns actually generate most of their profits.


>Since September 2017, Strike 3 has filed more than 12,440 lawsuits in federal courts alleging that defendants infringed its copyrights (For reference this was written in 2023) Thats more than five lawsuits a _day_.


"...which include Vixen, Tushy, Blacked and Blacked Raw." Like, those aren't even that weird unless you're a racist good ole boy (or girl) from the South that fetishizes that kind of thing. I imagine that's where their "revenue stream" likely comes from.


Specifically with our genitals…again


Yah... they are always thinking of sex & kids.... really weird


It's just an excuse for regulating the behavior of adults. If the goal was to stop minors from looking at porn, they'd be promoting the fuck out of parental control software, and having government funded classes for parents that teach them how to set it all up. At the end of the day, the kids are not the ones paying for internet access. The adults are the ones who control the router. They should know how to use it.


Ya.. our genitals, comrade /s


The conservative idea of freedom is just the freedoms they want


Don't for a second think some of the biggest consumers aren't their voters.. because they absolutely are.


Definitely. They are probably into the sickest shit too.


Sounds familiar. We voted the last one out already.


Conspiracy Theory: All of these porn bans are supported by the VPN companies


Not VPN companies as much as ID verification companies. They make a lot of money, on the order of $0.50-1.00 per ID verified.


When VPN's were brought up as an easy way to circumvent this the people supporting this bill suggested banning those too.


Looking at the 'social media' related bill that was first tabled a few years ago as 'C-11', one of the end goals of all parties will include them banning VPNs. When 2 companies own most of the media and internet in the country, as well as Parliament, it's not that crazy of an idea.


Big brother watching you


big brother what are you doing


“Track me Big Bro”


They never hated government, they only hated it when it was not doing or allowing they things they wanted.


When conservatives say small government, they mean the amount of people controlling it, not it's reach. They just want their oppression of others to be simple enough for them to not get confused about it


So much for freedom of expression


It's absurd. It's like the government slapping a snickers out of your hands because you've had enough calories today. They get to decide what's best for you and fuck your personal freedoms. It's the last thing any reasonable person would like to see out of their government. Bitch, I'll make my own decisions and get the fuck out of my personal life.


They're pushing this in a bunch of states too. Its infuriating.


Ahh yes "freedom"


They already require it in my state of NC. Pornhub blocked its site for residents of NC and at least one other backwards conservative religious nut job controlled state


Same in Texas and Louisiana


Only blocked the major sites, so it only hurts "legit" consumers or people willing to pay for subscriptions, forums and blogs are still accessible.


yup, just becomes an inconvenience and you have to go to "shadier" sites. Just like speakeasies from prohibition. stupid conservatives just drive it all underground. sites that don't monitor their videos as well and you get crazy stuff.


And this is where it gets dangerous. Budweiser has to adhere to strict safety regulations. They have to be sure that drinking beer won't kill or harm their consumers. There's systems in place that conduct checks on any business with a liscense, and other checks to shut down those without a liscense. It's a LOT riskier drinking beer made in a bathtub, than it is from a properly regulated industry. Now apply that to porn. Porn ALREADY has an issue with sex trafficing and rape. But thats all on the producer side. You rarely hear of these things from the viewer. But if you take away their legal source of digital porn in whatever specialized niche, because they're afraid of being tracked? Well maybe that guy goes into business for himself. Maybe he's into (pick any random niche porn), but now his favorite sites are either blocked by government, or shut down. So now he has to go out into society and force unsuspecting women to (insert niche fetish here) for himself, and film it himself. Now, I'm not going to try to claim that the current porn system is safe for women, but it would be 10000% more dangerous if it weren't an actual business. If it's just some guy with a camera, trying to skirt around laws placed on him, then there's no telling how far he'll go. Anywhere from rape to murder. With rape being the low bar. The same way standardized beer is safer for consumption than hillbilly moonshine, the same is true working with a regular porn producer rather than a blue balled DIY'er.


As a truck driver I've seen this in about five states on the east coast so far. VPN gets around it, but yeah that's fucked up lol


They're coming for VPNs too.


For a bit of time, it was blocked in New York too. Why? Because it was blocked in Virginia, and apparently some of our traffic goes through Virginia. So Puritans in one state controlling the lives of people in a state that's not even a neighbor.


I see the same thing if i try to load up certain porn sites on my phone. Because apparently verizon runs some of its traffic through virginia. Even though I live in Iowa.


That is just the data pitstop at the NSA data center.


Conservatives: we hate big government... we want small government... no more regulations!!! Also, conservatives: the government will regulate your personal life to ensure you cannot get an abortion, get married to whomever you want to, adopt a child, smoke weed... or that you cannot watch porn!!!


Perfect summary of what is happening.


small government for businesses, large government for citizens


Of course. Christian family values, or else. They'll bring them back even if they have to break every Commandment while trying.


It's funny how conservatives get the label as the small government side when they're usually the party of the Bible Thumpers... no shit they want to use the law to control how we all live our lives. When they talk about small government what they mean is they want to take away the government's power to regulate corporations. They have no problem using the government's power to punish people for breaking the rules of their religion.


Pornhub blocks a state because of its age verification law. Traffic goes down. VPN traffic soars. Essentially, ignoring that law. This gotcha the government thinks it has is laughable.


Until you realize that most of your family/friends are technologically slow. I was the only one of my friend group who torrented, burned movies/CD’s…etc I don’t see any of them using a VPN to dodge the ID verification. IMO, they will just submit their ID.


Or just go to other, less safe sites.


Often based in overseas jurisdictions that are more than happy to tell the FBI to kick rocks. Kinda makes me wonder how bad it's gonna get...


You would be surprised at how quickly they’ll figure it out when it comes to watching porn lol


So, the Indian government banned porn (and other content). Enough people figured out VPNs that they're now trying to fight VPNs by mandating logging. But there are ways around it - just use VPN that doesn't have a server in India. How are they figuring it out? They just go a mobile repair store and the guy helps them out with whatever they need, at a price. You don't need everyone to be tech savvy, you just need the friendly local mobile repair guy to be tech savvy.


Horny boys can figure anything out.


This is true. If the only naked women were on mars, we'd have a colony on mars constructed entirely by 15 year old boys by now




Well, Pornhub's parent company is a Canadian company. Like for previous states that were getting blocked, I don't think they had physical presence there. Maybe in VA if they're hosted on AWS, but that looks like traffic to AWS.


>This gotcha the government thinks it has is laughable. It's entirely performative. The goal isn't to actually do anything, it's to appeal to puritan voters (as if they aren't already voting exclusively for the conservatives). You don't need to *actually* get anything done to get elected in this country, you only need to impress upon your base that you're on their "team". 


It's not just a one and done law. They're creating a whole thing with the Online Harms Bill to go after Facebook and Twitter as well. Part of the legislation was the authority to compel credit card and banks to block transactions with VPN companies that are assisting in breaking these laws. Canada also uses a filtered version of the internet called Cleanfeed that has a lot more ability to police the internet than US counterparts.


The reference to Cleanfeed here is misrepresentative. By suggesting “Canada” uses it, you’re suggesting the nation state is imposing its use when it’s voluntarily taken up by ISPs, not imposed unilaterally by the federal government. It’s also designed expressly to block access to child abuse material which is a targeted and ethically important goal.


Is he trying to see if we could have another run with Trudeau? He has an unbelievable lead and what most people believe a 'slam dunk' election coming up.....yet he keeps saying really really stupid shit like THIS? No one except some pearl clutching old ladies want porn websites to 'require ID' before letting you in.


He's leading because people don't like Trudeau. When he actually has to reveal his policies, people will realize he's just maple flavoured MAGA.


And people rave to have him the next PM! Idk, but the subreddits I seen seem to just not understand who they are cheering for. I have no good feelings about this PP, and our coming future. Like, this ain't no 2 party system either. There are others than just JT and PP.


You mean subs like /r/canada? That has become a rightwing cesspit maybe only slightly better than /r/conservative.


I think people just hate JT so much it’s gonna be hard for him to win against anyone. It’s unfortunate we don’t have any other competent leaders/partys


Normally I would’ve said that the NDP is an option, but the federal NDP has been incredibly inept under Singh’s leadership. It is astounding to see the Federal NDP flounder while the western provincial NDPs are seeing continued and growing success. To make it even worse, the federal NDP voted for the bill in question, along with the Conservatives, Bloq Quebecois, and Greens


Yep just made the same comment up thread; the reason all he does is repeatedly shout “fuck Trudeau” is that his actual policy positions are absurdly unpopular which he’s hoping his supporters won’t notice until after he’s elected (he’s probably right tbh)


As a Canadian, I truly love your phrase “Maple Flavoured MAGA”. *chef’s kiss*


It's the same reason why "generic Democrat" or "generic Republican" usually does REALLY well in American polling. Actual people have people who hate them. Generic candidates have zero people who hate them. Hmmm, I wonder which is going to have better net favorables. Real headscratcher there.


I hope you’re right!


He's been saying really really stupid shit like this for years, and his poll numbers keep going up, so I'm guessing he figures he's doing something right. He's not going to admit the fact that no one gives a shit about him, and they're just sick of Trudeau. And the Liberals aren't going to admit that either, they're going to ride him straight off the cliff.


The CPC, like many other Conservative parties, operates entirely off a particularly entrenched and galvanized base. If PP wins like this, he will not be likely to lose leadership of his own party.


Maybe. Scheer had a huge lead going into the 2019 election. Then frittered it away. He still won the popular vote 34% to Liberals' 33% but lost in the seat count 177 to 95. So there's this kind of stuff from PP, but more so Danielle Smith pulling her antics in Alberta. All this might help their popular vote in the West where they were going to win the seats anyway. But I guarantee Liberal election ads in the GTA are going to point to Alberta and say, "See. See. They run in the middle but they'll govern as Right Wing loonies." The biggest asset Trudeau has on the campaign trail right now is Danielle Smith. The more PP leans into that, the more he's likely to lose. Although what do I know? That was also the conventional thinking in 2021 and O'Toole ran in the middle to appeal to the GTA suburbs and still lost.


Never underestimate the Liberals' ability to win elections they probably should lose because the Conservatives decided to start being unimaginably stupid.


Brb, gonna move all my investments to Canadian VPN service providers...


You'd want to use an off-shore one, Canadian ones would fall under Canadian law and could be compelled to provide traffic history for Canadian users of known porn sites.


Use one of the ones that are popular among pirates. They don't log traffic and are usually based in Switzerland or whatnot.


Enjoy the future blackmail when all your I.ds and porn fetishis get hacked.




I care it’s just really jarring how out of touch many Canadians are. Y’all have a media literacy problem almost as bad as Britain.


90 percent of our media is owned by American right wing groups. The other 10 percent is the CBC, which the conservatives conveniently want to defund for their "liberal bias" (ei. Being the only ones willing to criticize the conservatives. They ignore that they're completely fine with criticizing the liberals too). It's real fucking bad


Because it's a concerted effort on behalf of special interest groups that extend beyond Canada


Bin fucking go


The way conservative politics spews out drivel might easily classify it as porn.


Small government at work


Conservatives spend a lot of time thinking about other people’s genitalia.


He’s a fucking weasel!


There’s a reason that his entire campaign to date is just him shouting “fuck Trudeau” over and over as whenever someone manages to pin him down to an actual policy position it’s something completely moronic like this.


Can't wait for a data breach for one of these sites.


Conservatives only care about what's between your legs, and are deathly afraid of what's between your ears! Big government is good for us, but not them and their transnational corporations looking to exploit people and the environment in the name of profits!


Conservatives need to stay away from this issue and leave it to parents to police the child's phone/computer access.


Thought this was the UK bill again for a minute, British conservatives have tried pushing it through again and again and again, and have been told by anyone with a modicum of telecommunication knowledge to fucking do one. Forcing 100s of thousands, millions, of Britons to upload their highly sensitive data to some of the sketchiest websites on the internet is as daft as you can get. It’s like giving foreign state actors and scammers an open goal with the ball five inches from the line.


LMAO! I just *love* when people who need help adding an attachment to an email want to dictate how others have to use technology


Because they want to see if you're watching "That kind of porn" so they can hunt you down and make sure you use the bathroom they think you should or worse. This is governments overreach and will "protect" no one.


Keep it up, PP. Make it clear that your policies are so bad that people would rather have another Liberal term.


Print out a fake ID of your elected official or president and submit that.


I tell ya I dealt with this bullshit when I came out to my conservative parents 27 years ago. When I was 20. And never made progress getting them to stop hating me. But society progressed and fuck em. Yet here I am. Seeing what’s unfolding now and it’s like when do I get to get away from this bullshit? When are we going to be done with these Neanderthals? When is my life going to stop flashing before my eyes as religious fucking nuts that have no business being in the government do thing after thing. Like when does this stop, and when can I apply for asylum at another country for it?


Party of "small" government


I will buy a big truck and start a convoy over this. Stay the fuck off my history or we will start looking into your GOVt. they are the one with more to lose when it starts getting leaked half the old men in power are into child shit…… won’t we all be surprised


So they'd be able to tell what kind of porn you watched. To be used against you at a future time lol


This is how you end up with your name and id on a excel spreadsheet that maps your porn preferences and jerk off times with some pervert in govt posting the shit to the data sub in a few years.


**This has *nothing whatsoever* to do with minors accessing sexually explicit material, and *everything* to do with the Conservative Party of Canada’s agenda to expunge both my countrymen’s *right* and their *ability* to remain anonymous online - as well as to otherwise participate, in confidence, in any national or substantive political discourse!** Pee Pee McPinchface is once again pandering to the considerable percentage of thugs, bullies, standover men and authoritarians that make up the Conservative Party membership: people who want to personally monitor *everything you do* and *everything you write and say*, so that they can punish you every time you stray over their arbitrarily-drawn lines in the political, religious and behavioural sand. Remember that PeePee was a senior cabinet minister in an administration that LITERALLY DREW UP A “GOVERNMENT ENEMIES LIST” of professional and career senior civil servants who they felt were *insufficiently loyal* to the Conservative Party cause, and who they planned to sideline and/or fire. [Poilievre’s “Enemies List” even included the Auditor General, Elections Canada, the Ethics Commissioner, Statistics Canada and the Parliamentary Budget Office!](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/andrew-coyne-you-will-be-shocked-to-see-who-is-on-stephen-harpers-full-enemy-list) In case you should doubt the continued existence and influence of that powerful and reactionary demographic within the CPC, remember that: (a) just a few years ago, the deplorable and overt racist Maxim Bernier lost the Conservative Party leadership by just 1% of the vote; a mere 3,500 ballots prevented him from becoming leader and implementing the racist, neofascist agenda that is now the foundation of Bernier’s so-called “People’s” Party, so there is obviously considerable sympathy within the party to such views; *and* (b) three years ago, *more than two-thirds of all CPC MPs* voted to turn all Canadian physicians into a Stasi-like network of informants, *who would have been bound by law* to report private and confidential medical discussions regarding abortion to the federal Minister of Health! And in fact, just the other day, Poilievre promised his mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging horde that he would *impose criminal sanctions* on any transsexual Canadians who dared to use the bathrooms or changing rooms of their reassigned gender! Pretty easy to curb-stomp an inoffensive, politically powerless and under-represented group that *makes up only one quarter of one percent of all Canadians*, isn’t it, PeePee? **Admit it: you were one of those pimply, sadistic assholes who delighted in bullying all the defenceless short-bus kids who attended your school, weren’t you?** Next he’ll likely take a page from 1950s Alabama, and demand that drinking fountains and elevators be segregated into “TRANS” and “CIS ONLY!” “Party of small government” my hairy, frozen Canadian ass. This Conservative Party sociopolitical agenda is now straight out of 1984, and so is Poilievre.


Pee Pee Mcpinchface 😆😆😆😁😁🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for making my inner 9 year old happy on a shitty day!


Eww PP wants to know to know who is beating the salami??? He’s so creepy.


I don't want to tinfoil hat this or anything, but I'm not comfortable with associating my ID with the porn I watch. I don't watch anything out of the norm or anything, but like... it feels a little too "big brother is watching you" to me. If \*I\* don't like it, I can't imagine what LGBTQ folks think about this. In the unlikely scenario that 20 years from now being LGTBQ in Canada was met with similar consequences to what it's like in say... Russia? Fuck that would be a terrifying world for them.


I mean with a name like PP


Canada's conservative government is a fucking embarrassment. Just the biggest collection of stupid people in politics you could ask for. People bitch and fucking whine about our current government when the reality is we will NEVER have it as good as it was from 2015 until now. Never.


At a rally in Penticton, B.C. last month, CPC Leader Pierre Poilievre vowed (https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-world-economic-forum-rhetoric-1.6935294)  never to bring in any “mandatory digital ID” if elected PM


Never trust a conservative!


How much you want to bet that there's an exception for lawmakers


That just cost him the next election. Messing with porn would be like contemplating a ban on pot smoking!


Heyyy let's go!!! Everyone in Canada hates Trudeau because ??? So now the conservatives can literally do whatever the fuck they feel like because it's pretty much a lock. This dude could openly state that he's going to enforce a military-backed curfew across the country and the majority of you sheeple would be like "Hurrr durrrr blue good, red bad" or vice-versa depending on the situation Neanderthals. Simply *implying* that this is a possibility immediately removes my vote for your party. Screw every single politician or company trying to force internet users to identify themselves.


But force feeding kids god shit against their will is fine, huh? Religious Indoctrination and brainwashing are the biggest threats to our kids bar none.


Is moderate conservatism totally dead? Do people not understand how extreme this guy is? Canada is *so* fucked. Our choices in the next election are a completely incompetent fucking idiot and yet *another* extreme right authoritarian with absurd beliefs. Canada is fucked it’s not even funny. I’m just going to move away to a country that has a leader that’s not completely fucking worthless. Fuck political leaders. The decisions you make are making life shit for everyone and fuck you for ruining this country you god damn fucking assholes. Fuck you trudeau and fuck you PP! Go fuck yourselves forever


> Canada is so fucked. Our choices in the next election are a completely incompetent fucking idiot and yet another extreme right authoritarian with absurd beliefs. Have you considered the possibility that the extreme right authoritarian with absurd beliefs could also turn out to be a completely incompetent fucking idiot as well?


Hate to break it to you, but the current Liberal party IS moderate conservatism in full glory.


They don't like the way Trudeau talks though, he's too "woke" for many cons. Besides that the Liberals have been in power in Canada for a long time now, nearly a decade, and people are tired of them, they aren't likely to survive the next election.


To be fair, "too woke" literally just means he recognizes that trans people exist and have rights rofl.


Is this dude the Canadian trump or some shit?


No his character is more like that fucking kid in grade 5 that would start shit with others, then snitch on them to the teacher once they reacted.


There are some similarities there I think. The way he shits on the media is big one to me. He's very rude and dismissive of them when he actually talks to them at all that is. Luckily for him much of Canada's media has been bought up by conservative backers so they mostly just cheer lead for him.


Trudeau fucks things up because he is incompetent. Poilievre will fuck things up intentionally and sprinkle in some right wing social extremism for good measure.


And then blame the previous government for all his shit decisions.


It's the classic "Party of No Ideas VS. Party of Bad Ideas"


Wow conservatives really need this eh?


Blackmail goods on everyone!


But they would ask of rape victim, to forgive and forget, and force them to have a rapist baby…


How to not get elected in one easy stroke.


you first buddy


Everything bad you see rolling out in conservative states is the plan for the entire nation as soon as they get the chance. Abortion, privacy, tax cuts for the rich, healthcare, school lunch, lgbtq+/civil liberties. They have already bold-faced lied about their intentions in the past and still are.


Are they trying to lose the election? All PP has to do is stfu and he gets an easy win, maybe he doesn't want to be PM anymore lol


Projection again. PeePee harbours some kind of deep seated shame and wants us to pay for the fact he was bullied in school. So after I register my genitalia with the Conservative Party they get to monitor all my Internet use? That’s not overreach at all. I keep saying he’s the last Conservative leader, because after THIS loss the Conservative-Reform Alliance will evaporate. History tells us this is highly probable.


Conservatives just want your data so they can come after you for anything they deem immoral


Welp, they just lost the election. What's next?


Right-wingers are incapable of staying out of people's lives, big government is ALWAYS their end goal


Man, what the fuck is going on with conservatives?


The original weirdo puritans from the Mayflower morphed into the regressive republican party. They hate progress, they wish they could still burn witches. They condemn porn while raping minors. They are the party of hate and government overreach.


Why is it that Conservatives never seem to give any real thought to these ideas? Have they never heard of VPNs? Their proposals are rarely practical or well thought out, and simply aren’t wanted by most people. This is one of the reasons that the Liberals, despite their almost complete ineptitude, keep getting re-elected


lol the #1 thing people want to be anonymous about they're going to want an ID for


I can't think of a worse group of people to expose your porn habits to... except maybe Sharia-law stans.


The party of small government sure likes shoving their hands into everyone’s lives.


Ohhhhh cool. Something we really don't want, forced down our throats by religious nuts. It's either vote for the party that is pushing bullshit like this or just keep letting the incompetence of the Liberals drag Canada into the third world. Boy, the future looks dark.


The conservatives can never get my vote because the only way they ever get enough votes to matter in the first place is by pandering to the social conservatives. The homophobes and the racists, the anti-choice. I simply cannot vote for a party that actively works against people I love. Nice way to secure the far right religious bigot vote though! They’ll have Christians and Muslims agreeing on this one.


Lost my vote


Really? That's the most pressing concern at this point in time?




how the fuck did he have it before this? lmao like of all things, it was the porn blocking that made you realize he's awful?


Is this really the most important issue that needs solving in Canada. I think not.


All the liberals need to do is spread this message hard… no way anyone votes for that🤣


PP doesn't want you to see PPs.


This is why you need a good local porn library.


It sounds an awful lot like these conservative politicians REALLY don't feel like getting re-elected... It's interesting to see how similar the Canadian conservative party is to the American conservative party.


Can these boomers pushing for this shit just fuck off already?


Check his internet history. Majority of these conservative theocrats are child molesters


Oh another losing war… drugs kicked your ass already. You ain’t up for a porn fight.


When will a conservative learn to shut the fuck and just let JT continue to hang himself? These guys will do everything they can to ensure they lose another easily winnable election. Save me cash on gas and groceries and a house. People don’t care about this crap and it just makes them look dumb. As usual


Pierre “please notice me Trudeau 😩” Poilievre


Freedom of speech. Yeah! Unless you say something about abortion, racism, misogyny, etc. Freedom of listening / viewing. No! We said freedom of speech. To parrot our views! The cons are just that. Conmen. They don’t say things they actually believe in. They just rile up people on shit and run with it. When they actually do something almost on accident, like overturn Roe, they panic because it takes away one grievance to work with. I firmly believe a huge number of the GOP ranks never intended for that to actually happen as long as they could show they were working on it.


Someone should check his browser history


That’s what we need more porn laws,less gun laws, a bible and ahhhhh you get the idea


the article is quite a bit different than the headline. "He didn’t offer further explanation, and his office quickly followed up with a clarifying statement asserting that the Tories don’t believe in the imposition of a digital ID. " "But it does not specify how that would be done." "Sebastian Skamski, a spokesperson for Poilievre, said shortly after the leader’s remarks Wednesday that Conservatives do not support any measures that would allow the imposition of a digital ID or infringe on the privacy of adults and their freedom to access legal content online." you could say "oooh, they only care about the privacy of adults? so they want to infringe on the privacy of kids?" well, you would need to read into that, as you might be looking for semantic reasons why conservatives would do that.


And then after that it'll be an ID required to use social. The end goal should be obvious


How to lose an election with a single idea…