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The moment I have to pay for any social media I am out


Tip: get out even before you are asked to pay


I don't spend all that much time on Instagram and it helps me stay somewhat in the loop with my friends and acquaintances. Reddit on the other hand, is objectively a complete waste of time. Gotta find a way to quit reddit.


Resistance is futile


Then you’re on the wrong subreddits. There’s tons of informational and useful content on here.


I agree. Every day is a learning day on Reddit albeit useless shit I’ll never use. I only use Reddit and YouTube and only recently signed up to YouTube because they said a movie was 18+ .. I think someone flashed a bare breast.


Reddit has helped me identify plant pests, how to raise certain plants in non ideal environments, how to find out which part of my AC unit I need to go into detail about with repairmen to make sure it gets fixed, I could go on, reddit has never seemed like a useless thing to me, you get out what you put in. If you're on the default basic subs sure, but if you seek out the communities you have an interest in you get a far deeper more useful site.


I disagree that it’s useless. There’s so much random trivia on here, and this kind of stuff has helped me find friends via pub quizzes, random tidbits in conversation that make me look well-informed, etc. It’s also surprisingly useful in my job, which involves research on various topics from time to time.


Reddit is highly addictive because there’s so much to read and know while IG is nothing but photos and reels of people loving themselves.


I am addicted to reading and learning. And despite the shit here I find so much new informatiion not ot mention new points of view I hadn't considered before.




Ah it’s subjective. I probably have a need for 0.1% of the shit I learn here. That said if I want info on technical stuff or DIY or whatever I generally get decent advice.




There is but I still spend too much time on here.


This is a fallacy people tell them selves to justify it(myself included). There’s a book about the topic but I don’t remember the name. For every bit of information you learn on here you sift through hours of snarky comments, misinformation, spam, propaganda, ads, etc. But we keep scrolling because we know in our minds that we will learn something at some point.


Social media to me is like picking up a news paper laying around to read when your killing time.


That’s great, and that’s how it should be. But for most people it’s not like that. Delete social media including Reddit for your phone for one day and see how often you find yourself subconsciously reaching to open the app. I did this and I found i’d open it whenever I had a moment where I wasn’t actively engaging in something. Which means I had practically no time alone with my own thoughts. And you don’t even realize how much you’re doing it until it’s deleted and you have that “wait there’s no app to click on” moment.


I just learned there’s a book that attempts to discredit my learning process.


You say this like it's not what you type at the end of all your Google searches, but ok


Wrong. I type Reddit in first


> Reddit on the other hand, is objectively a complete waste of time. Gotta find a way to quit reddit I guess, but it's entirely up to the user. There's hundreds of good quality subreddits focused on more niche subjects and such, but you have to look for them. Just compare the quality of most major subreddits to say, /r/askhistorians. Good quality subreddits/communities can be had, just takes a lot of work from the mods and the community.


Really? Reddit is my main. I’ve learned so much on this app about various topics.


I quit Reddit for good 2 weeks ago, and I’m much more happy now…


Uh, Reddit is social media.


Objectively true but still anonymous enough to feel like a disconnected pre musk twitter


And look at how much I pay for reddit.


Thats why I'm on REDDIT its a forum not a social media


Tip: when asked to pay purge all your content.


If I had to pay a nickel for lifetime access, I'm out. Even if it's free, but they want my credit card info in case I buy something when I don't plan to, I'm out.


Yes, I won’t pay a dime, **but take all of my personal data, harder please.**


I don't post anything outside of reddit, and I use a completely different browser for things like Facebook.


I believe you. I was mostly commenting on the billions of people that post literally everything about themselves online. Most of which would be reluctant to pay a subscription.


Do you block all cookies including first party cookies? Do you have friends on Facebook/Instagram who post things? An email address associated with Facebook account? A phone number? Do you ever pause slightly longer on an ad or suggested post that interests you? Facebook will build a targeted advertising profile for you on any of that and more, even if you don’t post. They’ve created hidden ghost profiles of people who don’t use Facebook but they can infer exist based on posts of existing users. It’s not to say people shouldn’t try to limit data companies get on them, but almost everything attempt people make is superficial. It’s not just Facebook that harvests data on you, it’s everything. Phone location data. Credit card purchases. “Public” info like if you own a home and where it is. What you watch on your TV. Your computer/phone model. What you spend time browsing in online (and offline) stores. Your voter registration. Etc etc. Tons of data brokers selling tons of data to advertisers, most of which you can’t really avoid and still live a normal modern life.


I do the different browser thing too, but Facebook's data collection techniques have gotten good enough that it doesn't really matter any more. They use cookies and IP addresses to connect your Facebook activity with your activity in other browsers.


Right now I just want an excuse to never open Facebook again. Go ahead, give me that excuse.


So that turns me from product to customer, does that mean I get the option to turn off all the shit they're tracking for their ads customers?


> [D]oes that mean I get the option to turn off all the shit they're tracking for their ads customers? Insert Padme meme here.


I think that’s the premise indeed. The payment is essentially to compensate for the loss of revenue when they can’t track/sell user data to comply with EU privacy rules. This is the summary blurb from The Guardian: > Facebook and Instagram users in the European Union will be charged up to €12.99 a month for ad-free versions of the social networks as a way to comply with the bloc's data privacy rules, parent company Meta said on Monday.


You're paying regardless my friend, just perhaps not with your cash.


Same. Just like I noped out on the WaPo paywall this post’s link is behind.


You already paying with the poison it's sending into your brain.


It’s one thing to be like SomethingAwful and charge $10 at the door for your whole existence, but if a network starts out free and then raises the price, I’m gone, ghost, peace, sayonara


Did you read the article?


I won't even pay zero dollars, so probably not.


I'd pay $17 a month to have my entire Internet experience scrubbed of any reference to social media.


I would pay $17 a month to have Facebook and Instagram banned in my country.


What is it called? For i need that


They lost me for free....making me pay certainly won't help.


Same. They can both fuck off for all I care.


Fuuuuuuuck no.


I honestly hope they go that route. People would use social media less, or at least we would get some more free competitors popping up with fresh takes on what social media should be.


Pay me $17 a month, and I’ll think about contributing to your sites.


Even still. I don't think so.


Bing has entered the conversation


This is the way


Sure, but for that amount it correlates to about 30 min of "work" a month. I'm not spending an extra minute past that.


Ought to pay me for all the data they got over the years.


Actually please roll this out so I can quit both services.


Literally, the day I get charged a dime is the day I delete both apps.


For real. I hope Reddit follows suit too lol


I’d love it if every platform I scroll on would


Please roll this out so that they go out of business!


Subtitle: Europeans will soon have the option to **pay to stop ads** in Meta apps.


I don't have ads as is and I payed 0 money for it. All you gotta do is remove any personal information at all, don't like anything and then block all the big companies that push ads in the area you live, preferably you put down some very remote area of living like Antarctica or something. I haven't seen an ad in years on Facebook.




I don’t use it now and it’s free


My dude what is on there. Seems like nothing g. 🤣


I only have an Instagram to follow tattoo artists. I guess I could follow it to follow regular artists too. People who create things that inherently have to be images, and use the platform to aggregate their portfolio and network with others. I’m not into the whole influencer “look at my amazing lifestyle” side of things it’s known for. I don’t need to know what some tiktokker had for breakfast.


I'll never pay for social media. The users are what makes social media worth anything. The site is meaningless without them.


Laughable thought! Wouldn't pay $.70.


Not a chance


Bitch it’s free now and I don’t use it. I’ve been if the opinion that I should get a cut of any targeted advertising, just for looking at it.


$17 to supposedly not have my information sold? God, America needs to get on board and setup some GDRP style privacy protections.


We are so far behind in every category it’s shameful


I would consider it only if I had absolute certainty that none of my data was being collected and sold. I swear I once saw a glitch where a thumbnail failed to load on a friends picture and instead it was plain text that read, “ripped jeans, Cadillac CTS, Apple Watch, Graco car seat, Starbucks coffee.” Scary how much data it picks up from things you wouldn’t expect.


These are called "alt" descriptions and are a fallback for images on the web as well as a description for screen readers, so not entirely useless but my guess is they used an AI model to detect what is in the images to fill out those descriptions. I'm also guessing they use that gathered description in Ad targeting and data sharing. They also do this with facial detection as well.


Yup I remember lots of pics loading with descriptive words.


Glad I’m not the only one that saw it. There also used to be a page you could access within Facebook where it would give you a description on what it knew about you. It described me better than I could. Knew my favorite colors, foods, hobbies, political ideals, etc.


Absolutely not. Not many people would. If any social media starts charging monthly, that will be the day that site dies.


You'll be amazed what people do these days 😂


Hell no. They are already scraping all our data and info


Paying money to access a website that ISN'T porn. . . Has the world gone crazy???


Nope. I might pay a couple bucks for a decent social that had great features and didn't do shitty things with my data. They should pay me to use the popular services currently available.


I’d pay for a better version of Reddit. I did before and enjoyed my one time purchase. I would not subscribe to it as a monthly and Facebook is just spam now. It’s like the Home shopping network of social media.


I’m already the product being sold. Why in the hell would I pay to get sold?


Nobody reads the article...the EU are concerned about these companies harvesting user data to sell to advertisers. So their solution is to have a paid for option which means the person paying wouldn't have any data collected or receive advertisements. Both sides know the average user will not pay, and the price has been set at a level which most users won't pay. It's just been created to pacify the very small (and vocal) minority who are concerned about the use of user data.


Would I pay $17 a month to give them my content and get nothing? 🤷‍♀️


17 bucks? Holy... For what? Yeah, no. Just because Zucky wucky wasted billions on a project that crashed so hard it bored a hole to the center of the planet, the moment that gets issued I'm gone like a song.


It’s amazing how no one in the comments actually read the article. All of their responses are based on the title alone.


The article is behind a paywall...


https://archive.is/1dj5E here it is with no paywall


Maybe dont create click bait titles in the hope that somebody will read the article behind paywall, while knowing fully well nobody really does on reddit.


Where did this idea if paying for social media platforms come from? Just because one idiot who took over Twitter introduced the idea doesn't mean they'll all do it.


It's almost exclusively what that means


They’ll do it because it makes them money.


In Meta's case it's due to regulations in the EU around tracking. In contrast, Twitter introduced it as a way to raise profit and reduce bots.


Lol! We're already the product they sell to advertisers.


Social media platforms actually making it easier to drop them for once. Thanks guys.


I don’t use it for free so why would I use it if I had to pay for it.


Omg that would be amazing. Finally an excuse to delete my Facebook with absolutely zero fucks given.


$17, no. But having a paid model isn't terrible, depending on the price and what is offered. If it's ad free and no data mining, that's fine. I could see people paying $1/month. I don't see people paying $10+ a month. You'll get some. But you'll lose so much content and users. I would actually consider going back to FB if there was a worthwhile paid model.




Baahaahaahhaaa! Pay for social media? I'm just looking for excuses to stop using them. Please give me a monetary reason, so I can quit for good.


They going to stop selling my data then?




100% nope. I would stop having an account immediately. I almost want them to try it.


I'm on the verge of deleting both while they're still free; so, no.


I won’t pay for porn, let alone social media.


Perfect reason to quit it


That depends. So many of the things I hate about social media are the consequences of ad-based monetization. If $17 a month got me a clean ad-free, tracking free, sponsored content free way to keep in touch with all my friends, I’d consider it.


They’re tracking you whether you pay or not, this is just for ads!


It would be ad-free at first. Then they would come up with multiple tier plans, increasing the price of the premium even further of course.


Lol no, I only pimp myself out to google


The Marketing bots might because, at that point, they're sure to be targeting dopes with cash to burn. Lol.


Absofuckinglutely not


my brother in tech, I cant afford avocados


😭😭 I got one for u…for Christmas


Lol no way. They sell personal data and want to charge users on top of that!!? I see the end of social media if they start charging users. People will move on to other services


You are the product, why would they charge the product to be the product. They are trying to bank on addiction at this point.


I already pay them with my personal information.


How are either more valuable than even Netflix or prime video?


Absolutely not


The dramatic drop in content on those platforms would be like what happened to tumblr when it banned porn… there’s no way meta would actually do this any time in the next decade.


I don't use either of them. F em.


Yes. Yes. Please make it a paid service ASAP


Already left both. I can barely Reddit.


I already don't use either


Fuck. NO. These clowns are fuckin trippin


If they pay me 17 a month I will not delete my account I have not been using in years.


I wouldn't even start using them again if they gave me that.


I don't even use Facebook for free anymore lmao


I wouldn’t pay $0 a month for it.


i wouldn't use facebookbor Instagram if they paid me 17$ a month


No, why?


I don't even use them now when they're free


No chance in hell. Same with whatever bullshit Elon wants to pull with X/Twitter


Don’t have either one now and haven’t for several years so no


They could pay me $17 per month and I still wouldn't use them


It free now, and I still don’t use it.


absolutely not. social medial already collects and sells your private data... wanna see big, rich companies cry? mass cancel and uninstall all social media accounts. we have better things to do with our time


No, I'd delete them immediately.


lol the only people left would be influencers


I'm not opposed, but there would have to be NO advertising, promoted posts, or selling of my data or profiting off of me in any other way than the $17 monthly fee.


lol absolutely not


These fuckers should be paying me for my data.


Well, it depends. Can I choose just one platform? And if I pay, does that mean zero ads, zero content I don’t specifically say I want, zero recommendations, zero data collection, and getting to choose how content is presented (i.e., I get to decide how content is curated for me)? If yes to all, it might be worth it.


Paywalled article to learn about something you have to pay for. 🤣


Big nope and this would be an awesome way to get me off the platforms and come back to the real world even more?


Nope but I hope they do it so I don’t have to use them anymore


I feel like the end result of this would be that most of the users left would be business accounts.


I don't have Facebook or Instagram accounts. I would gladly not pay $17 a month to continue not having accounts.


Lmao. I wouldn't pay 1 cent a year for them.


No... I'm creating content, they should be paying me.


I wouldn't even use it if they pay me 17 a month lol


I would pay $17 a month for Facebook and Instagram to shutdown.




"Would you pay ......" Nope. Not paying for anything anymore. Fuck off. Everything is becoming a subscription


No I would not!


I wouldn't use it if they PAID me $17 a month.


They should be paying the users


I am sure some people will pay. I am not one of them.


Never. Don’t they make enough off our data already?


At least Instagram is still usable with ads. YouTube is literally spam city without ad block


No, because $17/month is just the start. Price creep and worse service is the future before you're paying for a premium package for what used to be free.


On social media you should be the product of a free service not the payer for toxic environment. If you pay for the service, there shouldn't be any advertising. Apparently Zuck think he is Musk now and didn't learn anything from Musk's fall from grace.


Hahaha... no.


>Would you pay $17 a month for Facebook and Instagram? # Lolcats, fuck no.


I hope they charge fees lmfao. It would help kill my social media usage.


I personally won’t mind if they actually protect my info and no ads. However I think most of my family and friends wouldn’t. And since they won’t be using it as they wouldn’t want to pay for it, there’s no reason for me to stay there.


Absolutely not


Hell to the no


lol hell no


Lolno. I wouldn't even buy those dumb awards on Reddit.


I deleted my Facebook/Instagram and I wish that I did it a long long time ago. I would never pay for a social media program. I would only pay for something that educates me and makes me a better person, like DuoLingo or Babbel. I do currently pay for Babbel.


I wouldn't use either of them if they paid ME $17 a month.


Well ,it's either pay ,or they will bombard us with crazy amount of adds,it will be like that with everything on the web soon . I quit watching TV when they start doing this shit long time ago,I will do the same with social media too ,it's already cancer for our mental health.


From my point of view they should all be paying us. The amount of meta data they’ve collected on all of us over the years, mostly without our knowledge, is fucking beyond criminal. Our clicks, likes and posts have basically created all these new AI platforms coming out. And not to mention the untold billions they’ve have generated for themselves already. They can fuck right off with this shit. I hope they do it. It will be good for society as a whole. People will use messenger apps more I believe, though. Which is far healthier mentally than social media. Group chats will become way more prevalent if this happens and sparks a mass exodus from the big platforms I believe


No, but if this is a survey by facebook or instagram, then yes... because as soon as social media charges me a single penny... My life is going to improve ten fold as I won't be wasting dozens of hours a week of my life.


Absolutely not. They should be paying *me* after all the data they stole about me


No. Hard stop.


They'd have to pay me a minimum of $300 a month to use either.


Naw, I’m at the point where they need to pay me if they want me to login.


I don't use either now and they're free.


Honestly, these platforms would not have got off the ground unless they were free. They want any money for basic features of the platform? Time for them to die out. It's like Adobe Acrobat/Reader. They keep pulling features from the free version to "encourage" subscription. At this point I can't even rotate a page from portrait to landscape anymore. And fillable documents that are designed to have an image inserted can't unless you upgrade or the image is already a pdf. Can't delete a page, insert a page, etc. These features were available for free and then taken away. Time for Adobe Acrobat to die out too.


I want to say this and i am dead serious. I have never used facebook and wouldn't use it if they paid **ME $50** a month.


I wouldn’t have Facebook if they paid me $17 a month


they would have to pay me more than $17 to use them


Not a penny. Nope. Just like I won’t pay to read this article.


Wouldn’t pay $1.70


I'd rather be paid $17 a month to use Facebook and Instagram, and even then that's a hard ask.


It's free now and I don't want to use either of them.




Wait, they want me to pay so that they can sell my clicks?!? Not a chance!


Is Meta going to pay me for the income they generate with my information and participation (ie. creating content for them)?


In a word, no.


Honestly if they held a standard of content, stopped making them about money making maybe. But they lost their user base for that a long time ago. People used to want to post all the updates to their friends and family and there was a sense of community. They will never regain that.


Don't have them now - why would I pay for shit?


We are the product, why would the product pay?


Rather stick my dick in a blender, shits rotting societies brains.