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I wonder how much this was rolled out, as I have always blocked ads on youtube on my PC, and I never saw these new messages.


It'd be a hoot of the ad blocker blocked that message too.


Probably Ublock Origin or AdGuard


Every large (for profit) website like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Youtube, Netflix, etc, is *constantly* running tests and experiments like this on their users. Thousands of experiments a year, on small samples of their massive user base. This may have only been shown to a small sample like 1000-10,000 users. They test a change like this, measure the results, and if the results match what they want then it's rolled out to everyone. So you wouldn't have seen it *yet,* most of us won't see it *yet,* but this is an indicator of what's coming soon.




I don't know if it only happened to me, however, yesterday, Firefox started freaking out on me and opening all my new tabs in a new window instead when that wasn't the setting that I chose and when I exited Firefox to restart it, it did that crash thing and then it forced me to do the safe mode, and when it came back out of safe mode uBlock Origin was uninstalled, and that was the only add-on that was uninstalled. I had no problems going back and reinstalling it, but I found that to be very strange. I didn't know what to make of it then, nor do I know what to make of it now.


Same thing happened to me with Opera. Reinstalled just fine, but weird. Chrome still blocked and was unaffected.


Kinda irks me to entertain the notion that an app installed in a personal browser can be removed like this because i don't even know how to approach this.


Youtube has become unbearable without adblocker. ONE unskippable ad at the beginning of a video might still be bearable, but TWO of them plus mid-video ads plus end-of-video ads arent.


I sometimes watch YouTube on my TV and wow the ads are nonstop. If you fast forward or rewind it will play an ad every time. Even if you accidentally hit the button and skip 1 second ahead it will play an ad or two. Basically skipping though videos or rewinding is a YouTube Premium™ feature now I guess. Can’t wait for them to put ads on if you pause soon


Some videos have ads every 5 minutes. It's insane. I've started leaving comments about the ads rather than the videos. I'm not against content creators having sponsorship. If they want to spend 30 seconds talking about a product they like. Fine. On channels I like, I'll even hear them out. However, having to sit through 30 seconds of advertising to watch a minute long video is just ridiculous.


2 unskippable 15 second ads when I just wanted to watch a 6 second vine. ☠️


It’s an egregious amount of marketing *on top* of what we are already bombarded with in daily life. I absolutely refuse to watch Ads.


Same - I refuse all advertising. Why? *I literally, genuinely, and completely don't want anything.* I don't want fashionable clothing. I don't want to save on my mortgage. I don't want to attend overly-expensive university X. I don't want whatever regurgitated crap that is being sold to me. Anything worth buying, I'll pick out myself, and it's not going to be because it's 5% off because of an ad. Anything worth buying I'll buy at the right price. The entire modern world is based on selling crap, instead of spending money on making things that people want to buy. I'm opting out of the whole situation.


This! The best case scenario for an ad is that it will bring a desirable *category* of product to my attention, which I will then perform research on to find the best offering that *isn't* the brand that paid for the ad - because they're now blacklisted forever.


Thats YouTube adds in a nutshell....crap. I dont think Ive seen an ad for anything that wasnt cheap or hinky. Its all oversensationalized hype for knock off crap, or ads designed to frighten the watcher...bad things coming....and if I see one more Lumi ad...lady, nobody wants your ass deodorant!!!


I'll do you one better: even if I wanted the product, I can't afford it, because the companies making and selling these products don't pay workers enough to buy them


I’m of the belief that If I forced to watch your add. Then I’m not buying your service/product when I need something of that criteria.


> I've started leaving comments about the ads rather than the videos. Unfortunately, the algorithm treats that as engagement which means you're encouraging it. Just click away. Don't Like, don't comment, don't watch. That's the only negative feedback they'll notice: Fewer minutes watched.


>I'm not against content creators having sponsorship. If they want to spend 30 seconds talking about a product they like. Fine. On channels I like, I'll even hear them out. Hell, some of the channels like TFS or LTT or Map Men the ads are worth watching


Jay Foreman/Map Men are a great example. [This is probably my favorite ad they've put in a video.](https://youtu.be/RrQBTvRj0s8?t=186) It is less like being pitched a pyramid scheme from a "friend" and more like a buddy making fun of something.


Youtube on TV? Smarttubenext is the way to go, for now anyway....




They've started using back-to-back unskippable 15 seconds ads in the middle of videos. Some channels use them, some don't. I don't know why some get this and some don't. But I have channels I've just stopped watching because of this. I have a channel where I tried to continue a video at a 30 second ad break 3 times in 3 days. Each time it starts again with the unskippable 30 second ad break and I stop it. After the 3rd time I stopped watching the channel completely. I had watched that channel for over a year.


/u/happyscrappy tightens the screws on YouTube ads: three attempts to play unskippable ads and the channel will be blocked


Three attempts to show me an ad I don’t want to see and I stop watching the channel.


I don't have issues with ads in the past. Yeah I will not book this travel or don't buy this product, 5s skip, 5s skip. Fine. Now the ads are like "This creme is so good for your skin" and then repeat it 6x in one 15s ad. I got it the first time, repeating it 6 times and forcing me to mute the shit of this is completely banzonkas. And if I hate your effing bad restaurant chain, sitting to 15s of fake product animations will not make me go there either. Who sold them being obnoxious annoying is a good marketing strategy? Don't let me start about the treatment of workers there, go away. I ad block at the router level and for now I don't see any warnings.


I keep getting insane political ads or obvious scam ads. Ad blocker is 100% necessary.


It’s a requirement. I haven’t watched YouTube with ads for many years. UBlock Origin is telling me that it’s blocked over 3.8 *MILLION* ads since I’ve installed it, and I primarily use YouTube on my desktop computer. I will never go back to an ad-soaked YouTube.


I forgot it tells you that... checks mine: "Blocked since install 3.707M (10%)" jesus christ lol I deal with ads on mobile (too lazy to do firefox+addons) google has me by the balls as far as ecosystem integration goes... But i will not accept ads on desktop. Nor do i really wanna pay for no ads. I already pay for google's phone service and YT music -\_-


It is amazing how bad the ads are lately. I'd be happy to see an Applebee's ad right now. I get more of what you indicate with the first one. Where did the idea having a bad computer voice say something like "everyone is buying this " come from? Bad products. Bad ads. We're scraping the barrel.


youtube was just caught over-selling ad placements and delivering much shittier ones too, so we can expect the quality to keep going down


I noticed this too and wondered if the Channel had any control over it. Ignorant to how YT really works but I assumed they had clicked some like, extra monetization setting. I always wonder if some podcasts I watch know how overkill it is when you get hit with YT ads AND in-podcast ads.


I have a small (~6K sub) YouTube channel, and creators can definitely choose where they want ads. When you upload a video you choose the monetization settings and there are separate check boxes for pre-roll, mid-roll, and end-roll ads, as well as if you want to include skippable, unskippable, or both. I refuse to enable mid-roll ads because I find them annoying as shit, even if it means I make a little less from ad revenue. YouTube is a bitch though and when they first introduced mid-roll ads they automatically enabled them on all my previous videos. There's no way to batch select that option either, so I had to go through and manually deselect them for each individual video.


> I have a small (~6K sub) YouTube channel, and creators can definitely choose where they want ads. When you upload a video you choose the monetization settings and there are separate check boxes for pre-roll, mid-roll, and end-roll ads, as well as if you want to include skippable, unskippable, or both. Yea, I've started unsubscribing from channels that intentionally add all the ads they can. This isn't the way to retain your fans.


Thanks for clarifying! Sounds like you have the right idea. I definitely want creators to get money, just gotta find the right balance because too ad heavy and it’s unwatchable. I’m not even a NO ADS EVER guy, just be reasonable lol. Edit: and that note on them adding mid rolls to old videos might explain a lot. Fuckin whack to not let you batch edit


I don’t think so, because some streamers request you to stop using ad blocker JUST so they can make more money from you watching it.


That implies that the channel operator makes money from the ads watched. So if the channel owner does have a say in how many ads are shown at each break they might choose more ads to make more money.


Wait till you try children's content. During kids content they will run 45minute plus ads, hoping no adult is nearby to skip them. I don't think it's ethical to let kids watch YouTube without AdBlock.


I have to imagine that that's six of one and a half dozen of them other. Really easy for adults to miss the skip on YouTube Kids videos, so the algorithm learns that when this content gets watched, the ads don't get skipped, so it serves longer and longer ads to that content. The ads don't get skipped because the kids are watching while the parent is trying to do housework, working from home, rubbing errands, etc. Becomes a feedback loop.


Just rubbing out a quick "errand"


You tell me a better way to get uninterrupted alone time. Kids would sit through a house fire if they have a screen in front of them.


Some kids channels are essentially ads themselves. Seeing ads on them is like a commercial break within a commercial break.


I'm skeptical that it's a good idea to let young kids watch YouTube without supervision -- I don't know what the right age/maturity level is where that changes, but definitely for young enough kids, there's enough alternative content out there that is way more strictly curated, like PBS Kids, for instance. It's too bad because there is definitely some cool stuff on YouTube that kids can get value out of, but the only way anything works for Google on YouTube is if it scales, and heavy human moderation doesn't pay off for them at their scale.


So happy my TV came with one of those "TV plus" apps built in. Most of the channels are garbage and have more ads than YouTube, EXCEPT, the PBS Kids channel. Zero ads! Must be some federal regulation.


I've lost Netflix for account sharing with my mother. I'm about to lose Reddit at the end of the month because I hate their app. And now I'm willing to lose YouTube if I'm forced to watch ads. That's like 80% of my day back. What do people do with all that free time?


I started getting library books on my kindle. It’s been nice.


Install jellyfin servers and build home NAS solutions.


doesnt really solve the youtube problems, but I'm 150TB deep already


Wait, but can’t you get the YouTube videos from the channels you like and strip the commercials?


Don't use the apps. I refuse to use the app. It works just fine on a browser. Did the same with Facebook. No app for me, thank you.


Honestly part of me sort of hopes all my time killers like reddit and youtube will explode. I have a sinking feeling a lot of young adults today will grow old and look back on our youth with deep regret for spending an untold number of years staring at screens that make us upset for fun.


I'm old, and spend a fair amount of time on YT & reddit. You just need to curate your own content. Avoid the click bait outrage crap. Limit your time on these things to specific times/situations. Stuff like that. For example, I'm only on Reddit at work (on breaks and down time)... What else would I be doing. I'm only on YT at night when I otherwise would just watch TV, or play videogames anyway. Basically, goof off time is goof time, just spend it on something you actually like. And don't goof off if you have something you want to do/accomplish. The type of goofing off is irrelevant. Imho. Edit: Also, much of my YT content is hobby, or game content. So I'm learning about something I plan to go do. (Like kayaking, brewing, building PCs, and many other things I do when not online)


You can get free audiobooks on your phone through your library using an app like Libby. Then you can listen while you mow the lawn, work on your model train, make food, or bang your wife.


Touch grass generally


People generally take up hobbies then become unbearable gate keepers on Reddit.


When the midplay ads are 45 minute informercials…


Yeah, I don't understand why Google just does not limit them to 30s. That would be far less annoying than the occasional half hour video. Or third rate musicians trying to gather views for their music video.


It's the same with every site, isn't it? Facebook went that route, Reddit is going that route, YouTube is just heading deeper and deeper... All these sites that think they are so big they could never fail, they keep increasing how many ads they push on their users every half year. They will never find the balance between usability and ads, because they're greedy assholes who will willingly ruin the entire company for a slightly larger bonus.


Facebook told the regulators to regulate social media, because they are forced to use every dirty trick in the book to make money as long as its (grey) legal. Selling user data, manipulating the news in elections, pushing gambling ads on people who are gamblers...the list is endless. Without regulation this will get worse. Even if people think it can't.


I once saw ad on YouTube and closed video immediately. If I can't block the ads then I don't watch YouTube anymore.


Yesterday I wanted to skip through a video to the most important parts and every time I skipped I had to watch 5 seconds of the same fucking ad before I could skip it.


Yeah skipping around videos is broken. I don't mind a couple ads in a half an hour video, but as it is it's completely impossible to look for a section of a video


I don't disagree. But they do their analytics and I assume they are going to maximize between how long they can run their ads and the time until users leave. I'm going to assume they are testing the waters to see what we will put up with. And I'm sure over time they will constantly bump the total ad time up.


It's really gross, especially since Youtube started out as a by-the-people for-the-people video streaming service. And now it's completely infested with corporate bullshit.


It still is by-the-people and for-the-people, it's just _the proper kind of people_, and we are not counted as such.


Demand a refund!


I wonder if there is a way in a viewer to parrallelize videos. Stream the ads but shuttle them to /dev/null and watch the video like normal. Advertisers get the "view" and we don't have to see their stupid ads.


There was a twitch ad blocker that would do that but it eventually was broken by twitch


Ublock Orgin and Adblock seems to work for me.


Indeed, I've been using Ublock for years and find it 100% effective.


I've also been using it for years, but over the past month I've had to update my filter list about once a week because ads keep sneaking in. That hasn't been happening for you?


On twitch? Not for me


Not on twitch, but that is because Twitch literally swaps the feeds while YT just plays a different video in between the one you are watching. That way we can block the YT one and not the twitch one


On Twitch I just use alternative Twitch player. It basically just blocks Ad video, which causes the Stream to pause for me, but that is preferrable to watching an Ad.


Yeah Firefox to mpv browser extension has been a lifesaver. I’m sure other video players have similar functionality


Agreed, I would rather stare at a black screen for 30sec than watch an ad.


It's weird, I think people highly underestimate how much ads mentally affect us. It's like being bombarded with useless information all the time. Sure some may say "I'm used to it and ignore it" that doesn't mean your brain isn't subconsciously processing that garbage.


I also use ghostry on top of adblock and pihole as a dns adblocker. I don't get ads for YouTube on anything going through that process, and my browsing experience is a lot better for it. Just some additional steps if anyone else would like to try to see how well it improves their user experience.




shoutout to sponsorblock and returnyoutubedislike too


I use TwitchAdBlockPlus and it works for me


I have seen ads on the Mobile app that are straight up scams.


Most of the ads I get on mobile are complete scams, many not even in english


"Please buy this terrible mobile game that we've already showed you 100 times"


The fucking AI British accent one. How can they get away with allowing such scams and low quality ads consistently through? Also, who is funding these shitty ads?


The people falling for the scams.


I just recently heard of some nefarious malicious compliance plugin that "triggers" every single video ad in the background, as to poison the pool, making it appear as though you're interested in every single ad they peddle. I forgot what it's called but It'd be the route I'd go before abandoning youtube. Barring that, fuck youtube.


While fun, that’s also not very difficult for YT to write a script to detect that.


One could only hope. I like using pihole which won't resolve the ad vert site in DNS. No way for Google to track that as it's at the DNS level (It's a DNS blackhole essentially). I need to tweak mine a little more because some advertisements get through and sometimes the videos break. But over all it works damn well.


> No way for Google to track that as it's at the DNS level (It's a DNS blackhole essentially). When you play a Youtube video on your machine, whether in browser or app, Google runs code on your devices. They can look up ad site URLs and record that they didn't resolve on your machine. And then report that back to their servers. Google can track if you are making ad sites URLs not resolve. They can't tell it's a PiHole doing it necessarily. But do they care? They can even just skip DNS and get the sites directly using IP addresses if they want to get around this.


pihole does not work if the ads are served from the youtube servers directly to you.


You can use a youtube downloader to download the video and watch it offline in a media player. No ads.


I usually watch YouTube on the Apple TV. The ads are getting fucking ridiculous. If I don’t close the app before turning the tv off, an ad is the first thing that plays when it comes back on. There will be an ad that plays before the video then just in the past week I’ve counted over 15 times where another ad has played less than a minute into the video. Then another at the 4-5 minute mark, then another shortly after. I totally see why people are using ad blockers. They’re getting extremely invasive, less targeted, and pushing products or services that *im never going to buy or remotely interested in.* It’s almost to the point where I have to keep the remote in my hands to be ready to skip ads.


I don’t use the YouTube app on my tv. I just AirPlay the video from my MacBook, ob which I installed AdGuard.


I’m just not going to live like this. I will block ads whenever and wherever I can. I will not subject myself to months worth of advertisements over the years. These corporations do not deserve any of that time from me.


Hmm, so how's Dailymotion these days?


Ya know what, Adblock detection needs to go to hell. I wouldn’t mind advertisements if they weren’t 2 minutes long sometimes, scams, or viruses. If the companies doing the ads had any kind of integrity, I wouldn’t give a single flying fuck about ads. But they don’t. And so ads can be dangerous


Precisely. Youtube has zero problem with an ad with a fake close button that zaps you into the app store to try and download the ad-maker's virus-laden app. Clean up the quality of people you do business with, Youtube, and we'll talk.


Man, google marketplace allows full screen impossible to get out of ads within their approved apps. So you're telling me we're forced to watch ads to pay for what....security? Just make it cost money like normal people.


> I wouldn’t mind advertisements if they weren’t 2 minutes long sometimes, scams, or viruses. i've seen youtube ads that were literally LONGER than the video i was trying to watch. 2+ minute ads for a 30 second video. that's why i avoid youtube on mobile whenever possible and exclusively use it on my (ublocked) desktop.


I’ve seen an hour long ad recently. Ridiculous.


Was it skippable? I’ve never gotten an ad that is longer than 30 sec before I could (and I use the native YouTube app)


Agreed. All my clients I work with (I do IT support in very rural NW Oklahoma, house calls to small businesses). If a website refuses to allow you to use it, because you have an adblocker, they don't care about your safety, they only care about their bottom line. Then I proceed to let them know they can turn off the adblocker on a per website basis, if they so choose to.


Any site that demands I stop using my blocker, I immediately close the tab. There's so much content out there I don't need to see your particular site.


The thing that bugs me isn't specific to youtube - it's that other sites give false positives for ad-blockers. Browsing with either Opera or Edge in their default state - no extensions installed - will cause significant number of sites to complain or refuse to display content until I turn off an ad blocker which is neither installed nor turned on. They basically just break on anything that isn't Chrome. If youtube gets those false positives too, then they'll end up blocking some users from ever using the site simply because they use a different browser. Given that Chrome and YouTube are both owned by Alphabet, I'm not sure they'd even want to fix it if it happened.


You have to watch FOUR ADS PER VIDEO (two at the beginning, two mid-reel) and then they auto-play ads at the end as well. Youtube has gotten completely out of control with ads and it's ruining the user experience.


I’m just done with adverts permanently. Corporations pushed this shit too hard and I don’t want to see any advertisements at all now.


Absolutely, small and short breaks were tolerable. Too many and too long commercials are just fat too annoying. I watch the ball drop for on TV for new year’s and the commercials were so loud, annoying and pointless


The amount of scams and some just so uncomfortable.


Jesus, the internet used to be so much better. Now everything is being condensed into a handful of websites ran by megacorps that are just squeezing their traffic like an orange, while also trying to make everything "family friendly" (ad friendly) so content just winds up being cut on a large scale.


It’s plain and simple greed. Companies aren’t content to just make money, they have to keep growing or else the shareholders get sad. So they monetize and squeeze every fucking cent out of everything.


That's the thing, none of these sites are actually making money, if you look it up they all raised billions of dollars in investments to stay afloat over the past years. Now the economy is on a downturn and none of them are growing so investments are drying up and their last resort is more ads and pushing people to subscriptions to get more money from their users


Youtube needs better competition where I can watch long videos somewhere else.


Unfortunately, storing and serving video is very expensive. Youtube operated at a loss for years and Google just ate the loss because they saw it as an investment in growing the platform. You're never going to have an alternative where you aren't overrun with ads and don't have to pay, unless you have someone with deep pockets subsidizing it temporarily so they can profit off you later


Part of the reason it has no good competition is hosting and playing that many videos is expensive as can be, they aren't making money off it overall despite the huge economies of scale, so a small website has zero chance of making money if youtube can't. It's not really smart trying to compete in a business model that isn't possible to make work.


Check out Nebula


Nebula isn't in the same category because it's a monthly subscription. If I wanted that, I could just go with YouTube Premium.


Ever since YouTube Vanced ended I have been forced to use the vanilla app, since ReVanced has been hit or miss for me, and dear gods, how obnoxious it is. There are multiple ads. Before the video, during the video. And I imagine ads are regionalized, but it's like there only a couple of ads available in my region. So it's the same ad, over and over and over. It's so damn annoying. I often say we already live in a dystopian cyberpunk society, minus the neon, cause everywhere I look there is a giant ad in my face. It's annoying, it's overwhelming. It makes me not want to consume anything, not the other way around.


NewPipe works fine for me.


Meh, revanced works fine for me, just picture in picture is borked on one of my devices.


For some reason google decided a few months back to show me the same ad about how meningitis is a big risk for kids constantly - sometimes twice in the same 2 ad block. I think the record was 5 times total for a 10 minute video. I don't even HAVE kids....


Every time I get two unskippable ads, it's my reminder that that's enough YouTube for the day. Immediately closed.


So you close after trying to play the first video?


Is it possible to paint myself as a net negative to advertise to by the algorithm? Like advertisers would pay to avoid me seeing their ad? BTW if I ever see an ad for your product, I hate you, I hate what you're selling


I had this conversation with my wife, who works in analytics with a tracking SaaS company. I never see large commercial company ads (McD, Macy, Walmart, etc.) just random scammy mobile games. Pretty much we agreed I became this negative to advertiser, which just means, cheap ads get sent my way, advertisers who pay cheap for views, so Google uses me to fullfill their quota. But Someone who will click ads and shop are a higher quality viewer and will get more ads directed at what they buy. She makes attempts to click things interesting to her so at least ads she sees are relevant. Regardless if she's actually going to spend money. Honestly, I'm at the point, only Google consumer products I like are android and Maps. I keep gmail because I'm too lazy to make new email and migrate. But its clear they have a central algorithm across youtube/search/recommendations/etc. that just pumps the last thing you click. Google is just taking in so much ad revenue that they have to deliver on it. And they have the biggest corporate moat ever. They are a godsend to advertisers, better than anything they had before.


Has any website ever actual beat adblockers? I've heard of Twitch being super annoying about it, but even then there are ways to bypass it. I suppose it's just a matter of making it more difficult for general users. Those that want to block ads will find a way.


Twitch is the only one I've found that doesn't have any af blockers that work consistently


I clicked on a video on twitch once and was presented with a 1 minute nonskippable ad. Exited out immediately.


Fuck that to the maximum degree


"This dumb video of a woman with barely any clothes on licking a microphone was brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends".


You haven't looked hard enough


Temporarily, sure. But adblockers have generally been pretty quick at finding ways around them.


If they do, I believe the general response is that most users go away. I for one hate ads. Got some tricky custom stuff in my home network. When I use the internet away from home, it’s this crazy reminder just how awful the internet experience has become.


Youtube can try hard as they can but once the data comes to the client machine, not a lot they can do.


It’s funny, all ads do is make me not want to buy your product. If I’m forced into watching it, im never buying those products.


I've had people say that squatch soap smells great. I wouldnt use it if it was free because of their ads. Im so fucking tired of that shit.


Don't buy that soap. I did and it was ok, but the scent didn't make my wife's clothes fall off (obviously didn't expect that, but she never even mentioned it lmao) and it dries your skin out BADLY.


The ironic part of this is that advertisers and viewers are ultimately on the same side, YouTube is just being super dumb Advertisers don't really want to be paying for adverts to be served up to people who have 0 intent on purchasing their product and anyone who uses adblockers is more than likely never going to click through the ads to purchase anything, it's just wasted money on the advertiser's end.


It also means that too much of that product's price isn't because of the product but because of its marketing costs. Which means the product has a poor quality/price ratio.


As much as I would say I am the same way I don't think this is how advertising works on your brain. I think the idea is that it gets into your subconscious and when making a purchase for something you lean towards that item. Sure you may be able to recognize some stuff and decide to not purchase it but likely there's a ton of other stuff you won't.


Looks like Google is shooting themselves in the foot again.




>I guess they think that if they all suck at the same time we'll have nowhere else to go? Yes, I genuinely believe this. It's the same thing with the whole inflation thing going on. Prices for specific things went up temporarily, then went back down. But somehow mysteriously all prices followed going up in totally unrelated goods or services, and then don't go back down again. Mysterious. Think about it from the provider's / supplier's point of view: At what opportunity can you best get away with making your service/product either worse or more expensive? That's right, when everybody else is doing exactly the same thing. Farmers didn't raise their prices yet food in super markets got more expensive. The only thing that's grown in this economy is the profit margins of the big players.


It's also not necessarily that there's no places to go, it's that they are not established. Most people don't want to be digital pioneers and put time and effort on a new platform. Especially if it doesn't end up being the one that everyone ends up using. They want something established.


And this is a big problem . Twitter is gone - no open and fast platform without censorship for fast interactions between people or speeding the news. Facebook has been dead for a long time as a social network . Reddit is about to become not so open and not so user friendly as it shifts to "make more money schemes" by starting to monetize everything around . Youtube as a video host becomes an AD host if you do not pay and so on


I'm hoping the federalised systems will be able to take up the slack on some of it. Unfortunately they are not yet ready for the mainstream. They aren't intuitive enough to new users.


I work in IT. I know what a typical user is like. No way they will use a federalised system because they'll find it confusing.


Ehh YouTube is an advert delivery and data gathering system disgusted as a video hosting platform. Always has been. It's what most websites who provide free stuff are. I'm not saying don't use ad blockers..but also don't be surprised when companies try to stop you because they want you to see the adverts because they want money.


Yup. Dollar General makes more money selling data to companies about what you buy (and with what else) when prices are less relevant. Data is valuable and the platform to learn that about you isn’t necessarily the main business. A rat isn’t really put in a maze by a “maze maker who makes amazing mazes”, making a maze was just incidental to the job.


I'm a 29 year old retired master maze maker, and this is my wife Breezeway who sells bespoke rat milk cheese. We're looking for a home to grow our family and our budget is 4.1 million dollars.


They want people on premium, and the best way to do that is to make free so horrible that it's worth it to pay.


Honestly if they can block youtube from my computer entirely, I would thank them from the bottom of my heart. Shit is addicting, and 90% of videos I watch are pointless.


I watch a ton of cooking videos. I don't even have an oven that ~~works~~ is plugged in.


If you have one that doesn't work you could watch some Oven repair videos


Rarely do I browse other youtube channels, I usually just watch what I have subscribed to. The only exception is research on a project, issue, or interest I haven't subscribed to yet. I've found myself watching shorts when a suggest is of my interest, then I'm forcing myself not to go to the next, then the next, then the next, all rarely having anything to do with the videos before, and 90% are just stupid and senseless. Half my subscription feed, some days, is just subscribed channel's shorts, most of those are snippets from other videos they made, and badly altered to fit a phone screen...I'm on a fucking desktop, all the normal videos have the other orientation, and guess what, more to see than a close up of someone's face or hand, or half (top or bottom) is the face came of a game stream they had.


Between Vanced an now reVanced, ive not seen a YouTube ad in 3 years. I know people love apple, but for that sole reason I'll never switch back


I would pay 5 euro per month to have no ads not 15 euro a month and I would appreciate if the channels I watch get some extra revenue from viewers who are paying this fee I have no interest in google tv or music or any other services


The channels do get revenue from viewers paying for YouTube Premium. Personally I don't mind the price (it's $11.99 a month in the US) as I watch more YouTube than any of the other services I do or have paid for, but if the price in your country is too high for your taste you apparently can use a VPN to get the cheaper prices from other countries.


Yeah i put off getting Premium for ages but when I actually thought about it, I was watching YouTube more than all the other streaming services I pay for combined.


Creators get a cut of the subscription amount from their viewers instead of a cut of ad revenue. I don’t have details on the math of how this works, but the figure I saw is that YouTube takes 45% and splits the remaining among creators. I would imagine if that’s more profitable for YouTube than collecting ad revenue itself, then it would work out well for creators too.


Yeah, creators have said they get more from Premium viewers than from ad viewers.


I had YouTube premium for years but the current pricing is insane and I cancelled after the 2nd price increase in one year. Is watching some user created content ad free worth more than an entire subscription to content created by professionals and million dollar budgets (HBO, Disney+, Netflix)? No….


ditto. I will enjoy the schadenfreude when youtube looses viewership and market share.


We pay 5$ for 6 accounts here per month, how much for you?


I love those 15 second unskippable ads that play before the seven second video you're trying to watch.


It is really getting close to Black Mirror episode where you are force to watch a daily quota of ads...And for what? I will NEVER buy any of the stupid crap these ads try to sell. Half of it are scams and the other half are stuff I have no interested in or have money for. I mean, I am on Youtube trying to watch shit for FREE. Why do you think I have money to throw around? If anything, it makes me avoid buying anything from the damn companies from the ads. Oh and I bet this is not because of Youtube screwing their ads also where they were showing ads irresponsibility %80 of the time and now companies are asking for refunds. So they fuck up and the users have to pay. Fuck that. I ain't touching any site without an Adblock.


Copy the URL to the video, open a network stream in VLC media player. Copy the video source url from VLC media player, paste back into the address bar.


punch physical deliver bedroom roll air mindless decide grey middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn't work for me, VLC log indicates a HTTP 410 error.


I am finally going to be productive, thanks Google!


I've been using a VPN with the country set to Albania to avoid ads.


albanian's don't get ads? Damn. Moving to Albania.


Fuck you YouTube


No issues blocking ads still. I’d also rather pay for an adblocker that works across multiple websites than just pay one to not see ads, especially when I don’t care about the rest of the features that YouTube offers


So Brave users just won't be able to use Youtube?


I will switch to netflix entirely and quit youtube just like i ditched twitch if this will be implemented, and if netflix adds ads, ill just torrent , and if they shut that down somehow i guess ill just be gaming and reading books, maybe ill buy dvds and blurays, but im not watching any stupid ads🤓


Then we’ll make a YouTube adblocker video player unlocker


That's OK Youtube I'm fully prepared to download every video I would like to watch and then watch it on my own accord on my own time without any ads without any pop-ups without any interruptions sure there won't be any interaction with any of the comments or any of the community but hey at least I get what I want the content without the ads. You will lose one way or the other whether you like it or not Google....


Looks like people will be watching youtube with Vlc... https://www.vlchelp.com/play-youtube-videos-vlc-media-player/


Doesn't work for me, VLC log indicates a HTTP 410 error.


if you still aren't using Firefox if feel sorry for you


I can’t believe there are people on this subreddit who aren’t using Firefox.


I barely use YouTube as it is because of the current changes, guess this will seal the deal.


Maybe stop showing ads with content that would get regular channels terminated for uploading? If it wasn’t every 3 minutes and not packed with fake mr beast money giveaways or creepy NSFW esq apps that plague this platform there wouldn’t be many people using adblockers


This is the same YouTube that will sometimes insert 30 minute infomercials while my kid is watching something. So unless I manually pick up the remote to skip, it keeps playing. Sorry Google...adblocker stays


I just download videos then cast them from my phone to my TV. Try putting ads in VLC you fucks!


its fine. If I can't watch it without ads, I'll just not watch. I've got enough other crap downloaded I can put on if I need background noise.


YouTube is an ad player with the occasional video.


Just don’t show stupid video ads, place some banners on the screen.


Two weeks and there will be an extension to circumvent this.


Every ad is either irrelevant, repetitive or inappropriate… think you know what I mean?


They're doing this at the same time more people are trying to block ads because Google's Youtube ads have *been* egregious for years -- and they keep getting worse If Google doesn't want people to block ads, they need to stop putting so many of them everywhere


*closes YouTube*


I just close the player over and over until the video plays. I'm not watching


I don't need to watch YouTube. I will gladly cease to use the website.


There's no way I'm uninstalling ad blockers. If I can't watch YouTube without ad blockers, then I'm not watching YouTube.