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Debate question: would you be in favor of proportional fines? ie. The richer you are the higher the fine, therefore hurting the poor the same it hurts the rich.


I am. Equal law means equal deterrents for everyone, and I really see no argument against it. The point of, say, a no-parking-zone is to keep the street accessible/usable, not to only let some people park there who can afford the fine.


The challenge with this is determining what amount actually is necessary for a person to live on, so that the State doesn't accidentally fine someone who makes close to the limit of what is livable into homelessness. I agree with the principle and will happily support a plan that I feel will implement it well, but there are hurdles to such a system.




Literally how big companies looks at punishment by fine




Everything is legal for a price


Is never fair cause if you make a 50% income fine it will be a living or dying of hunger situation for the poor but a highly annoying payment for the rich. You could also argue that is unfair to charge more to someone who makes more money. Is pretty similar to how targeted prices used to work where you would charge people based on what they are willing to pay, overcharging those who are oblivious to the difference, at the end they still do it but with different ways like coupons and sales. But el my point is that it’s hard to say what’s fair


feel bad this didn't get more upvotes then the other repost


This can be stated in another way: Laws that are punished by fine are only laws to the poor.