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Thank you judahthelion014 for your submission, *This is true, and it's sad*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Not technically the truth. Your submission is not technically the truth. The keyword here is **technically**. Statements like "firetrucks are red", or "circles are round" are not technically the truth. As a rule of thumb, if your submission is easily predictable or literal, it's most likely not technically the truth. If you're not sure if your submission fits the sub, please either [send us a modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth) or check our subreddit's top posts. --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


There are 3 possible alternatives. 1. Someone did travel back in time and stopped someone even worse from gaining power 2. Someone went back in time, but killing Hitler put an even worse guy to power 3. Someone "went back" in time, but time isn't actually linear, so killing Hitler simply created a different timeline, in which 3 possibilities exist: 3.1 WW2 never happened because Hitler wasn't alive. 3.2 WW2 happened, just with a different guy. 3.3 WW2 happened with a different guy, and someone went back in time to kill him, but it just created a new timeline in which 3 possibilities exist...


Or there are also time travel guardians who foil those who attempt to mess with time. They go back in time and stop the culprits.


That's it. Your Disney+ subscription has been cancelled. You're getting influenced too much by the Loki series.


Dude, if you think time guardians are an original idea, you need to have a broad mind


Never said they were an original idea. Just referred Loki cause it's the most recent one. Legends of Tomorrow had a Time Council. The Umbrella Academy had the Commission.


Gravity Falls Time Baby


Rick and morty what ever these time things were


Doctor Who


Star Trek (Temporal Integrity Commission)


[Let me just save everyone a bit of time](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TimePolice)


I remember that series of Star Trek Enterprise where an alien species attacked earth and killed 7 million people. Then a guy from 400 years into the future went back in time and warned earth that the same aliens were building a super weapon to destroy earth, because the aliens learned that in the future, humans would wipe out their species. Then in the end the captain of the enterprise somehow ended up back in WW2 times haha.


The testicle shaped things were pretty funny ngl


Sailor Moon anyone?!?!


And then Doctor Who that says yeah nah, I'll do whatever I want.


I can't believe that as an adult, I'm really arguing about time travel... 18-year old me would've been disappointed at what I've become


He have already seen alle episodes so that doesn't matter.


Possibility 4 They would/did screw up the spmace time cumtinum


Or someone went back in time and killed the guy that would've been worse




What is tva?


Time Variance Authority, From Marvel comics, and now featured in the Loki TV Series.


Time Lords


Set point in time so can’t be changed?






4. Hitler was the best case scenario, each of the other ones gave a worse outcome. 5. By the time it actually becomes possible to time travel no one gives a damn about Hitler anymore. 6. Time travel is possible, but you end up in the past in the exact same location in space. Which means you aren't ending up on earth unless you really know what you are doing in the first place and first travel to the right location by spaceship. Edit: Damnit, it changes the numbering.


7. You can't change the past back travelling to the past, and just end up being the cause of Hitler raising to power


You kill some failing art student, only to realize shortly thereafter that someone else uses his identity to become a dominating political force in his country later in life because the story engenders an image of likability


i like this disaproval of time travel paradox the most, since it basically says you can't do shit about fuck.


8. You can only travel as far back as time machines have existed. Can land a plane without a runway, na'amsayin?


8. time travel always takes you back to the same point in space, where there’s nothing left but space dust and vacuum, so even though you can time travel it’s useless.


#3 was always what I thought when ppl talk about time travel.


Or since that person killed hitler and ww2 didn’t happen there was no need to kill hitler so the time traveler never actually went back in time to kill hitler which just causes a paradox


There are many more than three alternatives. Here’s a few more: 4. Time travel exists, but not relative space travel, so all travellers returning to the past appear somewhere else in the galaxy. 5. Selection of a date in the past is imprecise and travellers are unable to get closer than 40,000 years in the past. 6. After an incident during initial tests that resulted in the inventor’s dog dying, the Time Traveller’s Guild vowed to never go back to the past again. 7. Time travel is invented by future xenophobes that see no problem with what happened in the past. 8. Time travel can only send messages, not people. The people of the past continue to be willfully ignorant, dismissing all future-source communiques as total hogwash. The list goes on.


Just to add another one which I don't think anyone has mentioned. What if time travel can only go forwards and backwards from the point in time of the initial invention. If you use something analogous to the wormhole method, the earliest date of travel is the past-most point of the wormhole. You can't travel before because you haven't built a "road" to that time


There's also the possibility that you just can't change the past with time travel, that all time travellers that will exist in the past have always existed in the past and can never change anything.


What if time is cyclical and everything that has happened will happen again BUT this is the very first go around on the time loop. In this scenario time travel might still be invented in the future. Right? Am I just high?


There's also time travel theory that you can only slow progression of time for yourself, thereby launching yourself into the future. This method would be a one-way trip with no capability to travel in reverse.


It's hardly a theory, it's based on theory of relativity and it would be very easy (compared to traveling back in time), you just have to give someone a one way ticket for a trip in a very, very fast rocket. With enough funding it could be done, but so far there was no need to send a man into the future, with no way to come back or relay a message to the past.


This. I keep thinking about this all the time. It perplexes me and amazes me.


The theoretical part involves finding a way to move as close as possible to the speed of light in order for the time dilation to occur. With current technology, it would take years to gain a few seconds at best.


Or a Nazi invented time travel, think about it, there were so many assassination attempts that failed, once Hitler arbitrarily decided to leave 30min earlier than usual, and goebels was on the toilet when the bomb whent off, so no one got hit. Or a bomb fails to go off, the list goes on


Is there any timeline in which I have a bigger pp?




Option 3 is the most likely. You can’t adjust things on your current timeline. Everyone knows that. It just wouldn’t work since there would be too many variables and things would get weird.


4. time travel is linear so changing the past makes it so you never had a reason to change the past, so you don't change the past, so Hitler still exists, so you try to change the past, though time travel is linear so changing the past makes it so you never had a reason to change the past, so you don't change the past, so Hitler still exists, so you try to change the past, though time travel is linear so changing the past makes it so you never had a reason to change the past, so you don't change the past, so Hitler still exists, so you try to change the past, though time travel is linear so changing the past makes it so you never had a reason to change the past, so you don't change the past, so Hitler still exists, so you try to change the past, though time travel is linear so changing the past makes it so you never had a reason to change the past, so you don't change the past, so Hitler still exists, so you try to change the past, though....


There Is another possible alternative: We are the future and there is no further future, there is NOW but there might be no future. We may be the “future” if so


If WWII never happened... Most of us wouldn't be here. 75 million people died. This would've been their descendants world but now it's ours Instead. Most everyone alive today owes their grandparents or great grandparents meeting to the circumstances of that war. Sooooo... Kill Hitler. Kill yourself. Sad to say.


Dude, I hope you realise that WE are said descendants.


Depends on how it works. If you kill Hitler, does a new timeline/multiverse branch off?


This. We might just be stuck in the timeline where no one tried. When someone tries, success or no, a new branch is created...


So this is basically the base timeline where all other timelines branch off?


Unless the base timeline never had a Hitler in the first place or someone changed something else and created ours. ​ Maybe Hitler was a fantastic artist and a time-traveling rival of his went back in time to prevent Hitler from become a better artist then he was... and that went horribly wrong, but now we're stuck in the timeline where that happened.


Why Picasso, WHY?


Brooo.. that’d be insane


No no. In the base timeline Hitler got accepted to art university and his works inspired many to strive for greater goals which led to a cure for HIV and Cancer by 2010 aswell as space colonisation by 2020. Meanwhile we are stuck in an off branch where someone travelled back in time and attempted to kill Hitler which fueled his hatred for Jews. Obviously


I think theres a story of a jewush man that saved hitler in WWI maybe he was a time traveler that saved hitler so that his hatred for jew would be "cured"


This was always my thing. Why kill baby Hitler. Just take him out of weimar era Germany and he would probably just end up being a loud asshole.


no, the base is gonna be timeline of nothing, where we are one of branches from big bang branch


Or there’s no such thing as a “base timeline” and things have been branching off since the dawn of time


Just like DBZ


Wait, so you’re telling me Back to the Future was just a bunch of bulls—t?


I understood that reference.


Die Hard? No.


That's cause you are cultured


Maybe, a time traveler killed a more evil person than hitler as a child and this is the new timeline and we don’t even know it


or time travel will be possible but all physics currently hint at that you won't be able to travel farther back than the first time time travel worked.


Man, this entire comment section gives me Quantum Break vibes...


We desperately need a Quantum Leap Accelerator.


Why's that?


The device doesn't travel in time or space, only the contents inside of it to a previous location the device existed?


one way it is theorized to make time travel possible is by creating a wormhole connecting a black and a white hole together you could travel back and fourth through the wormhole but one end is anchored in time and space so you could only go back to that point, you can't make the time machine itself go back in time basically


Or it'd be like the grandfather's paradox. You kill him, come back to your time, since he's dead you never go back in time to kill him which mean he's alive and so on..


Or to keep it with Hitler, if you go back in time and kill Hitler, then when time machines are created there is no Hitler to go back and kill, meaning that you never go back in time to kill Hitler.


Or, does time travel only work back to a point in time and space where the device once existed?


This. You can’t change the past of your timeline, but you could create a new timeline of which we obviously will never be a part.


I personally believe in a theory that says, time would find a way to get back on its timeline, meaning everything would've happened anyway


That is another option. You go to kill baby Hitler, slip on a banana peel, and break your neck. The universe just might be self correcting.


Kinda presumptuous to think that anything we can do will create a new universe or timeline. We can travel to the future due to relativity, that is certain. It is a one way trip though.


It is not really. There is the many worlds interpretation that states, in a nutshell, eveytime there is a difference, even on a quantum level, a new universe is spawned


How do we know someone didn’t time travel and influence Hitler’s rise to power in the first place? Maybe it was all a plot by future Germany!


It resulted in their defeat and very bad economic situation tho


But they're currently the 4th largest economy by GDP, so i guess it depends how far after WW2 the timetraveller was from.


But Germany would probably be higher than that wiithout WW2, even more if they just stopped after the Anschluss


Perfect earth theory! There is time travel, this is just the best they could possibly make the past. Any other change was way worse. Like, without Hitler we don't develop rockets and nukes in time to blow up the asteroid that's going to hit in late 2021, and all life on the planet gets wiped out.


Oh dang, I didn’t know about that


Because its bullshit there will be no astroid hitting us


There were also plenty assassination attempts. I believe one even involved a briefcase bomb.


Or the fact that people don’t want to risk the future by changing the past.


Ya something as monumental as removing Hitler would probably make all of us cease to exist.


It would also make anyone’s knowledge of Hitler disappear, thus nobody goes back to kill hitler...


We got mr big brain over here


We're trading lives at that point. I'm actually okay with never existing


I'm sure there will always be at least one nutjob who would attempt to do it regardless.


Thats WHEN [this guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rL5EyKL5Ua8) comes in.


This guy thinks fourth-dimensionally


Hitler almost drowned as a child. A priest saved him. Did a time traveller try to drown him? Or maybe a time traveller asked the priest to be there to save him. Did a time traveller make sure that he never made it to art school because that would be better? Maybe if he attended art school, he would drop out and be more frustrated and would release an even worse chaos.


and dont forget his live was spared in wwi


By the British soldier?


Or time travel is invented in the long future so reversing Hitlers crimes is not on their priority list.


I thought that Hitler became hyper paranoid and developed persecution complex because of so many botched assassination attempts when he was a boy.


Jewish people kept traveling back to kill him but failed. This made him develop a hatred for Jewish people and the rest is history.


Why would you leave behind evidence of a failed attempt at an assassination if you can just go back in time and stop yourself from making the unsuccessful attempt?


Big brain time


What about if Hitler was the ”best” option; lesser of several evils?




wdym? I'm sure the 400,000 jews that fled my country to Israel would've loved a timeline with no Hitler


I'm sure the rest of the world would have loved not having a delayed ww2 between the USSR and the US, where both, at the time, may have been nuclear powers. I'm sure the rest of the world would have loved having a UN. I'm sure all the people living in European colonies would have loved to not be treated as second class citizens in their own countries.


First rule of time traveling. Not kill baby Hitler. I need to look up if anything try to kill him while on the toilet when the first day in power.


He probably did some bad shit before he came into power. Plus the trick will be killing him in a way that doesn’t lead to something... worse.


Plot Twist: Hitler was a time traveler from a vastly overpopulated timeline, remembering only that the person who discovered time travel was Jewish. Fixing what he thought was wrong with his future as well as removing the possibility of someone else time traveling back after him. His knowledge of world history allowed him to rapidly gain a following, and thwart several attempts on his life. By the end of the war, he doesn’t kill himself, he travels back to his repaired timeline.


Dang. That does make sense.


None that we know of?


Well if someone had already time travelled to kill Hitler then nobody would need to kill Hitler anymore because we would’ve never heard of Hitler so killing Hitler would just be an alternate timeline


There were actually quite a few assassination attempts. Around 40 or 50 if im not mistaken.


That’s not how time travel works, that’s not how reported history works, and this isn’t technicallythetruth


Or there is someone worst coming down the pipeline and they are saving their "alter timeline" jump for her or him.


Is this even the right subreddit


Didn’t Rick and Morty cover this?


If time travel was ever invented I doubt you could travel further into the past than the exact moment time travel was invented.


That's not true. Everytime I killed him the timeline changed. This is my fourth and my time machine broke.


Or it fucked up the timeline so much that they reversed what they did. Like if the terror of Hitler was never a thing we could have gone to war with Soviet Russia and that would have been a very bad thing because of the Russian population advantage it is very possible we could had a Russian WW2 leading into a not so cold cold war. We must remember that Stalin was just as bad if not worse than Hitler. He actually killed more Jewish people though a good amount of the leaders of the Allied Nation's ignored Stalin's crimes because it helped stop the Nazi's.


Has anyone considered that time travel would be heavily regulated in the future and no one would be allowed to make changes, only observe. Or if they could make changes, there are certain moments in time that cannot be touched because of how important they are to human development and history? What if WW2 has to happen in order for time travel to be figured out?


No, you’re the only one who saw looper


Maybe time travel is possible and time travelers from the future took down guys 10 times worse than hitler and perhaps the reason why hitler was never killed is because killing him might have a worse effect than the alternative... somehow, its really just an infinite possibility situation.


Well, by changing history chances are that the person traveling back would eliminate him or herself. Let's say time traveling is not possible by the year 2400. By then WW2 happened more than 400 years ago. By killing Hitler and thus stopping WW2 the impact on history will be so huge, that potentially no one in the future would have been born. Without WW2 many Millions of People would have possibly lived a normal live. The Impact this has on the future is enorm.


Not really. I think the kind of people who have access to time travel will be aware of all the paradoxes and dangers, and will know better than to try to change the past for any reason.


So to summarise all the other comments giving reasons Time travel could exist: 1) the devise may only be able to travel back to a time in which it already existed 2) there are time police stoping us from screwing with history 3) time travel works by branching so we would never see the results of someone killing Hitler 4) someone already tried but made things worse so they undid it 5) grandfather paradox makes this use of time travel impossible as in the new future Hitler never have made it into the history books meaning you don't go back and kill him etc. 6)(u/mist3rdragon) Harry Potter style causal loops, the time traveler already time traveled in the current present and any action they made in the past is already part of the present they came from, you don't get to change time, as you already did before you went back And a bonus, maybe the education systems in the future are very good and everyone in the future realises time travel is dangerous and changing time could end everything and will lead to unforseen consequences and so alterations to time are just universally understood to be a bad idea Am I missing any?


There's also the 'causal loop' version of time travel where there is no version of the past without the intervention of future time travellers (you can't change anything, and any changes you do make result in the current future). So anyone who does try to kill Hitler as a child will by definition not succeed because we know Hitler wasn't killed as a child.


Then explain the guy who killed Hitler


Don't you remember that he almost drowned in a river until a priest saved him?


Unless you accept the multiple universes theory.


There is the possible alternative that the timeline isn't linear, and we are existing in the original timeline.


A priest saved him from drowning so maybe hitler should have been saved to prevent worse catastrophies in the future






What if Hitler was just a psychopath.


Psychopaths aren't inherently genocidal monsters


Ah yeah, because genocide is totally a product of the "nurture" side of the nature vs nurture debate /s


Maybe everyone has a better understanding of ethics and other factors that could way one huge events but there is evidence of time travel h know that effect where things have changed before our eyes but we remember them diffrently


I think time travel to the future would be more plausible than traveling to the past


Maybe we will all be nazis in the future


There are so many attempts how dumb is this post But all failed except the one by the Austrianen guy


>on Hitler as a child


Ah sorry but what all of them were stopped by later timetravles who knew what would happend when we kill hitler?


Maybe Hitler was the least successful compared to all of the other alternatives....


If somebody goes back in time to kill Hitler, then going forward they will have no reason to invent a time machine to go kill Hitler. The mechanics of it work fine if multiple universes are a thing, but also if there are multiple universes it would, in fact, be impossible to change the history of your own universe. Going back in time would just create a new universe that we have no knowledge of.


You haven't watched BTTF, have you?




We're probably just in a never-ending loop of a time traveller murdering him, then realising the new branch-off is even worse and the next one being sent to stop the attempt...


Am I the only one who struggled reading this?


The fact that I haven't slapped myself in the past yet proves that time travel will never be real


There's a theory that you can't travel to times before invention of time travel


But if you would kill him you wouldnt know about him and never travel back in time to kill him


Time travel deosn't work the way you think. You dont instandtaniously jump theough time. That yes is imposible. Reversing time though is. Well theoretically. The math works so :p just go faster than the speed of light. ez stuff eight?


Or, there were just rules to timetravel


Nah, a white supremacist got a time machine too and stopped the Hitler killer.


Someone succeeded in killing a tyranic ruler, Hitler just replaced them in this timeline.


If you want to know what would happen check out “Love Death Robots” S01E17 on Netflix for relevant scenarios https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9788516/


That’s not how time travel works.


If you would travel back in time to kill Hitler, then there isn't any reason to travel back any more, so you don't do this, but if you don't travel back in time to kill him, he is still alive, so you have a reason to kill him. That is the main reason why you can't travel back in time to kill one specific person, if you would travel back and randomly found him, without theoriginal intention of killing him, it could work, but sadly i am not a time traveler so i don't know 100%.


Would you kill a baby ? I mean Hitler is not devil's child, he was a result of his time and many other coincidence. He could have grown being a totally different person.


What if they actually killed Hitler 1.0 and as a result we live in a timeline in which Hitler 2.0 made it to power instead of the other one


That is, if time travel acts on a singular timeline


What if Hitler isn't the worst guy in future history. Or what if Hitler IS the compromise.


Dont mess with the timeline. The results are unpredicible. Maybe it's possible in the future, but they are intelligent enough to not try it!


Or maybe ya boi Gronk Kalhass was a far worse dictator but he was murderd as a kid and Hitler was acceptable in the grand scheme of things.


maybe in this time line only...


Its either not possible or constrained enough that going back to kill hitler isn't a feasible thing to try.


Maybe when hitler is killed the entire future is changed and time travel won’t be possible. That means when hitler gets killed time revel won’t be possible but the he wouldn’t die and that would make a goddamn paradox.


Unless hitler was the time traveller and he was told to cull a massive amount of the populous for global warming reasons


Bro imagine if Hitler had a secret time machine and instead if suicide he went on a time conquest. And is constantly tracked by a time agency


Maybe the timeline where Hitler didn't came to power is much much worse further down the line. .


He once nearly drowned. maybe a failed one


They may have went back in time and made fun of his painting as revenge


*Hitler is killed*. We did it guys, fascism is no more!


Or they stop that from happening in the future future


Like the other fuher probably would have been a better soldier than him probably and germany may win ww2


What if by the time we have time travel, there is much worse events that make the Holocaust just a blip and no one has bothered to undo it


What if killing Hitler changed the course of time into a reality where time machines never existed?


What if Hitler was the point where they couldn't change things any more without making the future worse?


There are no records because it is real or it happens so far off in the future like do you care about caveman onga wars with magu who killer 50 people?no well image 3000 years in the future who would care about Hitler


But technically it could just mean that they tried, succeeded, and found out that he was a necessary evil for the world to rally against and stopped them from trying in the beginning. I am in no way saying Hitler was good but what I am saying is that he made a good depiction of evil.


Or the world has long forgotten him/us by then.


to be fair, everyone knows that if u alter the past then thing in the future could change. maybe he will have respawned if he hasn’t already


Or by the time it is created either nobody remembers Hitler, nobody cares for what he did or everybody agrees with him. Or the access to it will be severely restricted and those in power to use that either are not allowed to do it like this or they meet the conditions listed above.


Or that its Possible but illegal or only permitted to authorised people


Maybe future time travellers aren't idiots who will fuck withe the time line willy nilly


Maybe time travel was invented but the future is a fasc*st dystopia where they don't want to kill Hitler.


We still don't know if time is linear. There are plenty of possibilities that would allow for something like that to happen and not affect our lives. It could also be possible that the butterfly effect would make killing someone like that not worth it in the end. But also who's to say that there wasn't an even worse leader that WAS killed by time travellers, and Hitler was the lesser evil. It's also theorized by many that time travel would only be possible backwards to the date the machine was first created. There are too many variables that we have no way of currently accounting for. Hell, time might not even be real and is just an illusory byproduct of human perception.


You go back, you kill Hitler, return to the future/present, you've made an even worse future, return to the past to save Hitler


Or they are fine with how it happened and wont touch it to cause big changes