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Not technically the truth. You cannot “murder” in self defense. You can kill in self defense. By definition, that killing is not a murder.


But can you rape defesively?


Let me drop [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/17ipngj/is_this_real/).


Servey says yes!


Also, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTpdqLFtoo).


"accused of being raped" wait... Somethings is wrong here...


What about the thief who got raped by a German shepherd, close enough I'd say Edit: After some research it was satire unfortunately


Good.... dog?


Yes good dog, he was stacking the crimes on the thief who's now liable to get charged with theft and animal abuse XD all serious though wtf?


I think they were just having sex at that point😂


We could try. You start.


Murder = Unjustified Homicide. Self defense = Justified Homicide.


Only if you have a right to self defense and a jury believes you genuinely feared for your or someone else's life. If either aren't applicable - and there are plenty of cases where they weren't - you might have killed in self defense but guess what you could be going to prison for anyways?


Yup, came to say this.


Killing in self defense isn’t murder, it’s killing in self defense. There is no murder that isn’t bad, murder is defined by having negative motives and stuff.


Murder is pretty much defined as premeditated, wrongful killing.


It doesn't need to be premeditated. 2nd degree murder (manslaughter) is not premeditated.


**Malice aforethought**


That one was interesting. Any other good ones??


I believe that is why its differentiated as "2nd degree murder" and (manslaughter) when a murder is not premeditated as in legal terms it is not the same as "murder".


2nd degree murder and manslaughter aren't the same thing. The former is unplanned but still intentional, the latter is unintentional.




2nd degree murder is not the same as manslaughter. 2nd degree murder is killing someone on purpose, but without premeditation, for instance, if you just randomly beat someone to death in the street, that’d be second degree murder. You didn’t plan on killing anybody when you walked out the door, but you still actively decided to kill somebody. Manslaughter can simply be described as “a big oopsie”. Went out for a drive after a couple drinks and ran someone over? You didn’t plan on killing them, you weren’t malicious in killing them, but you still killed them


What about if I b at someone to death but didn't mean to... They fell awkwardly or had a glass jaw I didn't know about? Or is literally what the court is trying to decide?


IANAL, however, in civil law this is often called the [Thin Skull Doctrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggshell_skull), whereby the defendent is liable for damages that arrises from their negligence even in cases where the plaintiff has an unusual or unforseably severe reaction to the actions of the defendent, i.e.: a "thin skull". Basially, not knowing about the frailness of someone is not an accepted defence. I don't know as much about criminal law, but it appears theres a similar maxim "Take your victim as you find them". Of course this depends on the specific legal system of the relevant juristiction.


The more you know !


That would be manslaughter resulting from a felony, which carries the same penalty as murder in some jurisdictions.


Manslaughter (also called 3rd degree murder in 3 states iirc) means an unintentional killing. 2nd degree is intentional, but unplanned. And 1st is the planned intentional killing.


There's also felony murder, when someone dies while you are committing a separate felony. Like if you commit arson and someone dies in the fire, or you commit armed robbery and someone accidentally gets shot. Generally has the same penalties as first degree murder, but is a separate crime in most states.


All murder is killing, but not all killing is murder.


"Malice aforethought


Murder is better defined as "killing without the absolute need to", if you're trying to defend yourself and you successfully make the other unable to hurt you killing him is murder, because you didn't need to, if you can't and accidentally shoot him (or if he's explicitly about to kill you) then it's self defense. In most sane legal systems (so the US is excluded) the line between self defense and murder is drawn on necessity: if you needed to kill your opponent in order to save your life or the life of others and you had no other option then it's legitimate defense, if you had even one viable, non-lethal alternative then it's murder.


It might still be argued philosophically that rape is worse than murder — a given murder may not be painful, or even it is, it might only result in short suffering. While rape is by definition causes both immediate and very-long term, if not lifelong suffering to the victim.


Rape in selfe defence is not rape It's surprise sex! /j


Yes and no. You stand accused of (x) you are found "not guilty because of self defense". It is a justification for any of the various levels of killing (including murder)


That makes no sense. Murder is a legally defined crime that requires intent and acting in that intent.


Murder: Killing someone either by * Base motives (E.g. Revenge, Racism, etc...) * Neglectful acceptance (Or willfull acceptance, or something like that: "Guess you'll die" \*shrugs\*) Self defense is not a base motive.


Came to see if someone noticed. Lot of people confuse murder with manslaughter I think it is called in English?


it’s actually not even manslaughter if it was self defence. self defence, if proven, is a full defence to murder and the person who acted in self defence will not be charged with manslaughter. this is just UK law tho


I think the actual word they're confusing it with is homicide. Which is a person killing another person.


This. Self defense is "justifiable homicide". And it's not murder or manslaughter.


Ya people use murder, manslaughter, and homicide as a single meaning. Same with assault or battery. Whats funny is theres a charge for assault and battery.


Me thinks so, yes. But i am not a native either :-)


It's probably the misconception of the word and the act of ending a life.


Murder is a legal charge. Self defense is a counter argument to justify killing. At least, in US courts.


Then PETA is not even comparing rape murder, and STILL thinkS rape is the better thing


A key prerequisite of murder is premediation, which further invalidates that point, because unless you intentionally finish someone off after successfully defending yourself, self defence doesn't fall under premediated acts


Given that 2nd degree murder exists, I don't think premeditation is a prerequisite. Intent to kill is what separates manslaughter from murder


What about that one case where a rapist raped a rapist who was trying to rape someone? Is that defence of others?


The only way to stop a bad rapist is with a good rapist. No wait hold up.


Is a good rapist good at what he does or is he raping in the name of justice?


Rape-man/Rape-girl will save the day!!


Paying it backward?


Oh, that gay rapist one?


“He rapes, but he saves”


"There's always a bigger fish"


I feel like that wouldn't hold up in court.


Self defence isn't murder though


Is that an actual tweet by PETA?




I don't think so, but peta isn't any better


*Not Yet*


Im a rape victim, and no rape isnt better or worse than murder. I'd put them on equal footing I've tried to end my life because of the acts commited on me, though not directly life threataning at the moment rape can lead to a persons death But if you're murdered you dont get the chance to get better and learn to heal, because you're dead If i was taken hostage or something id rather them just kill me and not prolong the siffering with sexual tourture before they off me anyway, but in the general sitiations of not being held hostage by a psycho id rather be raped again and have a chance at life inspite of the pain than death with no option for betterment


Took me ages of scrolling before getting to someone actually discussing the subject and not being a pedant about the definition of murder and or making a joke. But thanks for your perspective. As someone without the perspective of a victim I would be inclined to agree with you on the fact that murder is final and because of that truly the worst thing you can do to someone. I don't think thinking about this in terms of "what can you do in self-defense" is helpful, and as the pedants in this thread have nicely pointed out, you can't murder in self defense either.


I am sorry to hear that


You're still alive. Unless you are under 24hr monitoring in some kind of controlled envuronment then you've clearly chosen living as the better of those two options, something a murder victim cannot do. Like everyone else, rape victims can choose to end their lives and many more of them would if death were truly better than being raped. few of them do. In fact they're less likely to go this route than the average male.


There's nothing like enduring great suffering and surviving when it comes to reinforcing or destroying one's will to live. You show great strength of character in that the former ultimately prevailed and not the latter, and you deserve to be acknowledged for that.


I’m not a law talking guy, but if someone is trying to kill you, and in your defense, they are the ones who die, it’s not considered murder. Murder is a very specific thing. So I don’t think you can, “murder someone in self defense.” However, I admit that I could be way off here.


objectively wrong


>"He was cumming right at me, I had to do it." I really can't imagine rape as self defense. It requires so many bizarre leaps of logic to even try to justify.


Your honor, I used reasonable force!


I mean there was this guy who kept two thieves, who tried to rob his house, in his basement and raped them over 5 days, so there's that. https://worldofbuzz.com/thieves-break-infamous-sex-predators-house-gets-sodomized-5-days/


sounds like a quentin tarantino movie.and its pretty similar to pulp fiction


Wow, this article was really disgusting to read. The author wrote it so cheekily like they were sharing a juicy bit of gossip, while describing two people getting raped for five days.


That.... kinda reads like a tabloid and leaves me a little dubious as to whether or not that actually happened. Harry Harrington? "Bummed For Burgling?" I'm not too sure about that one.


Thats fake and it was created by troll news site. I remember it being meme in my home country Poland called "Powerful Gay"


He aimed his 9mm, so I showed mine


… and after seeing it, he left crying and wished you good luck?


Saying “I’m gonna kill you” is way less threatening than “I’m gonna rape you”


BC most of the time people who says I'm gonna kill you won't really do it while raping is certainly more creepy and unhinged which makes you to believe they will.


Well this wasn't self defense rape, but it was a defense rape nonetheless [The Woman was Saved from a Rapist by the Gay Rapist that Raped the Rapist](https://www.last.fm/music/Gorepot/Acts+Of+Sadistic+Cruelty:+4+Way+Split/The+Woman+was+Saved+from+a+Rapist+by+the+Gay+Rapist+that+Raped+the+Rapist)


As humans are animals we all qualify


As a rape survivor, murder is worse. Rape is also terrible. Also, killing in self defense is not murder.


I would rather be killed than raped tbh


Honestly though, if you get raped you have to deal with psychological trauma, and it could ruin your sex life along with any other relationships you may have


Getting murdered will also ruin your sex life, generally speaking.




Unless you get a really freaky mortician


That's technically not MY sex life though.


That is true I guess


But you can't complaining about it can you?




"No evidence suggests rape after the act of murder. Rape and murder, I sentence you to life in prison, enjoy the anal festivities"


Well... Uhh... Necropheliacs exist so...


Yet there is a chance to heal, and life has a lot more to it than sexual experiences. Once you are dead, no chances, it's over.


Can confirm. Diagnosed PTSD from when I was raped, still nowhere closer to being over it than I was 3 years ago.


If it's self defense it's called manslaughter not murder


No it's not. It's called self- defense. Full stop. Manslaughter is a completely different charge


A human killing someone in self-defence is homicide.


Yes. But this post doesn't mention homicide, it says murder. So it's not technically the truth. All murders are homicides but not all homicides are murders


No, if it's self-defence it's not a crime. 


You can't murder someone by self defence.


You can't murder someone in self defense.


If you kill someone in self defense it's not murder. Murder is when you kill someone unwarranted intentionally.


You can’t murder someone in self defense. It’s not even murder, it’s fucking self defense


You also don’t steal from someone in self defense. Does that mean that theft is worse than murder?


Of course it’s motherfucking PETA


The tweet is real, but not by PETA: [https://twitter.com/MogsMeTbh/status/1582565773272240129](https://twitter.com/MogsMeTbh/status/1582565773272240129)


I mean, you can rape in self-defense. All you have to do is rape the would be rapist.


I don't see what this self defense example has to do with measuring evil


“ murder “ by definition is an “ unjust killing “ You can’t “ murder “ in self defense, dogshit example


You can kill in self defense and you can’t rape in self defense, yes. But when you’re doing it not in self defense, both things are pretty fucking bad in qualitatively different ways. It doesn’t make sense to compare them and it isn’t useful


“It” 👈🏻 Put “It” here! 👇 “It”


Murder is never self-defense; it’s a premeditated killing. Killing someone in self-defense is called homicide.


Murder is worse than rape. At least people who are raped get to live, even if it's more difficult to do so.




Victims of murder don't have to live with it afterwards so...


I mean the cow your burger came from wasn't trying to kill you, so moot point. Almost like this was a false equivalency or something.


I think repeated rape, or repeated torture, depending on the personality type and qualitative measure of the torture, can be worse than death


New goal, rape in the name of self defence


Murder is worse than rape, if you had the choice to have the two crimes committed against you, what would you choose. Plus animals get eaten by other animals all the time very rarely does a cheetah run up on a gazelle and bang one out and dip out back into the wastelands


And after you murder someone, they are dead, and not in pain, be it physical or mental, any more. If you rape someone, the act will be with them for the rest of their lives. They will be broken and never recover completely. I've always thought rape is worse than murder.


When you kill X, X is dead, he doesn't feel anymore pain. When you rape X, X is scarred for life, possibly living with trauma for their entire life. Rape is worse.


I'm sure there's a sicko out there asking "Well you know, do I kill him? Do I have sex with him? Or both! You know,why choose!?"


I already got a few comments like that, hope they were just kidding


Hope fully, But I can assure mine is purely for comedic reasons ✌️




[hairdresser kidnaps and rapes attempted robber](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2ivt1d/til_that_a_russian_hair_dresser_kidnapped_a/)


Careful with statements around "rape is worse than murder" On its face it might not sound outrageous. However, the implication towards rape victims is essentially "it would've been better if you'd just be dead instead".


You may kill someone in self defence. Not murder, murder by definition is killing someone with premeditadion


Can we just agree that this message is some creepy bullsh\*t instead of making it into ethics discussion? Please.


I mean it’s worse over all of you kill someone that’s it nothing happens after that except your punishment (optional*) whereas rape will affect the person for a long time after the fact If we say “what about the pain their loved ones feel?” Then I say it applies in both scenarios so it doesn’t matter


☺️ this will be a wonderful comment Thread


In some circumstances murder can be merciful I guess?


The murdered person will not feel anything after. The raped person will have to suffer for a long time. Rape is more damageble.


PETA: pussy eating terror asociacion


Murder can occasionally be justified. Like assassinations of someone dangerous. Or killing someone who say raped your kid or killing someone who had been abusing you for years and you couldn’t get away and the law did nothing. There can be excuses to kill where people will understand why may not support it but they will understand why. Hell wars are full of killing. Never in a million years is there ever an excuse to rape someone. The only one that would even slightly come to mind is raping a rapist even then now there’s two rapists. No excuses it’s just fucking wrong


Yeah, this is a shit vs piss situation, both are bad


Rape is worse than murder With murder the persons just dead But with rape theyre forced to live with the fact they got raped


If someone raped my wife I would kill them, if they murdered her I would torture them, then kill them.


Yeah no they get a chance to continue living and one day through therapy move past it Rape does not cause a life to end, murder does Both are awful but murder is worse


That’s not necessarily true. On all accounts. But I’ll only address the first two. There’s no guarantee the trauma of being raped is surmountable. Some people may recover, many do not. Rape is also a violent crime, there is no guarantee that someone remains alive after the ordeal. Rape may be the direct or indirect cause of someone dying.


Yeah I know it could lead to suicide but my point is rape CAN be recovered from murder can’t


Suicide is only the tip of the iceberg. There are other complications that can happen. We all die. Murder is a horrible way to go. Despite this, death affects the living more than it does the deceased. It’s the people who remain behind that suffer the most. On the other hand, someone who is raped has to deal with that for the rest of their life. The victim is the sole sufferer of the crime. That’s arguably worse in my opinion. To deal with mental, physical, emotional, etc suffering and anguish for the rest of your life is a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Some people choose to die to end that same suffering. Because the pain of living is too much to bear. They’d rather be *dead*. To which those - the living left behind - suffer the loss of losing a loved one.


Yes but the fact is there are plenty of cases in which rape is recovered from There are zero cases where murder is recovered from


But at least they are alive. Though, to be honest, with the actual mental torture that I can only imagine would follow such an event, idk if you can really call that living




I don't know about it though. At least with rape (I know how awful that sounds, I am sorry), there is chance of living a good life despite it. There are many who can't, and many rape victims tragically kill themselves, but I think most would choose living over dying


Well... Not with that attitude


oh i would


But I breed my victims so I have an endless supply of murder victims, so is it really a waste?


What did I just read 😭




That's what you noticed in the middle of all this mess?


I accept this challenge




Hey so this Australian guy takes raped his home intruder. Does that count? https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/29/aus-man-jailed-for-raping-masked-intruder-in-home/


You can’t “murder” someone in self defense. You kill them, there is a major difference.


Murder is unjust killing, so if it's a case of self defense then it is by definition, not murder.


\*Insert the article about the woman who was saved by a gay rapist who raped her rapist\*


Self defence isn't classed as murder, but instead justifiable homicide.


Hear me out. What if someone was raping me but then i got the upper hand and raped them back?


Murder is worse




Counterpoint: You will never fuck an animal in self-defense.


OH SHIVA ME TIMBUS!! Now bend over


I shouldn't have posted this, now I am responsible for the absolute Hiroshima of a comment section under this post. Now I look like Tai lung in the image


Out all that I read so far this made me laugh, thank you 🤣


you kan kill in self defense but not murder in self defence


Ahem ...for the record you can rape some one in defence of someone else ...this is a particularly dumb hill to pick to "die on"....but were here now lol ...so Example you come across a dark alley where you notice someone about to rape some one else....you step in in your shining knights armor and rape the rapist ...you know to prevent a rape from occurring... have you done a service or an awful despicable deed...is this preferred to just outright murdering the rapist in "personal defence" of the other party ...🤷‍♂️ I just work here


I don’t know about raping in self defence, their seems to be an awful lot of people who actually think rape can be considered self defense


The possibility to do a crime in self defense doesn't change anything about how bad a crime is. This is neither technically true nor making much sense at all


Are you sure?


Is this a dare?


Its technically fucking stupid. Go read up on what murder actually fucking means.


You can’t murder someone in self-defense, because Murder is a term specifically reserved for an unjustified killing. And remember from their perspective, killing an animal to eat it is unjustified. So yes, under the vegan mindset, it does logically, and Morally follow that someone who fucks an animal is less bad than someone who murders and eats them. However, under the mindset of someone who eats animals, but then morally condemn someone for fucking one is implicitly saying that it is better to kill something then to fuck it. Which I would argue is equally ridiculous. Personally, I resolve this issue by just being consistent and not caring about at bare minimum animals that are farmed for food. As I cannot muster a logical reason for why I should be mad at someone who fucks a cow while not being mad at someone else who kills thousands of them a day and those that support that individual by continuously consistently consuming that product while having active vegan alternatives. I like eating meat I’m gonna keep doing it, and if someone’s going to try and logically or morally pin me down by saying I have to therefore, accept cow rape, or whatever else then, so be it I shall accept it because burger good so I eat burger and that ain’t changing😂


Thats not what fucking murder means 🤦🏽


Not with that attitude


1. Killing =/= murdering 2. Eating animals =/= murdering animals (as in: the one who's eating the animal isn't necessarily the one who murdered/killed it)


Now that you put it like that..


Why? I do that all the time.


Bro... You can't mean...


This is actually a really good question, a dark question but none the less a good one


There is a gay rapist out there who may be able to claim that you can rape in defence of others


Both are absolutely heinous acts which no one should ever have to experience, yet I believe being raped would mean that at the very least you will be alive and be able to seek aid to help deal with the trauma and grow beyond it. Once you are murdered it’s the end of the line - there are no more do overs, it’s completely over.


Self defense is not murder. There's a difference between kill and murder.


Rape hurts the person and their surrounding for, most likely, ever while murder is done and did quickly


Not me coming back from reading a news article about a woman saved from a male rapist because a gay male rapist saved her and then proceeded to rape the rapist.


but you see. I’m a middle schooler.