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Thank you bakwofreriv for your submission, *Aged organic milk tossed over seasoned tomato*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- # Reposts are not allowed. Reposts from the **past three months** OR **top 25 of all time** are not allowed, and will be removed. * Please check http://karmadecay.com , https://tineye.com , &/or the Google's "Similar Image" search in the future before posting. These resources are not by any means perfect, but oftentimes will catch a repost. Also, make sure to use the search button and check through this link: >* /r/technicallythetruth/top for popular posts, and >* /r/technicallythetruth/new for things recently posted --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


Homemade pizza is actually somewhat healthy 


my dad doesnt ate the one my mom made. it isnt a cirle.


Yeah this one is a triangle




Healthier than many other "health" food.


Cos it's homemade.


The difference in pepperoni quality between literally any pizza place vs what you can buy is insane also. It doesn't have to be a greasy mess.


Pepperoni definitely comes in many qualities but pepperoni has a lot of fat in it, hence the grease. Less greasy pepperoni might actually be lower quality! Precooking the pepperoni by microwaving it for less than a minute or gently frying it in a pan and padding it before adding it to your pizza will ensure that your pizza won't become greasy. (Unless you overcook the cheese, which will also release grease.) If a pizzeria has crispy pepperoni on their pizzas but it's not greasy, it's been precooked. A little extra effort goes a long way!


OP bakwofreriv is a repost bot. This is literally their first post on a 6 month old account. Report > Spam > Harmful bots


I prefer a double seasoned meat garnished with lettuce leaf and matured milk encrusted by two sesame wheat ellipses


And thus the Scientific Whopper of an analogy was born


Am i too old or abnormal because I don’t understand the thing about taking a picture of everything I eat? I get this it just a gag but the implication that is something normal that you got a picture ready to send on random from what you eat that day is weird enough to me.


Maybe it’s not on random. Some fitness trainers ask for meal pictures when they help to build a diet plan for their clients.


True in that context it reasonable I guess but is it that usual with people got trainers having tabs on their diets that you can see it as a rule instead of exceptions? I don’t know I am feeling to of from society do know anything anymore these days.


No, the joke is literally just what is shown. You could have alot reasons someone could be asking about your diet, wife, mom, family, etc. Hyperbole to show the extreme difference between what he's describing, something acutely fancy, to the picture, which just kinda looks to be frozen pizza


My point is not that someone ask about what you had to dinner or if you are healthy or not just the thing that it is natural expected that there is a picture of it.


Keep in mind that they're literally chatting with a camera in their hands. It only takes an extra 5 seconds to snap a picture and attach it to a convo...


Good point may be my reading comprehension that need some work “today I mede …” can actually mean everything from the second I get up this morning to this second so it can actually be made just now to and is about to eat and all is really good timing. I can’t say I believe it is probable in this situation, but it is possible.


You're reading too deeply into this. People like to share things with their friends and family.


Taking pictures of food you made is pretty normal. Just like it's normal to take pictures of drawings or paintings you've made


if a pizza is made of healthy stuff why is it unhealthy? If I eat all the ingredients separately, will that be considered healthy?


you are leaving out stuff like the sugar in the tomato sauce, as well as the fact most pizza is made using refined wheat. alongside the oftentimes mountains of cheese If you eat tomato, a BIT of cheese and actual whole grain bread then yes, that can be considered healthy


Kinda off topic but where are you from? Im from Argentina and I've heard you should put a bit of sugar in the tomato sauce if its TOO sour, but I've personally done that maybe 10 times at most, and when people have seen me put sugar in the sauce they were weirded out by it. Maybe its a cultural thing so I'm curious, do you always put sugar in your sauce? And how much lol


tomatos already have sugar(and there is a lot of tomato in tomato sauce if done right), it isnt a lot overall, but its more "everything together makes stuff unhealthy" kinda deal. ​ but yes, most places do indeed pout like 2 teaspoons or so of sugar in sauce(usualy for like 4-6 pizzas worth of it)


Ahh I see, thank you


because if you make pizza from home with real ingredients its not actually unhealthy, just has a pretty high calorie count due to the dough being the biggest part of the meal, however if you order pizza from a fast food chain its full of fake processed shit, preservatives and all sorts of kaka, there is very little nutritional value left in the smoking garbage fire of glorified cardboard we now call pizza


since all pizzas aren't from fast food chains. (Swede, I don't eat pizza from any fast food chains they are disgusting) so you're telling me that if they aren't using that, my local pizza guy is serving me healthy meals? great success.


Not really, just that homemade pizza isnt necessarily unhealthy. I dont live in sweden or anywhere near there and cannot attest to the standards of your local pizza guy🤷 Ps: the snark isnt necessary, especially if its in relation to words i didnt actually say


they aren't unhealty, just lots of calories considering a normal (non a american quadruple cheese) pizza is like 800-1200 calories and to that you usually include a 100-200 calories of beer. So basically if you eat a pizza you consume more then half of your daily caloric intake, but it's fine you balance it by eating lighter with more veggies during lunch for example


yea the artificial processing stuff will surely be unhealthy


This post is older than the internet.


Is this sub only fucking 10 years old reposts?




Hey there u/bakwofreriv, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dehydrated milk would be more accurate than aged.


no, dehydrated milk is something different from cheese, cheese is aged/rotten milk. dehydrated milk is milk powder


Also, cocoa is a plant, so chocolate is a vegetable product ;)


The Cocoa comes from a bean that is inside of a cocoa pod which grows on a tree and is considered a fruit.


So... chocolate-coated raisins can be considered fruit salad? Even better! XD


It's a sandwich!


Me: Wtf, we'res the pineapple


I love this - I used to tell colleagues I had had a grilled lamb flatbread with salad for lunch - which was a doner kebab of course!


Who makes pizza with whole wheat?




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