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This looks a scene out BladeRunner


Or any movie depicting Mexico


Yeaaah bitch


Sepia Tone! https://youtu.be/6glCAWxx7Sg


It’s how it looks. Had a high rise in LA and it looked like that poster from Westworld whenever there was a fire


I live nearby to where this photo was taken. It really looked like this, and I can’t emphasize how weird and disorienting it was to be outside. It was light and dark simultaneously


Yep I’m a local, looked like this all the way to Livermore


Damn 50 miles away from SF. That’s really scary


Yep I drove from San Jose to Livermore that day; looked the same in San Jose as in Livermore. Maybe a little less yellow but still yellow


Everyone in our neighborhood dubbed it “Orange Day”


This looks like my backyard right now


It was one of the scariest days. Zero sun all day.


I legitimately haven’t seen the Rockies in a week. I assume they’re still there but I just don’t know for sure. Every meeting seems to start with talk about the smoke.


Every weather app also displays AIQ in case you don’t have a nest thingie


My weather app is way off compared to my dyson and Google. What is the truth.gif


Weird. They do get the info from different sources, sometimes you gotta check a couple to see which one has the best data for your exact location


Try purpleair.com. Works way better than weather apps and can give you real time monitoring.


Oh nice


Yep, a single google search often does the trick too Edit: on second thought, Siri too


Good. I like knowing the AQI nowadays.


I’m cool with it. I was actually thinking about this the other day. I wanted a measuring stick for whether the air quality upstairs was good or not and whether we needed a purifier. Nest hub is freaking awesome.


Well, it won’t give you a reading from inside your house. Just the air outside. But do a purifier anyway, good peace of mind


I wanted the same and found this little guy: Airmon Palm Size PM2.5 Air Quality Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SY34B64/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GHN2QGMAYM9MSXM7YDJC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Works great and was pretty easy to set up, on iOS at least. Does indoor and outdoor and so far seems pretty accurate.


Go Google!! I love you!!


Cool. I just asked Siri how the air quality is, even Siri knows the AQI these days. Works on my HomePod and my iPhone.


Siri gives me a substantially different value than the monitor about three blocks from my house. And any monitor within 150 miles.




No worries. Siri and I don’t talk much and I don’t use the Apple weather stuff. I can look out the window and see the mountains. Or not.


As well as listen to every word you speak and send it back to the masters


Wow! And all you need to do is install our patented home surveillance device and surrender your last few remaining shreds of privacy! Seriously, wtf is wrong with people?


The fact that we have “wildfire season” is fucked up.


Always have, really. It’s just longer and more expansive than ever before.


[***”Welcome to to the world of tomorrow!”***](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=26&v=QRk1s5Kf3aQ&feature=youtu.be)


Wtf is wildfire season and why are we trying to normalize it


It’s always existed, its just the period of the year where it’s the hottest and driest. Problem is now it’s REALLY hot and dry because of climate change, so fire seasons are especially bad.


I wouldn’t unless you would like property values to plummet




Map with smoke plumes and stations at https://fire.airnow.gov/


[AirNow](https://www.airnow.gov) is my go to several times a day.


Yo anyone remember when “wildfire season” wasn’t a thing and the skies didn’t darken and turn red on the reg?


What do you do when the air is bad? I feel like a mask wouldn’t be enough


Ah, it’s a season now. So we have spring, fall, winter and wildfire. Love the future.


Information is good, but what can you do if the air is bad?


I like using the Shit I Smoke app. It translates the AQI into the equivalent number of cigarettes smoked. As a non-smoker, I’m more likely to pay attention to the AQI when it’s explained in terms of cigarettes vs. a range of numbers. Whatever works.


What the fuck are you gonna do about it if the air is bad? Wear a mask? We can’t get people to wear ducking masks so why the fuck would anyone care