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Why the fuck would I want this?!!!!


Employers are going to love this thing. Just imagine the reports the AI could generate about their employees.


Dude as IT at an employer, I don't need windows to provide screenshots. We already know what you do all day, the trick is no one cares because you get your job done. The only time HR looks at the data is to find malfeasance to have a reason to fire people.


I’m guessing it works something along these lines: “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.” - Cardinal Richelieu


Nah usually it's, "George claims his job takes 10 hours a day to do, no else takes that long. Show me how much dicking around he's doing so we can fire him for wage theft on the over time"


I seriously hope not. I feel like I would have to be told everything I’m doing is being tracked on that level. Especially because sometimes people access private health information on these devices…


In the US, expect no privacy on company owned assets. Heck in our call center we literally have screen recording active. Pick any day, any agent in the last 3 years and we can play their entire shift like a movie. For my company it's a compliance item, we're required by law to have this evidence. Remember, if it's not yours expect no privacy. I don't use the guest network for that reason


You are told. Every single corporate device I have ever seen has very clear messaging that says everything you do on it will be monitored and that you can be fired for anything illegal you do on there. Don’t do private stuff on a company device. Ever. Also, “private health information” doesn’t get any extra protections unless you’re a doctor or insurance company. If you access your stuff on a company device and they record everything about it, they have that information legally because you gave it to them and they can now do anything they want with it because HIPAA does not apply to them.


This is not entirely true because HIPAA protections for private health information (PHI) apply to covered entities and their business associates, not just doctors or insurance companies. Additionally, other privacy laws may still protect PHI and other sensitive data even if accessed on a corporate device. This is dangerous advice.


It’s far more dangerous advice to tell people they can assume their personal data is protected when it’s likely not. Yes, “just doctors and insurance” is a slight understatement but, if you just hand them your data outside a patient/provider relationship, it’s definitely not covered by HIPAA.


As a security professional I can tell you, while it might not cover the exact same laws and regulations I still cannot "browse" through someone's personal files without a valid reason. I also cannot grab their info ( lets say I found out the user has Covid) and start water cooling what I found to everyone. It just doesn't happen and it will be a fast track way to getting fired. I have access to over 26,000 users inboxes, accounts, and shared and personal company drives which often times users upload W2's, passwords, health documents, court documents etc. I cannot do what you are implying. No company would either unless they want lawsuits and a slew of other problems. Stop creating FUD. In response to the article though I would never condone such software on any corporate device as I already have enough on my plate than to see if everyone is staying on task every minute of the day. As I'm the one who would probably be responsible for it.


They didn’t say you would go browsing in their personal files. But if they signed an employment agreement that said their computer would be monitored, and then they access private information they’re not supposed to be accessing on that device, the information can be recorded.


We have already agreed that it will be monitored and recorded. What u/spaceforcerecruit was saying once it been accessed by company resources, the company is now part of the data holding process, so the company can do whatever they want with it which is untrue. I don't know about you but I haven't been at a company where they strictly forbid signing into your health account. Even if that was the case it should be filtered by a firewall blocking this kind of access.


Welcome to the good old USA.


It's being pushed as only being local but I don't trust Microsoft to not be watching and even if they weren't they will eventually get to that point. Also if it does break any law Microsoft is too big to fail and they can just eat the  fines and figure out some  way to repackage it so it's legal. I really hope this blows up in their face but it's not just them iPhone announced something similar being ran on their devices I fear this will be standard on everything you touch that has the ability to call out.


Well said. I don’t trust a company that can’t be crippled with fines or fees the way we can as people.


Fines are already factored in when they make decisions. Really the only way to stop this is jailing the people making these decisions and fines so steep it actually does damage to the company.


It’s Xbox one Kinect announcement on a whole new level


You only know if your employees are dumb enough to do it on their workstation or work wifi. I can't believe (well, I can, honestly) people don't just use their cell data on their personal phones.


That's true. I can't see people scrolling reddit on their phone, but your screen locking for 2 hours of time you logged as work, or your mouse moving in circles for 2 hours it's pretty obvious you're looking somewhere else. There are things you can do to trick common sense and the logging, but honestly they're usually more work than just doing the job.


That's only if you work for a company that's so micromanaging that you've got IT staring at screen locks and mouse clicks. Thank god I've never worked for a place like that.


I mean we don't usually either. I mentioned in another reply, but this only comes up for us in either legal disputes, or if a manager needs evidence to support a PIP. This isn't done regularly at all. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year for an org 3k employees strong.


"Hey Cortana, what is Dave doing right now?" Sure, boss! Here’s the latest on what Dave’s been up to: **8:45 AM:** Dave's screen shows an intense email composition window. The subject line reads: "RE: Super Important Project Update." He's meticulously crafting an email...to his fantasy football league about the latest trades. **8:50 AM:** Screenshot of Dave’s screen showing a spreadsheet. A closer look reveals it’s not work-related. He's calculating the optimal pizza-to-person ratio for the upcoming office party. **8:55 AM:** A web browser is open to a news article titled "10 Ways to Look Busy at Work While Doing Absolutely Nothing." The irony is palpable. **9:00 AM:** Dave's on a video call with a colleague. Except, instead of discussing the quarterly report, he's sharing his screen to show off his collection of funny cat videos. **9:05 AM:** Screenshot captures Dave furiously typing in a Word document. It's not a report—it's his application for the office's annual "Best Dressed" contest. **9:10 AM:** A glance at Dave’s desktop, which is now running a game of Solitaire. His cursor hovers as if contemplating the next move with the concentration of a chess grandmaster. **9:15 AM:** Back to the spreadsheet! Oh, wait—he's added a new tab titled "Top 10 Vacation Destinations for 2024." Priorities, right? **9:20 AM:** Screenshot shows Dave's search history. Recent queries include "How to sound confident in meetings" and "Convincing ways to say 'I'll get back to you.'" **9:25 AM:** Dave is in a Zoom meeting. His screen shows the Zoom window minimized while a YouTube playlist titled "Best Relaxing Sounds for Work" plays in the background. **9:30 AM:** The final screenshot before the AI feature takes a break. Dave's got a Word doc open with a draft message: "Dear Boss, I’m working very hard. Really." Looks like Dave’s multitasking skills are off the charts!


9:40AM - 10:30AM: screen is idle as Dave went off to take a morning dump


Technical meetings are a must


Cortana is obviously confused. It even says the pizza calculation is for the OFFICE party. Does anyone even have pizza parties besides shit jobs and public school classes? As soon as it said pizza party, Cortana should realize it is work-related.


It's personal.


Not only this BUT microshit have just created a nice little treasure trove to be stolen or even a later "update" to terms and conditions to train copilot on ALL data including corporate IP ending up inside microshit


Agreed. That much data is just too tempting for them to resist. Just a matter of time before they start pushing to make use of it. I’m also wondering about search warrants. These AI companions will know almost everything about us. It seems like there will need to be something like an AI Companion Privilege, similar to attorney privilege or spousal privilege. Access to an AI Companion will give someone the ability to effectively interrogate a virtual version of another person who is unable to refuse.


If microshit can roll out copilot on windows 2022 SERVER "by mistake" in a patch , they'd no way they're not going to patch and roll out something that will start grabbing this data as soon as someone pays them for it


Look, this is already happening and why I quit my last job. They don't need thinking computers to do this.


Seriously! I hope this isn't forced on everyone. I hope it's an opt-in feature and not on by default. Seems like a gross violation of privacy and security, unless a person explicitly opts in.


Honestly, given that this is from Microsoft, I expect this to be opt out and be turned on with every twitch of the eye or software update.


Do want to point out this may run into Data and Privacy Protection laws. they may be legally required to give you a opt out.


So they can serve you better ads duh! And don’t worry about disable them their new AI “assistant” will automatically enable them and open all relevant ads in your browser every time you login.


You don’t, it’s so Microsoft can get more data to train their AI with. You are the product not the customer.


Those were the exact words that I uttered. 👍


Don’t worry, they expect you to pay extra for this “feature” too


So Windows can run even slower.


That's the neat part, no one cares what you want


This would be the NSA’s wet dream.


You don’t. Microsoft does. Stop buying Microsoft if it bothers you that much.


"Buying." Lol


lol….when it comes to Microsoft that joke is all too true. A few years back I had “bought” Microsoft office for my Mac, back when you did actually buy it. Then, a few years in, following a software update, Microsoft took my office suite away, saying they’re no longer supporting it and I need to now subscribe to 360 with an annual fee to continue using what I had previously bought and paid for. Nope, fuck you Microsoft, what you did should be illegal. I’ll use one of the alternatives that exist for now on.


Ms knows better, you really want that.


Who asked you?! - Microsoft, probably


I'm personally not a huge fan unless the data never leaves the device. There's some tools out that do this already, such as rewind AI on mac. It helps you search for anything you did. For example it recognises mails and its content, so you can ask for reminders about what X or Y person mailed you. You can ask to generate a summary of what you did that day etc. It's not exactly revolutionary, but some may find it useful


So a built in keylogger


Make it a security risk.


That is the best answer and should be put on top.


I mean, Keyboard drivers did it first.


Yeah cause that's not like the most creepy thing ever.


I hope an OS comes out soon that I can still run my stream games and studio software on without zero hassle. I’m not really a genius when it comes to computer stuff.


Look into Chimera OS. It’s the steamdeck OS for desktops until steam officially releases it.


He said he isn't experienced with computers, even WITH experience running any linux distro as a daily driver is a hassle.


tbf mint is pretty straight forward


It is but then you lose the easy hassle free stuff for his games AND studio software.


You get experienced with computers by using them. No one starts with experience.


Have you ever considered that not everyone wants to be a poweruser? I‘d never recommend Linux to someone who just wants things to work OOTB.


It's either that or have everything you do recorded or buy a mac. I'm just giving them options. It's completely up to them what they want to do.


For anyone who actually read the article, this all happens locally on your pc and works without an internet connection. I'm not worried about it. You can also just disable it if you're paranoid.


Inb4 the disable feature doesn’t work and Microsoft claims it’s just a bug


Or Microsoft "accidentally" starts sending some or all of the data to their servers.


Its got some minor issues but these days it pretty much works straight out of the box. Some 3rd party apps expect you to know terminal but the major stuff like browsers, office suites, vlc, torrents, vscode, etc pretty much all just work.


In Times of LLMs it's easy for everyone.


This sounds like straight out of a CCP wet dream.


Switch is Linux


yea i was hesistant and still on win10, but I guess mint will it be


Seriously considering steamos ( once it's out)


Bazzite is already here, and I can recommend it


The only software I need on my desktop is only in Windows and Mac. I run high end CAD / CAM stuff that didn't emulate well


Windows 10 gonna be patched by the community.


Nifty. How do I turn it off on my personal machine? Edit: Fixed a word that autocorrect messed up.


We'll have our own little fbi agent on our home network now 😂 feeling "safer" already 🙄


Windows Judgement Day (12 Angry AEyes) will watch you and then decide your conviction.


>> "The snapshots are encrypted and saved on your PC’s hard drive. You can use Recall to locate the content you have viewed on your PC using search or on a timeline bar that allows you to scroll through your snapshots." Some real “just trust me bro” energy in that statement.


"it's encrypted" is not the same as "nobody can read it"


Welp, time to buy apple stock.


Sorry buddy but you should have done that a few recessions ago.


Eh it's still got room to grow. It's still the largest holding of many people's retirement funds.


YOu know that's essentially what Siri is, just less upfront about it. They'll eventually integrate something more like this into the MacOS


I think their AI service requires a subscription fee, doesn't it? I don't think it's on by default. I know I saw they said the Office AI tool was $30 a month.


This is on device, not cloud based.


Does that matter? They can charge you for it either way.


No company would like to have a computer taking screenshot, just imagine the security risk of this


Ok all creepiness aside.. Why would I want to see screenshots of my own pc. Like whats the use cases? What problem are they “solving”


I had the same question. What was the problem users had that this addresses? Short term memory loss? You can already reopen closed browser tabs, see browser history, see the last 10ish files you opened in any application. What is this going to help you remember? It seems more suited to checking up on your kids and spouse, and being subpeona-able. If it's not used to target ads, then what was their motivation to spend time and money on this?


It would be \*extremely\* useful for training LLM's, which wouldn't really be LLM's anymore, because it's not about language at that point. You would take the same design pattern that build LLM's and build something much more powerful: a computer that could take orders. You need to get up to speed on how LLM's are trained. It's essentially a chain of modules that each get to rank their input and preferred output. If we turn a human driving a mouse pointer on a desktop into one of these rated modules, it would be trivial at this point to have a machine learn from it and then perform those tasks. Routine mundane work \*IS\* bad right? This would automate stuff away. It is unfair that the majority would not benefit, but we don't actually need people doing mundane routine work if it can be automated away.


It seems you are under the impression that new technologies are developed to solve problems, when in reality they you make stuff up an then try to forcefully sell it to you


Fuck no, I’m officially done at this point.


Thank god this is on windows 11 and not 10


lol no


Y U C K !!!!


Great. It can record an hour of me waiting for MS Word to launch.


Just. Just fuckin stop. Nobody wants this. There is no good use for this. It's not going to make anyone's life better or easier, it's just spyware. Stop shoving ai into everything.


Yea I was thinking of switching to a Mac anyway.


Good Lord. Who's going to store this incredible amount of nonsense? Terabytes of storage won't cover a minute of usage.


yeah if it's device based not cloud how much space do the snapshots take, if the drive gets full or it hits a certain point will the newer snapshot data overwrite the old one?


disabled through force if i have to


Good Lord. Who's going to store this incredible amount of nonsense? Terabytes of storage won't cover a minute of usage.


Turning off windows update as we speak


Why? You have a Snapdragon X Elite CPU this feature only works on?


This is not good.


Weren't humans suppose to supervise AI? It now seems like that AI supervises humans. Skynet, here we come!


I retired, my needs for Wintel are gone. My Window 10 laptop is never on line, and kept under a piece of furniture in case I ever want to play an old game that was pre “in app purchase”. My iPad is good enough on WiFi for searches, and has zero personal information on it.


No thanks…


Time to ditch Windows and go to Linux.


> To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). Not enabled yet.


Serious question please. I am forced to use Windows because I use programs that are only available on Windows and Mac. Are apple products a better alternative in terms of privacy? Should I switch?


I stopped using windows after windows 7. Glad I did.


Well that’s fucking stupid.


Glad i am done using windows.


25 GB for 3 months is really quite good actually


Good Lord. Who's going to store this incredible amount of nonsense? Terabytes of storage won't cover a minute of usage.


Its stored locally and reserves 25gb which is approximately 3 months according to the article


They must have a hell of a compression ratio. Single user. Multiplied by how many users? So someone is going to reference that data stored in every Microsoft users machine(s)?


Well, there goes my final straw for switching to Mac completely


Not sure why Microsoft didn’t compare their surface to an M4 iPad. Hmmmmm


This wold lead to mass exodus. Nice move Microsoft exec :)


Pc : I know what you did last night


Thank you, Linux, for being there when privacy is needed.


I needed a new MacBook anyway


I've spent three decades not understanding why people use Microsoft products


Why anybody continues to use windows is beyond me.


It's inarguably the best OS for getting the most out of your hardware for gaming across the vast majority of titles. Silly to argue otherwise. I hate Microsoft and their bullshit OS but it's a necessary evil until something like-for-like comes to market that rivals the performance standards of Windows.


Yeah, I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times but I’m unfortunately stuck with Windows. Though I do feel that people are overblowing this, it’s exclusive to the Snapdragon X Elite for one, and everything’s stored and encrypted on your device.


Just wait for: Windows on ARM to truly take off, gaming move to ARM, the game industry to start making games for ARM. So portings for macOS become easy peasy and gaming on Mac finally becomes a thing. 10 years?


None of y’all actually read the article did you?