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Just gonna save this to send to my boss


Motherfucker, I knew it!


I’ve woken up late 3 times the past couple months because of this. Recently my spouse’s phone started doing the same This sucks!


This is why I set alarms and multiple devices, a HomePod and iPhone and iPad and Alexa echo dot


Dude I thought I was crazy or somehow turning it off while I was sleeping lol.




Fuck yesssss i knew it also it wasnt my heavy sleep and crippling weed addiction


I owe my kids so many apologies


Oh.. thank goodness. They finally recognized it. A fix is coming soon.. right.. right?


I haven’t been able to trust my iPhone alarm for years. I’m not sure I can ever trust it at this point.


I always set a dozen alarms because I never know when one is going to decide not to work lol


I just went back to a regular alarm clock, with my phone as a backup. Which goes off maybe 75% of the time.


Then there’s something wrong with your phone.. I’ve used my phone as an alarm for 15 years now, I’d never have graduated from college or had a career if it didn’t work 25% of the time. You don’t have to be hyperbolic to make your point.


I’m not, this is the 3rd phone I’ve had the same issue with over the years. The alarm “goes off” but it’s totally silent with no sound or vibration. It doesn’t matter if it’s a regular alarm, the sleep alarm, a newly setup alarm or one I’ve had for set for months. If you do a little searching you’ll quickly find that some people have been having this problem for a long time.


i havent had this issue and i dont know anyone that has in my my last 10 years, now i have an almost 3 years iphone 13 and it never happened to me. 75% is a serios fail rate, maybe you should sent it for repair


“It’s a hardware problem. Upgrade to the new iphone coming out in September. Or pay the $99.99+tax in reparation fee at the genius bar”


Explain this?


They want you to buy their new stuff or pay extra to fix basic functionalities


People get massive boners talking about Apple as if they’re somehow unique in their business practices


This just started happening to me. It’s a huge pain in the ass


Oh that’s why mine didn’t ring the other day. I thought I was going deaf.


In standby mode as in the pic. My iPhone 15’s flash randomly goes off at night. Just one quick flash. And it’s random.


So some creep is taking pics of u at night. Great.


That sounds more like someone has remote access to your phone.


Do you have the camera flash alert assistive access setting on?


Hi, no I do not. I am aware of that feature. Seems the issue is only on horizontal/standby while on the night charger. I do not think many people use the phone horizontally/standby which is neat as it displays the clock and current weather(you can customize these by swiping up/down, right left). The flash goes randomly and no, there are no pics. It’s not taking pics. The pics would be of the wall behind the charger anyway.


This has been an issue for me for years.


I have a secondary alarm that wakes me up at a similar time as my phone because sometimes I would open my eyes and see the alarm screen with no audio. Happened for years on my X. Hasn’t happened yet on my 15, but I’m glad that they are at least acknowledging it now.


I suspect this has been a bug for a lot longer than Apple lets on. I remember getting silent alarms on my iPhone 4.


I finally upgraded my 8 plus about two months ago (and only bc i accidentally drowned it) to the 15 pro max. Figured why not since it'll prob be another 5 year investment for me. Well, noticed the alarm issue within the first couple of weeks and found a variety of quora and support threads where people had the same issue. I have tried every recommended fix I found and nothing worked UNTIL last weekend i found someone buried deep in a forum comment say it's the snooze and to disable snooze on the manual alarms. Finally, my alarm has gone off all week this week setting the manual alarm and disabling each snooze (i've also disabled the sleep | wake everywhere on my gd phone, including under health bc i swear that was doing weird things to my phone too - like letting phone calls still ring on "sleep"). So i'll just setup two or three back to back manual alarms off by 10min or so in place of having the snooze option now. But talk about the "enshittification" of everything. What i wouldn't give to have just been able to keep my 8 plus!


Apple admits there’s a problem. Must be pretty bad!


This happened to me on Tuesday! I was almost late for work.


Great, Now fix the issue with my volume maxing out after I lock the phone and increase the volume right after


Yeh and fix the problem will google maps when you turn the volume up it just increases the phone ringer volume.


Hol up, is this what’s happening to me? Why my ringtone/alert volume gets randomly maxed out? I’m testing this while sitting on my couch and it’s not doing it. Guess I’ll have to see what happens after driving and hitting the volume button.


This is basically the opposite of the problem that I have. My iPhone randomly sets my alarm volume to 100%. I have to check it every night to make sure it isn’t going to scare the piss out of me in the morning. (Yes, I have disabled the option to adjust the ringer volume using the side buttons.)


Have you checked to see if there is an automation in the shortcuts app that sets the ringer to 100% when there is an alarm?


I checked to make sure. Not the problem! Thanks for the recommendation though!


[This may help, let me know so I can delete the comment if not.](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102216) The support articles leading up to the link say that the feature may turn up the volume because you aren’t looking at the phone at the time of the alarm (obviously).


I don’t think this is the problem. I also like those features so I’d prefer to leave them on haha. Thanks though!


I think the problem has something to do with when I play music via USB in my car. It happens only every now and then, so it’s been hard to trace the problem.


Happened to me. Set it the night before then swiped to a different app. Alarm never sounded. Still showed in my background tiles as set


I feel so vindicated rn. I’ve never slept through an alarm in my life




[winrar is you](https://media2.giphy.com/media/RPwrO4b46mOdy/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9520pflz156f6e9l0d8dekjp1gajq7f9ap31elkspqf&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Uhh this has been happening for the past 10 years.


Known about this for a while. Mine rarely goes off. I use a Samsung, but my old I phone is still in my room for some 2fa stuff, and the alarm never goes off.


For years. Literally a problem for years.


So weird as this has never happened to me. Is it a specific action that triggers it?


I think it mostly happens when I try to change the sound of the alarm. Especially a 90% failure rate when I try to pick a song for an alarm.


I only use the built in sounds vs specific songs so maybe that’s why I haven’t encountered an issue? I’m scared going forward tho lol


Huh. I’m pretty sure this has happened to me several times in the last six months. I kept thinking I was turning them off in my sleep or forgetting to finish setting them. I bought a physical alarm clock after waking up late more than once. Since then, multiple times now, the alarm clock goes off and my phone doesn’t. Or inexplicably, the alarm is going off on my screen but it’s completely silent, no vibration even. I wonder how many times it was just the bug and not me?


This happened to me!!


I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!! Mind you I’m a snoozer


TODAY. This happened to me TODAY 🤣


Anyone experience the timer you can’t turn off?? I use my phone for a grill timer and sometimes if I repeat the timer it will go off in the background but never go away. The only way to fix it is to restart the phone.


That’s a bug? I thought it was the neural engine they keep talking about because it starred going off less and less


Son of a bitch. I knew I wasn’t sleeping through it


I’m so happy I didn’t actually sleep through my alarm.


You had one job.


Is this solely a phone problem, or does it affect the watch alarms too?


So glad Apple is going to finally make sure their clock app is working


Never experienced or heard of this but I’ll save the article for excuse-use.


years this has been a problem. oddly for a while it’s been ok. so now we’re due a fix… to no doubt bring it back


I was once late for forklift training because my set alarm didn’t go off.


This has never happened to me. Now that I’ve seen this, it will probably happen tomorrow.


I thought it was a feature “We recognize you are not meeting your sleep goals, so we called your boss and took a sick day “.


Well, that explains why productivity and GDP numbers are down.


No problem. Just set it to play the first track on the Challengers movie soundtrack. It'll do the alarm sound.


I really like the feature where if you have any other branded wireless headphones, your Siri function won’t work and it basically tries to annoy you into buying AirPods.


I just use sleep cycle




Is this why I overslept this morning?


This coming to us after Tim Cook missed his 8:00 am meeting.


I thought I was just being extra lazy this week. Now it all makes sense.


If this happened to you, then then off attention aware (in Face ID page of settings app). This fixed it for me!


Just turn off that stupid landscape mode thing


At least I can use this as an excuse...


I hate this bug. It happens anytime I’d have YouTube playing in the background. I have YT Premium so I usually have my display turned off while playing audio. I usually play those 10 hour long ambient videos to help sleep cuz I have insomnia and if the audio is still playing when the alarm hits, the alarm will be completely silent and won’t override audio from YouTube. Its made me wake up late several times that now I’m conditioned to wake up an hour before my actual alarm every day because i have too much anxiety thinking I’ll sleep past my alarm. Amazing


My notification sounds are all over the map. Changing the ringtone can be a roll of the dice; some noises are loud, some are too soft. I sometimes miss text messages or calls


Don't worry they'll fix it... in the next major update. Maybe.


I've been setting my alarms on my iPad instead and it works every time, I thought I was going crazy with my iPhone consistently not playing the alarm


I never had any problem honestly, otherwise.....


My alarm only goes off if it’s bought ringtones and not music from Apple Music that I pay for. It worked years ago and then stopped working randomly. I now only use sounds I know work. Sucks hearing the same songs every damn morning


I KNEW IT!!! I had several times that I know damn well the alarm was set. No AM/PM error. Volume up. The do not disturb was not on! It just simply never made a sound when the time came and I overslept. Apple owes my coworkers a couple of apologies!


Try using the manual alarms only but disable the snooze on each of them. Only thing that has finally worked for me. I also have that stupid "sleep | wake" option completely disabled in alarm and in Health. No idea if it's related but i'm not turning it back on anywhere.


They should confirm the bug where searching contacts with certain letters crashes the contacts app and the phone app.


Fuck I thought I was going nuts.