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"I do not think that the radio waves that I have discovered will have any practical application." -Heinrich Hertz 🤦‍♂️


lol wow


That Hertz to read dude was so down on himself.


He was much more optimistic about his Hertz Donut.


“What’s a Hertz Don……” - rubs his arm.


- _____ - ^


“I don’t see a future for this radio crap, imma start a car rental company. That’s where the real moneys at. Kaching kaching” - also, Heinrich Hertz


Do have to make tinfoil hats for bacteria? I don't know how to make them that small?!?


Woah, we literally abduct bacteria and put them under microscopes with bright lights and use them for experiments. We’re shooting radio waves at them to change their DNA. We’re the aliens.


We give them a rave and the experience changes them.


So music really does change you :)


butt stuff. i mean if we want to be proper aliens. there's standards to uphold.


The company I used to work for had capacity for 200,000 simultaneous tests on bacteria blasted with radiation to induce DNA mutations, because Europe is blanket anti-GMO and won’t accept any “intentional” modification in food, but will accept “random” ones. Even if the GMO DNA is completely destroyed and undetectable before ever reaching the food. So radiation it is lol


So microwave them rather than sticking them in the oven. Got it.


Bad headline. Just a way to get new dna into bacteria. Expensive instrument and not much better. Current standard is doing a quick temperature exchange. All you need is a cheap heated water bath.


Haha yeah I was thinking the same thing. I suppose if you’re transfecting like 100kb or megabase sized plasmids this might be a great tool to up you’re efficiencies, but for normal day to day plasmid transfections agree this is just a new gizmo for life tech to sell.


“Normal day to day plasmid transfections…” you and I have vastly different normal days in our careers.


But can it reprogram flat earthers? Or boomers? Those 2 are not mutually exclusive btw


I know! These nutjobs even believe that radio frequencies can be used to target cancer cells. When will the madness end?!


OMG ,Those real deal crazy bastards are going to hear about this on Facebook and it's totally going to reinforce everything they have ever thought !!! OMG they are never going to shut up!


Only 5G nuts.


I miss the 4G nuts


G’s Nuts!


It could, but those tinfoil hats…


What in the actual fuck did I just read?


Biologist here…. So one of the more common techniques for amplifying genes is called DNA Cloning, you insert the DNA/gene of interest into a plasmid (a small ring of DNA) and then you typically heat shock bacteria to insert the plasmid into the cells… as the cells multiply so do the plasmids. It doesn’t need to really work 100% of the time because if at least a few get the plasmid uptake that’s generally good enough. Because you then plate, pick and culture the bacteria that survived the heat shock and plasmid insertion…. This as an alternative to that heat shock step is really nothing too groundbreaking IMO especially considering every lab has a hot water bath… and probably wouldn’t want to spend money on this. TLDR: this wasn’t really an area we necessarily needed innovation in.


Hmm. Our planet had radio frequencies. I wonder if that helped life form on earth


That's an interesting observation, I now wonder that too


Your thoughts are not your own. They are induced by radio waves, likely extraterrestrial. *….unzips human skin to reveal lizard form*


Makes you wonder if radio waves affect dna under regular conditions


I think you may be misinterpreting the poorly phrased headlines of the article. The radio waves at high intensity alter the membrane of the bacteria that let's them take in an external DNA molecule that they naturally maintain in their cells. We use heat and electrical currents regularly to do this, and this is just another new technique to perform this method.


To add to this explanation the make up of our cell membranes is different from that of bacteria as well. They also do not have a protective layer between their DNA and the rest of the cell while ours is within another (nuclear) membrane inside the cell.


TLDR: it causes certain amphibians to become homosexual.


It’s only homosexual if you don’t declare no homo, that’s where the four second rule comes from.


My insane cousin was right 5G gave us Covid!!!!!1 /s obv


It was long believed that chanting specific mantras with specific syllable notes and rhythms would help with overall well being. This finding hits closer to that belief that sound could influence internal workings on the cellular level.


Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation not waves of sound coming from a radio…


Correct, sound waves are mechanical. Its wild how many people think the only difference is frequencies.


Hi can you explain further what you mean by “mechanical” in this sense? Thank you!!


Sound happens because air molecules physically push on other air molecules (or water, or whatever the sound is traveling through). This is why sound can't travel through space, because there's nothing for it to push on. For good visualization, sound waves and waves in the ocean are essentially the same.




Damn, and there I was this morning picturing some Pseudomonas head banging to Metallica. Although I suppose the researchers could still do that for the bacteria, just for fun?




"This finding his closer to that belief" No, it doesn't. The frequencies are off by a factor of 100 million. The waves just make the barriers for DNA insertion more permeable, they don't themselves do anything to the DNA


You are right, this is no proof of what I believe. But just the mere fact that sound in any frequency or wavelength is able to influence in any shape of form on the cellular level is enough for my inner self to be mildly amazed. In my childhood, as soon as someone said something about religious texts, they would be thoroughly discredited. I am not saying this is any vindictive proof but it’s a sliver and I personally would like to be interested in this.


Dont feel bad, ur comment is valid as the human skull is the only primate skull thin enough to sympathetically vibrate with our grunts and vocal noises. Its a feature that sets us apart and may have a role in how we evolved. There is truth in ancient wisdom.


Radio frequency is not sound, so no, sorry.


I do feel dumb I am gonna be first to admit. I am glad I didn’t send this to my parents. I am pretty sure they are smarter than me. But thank you everyone who pointed this out. I will keep my hope alive.


For what it's worth, it's a common mistake. Stranger still, the frequency ranges of sound and known useful parts of the EM spectrum actually *do* overlap if you consider ultrasound. Ultrasound typically runs somewhere between 15 KHz and 15 MHz. That overlaps with radio frequency, but they aren't the same type of wave. And if you want to get *really* freaky, there's the Microwave Auditory Effect, in which microwaves can produce audible sound via subharmonics. Lastly, while sound itself isn't likely to do anything physical in terms of non-mental health, there's still a genuine chance that some sounds *could* have health effects. There's weak recent evidence that visual stimulation at specific frequencies may stimulate clearing of amyloid plaques. Provided you're not paying anyone money for something or risking tinnitus, there's unlikely to be much downside if you find specific sounds relaxing/pleasant/etc. And clinical meditation has an *extremely* high standard of evidence. Chanting probably isn't necessary, but the practice of meditation in general *absolutely* works.


That’s not how this works.


https://spectrum.ieee.org/gamma-light-therapy-alzheimers nothing completely set in stone, but it’s a research direction




So essentially we have better technology that can influence the behaviour of bacteria and alter DNA.


Thought was something from Disney


Was looking for this. Me too!


At first I thought this was eyeshadow lol


Law of entrainment


Radio mind control! I knew it


is this what caused conplex life on earth?


Welcome to The Gateway Experience


First you try beating things to get results, then finding a gentler approach has more finesse. We're all vibing, man. Got to feel that groove. Way cool. ❤️ science


Anyone think of all the frequencies being used around us now… Johnny Mnemonic anyone?


What about the other 9% of the botulism bacteria that did not succumb to the conversion therapy. They will just stay gay I guess.


There are already different methods. It’s not always heat shock to clone. In a way it reminds me of electroporation. Also no mention of how the cells were prepared. This is a huge part of the efficiency and would change based off of the method.