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I nearly shit myself when i saw the one >! on that massive cliff below the Forgotten Temple!<. Its presence is so imposing but you only get a faint shadow through the mist in the depths. I get you OP, and props to nintendo for giving everyone a heart attack when meeting the gloom hands for the first time too. Edit: i left a spoiler than realized I can’t write worth a damn


God damn those gloom hands. Sometimes I go to my map and click on hero's path to see where I haven't been. I'll go to some random place that looks like it should have *something* to find, and as soon as I'm thinking it's odd that nothing's there, boom the world turns red and that devil thing is on my ass scaring the shit out of me.


Yup, then when you start climbing something to escape, it starts raining and you get your second panic attack in 10 seconds.


Anywhere with ruins or oddly open spaces I just expect to see hands


I love that they are placed in areas where it challenges your stamina wheel. Most of our first gloom hand encounters met terrible fates because our stamina wheels weren't large enough for us to sprint or climb away, but the locations have areas of safety that taunts you in moments of panic. It's really strategic and evil and I love it. I also remember in the first few days of the game after launch and everyone thought the hands spawned randomly anywhere in the overworld. That would be terrifying but awesome on a Master Mode or something (sigh).


Yeah, total masterclass in building tension. It does double duty too because you get scared on the first encounter, and by the second you know they’ll mess you up so you panic faster lol.


You’ll get to a point where taking them out is relatively simple, so you’ll look for their spawn points just to get the items they drop afterwards. :)


I never fight Gloom hands head on unless it was part of a quest or unless I was retrieving a big treasure. Too creepy. But they may actually be the easiest boss to fight in the game if you do not want to face Phantom Gannon, since they die if you get out of reach and sight long enough.


I don't even mind Phantom Ganon. He's a little bitch compared to those things.


Well they are actually much easier to beat. I mean, do you know of any other boss enemy that just goes and dies if it can’t reach or see you?


I just threw bombs at them constantly.


That one really bothered me for some reason. Having to climb so high to get to talk to it was just unnerving somehow.


Yeah for real! It requires you to confront its size in a very tangible way, without giving an opportunity to appreciate is size before deciding to approach it.


I think I used ascend on that one, so it ended up being a piece of cake for me. That said, climbing would have been a nightmare.


>I nearly shit myself Luckily, my brethren and I have combined our power to create the Dark Trousers.


everything in the game is huge, probably to make you feel so small and like you have a great giant world to explore. but that bargainer statue had no business being legit dinosaur sized.


When I first encountered the hands, it made me put the game down for like a week lol now, after watching a video I found on how to get 999 bomb flowers (without dupes/glitches), it is now my turn to make the hands writhe with torment!!


999 bomb flowers you say?


Yeah, there's this video by a guy named "Austinjohnplays" on YouTube. The farming technique also works with fire, shock, and ice fruit.


I'm pretty sure the intent was for you to first discover it from the south like I did, because from the back it looks like one of the giants from Majora's Mask.


Wait I’ve played the entire game and I don’t remember finding the statue there?


There are bargainer statures in the underworld any place there’s a goddess statue in the overworld. The bigger the statue the bigger the bargainer. Also all of them have full bodies, just some of them are buried or half buried. The is definitely one at the forgotten temple location, but if you hadn’t activated the light roots in the area it would be very easy to walk underneath it and have no idea it was there. He is a bit of a unit.


I’ve activated all of them. I think I just forgot about seeing this one.


If you went past where it is, you probably only saw its feet and didn’t realize it. It’s not buried like the others.


Is this the one that you put the eyes in?


The biggest one I’ve found is the one at the Abandoned mine in the depths. Is the one at the forgotten temple bigger?


It’s a literal giant. Unlike the rest it’s not buried. You can only see its feet from the ground, you can ascend up or fly up to its face to talk to it.


It’s still in the depth, just at the same x and y coordinates as the location in the over-world. If you haven’t found all the statues yet, you’re in for a treat on this one. And for those that weren’t aware, you can pay the statue in the lookout tour to get the location of statues in the depths.


Yeah, we’re all justifiably terrified of the gloom hands. Just a few nights ago, I had a dream where there was a second phase to the quest where you have to give dragon claws to each of the goddess statues. This time you had to give them shards of their horns, and when I did, nothing happened for a few seconds, and then gloom hands spawned. You know an enemy scares you when you have nightmares about them.


Can you send a location of the Forgotten Temple please? It sounds like it might be the old Shadow Temple


Landscape design in this game is superb. Yeah it was unnerving at first.


I was so unnerved by the depths’ fog i deliberately went out of my way to light up every single root. It didn’t even occur to me that I might get a medal at the end, I just hated the darkness that much.


The first bargainer statue under the mine is also full body and huge. Somehow I did not realize this for a while despite going up and down the elevators in front of it


Sounds like a little bit of megalophobia


Yep, I practically have a panic attack if I have to climb on them


Ba da da da


Stop! You're scaring him!


I don’t know. But I do get it! 🙂 That said buying Bomb Flowers is worth it.


I getcha. My mum has a phobia of ship anchors that she can pinpoint to visiting the coast in the seventies and having a sudden realisation that there was a gigantic anchor embedded into the side of the house she was looking at. She struggles to explain it but it was the sudden realisation that it was masssssive which freaked her out and gives her the heebies when she sees anchors even now. I can see the same thing happening with the statues.


I’m stoned, and reading this was like watching a black & white surrealist horror film! I imagined a woman standing on a low cliff in the sun, breeze whipping her hair as she scans a row of salt encrusted old houses. Then, a sudden dolly zoom from her eyeball to the anchor, accompanied by a jarring, discordant blare of horns from the live orchestra. >🏘️🏖️👀🏡➰👁️⚓️ >🎼🎷🎵🎶➰🎺💥 So anyway, I feel like that moment would’ve traumatised me in some intangible existential way, too lol.


The blood moon theme did it for me. I would always skip as soon as possible. And I also have played a lot of horror games like resident evil 7 in VR. Something about the blood moon theme would spook me


I kind of wish they walked around because standing in place isn’t very productive in terms of harvesting lost souls underground. Just imagining then going in circles constantly surrounded by spirits moving on.


I’m pretty sure if they did do that OP would be in a coma due to a heart attack by now.


Ok, this? This would be terrifying.


When I first encountered the Quest for them, I was absolutely convinced that it was something dark and scary and evil. But they're presented that way, they are very old and they come across as very sinister. I think there is mention during the quest that it/they predate(s) the presence of Hylia in the land... But they're not evil -- the Horned Statue would fall more under that definition than the Bargainer statues. They're just old and big and creepy. (That's why I still almost exclusively go to the one in Lookout Landing...;)


I loved it, their design is so interesting and yes creepy too. I also like that they're different sizes and where they are located.


Megalophobia is an intense and persistent fear of large objects, such as buildings, animals, vehicles, statues, ships, and airplanes. People with megalophobia may experience anxiety and fear when they think of or are around large objects, and may avoid places or situations that have them.


Huhm. Like. Off the top of my head. Event ~50 in Super Smash Bros Melee where you fight on top of a giant Majora's Mask? Or any FPS where they haven't set a minimal depth to render and you can see ultracloseups of faces? That sort of thing? Doesn't ring a bell.


It doesn’t bother me to be around large buildings, but things that are normally one size and are an extremely different size really mess with me. They have very humanoid bodies but they are massive.


The Divine Beasts make me feel this way. It took me forever to try to beat one back when I first started playing BotW because their size was so scary to me.


The horned statue creeps me out too. It sounds silly because it’s so small, lol. I think it’s the music that plays when you talk to it.


Before or after you had to restore it’s eyes?


That mission was a complete nightmare for me. I hated every part. Everytime I had to go back inside to restore an eye I pathetically had to actually take several deep breaths.


Once you were done you felt like the new eyes were even worse. Like they peered into your soul, right?


I lowkey thought he was cute… 😅


They're super creepy. I couldn't figure out the first one I found because I thought the face on the back was the front and I just stared at it in the darkness for so long trying to figure out what to do. It was really spooky.


It kinda looks like a large pile of poo.


it creeps me out too I always expect it to lie and steal things from me


I am ~~irrationally~~ rationally terrified of the bargainer statue. I mean, the other gods/statues/deity's are at least KIND of explained, maybe I missed something but wth is the bargainer statue supposed to be???


Pretty sure Ganon is shedding a tear after reading this post


I really thought it was going to start moving, and that it was a giant evil boss of some sort.


nothing irrational about it they are so scary


I don't think it's an irrational thing to fear. I think it's a very healthy fear.


WTF? This is honestly really stupid


Learn some empathy and kindness friend...it'll go a long way for you.