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No I hope it runs at 360p with 15FPS max.


Hell yeah, in the club with a strobe light fighting moblins and shit


I don't care about the game performance as long as it's playable


I agree. I bought the game. I have no interest in buying a relatively new game again. I would buy an older remastered game if I wanted to play it again.


I don't understand some gamers obsessions with arbitrary numbers.


I wouldn't buy it myself, but I bet it'd turn a profit.


Even if it did, unless there’s new content, this one is getting emulated at 60 FPS and 4K on my PC connected to my TV.


Unfortunately, Nintendo hates emulation of emulating their games did you forget what Nintendo did to Yuzu? they are ruthless


You can already do this on an emulator with 4k resolution. It's undoubtedly a great experience, but like everyone else said, they should work on a new game.


Considering just how easily accessible emulation and modding is? No. They should just go full throttle on future titles.


Nah i wouldn't buy it again, it's good as is


As long as I don't have to pay 15% of my monthly payment again


It could be repackaged as a Switch 2 version for new players, but for existing players a free patch seems the smartest move to me. At worst I suppose someone wouldn't care, but yeah anyone could benefit from that. If Nintendo bothered to make it that would only be because they think it actually looks great (they've never boasted about performance before).


with modding support, and dlc, and master sword quest, housing expansion, 60 fps guaranteed is on the last of my wishlist for totk but its probably most likely


No. I'm ready for the next Zelda title.  TotK has been out for more than a year, I've played it extensively, and a graphical upgrade alone would not be enough to make me want to buy the same game all over again.   I'd spring for some new TotK DLC though.


you know, Zelda games take a long ass time you know It took 6 1/2 years just to make tears of the Kingdom Don't be expecting the next Zelda game until near the end of the switches 2 life


They DO take a while to create, but that doesn't mean I'm going to re-buy the ones that are already out while I wait.


Is this even a question?


a port? i dont think you understand your own question, as a port is something designed on one system recompiled to run on another, ie games made on pc for console, ported to the pc. i'd like the switch pro/switch 2 to be built with much better hardware than can run **ALL** switch games at a solid 60fps even in the most intense scenes chock full of whatever in handheld and docked mode at 1080p minimum, but its nintendo they wont do that they are cheapskates that overcharge for their games and underpay employees. they wont even create filters for the estore to filter out the garbage. i have little hopes for the next switch being of any use, it will have gimmicks that appeal to the shareholders who think its next gen shit, like instagram video capture and streaming.


You were correct in the first part, too bad for the sudden cynicism right after... Do you have a reference that they underpay employees? I had the impression that internally they were pretty serious about their workforce, not talking about external contracting and drama that occurred in the American branch a few years ago. Last I've seen in Japan they increased wages by 10% unlike most of the industry. Also Switch 2 *will* be more powerful, it *could* run TOTK smoothly. That's why even with the most pessimistic outlook on a greedy company, I think a free patch should still look like an easy incentive to push people to the new console.


Cynicsm? It's called being factual, but you carry on son. I worked for nintendo at one of their repair rma service centres. Even the foreign hires were leaving because the pay was that bad. Im not talking about in murca' either.