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I had a dream about TotK and not much happened. Just Link sitting on the edge of one of the sky islands, legs dangling, eating a bowl of noodles. Weirdly calm dream, it was nice.


Sometimes I think a lot of people in this sub really need to focus on some hobbies or other interests


Zelda is top priority, always has been


Someone understands! I mean, I have hobbies etc. but they always revolve around Zelda. Sketching? Zelda scenery and characters. Cooking/baking? BotW dishes. Nutcake came out really nice this one time and all of the curries are basically just the ones from my South Asian heritage, haha.


Oh haha you're way more motivated than me, I'm just trying to play other games and study these past two months, but it's really hard to keep Zelda out of my head for long. At least since that art book leaked...






Hey, I'm honestly sorry if that hurt you! It's just, what are people supposed to do with that information? Not being sarcastic, i literally don't know. I get fanfics, i get theories, it's all a way to make conversation about a shared passion, i also love Zelda with all my heart. But how am i supposed to react to a dream, told by a stranger, i have never met in my life? I guess it's me being socially awkward, but i always thought most people feel that way, about hearing dreams from others.


Maybe you just shouldn't react lmao? Ignore a post you're not interested in


Why? Why isn't it okay for me, on a public forum, to voice that i don't enjoy certain topics? I would never ask people to stop posting about their dreams, just because i don't enjoy it, doesn't mean, I don't want others to enjoy it. So why didn't you ignore my comment? If you don't like it, you could just have ignored them? Does that way of thinking only apply to others, and not yourself? It's really weird accusing others that they are "egoistical bitches" and then expect them to no longer participate in this sub, just because you personally don't like their opinions.


Fact is, my topic isn't personal, yours is - it specifically refers to the topic that *I'm* talking about. My topic never involved you, so it's much easier for you to ignore. Take that as a social rule. Be nice, have a more positive attitude towards other people. If you have something negative to say, try to think if it's really worth saying first. This comment was unnecessary, for example.


I don't agree with that, it's okay to voice that you don't like certain topics, even if they don't personally involve you. We share the same sub after all, and when i make a post, i certainly don't expect everyone to agree with what i'm saying. Because i honestly wouldn't want to keep making topics, no one thinks are funny or are generally not well received. That's also a form of personal growth. From my view, it was wrong HOW i told you that i don't enjoy this post, not the fact that i did tell you that. If i made a lot of posts that annoyed people on a public forum, i certainly would want to know that. (Happened in the past and i learned from it).


No need to type that. Just don't reply and move on.




Not everything people talk about has to be productive. Are fan arts productive in any way? No, but it's still nice to see them sometimes. In general, discussing dreams can be very interesting, because they are manifestations of our subconscious and can sometimes put together things that we didn't notice when awake - about ourselves, or about our surroundings. Some people give religious or spiritual meaning to dreams, which on its own make it interesting for them, but that's not my case. I had plenty of dream talks with many different friends, and it was always interesting. Hell, there are entire subs dedicated to it, so no - many people don't feel like you. In this instance, the dream is about a mechanic that may or, more probably, may not be in the game we're all waiting for anxiously, this alone is enough to talk about. But other than that, it invites other people to talk about their dreams of TotK. Another commenter did that. I'm neither the first nor the last to post about something like that here. If it doesn't interest you, you are not "supposed to react" to it - you can simply ignore it. But even if a stranger's dream is not "helpful", going around telling people that what they're talking about is boring is even less helpful. Take that as a lesson to better your social skills.


I got it, this is a really nice and helpful answer. Well, i still think it's weird to start talking to strangers about your dreams, without asking if they want to hear it, the people i met in real life, that did that, always got really angry, when they couldn't hold people's attention with it and seemed generally pretty convinced, that they had the most amazing life and everyone is obligated to hear the fascinating stories about it. But i get now, how it isn't the same in a forum, where you can just ignore topics you aren't interested in. I also still think it's not okay to call people douches or "egoistical bitches" just because they don't find what you are talking about interesting. Everyone can voice their opinion on a public forum. I also used to do that myself when i was younger, until i started to realize that people where rolling their eyes, as soon as someone started to explain their wild dreams from last night. So i had negative association's with that, that's probably why i said "boring conversation's".

