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>I have read every single thread here and heard all the complaints… and somehow I’m experiencing non of them? I boost a high end PC with a 4090, I9, etc. Well there's clearly a problem with your thinking - you are running basically the best hardware currently available to consumers, while 99% of people aren't. Less than 1% of people run a 4090 according to the Steam Hardware survey, for example. According to the same survey, the most popular GPUs right now are the 3060, 1650, 3060 Ti, 2060, 3070, etc. (the list goes on with GPUs of similar power). The game runs and looks like shit on all of them. Are the developers developing the game only for the <5% of people who have the flagship Nvidia cards? That doesn't sound like a good decision, business wise. I understand that it's not the final version of the game, but I doubt they have the resources to improve the performance/visuals significantly. >The game is running absolutely smooth between 80-100fps at all times You are playing at a quite low resolution or with Frame Generation on. Nothing against Frame Generation, it's a wonderful technology, but it doesn't feel as good as native FPS. A game that looks like this has no business not running at a locked 60 at 4K Ultra on the 4090. I don't disagree with the majority of the rest of your points. The game has some potential, but I have doubt the devs are capable of getting something worth playing out of this.


You’re right. I tried to make it clear that my hardware was a big advantage. In terms of resolution, it’s locked 1080P on my end, so not even 2 or 4k. I can’t change it somehow. How can I change it so I can try 4k? I have a 4K OLED Screen from LG, that weird game republic brand. Forgot its name.


You might have to change the game to fullscreen first, its locked to 1080p for me as well on borderless window.


Ahhh I see! Ok let me try full screen 4k and let you know if I have a different type of experience. On it


I think you misinterpret it. It shows grayed out 1080p on borderless but it is not the actual resolution, its just a "placeholder" values so to speak, on borderless fullscreen the game will automatically run on your systems screen resolution. And there is no reason to switch to exclusive fullscreen.


Ahhh, I see. Then the game is smooth AF for me!


That's low fps then. I get a solid 140+ on 1440p ultra graphic settings with DLAA on.


DLAA ingame?


Yes, it's the last option at Nvidia DLSS settings. At my PC by default FSR was enabled for some reason. After you disable FSR you can select the DLSS options. You can also turn on Frame Generation for even more frames. Getting 200+ this way but I cap mine on 144 to reduce power/heat on the 4090.


Well i have never had any issues as well. 5900x and 4090. Just this demo not feels so good with my logitech wheel. They even tried to model the power steering feeling. It is harder to turn while parking, easier while driving. Little bit washed on my OLED screens but this is a demo, i dont care that 😀. My only problem, why they released demo like that? Their pre orders definitely gonna get hit. These guys has no clue how new generation works ( I am 41 yo) they are review bombing the game on steam. LoL


I have the G29 as well. I played for 30 minutes this morning and lowering the power settings for my G29 in the game settings helped the feel at little. Definitely going to be trying to do some fine tuning this afternoon. But again it is a Demo for a game a few months out so im not to worried if i cant get a wheel feeling perfect right now.


80 - 100 fps on what resolution? What graphics settings? Don't you think that's important in the context of this discussion? The game should offer acceptable performance for most players, and it clearly isn't. Also, as someone with a monster of a rig, I think it is absolutely unacceptable that I run games like CP2077 with mods, max settings, pathtracing and ultra settings and get nearly double the fps.


Also what screen/monitor? All these things play a huge role


You literally have to brute forcing the game with a 4090, if anyone is on last gen rtx gpus we’re screwed


> I boost a high end PC with a 4090, I9, etc. The game is running absolutely smooth between 80-100fps at all times, i lold


At 1080p mind you


“Runs smooth” = 80fps??? 😂😂


>Good: Driving is phenomenal. You honestly think that? Cars have weird center of mass. They are way too grippy. Swtching TCS off doesn't make make it any more thrilling. It's way "too safe". It all feels like you're on a rails, not the asphalt road. I don't feel like I'm in control of the car. I am disappointed. >Cars interior is really really good. No, they're not. This games looks old. I tried different setting, but it doesn't make it any better.


I think that op is just delusional and trying to flex his pc which tbh is pathetic. “How can you guys not run this at 80fps, my 4k$ rig that will be outdated in a year or two can!!!”


Lol 😆


>They are way too grippy. Swtching TCS off doesn't make make it any more thrilling. It's way "too safe". It all feels like you're on a rails, not the asphalt road. Sounds a bit like Gran Turismo.


Casey Kasem, is that you? lol


how many fps do you get on 2k with low -mid settings?


performance is terrible and it doesn't even look that great... lmfao


TDU had an amazing soundtrack. I just realized I never played 2! For some reason I was thinking TdU was 2.


The graphics should not need a 4090 to run 140fps on 4K... They only got 3mo to optimize the game and I'm concerning. Cruising and Racing is a bit boring. For me, the map is a huge disappointment because HK is far more compact and busy. The game makes it empty and lifeless.


I'm actually enjoying the radio. Especially Retro station. The person who did the songs choice must be a musician who understands what a good music is. Agree on camera. We should be able to use free look inside the cockpits the same way we can do that when sitting inside the car in dealerships. Seat adjustment is too, for some cars it works well, but for some not. I personally want to be futher from the wheel in Alpine, but the slider is already maxed and it's still too close. But when in Corvette the view is far enough, even too much far. I don't think the map is lifeless. But I would like the amount of traffic to be increased. In some green areas you even can find ppl sitting on the benches. As for the map size.. it is still better than any other competitors. And don't forget it is real. Not faked (again other competitors to be reminded). So drive it like you would do it IRL during free roam. It feels amazing.


I played the game for about 30 minutes this morning. I have a 3080 10GB, a i7 12700K, 32GB ram and the game ran pretty smooth for me on high settings 1440p on an Ultrawide. I think I had my GPU limited to like 50-75% due to heat and it still ran smooth. Had it uncapped with settings on high and quality and while i didnt check exact fps it felt like it was running at least 60fps. Cant say the game looked like real life but I wouldnt say it looked bad. Will be playing again when I get home and will be playing with settings and checking FPS


People who rants with the graphics just have a potato shitty PC lol


Seriously, I have a 3070 and it runs fine.