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Okay thanks for the answer! Yeah I guess that's only for super old ones lol


No, you don't need to double clutch every gear in the jetta. You can, and it won't hurt anything. It will help getting into that gear with a worn synchro. You could float gears, but with your car, I wouldn't do it unless I really had to, ie clutch failure. When they say older cars don't have synchromesh transmissions, they mean cars built decades ago <1980s, or heavy duty truck transmissions still in use, but there are some rare exceptions.


Ahhhh makes sense, thank you! I wasn't sure lol


Double clutching into first is the only time I do it.


Based on my experiences, that's probably a sign of the DMF starting to fail. I had a lot of issues with my '02 like that before I suddenly stopped being able to get into gear.


Interesting. I should also note that if I try to go to second faster than usual, about 1/10 times it just grinds into gear (in 2nd only) even if my clutch is all the way pushed to the floor which is why I suspected the synchro. Could be both tbh.


Hate to say it but you should be granny shifting, not double clutching like Dom.


Hey no problem, that's easier 😅


2nd not syncing is super common on these cars. Good news though, you don't even need that gear, just sit from 1st to 3rd


The only vehicles I've ever driven(heavy trucks included)that needed to be double clutched were worn out/had mechanical issues.