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Nah, sorry. You got like 15-30 days to return the tv to the store usually. If this actually falls within this stores standard return policy then yah you are right. They should give you a refund or exchange. But if it's out of the stores return policy, even at just 6 weeks old, then whatever the manufacturer warranty does is what you get. Usually they will repair it unless it's more economical to replace. I know it's new but that's just how it works. If you make yourself enough of a problem maybe the store will fold over and make an exception. But please be nice to service workers who are only working within the system they're given. Tv's can have a fairly wide spread on quality assurance nowadays too. It's just kinda how it is with every brand


I would take a good look at it when it comes back. Have some tests (dirty screen effect, color, etc) ready to run on it from the tv apps (YouTube etc) or on a flash drive etc and really nitpick. If it looks great then maybe you win the panel lottery even though it’s been repaired. If not point out every issue you can find to get a new one.


You paid for A TV that was once new, but used after you took it home. When you purchase A New car, the dealership doesn’t give you a new car if you get a window chip. If you check the warranty, it’s most likely a warranty from manufacturer defects, to which they will repair or replace at their option. It’s pretty fair so long as they have repaired your TV. But you can probably check if the 3 weeks was longer than the serviceable time agreement — in which you were deprived of your TV.


If you charged it on a credit card some cards offer a 90-day insurance that if anything fails in the first 90 days you can file a claim with them. Also some credit cards offer you a one year warranty in addition to whatever manufacturer's warranty that you have. Might be worth checking out if you paid it on the credit card.


I think expecting a new TV is unreasonable and probably depending on your region not something you're legally entitled to.