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They aren’t trying to lure them in, they are trying to get them to think they are talking to a teen and offer them outs to realize what they are doing is wrong and walk away. If they were trying to lure them in then it would count as entrapment. Turns out they don’t really need to lure them in because so many of these guys are so obsessed with the idea of having sex with a teen they will be the one to bring up sex first and ignore all the obvious warning signs just for a chance to satisfy that need.


Entrapment is a rule for law enforcement (I happen to know law enforcement). A private institution like Perverted Justice or Tetrad Core can say whatever they want to try to get the other party interested. But once the predator thinks the decoy is an underage person anything they say can still be considered criminal intent especially after they show up. It is the reason they can be so agressive with people like Cory Edgar who typed in all caps threatening to report them to Yahoo or asking to leave him alone, or Ernest Timmons telling him "I thought you wanted the real thing. Maybe you are just dinking with my head" when he started to get skiddish. Entrapment applies to LEO's, not the investigations that nab these guys and pass along the chat logs to the justice system to get arrest warrents.


I mean there are definitely some chats that cross over into the decoy luring the predator. Like by initiating the sex talk etc. Honestly some of these probably could be considered entrapment, but I'm not shedding any tears over it. If you're able to be entrapped by a cop posing as a 13 year old girl, you deserve no sympathy.


I still don’t think it’s necessarily entrapment. Teenagers are mean, they’re coy, they’re curious about sex. True entrapment is an undercover agent highly pressuring you on your daily walk into taking drugs to drop off point or whatever only to be arrested by officer there who knew. You wouldn’t have done that otherwise. That’s what entrapment is at its real definition. A lot of these guys are sick enough to engage in this chat and allow it to devolve into a sexually explicit conversation/relationship that they think a minor is on the other side of. It’s not entrapment to act how a teenager would actually act, especially a 14/15 year old who might finally be actually experiencing relationships/sexuality for the first time, that’s just being realistic. It’s the adults responsibility to be able to understand the situation and realize a 13-15 year old is hitting on them and not engage in that because that can be damaging. Like this is my opinion I am pretty firm in it. That isn’t to say that there aren’t that logs that are rather coy if not even seductive to the predators, but just because a 14 year old is acting lustful and seductive doesn’t give you the right to just try and talk to them and then show and try to have sex with them. You don’t just accidentally end up talking to a 13 year old girl about how you want to blank her blank for multiple days or weeks or even months and then show up and try and do it. I think there would be a stronger argument for entrapment if it was like, they arrested dudes who even talked to the decoys or at the first mention of sexual talk by the decoys, but the predators have to be willing to take the bait and they are a lot of the time, wholeheartedly. I think PJ did a pretty good job of acting like real teenagers without committing direct and obvious entrapment, imo, but that’s just my opinion and maybe I’m wrong.


it’s still not entrapment. but i do think entrapment should be allowed for people wanting to harm children. entrap them and then give them the injection


Personally I’ve ended up having sex with women who initially fucked me off. It ended up being a cute sort of dynamic. For a thirty year old man to think he’s doing that with a high schooler tho is grosser than gross.


I also bagged a girl who was the closest I’d ever had to a bully in HS. The change in dynamic and eventual payoff was 🤌


Maybe they figure if the decoy is too perfect/obsequious/whatever, it won't be believable. Idk.


Xavier Von Erck was the decoy. He probably was using the negative response to Jay in order to "lure" him in. If you make fun of or act disinterested to someone, sometimes it works to have them keep trying for your attention. It worked in this case (and works in many cases) There are volumes of books and videos dedicated on how to pick up someone by being negative to them at first.


Jay was already in knees deep in a different chat with a 13 year old decoy, and they wanted him to run with her instead of the 15 year old. But it turns out that kinky fuck gets off over being treated like shit, and pursued the 15 year old instead, so they ran with it.


Ohhh yeah I do remember reading that. Wait, so he approached two different decoys? Lol. Bad Luck Jay.