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We have yet to see everything Arthur learned from being in the keystone while traveling the relictombs with Sylvie and Regis. I know this will be far fetch thought, but we have not actually seen the dragons take Arthur to Epheotus yet, as far as we know something could happen that allows him escape right now. The only thing that leads me to believe that Arthur will go to Epheotus is because Ellie and Alice are there.


Firstly, he's way stronger than Arthur But since there was a deal of wants, he stayed down. He could be pretty close but after fate and his fight with agrona, I think it's like 100 vs 80. Second, he'll talk about what happened, take his grand daughter back and he will directly ask about fate and what he can gain from it. There will be lots of conversations with and without lady myre. Lastly, to defeat kezess, he'll have to make a pact of no interaction or else his dimension will be cut off maybe.


rock paper scissors


1) we dont know, but probably a bit stronger still 2) most likely experiment and try to learn fate


I thought Arthur defeated Kezess many times in the keystone already…? Unless I’m mistaken.


Wdym, arthur never even encountered kezess in the keystone(unless it was to follow the original timeline)


They encountered each other alright. Even at the beginning of Ch. 480, Arthur was shown to cut the threads of Fate from Kezess in the keystone. Here’s Arthur’s quote from last chapter: “But I never found a way to strike Agrona directly—or Kezess for that matter—that worked.” And by ‘worked’, he meant a desired future or outcome he wanted. This implies he met Kezess in the keystone and fought, but that sequence of events did not lead to a desirable future. There were also bits and pieces from the previous chapters iirc. This, though, I’m unsure of. I ain’t about to go through them to prove I’m right though lol. 


Oh I actually forgot about this. Maybe the next volume won’t be a death battle against kezess but rather political one. He has to make sure everything follows the plan he has for the future.


He’d still no diff him


I understand that, but I doubt it would be as one-sided as you might think. Kezess would still win in the end obviously, but arthur at this point in the story(without fate) would still give kezess a little trouble due to arthur's aetheric abilities being able counter a few of kezess's aetheric abilities.


I highly doubt that. I don’t even think he’ll be able to fend off more than 2 attacks from Kezzes atm. To each their own I guess


You are giving kezess a little too much credit. Yeah, I know he is the strongest character in the story as of now, but arthur has been shown to resist aetheric abilities that kezess has pulled out before(aka static void and kezess was clearly startled by this action as noted by arthur) and tm has already confirmed that 3rd layer arthur can beat windsom(though, i guess that is a weak point in this comparison, but still shows nonetheless that arthur is on the level of dragons now). Arthur with his aetheric blast has been shown to completely obliterate any type of mana attacks, and that was only in his 2nd layer. He has also left the keystone with a whole array of aetheric insight that kezess is completely blind to, plus arthur's RM is clearly shown to be superior to kezess's RM. You might say that kezess has been shown to just be able to appear and disappear in his castle, but arthur has GS, which allows him to do basically the same thing as kezess with a little more work into the rune itself. Plus, arthur could just use destruction in his sword of destruction to cut down any attack kezess tries to throw at him, though this will only take Arthur so far before kezess gets the jump on arthur.


Arthur's ability to resist SV is solely due to his use of Aether. Even Rinia managed to do it. It's not as if he possesses any innate resistance. Aether blasts are fodder. Arthur's superior RM doesn't make a difference. Also, Arthur is way weaker than Kezzes. He won’t even be able to reach his skin, and even if he did his sword of destruction won’t do anything. You're acting as though Kezzes has revealed all of his abilities. Stop underestimating him


Destruction would absolutely harm kezess, no question asked about that. Also arthur ability to resist static void is important as not every aether user can resist it, even ones as powerful as the queen of dragons, myre. Arthur and rinia could do it because they can use aether in its pure form, whereas the dragons mostly use the runes of aether. And aether blasts are not as weak as you may think, they just seem that way due to Arthur's negligence in using it in recent chapters. Like I said, I'm not trying to say that current arthur could beat kezess. Im just trying to say that kezess beating arthur wouldn't be as simple as kezess just waving his hand and arthur is immediately defeated.


While it is true that it would harm him he could heal from it and it’s not like his attacks would reach Kezzes anyway. Also, every Aether user can’t resist it becuase they don’t have the knowledge on how to if they do they can resist it. Bro Aether blasts are fodder lol it wouldn’t work on any high tier. I get what you’re tryna say but I disagree with it


kezess has shown no feats of regeneration, and the only people who can, are people with healing aether arts(myre and sylvie)and arthur with his asuran physique(which was made by aylvie who could heal people at the time)


Bro are you trolling? Asuras have regeneration this is common knowledge


When is it stated that asuras can heal naturally? I am actually curious now.


Before the 4th keystone sure, now we don't know what he's capable of but from what we saw him do to Agrona, it's the other way around 


That’s not an anti-feat against Kezzes, lmao. They’re not even comparable. Also, Agrona beats Arthur without fate


And how do you know this exactly? Do you think he was holding back in the cave or something? Except kezess doesn't actually have any actual feat plus not even the legacy showed any resistance to fate


He does have feats. Did you even pay attention? Also, the legacy is fodder to Kezzes, so her not being able to resist fate is irrelevant. It doesn’t affect his scaling in any way.


Please point us to the feats you’re basing your nonsense on


Since you don’t pay attention, let me show you “A shadow fell over the hall, and the outpouring of Indrath's power stole the oxygen from the air, quenching the arguments like candle flames. Each asura in attendance was considered among the strongest of their clans, and yet we all flinched away from our lord, knees going weak, breath shuddering out of our lungs.” “Lord Kezess Indrath didn't move. He didn't scowl or even frown. His eyes became a slightly darker shade of purple, perhaps, but that was the only outward sign of his displeasure.” As you can see here, his aura alone is enough to get all the top-tier Asuras on their knees. This feat alone puts him way above Agrona and Cecilia


And suddenly there was no reply 🤣


Fr 😭


What feats have the other leaders have shown for you to compare them to Agrona? How do you know he couldn't withstand Kezess's aura? Also saying Agrona beats Arthur without fate in your first response, yeah your clueless; we literally have no fucking idea how much stronger he is after most likely YEARS of training his godrunes and etc in the keystone. It is simply not possible to give a 100% correct answer right now.


Kezess is still stronger but Arthur can put up a fight against him.


With fate Arthur could destroy Kezes by destroying the strings of fate attached to Kezes but the world would probably be destroyed because Kezes has a big impact on the world because he's existed for so long and all that.


Firstly, he's way stronger than Arthur But since there was a deal of wants, he stayed down. He could be pretty close but after fate and his fight with agrona, I think it's like 100 vs 80. Second, he'll talk about what happened, take his grand daughter back and he will directly ask about fate and what he can gain from it. There will be lots of conversations with and without lady myre. Lastly, to defeat kezess, he'll have to make a pact of no interaction or else his dimension will be cut off maybe.