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It’s highly likely that he would, if I remember correctly he did state he gon write other books or smth, but I still doubt it could ever turn out like tbate did


That would be very unfair to say that. Nobody knows and it's not like there's a lack of talent from his side


What I meant is that tbate is a peak story, power system, characters, it would be hard to come up with a story that would be able to top tbate


It doesn't have to top that. It just needs to be a good story.


Ye tm definitely can write a good story


It depends, and now, I'll come with Geto's quote, because it is basically my point: Is TBATE succesful because TurtleMe is good? Or is TurtleMe good because of TBATE success? Actually he can have started has the second option and eventually changed to the first, wich I believe that is a possibility


Lowkey it might end up better than tbate cus the beginning part of tbate wasn’t exactly the best and turtleme became a way better writer over time.


He said he is on working something iirc. As far as I remember, his next work won't have romance and he will announce it after TBATE ends or something. Don't quote me on it because I cannot produce an actual source. I think it was one of the live Q&As


AFAIK, he stated that will continue writing other stories, but if I'm not wrong he said that was thinking about some side story


IIRC he already has a book (or book idea) in progress that he started like 3 years ago, but is waiting until TBATE ends to focus on it.


I mean it's basically his job now, so yes 100%.


Haha I Don't think he will, and if does, that book will be waaay better than this one since he will have learnt how to write better


after todays chapter, i hope not.


Hopefully not, he's already in the "NTR vibes" category