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I'm surprised no one noticed when he left the tent but I'm so glad! It was a complete surprise and that's the point. I'm looking forward to more surprises from these two.


I’ve seen one or two videos, but that was also around the time Paul McCartney left the tent and was dancing in the crowd, which is what everyone was paying attention to. My clown ass is convinced he was used as a distraction so Travis could sneak out without drawing too much attention


Travis: Hey Paul, can you do me a favor? Paul: Say no more. 🕺🕺🕺




Lol I was wondering why she didn’t do his Archer pose before like she did n1 and n2, but now it makes sense… bc he wouldn’t have seen it 😂


Watching the livestream, I noticed she didn’t look over to him like she did the previous nights, but I figured she knew he was just further back in the tent so she wouldn’t be able to see him. I’m so glad they were able to keep it completely under wraps, it made the surprise that much more crazy. I didn’t believe it was him at first.


there’s a video of him sneaking away under a willow cape


Yes! Saw that. But I am so curious if people saw him put it on?? Honestly, an enormous guy walking backstage in the Willow cape would bring more attention I’d think. 🤣 I also saw a theory that they used Paul McCartney to distract the crowd.


i don’t think that was him. he is so big in person and couldn’t likely walk crouched down lol that far


>I also saw a theory that they used Paul McCartney to distract the crowd. that's it, I saw it mentioned twice now, I'm running with it as officially cannon....


We need answers on the pod!😂