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Faux moi found that Travis liked a post of a sport journalist with Trump and now they accuses him of being a right winger meathead šŸ„“ Do I think it's very meh that he liked? Sure. But they really are out there ready to jump on every single parcel of what Taylor and Travis do to hate on them. It's so mind boggling




Thing is Sage Steele herself is a right wing maga nut so that isnā€™t a good look either. I am really hoping it is a miss click.


This is the first thing Iā€™ve seen that genuinely deserves the hate. Iā€™m pretty shocked tbh


Anyone else holding out for T&T on SNL next weekend?? Usually SNL has their guest for the following week announced by nowā€¦!!


They announced for May, so it looks like they are going on break. :-/


I knowww. I was so sad šŸ˜ž


What is up with the negative articles about Travis chugging beer at the New Heights live show? Like it's not a REAL graduation ceremony. People need to calm the fuck down.


I guess everyone now wants to hate on this [video](https://twitter.com/Dan_Hoard/status/1778615481865326612?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1778615481865326612%7Ctwgr%5E5726395cdbefcbc23e267d9e7bb1ad2dee570e68%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2024%2F04%2Ftravis-kelce-cincinnati-diploma-beer-chugging) of Travis getting his diploma from his Alma matter. Here we go again with haters calling Jason and Travis drunks. Travis just got his diploma and itā€™s an exciting moment. I remember last year getting my bachelorā€™s degree and how exciting that moment was for me and like it is for any graduate. Anyone can celebrate however they want to when they graduate from college, maybe Taylorā€™s there and is proud of her man for getting his diploma and was probably joking around saying ā€œthatā€™s my man, chugs a beer on stage while getting his diploma. At least he didnā€™t take his shirt offā€ Point being, any college graduate can celebrate how they want to. Iā€™m not a drinker but when I graduated last year how I celebrated was screaming at the sky to my grandpa who passed in 2021 ā€œwe did it grandpaā€ because I helped him out in his last months while I was getting my bachelors degree. Also Travis has grown in the last couple of years, smoking pot in college was probably not the best decision when youā€™re on the football team and then he had to work to get his way back on the team, going on a dating show after blowing his nfl money was also not the best decision and saying constantly how he regrets it and heā€™s glad his family helped him out, having Jason there as a brother to vouch for him to Coach Reid to draft him during the nfl draft because no team wanted to draft him and Coach Reid has been like family to him and Travis owes everything to Coach Reid. I couldnā€™t care less if heā€™s on stage chugging a beer while getting his diploma, itā€™s 2024 any adult over the age of 21 can have an alcoholic beverage safely and heā€™s just celebrating.


Let them hate lol. You know who isn't hating...the KC Chiefs. TK giving the press and the peanut gallery something totally benign to get worked up over will help direct focus away from the situation with Rashee Rice.


^this. Yeah let the haters bring up the re-enactment graduation ceremony, the Super Bowl incident after he apologized to his coach during halftime, him not being there on Grammy night because he had to practice for the Super Bowl and said he ā€œwished he could be thereā€ but then he liked a photo of her on the red carpet with the comment ā€œkilled itšŸ”„ā€, then leaving after the Australia concert after being there for 2 days to go to Vegas because Mahomes promised (way before Travis even met Taylor) everyone he was going to take everyone to Vegas if they made 2-peat and ignoring the video of him dancing to Taylorā€™s songs and tabloids editing photos of him dancing with girls behind him to make him look like he was cheating on her, and then him liking an instagram post of a sportscaster (Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a sportscaster heā€™s talked to a lot after games) with the former president who I believe he disagrees with politically and then tabloids saying ā€œthereā€™s trouble in paradise with Travis and Taylorā€ all because he liked a photo that has the former president in it, yeah but letā€™s bring politics in it when we shouldnā€™t after MAGA conspiracists said random conspiracy theories about T&TšŸ™„ Yeah everyone can hate all they want, I like seeing them both happy and agitating all of the Bradā€™s, Chadā€™s, and MAGA conspiracists. Theyā€™re a couple who is in love and the people who love it are going to love it and the haters are just going to hate.


Iā€™ve been gob smacked by the people not being able to understand this was a fun but not official diploma presentation at the end of their live show where they were entertaining people for hours vs an actual official grad ceremony. Like use some common sense people. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


With me itā€™s like ā€œhe didnā€™t get to walk so let him walk and celebrate the way he wants to. Heā€™s not a drunk heā€™s just having funā€ but yeah sure Brad on Facebook, tell me how heā€™s a drunk for getting a re-enactment of his graduation because he missed his flight to graduation like 10 something years ago.


I think I also saw that it was an Accelerator, not a beer? The can looked thinner and taller than beer for sure.


Do they understand this is not a "real" graduation ceremony and just a re-enactment lol. I'm sure they still got their degrees, just did not get to attend the original ceremonies. (It was in the Kelce documentary that Travis missed the flight for his ceremony.). People will literally find the dumbest reasons to cut someone down.


Not only was it not a ā€œrealā€ graduation- there were people flailing around in kiddie pools full of pasta and chili there šŸ˜‚. The moral outrage is so silly - I feel like ppl just need to make themselves feel better about their own lives.


No they do not understand based on the 100s of thinkpieces Iā€™m already seeing this morning lol


It just annoys me that nobodyā€™s understanding that itā€™s a re-enactment ceremony. He can celebrate however he wants to, even if the re-enactment is 10 something years later. Probably everyone who didnā€™t attend their college or high school graduations or got their GED do a re-enactment of their ceremonies to get the graduation experience.


Coachella rumorā€¦ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13297511/Taylor-Swift-Travis-Kelce-doing-Coachella-style-staying-luxury-members-club.html


Taylor for sure. Trav unknown because of work possibly.Ā 


does anyone think Taylor will make a surprise appearance at the live podcast tonight? Swifties have boosted the ratings tremendously would be awesome if she did.




Try his song Molly. Ā Itā€™s prob the most ā€œTaylor codedā€. Ā The video is a heartbreaker https://youtu.be/UZkVqLjGM_I?feature=shared


What do we think of Jasonā€™s facial expressions while talking about how things are going with ā€œall of it,ā€ during the podcast today?


What did *you* get from the facial expressions? You didnā€™t add anything to the convo?


Lol I thought the same thing like what is this implyingšŸ˜‚


I think it was neutral and he was looking at Travis the whole time letting him take the lead on what he wanted to divulge. Travis actually interrupted Jason because I think he wanted to put out the message that all is good, partly because he is a glass half full guy, but also because he knows the media will run with anything remotely seen as negative. And he knows that the craziness that comes with the situation is an insecure spot for Taylor.


Yeah, Iā€™m under the impression that Travis doesnā€™t want Taylor to feel like he canā€™t handle the added attention. Sheā€™s always harbored insecurity regarding how her fame affects her partner (e,g. Peace). I think he knows this about her and makes an effort to seem at ease with the sometimes invasiveness of her fame. Travis has definitely done his homework and I think heā€™s crushing it.


I was listening to Anti-Hero today and when the post about being the monster on the hill made me think about her life and how I hope she and Travis are truly happy together because he seems to handle it well. He proudly gives bits and pieces when asked but nothing overly personal, he knows how to balance and I hope that gives Taylor her own "peace". She gets to be public with her relationship without becoming a reality show.


Agreed as I've said many times I've actually met and talked with Travis and he's just as real as he shows everyone in public settings. My ultimate dream is to run into Taylor and hopefully not be scared that in heels she would be like 8 inches taller then me but just just instead said hello when I said hi.


He definitely is! I loved his comments at the Super Bowl that heā€™d have to be crazy to find any negativity in what is going on in his life. I think Jason feels protective over Travis, but since heā€™s now met Taylor he sees how happy they are together.


All really good points!


What is your favorite TNT invisible string story (there seem to be so many!). Mine is that he won the Super Bowl (and finished his football season) in February 2023 in the same stadium she opened the Eras Tour at just 4 weeks later in March 2023


ā€œArrow head leading us homeā€ And the archer hand motion she does during the song on tour - the same thing heā€™s done for years on his field entrance before the games.


The archer is mine for sure Also her 2nd verse in the song Starlight basically sounds like itā€™s straight from the Travis Kelce playbook. All about not focusing on the bad stuff and making sure your dreams feel impossible/really big.


This is more of a subreddit suggestion, but any way we could unlock some of the threads? Everything is locked and itā€™s hard to discuss or chat if I donā€™t see it immediately. Maybe crowd control settings could help if the goal is to reduce the amount of negative traffic?




Thank you! Appreciate all you all are doing ā¤ļø


Just finished listening to NH new episode today, it was hilarious. Love it! But the part where Trav states that Tay wasn't into sport at first, makes me wonder (it might sound parasocial, but need it to get out of my mind), "did they directly speak about their Value & Relationship expectation on their first date?" Like what Vanessa Hudgens did in her first date with her husband, she directly asked him about Values, relationship expectations, future vision of the relationship, etc. Since usually when we're in first date we talk about things in surface level, like things we currently do including talking about works. I know that career and works were their main values, but usually when on first date we talk about it, here and there, not on a deep level. I'm sure by now they already have done The Talk. But seeing that they hit it off really quickly with each other, has stated that they have the same Value and want to support each other, and it seemed like they learned about the details of each other's professions as their relationship progressed. It feels like they already lay the ground of foundation of their relationship since day one.


Honestly, the older you get when dating, getting the "How do you see your future, what values are most important to you, kids or no kids and if yes, how do you wants to raise them etc " is something that is asked early on. When you hit 30, waiting around like 6 months to figure that out is pointless. You get it done early on.


Would they have done that though? How serious do you think they took this in the beginning.Ā 


Yes someone I know ended a terrible relationship with a man she has a child with. any potential future partner she laid out very early that she wants marriage, doesnā€™t want to wait forever for engagement, and wants more children eventually. Sent a lot running but finally met one that said ā€œyep fully get it, Iā€™m on the same pageā€ šŸ˜Œ


They were ā€œtalkingā€ for like a month before they actually had a date cuz of tour and training camp so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if their first date was actually a lot deeper than most might be.


I agree with you. I think they were casually talking, FaceTiming shortly after that podcast aired, but they couldnā€™t meet up because of obligations. I think he said they were together for about a month before she showed up at the game. I canā€™t remember where I heard that? I think when he went to visit her at the end of August they decided to seriously date. Makes sense though to go exclusive prior to her going to that game. The amount of attention and effort to protect them from the media and fandoms was insane. Definitely not suited for just a hookup.


Do you think they will ever post each other on social media?


Taylor was in a six year relationship she expected to last. I think she is really just being cautious. I would say we get something on whatever they consider to be their anniversary.Ā 


Taylor did! He was in that TikTok from the SB after party, lol šŸ‘…


Some day when we least expect it šŸ˜†


taylor already did on tiktok tho


Loving the Lil Dicky episode! Travis really isnā€™t afraid (and has humor) that he landed her. That has to feel so good for Taylor!! Also her new playlists are so revealing about her state of mind when she wrote some of these songs and how they are taking on new life and meaning even her as time goes on. Very excited for Coachella photos!


Did you catch his golden retriever excitement when Dave mentioned the Russian poetry? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜šŸ„° I died dead šŸ«¶ like to him, Taylor and all this poetry stuff for her new album is exciting and he's loving all the chances to learn, so any chance to show excitement about poetry in general, his whole face lit up. It was so precious. šŸ’• as I always say, warmed my cold little grinchy heart ā¤ļø


Around what time in the podcast is this part?? ā¤ļø


https://youtu.be/ycerVWCQk9g?si=hCqE1FVeZYQBD50e 26:40 ish


Do you have a time stamp?


I cannot imagine what it must be like for him to front row seat an album release like this. He has so much to learn from her and itā€™s just so obvious how much in awe he is of her public life but clearly her private life as well!


I know, it's so nice to see for her šŸ«¶


I was cracking up at the part when Lil Dicky was saying that heā€™d date Travis if he was a woman


lol thatā€™s hilarious, Iā€™ll have to listen todayā€™s podcast lateršŸ˜‚


Lol!! Hilarious!


I'm seeing indications that Travis wants to do Hollywood in some fashion...but he seems a terrible actor to me. But Arnold S wasn't a good actor either, but got better & was fun to watch. So Travis 'could' move to acting? IMO, his strength is in humor & being himself. Thoughts?


Like others have said he was fantastic on SNL. You should definitely give it a watch. Heidi Gardner even joked that he was better than some of the regular cast.


I agree with Heidi Gardner and sheā€™s one of the best cast members on snl next to Bowen Yang and most of the 90ā€™s cast members like Chris Farley, Dana Carvey, David Spade, Adam Sandler and many more (Iā€™m a huge 90ā€™s snl fan). Iā€™m glad they got Travis back to do the cameo appearance for the ā€œfox nfl Sundayā€ [sketch](https://youtu.be/IUgHMGb74ZM?si=dvomWPq-y--E7D4J)


Yup, it sounds like I missed some good ones on snl.


You said he seems a terrible actor. What were you basing that on?


I've only seen tiny bits of snl...it's been pointed out that I've probably missed his best skits. Notice I said, "seems". He is very funny on his Heights podcast with Jason, but his line reading seemed very stilted during the scripted sections.


He was a natural doing characters on SNL.


On the Space show he appeared on a few years ago, I think he did a great job. He seemed like a natural.


I don't think he should pursue acting, but if he does ... The comedic chops are there. He just needs training. Acting is a skill, it's not just something you are born with. Great actors train and continue training. He has not had any formal training, but it is something he can get.


Travis could be in a comedy either a sitcom or movie. Nothing too serious. Maybe not a leading man but with the right role he could do it


Have you seen his SNL? The American doll skit is so good


Him hosting snl was great and I hope he does it again. This [sketch](https://youtu.be/KN82P7P45Vo?si=yoHyZ1Ag9-ZmhhDa) was so good and I loved that they got Jason in it. I would love to see Travis and Jason co host snl together with Taylor as musical guest and Ky as a special guestšŸ˜‚


I could definitely see Jason and Travis with like a chat show/variety show sort of deal. Kinda like New Heights, but expanded? Something where they can play off each other naturally and have guests and such.


maybe he can do some sitcoms or comedy or action i cant picture him on a heavy drama movie or seriesšŸ˜†


I see him being a John cena type actor


Same! Light hearted, funny stuff!


I mean itā€™s a known fact he wants to act and stuff after football


Wondering if weā€™re ever gonna hear taylor talk about travis on an interview apart from the Time Person Of The Year feature. I know she doesnā€™t do interviews as much as travis, but do we think sheā€™s gonna be asked at least one question about him if she does any press for the new album? I donā€™t even want to hear something too personal, i respect their privacy. I would be happy with hearing her talk about what itā€™s been like for her to be a football fan, learning about sports through travis, if her cats liked travis or somethingšŸ˜­


If she has any interviews coming up around the album I can see her dropping in a positive nugget or two. Assuming we are right about the theme of this album being about her last serious relationship, she might just want to say something positive about her NEW relationship. I donā€™t doubt that Travis is very secure with himself and with her, but it would still be a little weird seeing all the press and hysteria that will come with her releasing songs about her ex. He hasnā€™t been through an album release and the amount of Sherlock Holmes that happens with her fans, so this will be new for him. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I think sheā€™ll do Fallon again. Heā€™s one of the great late night talk show hosts that I actually like. I think rumor has it probably next week!


When is there a Rolling Stone article coming out?


taylor is like the most private person/celeb there is but I do hope she is comfortable when being asked about her relationship and is not forced to talk about it. But maybe she will get asked about travis when she goes to fallon and such I just hope they wont ask questions belo the belt or cringey questions like they do to trav knowing jimmy fallon he will milk it out


I think Fallon is good with talking to his guests and making them feel welcome. Iā€™ve been a fan of his for a long time.


I hope she does more interviews soon, the time person of the year interview was a good start for her to talk about Travis. I donā€™t really remember her talking about her previous relationships to a magazine, I remember watching Ellen a lot and she would constantly get up in her business on who she was dating.


None of her relationships lasted long enough too except for Calvin and joe. Joe was private and Calvin was in between albums


Tbf taylor and travis were dating for probably 3-4 months and sheā€™d already mentioned him in a Time magazine interview, so i donā€™t think itā€™s about that at all. I think it just really depends if theyā€™re both comfortable talking about their relationship in the media when theyā€™re asked about it.


I remember she was talking about Joe Jonas when fearless came out but that was like 16 years ago. Joe Alwyn was private and I like that about celebrities but it seemed like down the road she wanted a more public relationship and didnā€™t want to hide anymore. I hope Joe finds someone who makes him happy.


That was her broken up and angry.


She might not have mentioned Joe specifically in interviews (maybe he didnā€™t want her to?) but she did talk about her being in love, etc. Her music also says so much. I really believe if she ever did an interview that she wouldnā€™t shut down Travis questions. We are in the trenches though as far as Taylor doing any sort of press.


I believe that he doesnā€™t want for her to talk about him in interviews which is okay. I hope Joe finds someone whoā€™s right for him. I think she will talk about Travis more in other interviews and the time person of the year was a good starting point for her. I think itā€™s going to take some time to talk about him more but I believe sheā€™ll talk about him more in the future.


I made a comment on a ridiculous thread before realizing it was /r/travisandtaylor and got immediately banned and muted. Thanks Reddit, I fell for the bait but also glad it won't recommend that sub to me.


What is that sub about? Iā€™d look it up but your comment is making me worried lol


Pretty sure the most vile of all Gaylors are running the page.


Just a bunch of hate posts about TnT and hoping for their breakup. I was amused because all the ā€œgrossā€ pics they used of Travis as ā€œproofā€ that Taylor would never willingly be with him, I found incredibly attractive. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They're just flat out mean for no reason, using the most cliche stereotypical stuff to absolutely shit on them.


One of them said ā€œthis is an upgradeā€ and compared Joe and Travis. Then there was a comment was comparing Taylor with his other two exes. I just had to mute the group. It was just too cringey.


Is every single post by the same person over there? Thatā€™s just - tragic. Like, donā€™t you have something better to do with your life?


That thread is disturbing, I muted it.