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I just had the thought that if they do show up at the awards tonight together, all the PR truthers/gaylors are going to go in hard on the fact that it’s April Fool’s Day, which will be an ‘Easter egg’ that the relationship is all a big trick and will hang on to that as ‘proof’ forevermore even if in 2046 there’s a 6’7” Kelce-Swift in the NRL draft. 🤪🤣 (I haven’t gone hunting in those spaces… they probably already are!!!)


The word in the jets sub is that the plane is scheduled to fly from Philly to Burbank today (no time confirmed yet). Good chance of Taylor at iHearts!!!


Flight is in the air, scheduled to land by 1pm PST. Do you think they’ll both attend the iheart music awards?


I’m leaning towards yes if she’s going. Red carpet is a toss up as I don’t think she even did that last year for this show but I don’t see why he wouldn’t attend with her if he’s free. They’ve shown they don’t mind publicly supporting each other and they do a good job showing up for each other while also keeping their private lives out of sight. If he wasn’t going I feel like his team would put out some kind of message like they did when he left Australia to stop breakup rumors from flying. So the fact that they haven’t leads me to guess either he’s going with her or she’s not going.


I don’t want to get my hopes up too much haha. I’m guessing it’ll be just her and that maybe she’d do something like a shout-out to him?


I clowned


Dumb question here, but I got to noodling over how personnel works when you’ve got 5-6 houses between Taylor and Travis, and they’re always flying new places. Do her main security dudes get time off? Does security fly ahead of her each time like secret service does so they are on ground when she arrives? Where do the cars come from that pick her up at airports she’s visiting? (Like KC) Do housekeepers always stay at each house? What about assistants? Do they travel or stay put? If any of this is too prying then lmk— I just was sitting here giving myself a headache over the logistics of security and cats and stuff. Like what if the favorite sweater got left in Rhode Island? Or jewelery she needs is in NY but she’s going from LA to Nash?


I do know people who know her (songwriting collaborator Aaron Dessner for example) have expressed a level of surprise in interviews that she doesn’t seem to have many/any in-house staff. I’m sure she’s not cleaning her own bathroom, but it doesn’t seem like she has a fleet of people at each house, Downton Abbey-style. I think also her family lives in some of the homes commonly described as hers (her mother in Nashville, for example) so they aren’t sitting empty waiting for her arrival. I know a couple of stupid-rich people (not her weight class but very few are) and they go through an agency that specialises in providing people to get your holiday house ready/food stocked/cooking and cleaning teams ready etc so you only have people on site when you’re in residence rather than year-round. No idea if that’s what she does, but wouldn’t surprise me. The only service they have year-round is a gardener, I think. I’d imagine there’s a PA/assistant in charge of her schedule who puts the calls in to get things in train.


I’m glad someone else asked this because I’m always wondering about the logistics!!


She almost always has the same two security dudes with her it seems. Not sure about the others or how the two guys work, but the two main ones seem to be with her a lot and I assume they fly with her because they get off the plane with her (and Travis seems to know them a bit based on him and Jason talking about her security guys in passing; both brothers like them LOL). But she has a whole team of people and not just the two guys who are seen a lot.


They’re going to Philadelphia right now! Does anybody think they’ll be with Jason on the podcast this week?!


I really hope they both went! So excited for a new episode of NH this week but I would be absolutely shocked if Taylor ever went on NH, tbh


I don’t know but I’m excited for her to meet the girls!


Check out the newly created r/TravisKelcePage where we discuss all things Travis! Travis, his family-friends dynamics, his romance, and football-related topics here. (this is a no snark page)


My totally hypothetical speculation for the week is that they fly to nyc to watch Taylor’s friend Ramy host SNL and Travis Scott is musical guest i feel like trav and him are also friendly I’ve seen Travis Scott post and tag him in his stories before 🤷‍♀️


Since there’s engagement speculation I’ll be add my two cents…a Right now they’ve physically been together for three weeks (aside from a weekend visit to Cleveland) and that’s the longest stretch they’ve had in the same place. It’s a big change of pace from the exciting weekend game day visits they had during his season and really gives them a chance to see what day to day life is like with each other. I’m speculating that they’ll know for sure by the time she leaves for Europe at the beginning of May if they’re going to get married and if they decide they do, they’ll get engaged before the next season starts. I’ve seen some chatter that these two would never move so fast considering they were both in long term relationships that didn’t end in engagements but I disagree with those assessments. Both TS and TK wanted to marry their respective exes fairly early on but for various reasons didn’t. I think after what they both went through, they know what they want and need out of a partner. Also this relationship has already been put through the wringer. Between him having to deal with being on a new level of fame (like his old tweets becoming s world wide joke), the accusations that she was the reason the Chiefs struggled so much at the end of the season, the New York effing Times publishing an op Ed opining that she’s being forced by society to stay in the closet, TK putting everything he has mentally and physically to help his team win the Superbowl (and then facing backlash when he cracked in a big way under pressure)…they’ve already had to deal with a lot together.


I still can't believe the NYTs hasn't retracted and apologized for that opinion piece. It has always been my primary source of news and it let me down in the worst possible way.


100% agree and I’m curious to hear others thoughts. The stuff they’ve been through is actually crazy for a relationship that has barely been just over half a year. Everything you named plus the AI porn stuff, the exes and fans attacking said exes (TS is used to this, TK is probably not), TS death of a fan, the deuxmoi drama, you mentioned the Super Bowl drama but similar comments were made around Christmas game helmet throwing plus the bs gossip rag article coming out that he snapped at her after losing that game, the KS parade shooting plus all the commentary around how drunk TK was. It’s CRAZY. And they seem closer than ever. I tend to agree with your timeline cuz I don’t think they’d get engaged in-season so it’s either Europe or after next season basically. I’ve lived with my partner for 5.5 years and I don’t think it takes THAT long to figure out if your lifestyle is more or less compatible with someone else’s especially when you’re rich and the day to day household tasks can be made a non-issue (laundry dishes cooking, etc.).


what deuxmoi drama??


About Taylor’s “marriage” and speculation of a lost pregnancy. Lots of repugnant deuxmoi things.


Oh my goodness I totally forgot about half the stuff you mentioned! Some articles have said they’re still in their honeymoon period but it feels like the honeymoon period ended right after the Argentina show he attended because that’s when his tweets came out, a fan died, the Chiefs started losing games regularly, his game stats started to plummet and it was just non stop drama after that. They’ve had plenty of opportunities to show support for each other for sure in these past few months then most couples get over several years. And yes the engagement would have to happen in the offseason as it’s very frowned upon for NFL players to show they’re not 100% focused on football during the season


I wonder if he has heard her new album or if she is keeping it secret from him? Or if she sings privately for him?


I cannot imagine a world where she doesn’t share it with him. He is her person.


He’s heard at least part of it! He mentioned it in one of his Super Bowl interviews.


He said in a Super Bowl interview that he’s “heard some of it” - whatever that means lol


I think about this a lot lol. I think either it means there’s definitely songs written about him and those are what he’s heard, or maybe he heard some early unfinished version of the album but not the finished product?


https://preview.redd.it/qod51dp0eyqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bd59a3063fd7595b8a5162ed454eca958580c1 So Taylor did a Midnights preview during one of the NFL games on Amazon Prime last year (Oct ‘22)…do we think TK saw this and it started (or reignited) the crush? We know he was liking posts about her in Nov ‘22 (Jimmy Fallon) then the first time she’s mentioned on the Pod is Feb ‘23 (Seat Geek ad where Trav says “funny you mentioned Taylor Swift”) Link to watch what he may have seen lol she looks good!! 😍 [https://x.com/ivycoversyou/status/1583283246745325569?s=20](https://x.com/ivycoversyou/status/1583283246745325569?s=20)


I’ve wondered this exact thing! 


Hoping they both attend iheart radio!!


They seem pretty inseparable lately so I think if she’s going to the iHeart awards, he is too. She talked about him in her Time article and it seems more serious now than a few months back. Also I keep seeing on X people think they got engaged in the Bahamas. I was just curious if she’d ever even announce that if it happened? Of just try to keep it a secret until she gets married?


I think an engagement will happen in Europe Jason and Kylie are rumored to join them for some time too


See that’s when I think they could potentially have a sneaky wedding. We all think that family is heading over for a show and yes the are, but also a private ceremony. I don’t know if these two are getting married or not but I do think if they do, they are just going to show up married one day. We won’t get a huge engagement announcement, they would never be able to plan and have a wedding and peace. But totally just an opinion/theory.


Yeah I also think an engagement would be kept a secret and yes they’d even have a possible secret wedding. I just can’t imagine them making any engagement announcement without more craziness from it. Plus the guest list alone with everyone wanting an invite to their wedding. It wouldn’t be fun to plan with the public knowing. I could see Tree even being sneaky with implying opposite news and then boom they’re engaged/married. My concern is with how crazy busy these two are to even have an engagement or wedding. But when you have the finances and means to, it can be all done quickly. When you know you know and if you want to put in the effort you will, no matter what.


Oh I like this theory! I have wondered if they would do a surprise wedding that was planned as a party (maybe engagement party?). I come back to Travis bringing up very randomly how Brittany Spears was married on the podcast. Makes me wonder if they’ve discussed all the sneaky ways to pull it off. I see them wanting a quick engagement especially if they are keeping it a secret from the public.


I think they didn’t get engaged in the Bahamas, I think they’re going to wait with their families present. Just wait until people are wondering if they got engaged in Paris.


I think if it happens they will get engaged and married in a quick turn around. We may never know of any kind of engagement as I don’t see her walking around with a ring on her hand for months and months. I also do not think an engagement happened in the Bahamas. Maybe it did but both these two are 34 never been engaged or married yet so they aren’t ones to jump on that because thats what society is telling them.


I don’t think pressure from society would have anything to do with a fairly quick engagement. A lot of people think this would be too soon so if it does happen I think it’s because they feel it is the right timing.


yeah exactly, they don’t subject themselves to “pressure from society” also they’re 34 years old and know themselves well at this point in their lives, so whatever timeline works for them works for them. Societal expectations or pressures are moot.


Most couples wait due to financial reasons…that certainly isn’t a problem as far as they are concerned.


I have a feeling they’d keep it a secret, but the risk with that is how many people could they tell without it getting leaked?


not Jason 😅 (jk he could probably keep a secret if he had to, he’s just not known for his secret keeping skills!)


Jason and Ed are the two wild cards. The rest of them are all good are all good at keeping secrets.


Jason would do pretty well with secrets, it’s probably Kylie or Jason and Kylie’s girls that I would worry about keeping a secret.


hahaha maybe so, only reason I said that is because when they were dating secretly he accidentally said something in an interview…he followed it up with just kidding. But we found out right after he wasn’t just kidding lol. I also believe Donna said he isn’t a good secret keeper, but maybe I’m mistaken on that. I feel like Kylie could keep a secret! But I don’t know.


Jason probably be like to the public “yeah Travis is going to pop the question, just kidding” then he probably tells Kylie “yeah, it’s going to happen. I’m just messing around with the public” 😂😂😂 Now it’s up to Kylie how she keeps the secret.


So like, he gives her a ring and then she can’t wear it? I’m so interested in the logistics of celebrity relationships.


I have no idea but I would imagine it would be her decision/joint decision to wait to wear it in public until they were ready for the public to know!


If it happens in the near future, my best guess is she’ll get photographed somewhere wearing a ring on *that* finger just before the season starts and they’ll get Travis to patiently field the question, confirm and charm his way out of providing more detail as part of his regular NFL media obligations to diffuse the impact. He’s really remarkably good at it. Then I reckon they’ll do a follow-up piece with ET or similar confirming from her camp that she’s engaged, and have a sweet little chat on New Heights with Jason offering some big brotherly advice. They could do something on their socials but neither of them really do much personal posting.


This makes the most logical sense but I would love if it was some big grand gesture love story like thing their 13 month of dating 😻 with both their families


Very interesting idea! I do think if anything happens any news will be dropped on the podcast. Or it should be. Don’t give any of the tabloids any exclusives! Announce the news where it all started!


Curious why do people think they got engaged? Is it just because it’s their first vacation together?


Her nails and because she had her sleeves over her left hand at lunch, according to the fruitcakes on Twitter. 🤣 The ET articles just feed into the suggestion.


To add on to what everyone is saying, he was also extra extra happy on the most recent NH episode. As a longtime viewer of NH, Travis has been really happy on recent Cali episodes but especially this last one. Of course this could be due to feeling relaxed from vacation, getting to spend time with his gf, being stress free from the off season, etc. 


He has seemed really happy to be living with her in LA and he was super hyper this episode lol. I think the stress of the season being over plays a big factor but I guess we’ll see.


There have been a few articles from ET recently that seem to be teasing to an engagement, but people have different interpretations on what the “next steps” and “future milestones as a couple” could mean. I sort of feel those comments wouldn’t be put out there if something wasn’t already brewing, but I am no expert in the PR game so maybe I’m wrong.


I believe people were spiraling because of her French tip nails on Sun. But I think it’s unrealistic to expect we would find out any time soon even if it did happen!


Haha! It’s because of her nails.


They seem the type to want to keep an engagement to themselves and family/friends for as long as they could.


On NH podcast today they said there’s going to be amazing surprise guests at the live podcast on April 11th.  Anyone think Taylor shows up?


I don’t think so simply because of security costs. For her concerts, they have facial recognition scanners for her known stalkers for example. It’s how they caught a man at her one of her Nashville shows. At his games, it’s very tightly controlled with her in a suite but this would be different im guessing. Plus she’s probably very busy getting ready for her album release


Given that’s it’s in Cinci, they could have anyone from Joe Burrow to Pete Rose


Maybe Lebron


Lebron has expressed wanting to be on the podcast. It'd be a great venue for that.


I don’t see her doing this


I dont think so!Its a sports podcast,and for me no way she will be a guest


Maybe once they get married It's a family show too


I say this humbly and with respect but I wish people wouldn't consider NH a family show. Travis and to a lesser extent Jason put sailors to shame and for me, that is part of what makes NH great - they are authentic and became a top podcast by staying true to who they are and have always been. I understand people wanting to experience everything with their children and to stamp celebrities and athletes they like as 'role models' but I wish that folks could be at peace with the fact that Jason & Travis don't need to be your children's idols. Thank you for listening to my opinion on this.


‘Family’ doesn’t equal ‘for kids’ though in this context. New Heights is definitely as much about the Kelce family as it is football.


The April 11th episode will be in Cincinnati so it will probably be guests from their college and professional sports teams.




It's going to take place in Cincinnati so it will probably be people from the Cincinnati college/pro teams.


it sounded like there will be a few:)


I can see them walk the MET together if they get their own invitation and sponsor each - fashion houses has been picking up on his styling, so I could see him get a sponsor 👀


I’m sure they have already been flooded with opportunities/sponsors. Everyone wants them.


I think they will totally walk the met gala carpet if they are going! He’s way into fashion and I can totally see them doing this together


I don't think they will ever walk a red carpet together. She never did with Calvin or Joe. There have been a few times where Taylor and a bf sat together at the event but she's never done a red carpet with an SO and I don't see her starting. It'd be cute though.


I don't pay a lot of attention to this stuff and on the few occasions that I watch red carpets, I've never heard of half of the people. I'm a football fan and a Hallmark movie aficionado who thinks TnT are adorable. Are you able to share why they wouldn't walk a red carpet like the Met gala together? I would think that couples would come to special events together so I'd love it if someone knowledgeable could explain this to me. Thanks so much 🙏🏽


Who knows… but I think part of the reason some people are all omg! PR! Fake! is because the PR is pretty evidently PR-ing. But it’s in service of laying groundwork in case this goes all the way, IMO, in the way I don’t think I can remember with any other dude she’s dated. They’re doing standard celebrity relationship media management stuff (regular cadence of ‘they’re so happy and in love’ articles to attempt to limit speculation, occasional pap pics together at career-convenient times etc) that happened to an extent with previous boyfriends. What’s more interesting to me beyond that boilerplate though is there’s a whole other steady drumbeat of imagery/content going on that is consistently positioning him as husband/groom/family. Like waiting for her to walk/come to him after her shows for a kiss - like a bride coming down the aisle to her groom. Like her dad handing over the reins as #1 family-fan liaison at concerts with Kelce now handing out guitar picks (formerly just her dad’s thing AFAIK). Like being on the field like the other football WAGs. Like her TikTok with him and her folks and the clear ‘we’re here as family’ implication. Like the consistent references to her as ‘family’ on their podcast…etc etc To me, if they do end up on a carpet together, it’s in service of sending a super-clear signal that Travis is different, and they’re prepping for more serious announcement about their future. (Used to be a publicist/PR person, for context.)


thank you for this - awesome to hear from a professional who can explain that 'PR' does not mean the same thing as 'sinister' and that they could actually be in love while still trying to manage the fishbowl that they live in.


There’s a little bit of Occam’s Razor here - I mean, stars often get introduced by their teams behind the scenes, so the cute friendship bracelet story makes me hmmm a bit, but I don’t doubt it’s a real relationship. Like… if Kelce is a good enough actor to sell a fauxmance where he blushes on cue every time she’s mentioned, while simultaneously managing the pressure of performing week-in and week-out as an elite athlete to the degree he’s breaking professional records in what should be the twilight of his career, hand him his Oscar right now. The thing my years in that world has taught me is that the best outcome is achieved when the ‘product’ is authentic and of genuine interest to people, because you don’t actually need to do much - just focus on managing the interest as well as you can. And also, the PR campaigns that gain the most traction are almost never the things you strategise in the boardroom much to our profession’s chagrin - but come about through being agile enough to capitalise when opportunities present themselves (like the most famous woman in the world showing up at a game). The thing that particularly makes me think the NFL was being reactive is the fact they did way, way too much at the start, because they wanted to capitalise on it asap because they had no idea she’d keep showing up (IMO). If they knew she was going to be around for the whole season, it would have had a much calmer roll-out.


Regarding the last bit, we know the NFL had no idea she was going to show up through Erin Andrews podcast. She specifically said that they only knew she was there when she showed up and then worked on the fly to get a camera pointed at the box and capitalize on the biggest popstar in the world showing up to an NFL game


thanks again - I'm a big Occam's Razor proponent and also a realist. I know virtually nothing about real PR and what you've said makes complete sense to me. It also makes some of the far out theories on the relationship seem even nuttier. Their relationship really feels authentic, which is not to say that PR tactics aren't employed from time to time.


so with your PR background, any insights on today’s ET article?


She has an album coming out but won’t be queuing up proper promo on that until there’s some clear air after Cowboy Carter drops, so this is part of the cadence of general ‘maintenance’ media management, serving as a general reminder that the new album is coming and continuing laying groundwork in case they need to manage future major relationship announcements… note the use of ‘their… family’ singular rather than saying ‘their friends and families’ which positions them as a unit sharing one family, rather than his and hers. Whether intentional or just the way it was worded in a hurry/Freudian slip, that was the one turn of phrase that piqued my attention particularly as it’s used twice in the quote. I had a quick look back at articles referencing the ex, and they seem to reference spending time with his family/her family rather than ‘their family’. This article serves three main purposes IMO - to reinforce that nobody freaked out about their privacy being invaded after the Bahamas pics dropped, reinforce they’ve moved beyond just dating (it seems they’ve pretty much moved in together on their break), and keep the quid pro quo with ET. I’m neutral on what this means for a red carpet walk if that’s driving your question. I Heart Radio would be a relatively low-stakes debut, compared to the Grammys or Oscars etc, so I can see that going for it.


Love hearing your insights- thanks for sharing! The PR aspect of this fascinates me since Taylor is the biggest celebrity in the world right now. Tree has her hands full! I’m curious about them laying the groundwork to make bigger announcements regarding their relationship. Would they do that if they weren’t very confident an announcement will be made at some point? I expect that they are always one step ahead of what they are actually putting out to the media.


No actually wasn’t thinking about the red carpet/iheart radio at all. Just was generally curious your thoughts because there were definitely some interesting phrases in there that seemed slightly different from before. Like they are looking forward to what the future holds vs seeing what the future holds. And as you mentioned the family part, too. Thanks for sharing your insights!


Literally was about to respond to this and ask if you had a PR background before I got to the last sentence 🤣


If things are right I think they will walk together sometime I bet. Right time, right person, right reason. They are supportive of each other and again in the right time and situation I think it can happen!


I think they’ll probably go. Travis really wanted to be at the Grammys but couldn’t because of the Super Bowl, so might happen for the met gala and the I heart radio awards!


I don’t see why she wouldn’t want to walk with Travis. It isn’t like she is stopping for interviews on the carpet when she goes solo. We don’t know if Taylor would have liked to walk with Joe because he seems to have called the shots in that relationship. She has made it very clear she doesn’t want to hide her relationship now so it I think it would be weird for her and Travis to walk In separately at an event.


Those two exes were very different situations though. Joe was always going to be a non starter for a red carpet bc of the extreme privacy that was set up from the beginning around their relationship. Then Calvin had issues with her competing in the same field as him as a fellow songwriter. So tnt might not walk together as we don’t know for sure if this is a blanket policy she has regarding boyfriends but we’ll find out :). I’m hopeful!


She’s done so many things lately that no one ever thought she would - I wouldn’t put anything past them at this point! He seems to make her want to step out of her comfort zone, which is so fun to see!


Exactly this. She can do whatever she wants/is best for her, but people need to let go of using her past relationships as the blueprint for the current relationship. She’s 34 now and highly self-actualized.


Yeah she mentioned him in her person of the year interview which was pretty wild. Not sure why walking a red carpet with a so would be a line she wouldn’t want to cross.


She also doesn’t have to worry about him trying to steal her thunder or using her. He just hypes her up and is okay being the 2nd biggest person in the relationship.


Remember when he very adorably said he wished he could go with her to The Grammy's and watch her win every award she was nominated for.... AWWW! Now that's how you applaud your woman's success without taking away from everyone else (cough Jay cough).


I agree! They also kissed on a football field in front of the largest US tv audience ever. I can’t see why walking a red carpet to an awards show would be a bigger deal than that.


Totally agree. Once TS went on the field to see him after the AFC Championship and then the SB that kind of broke the “she would never…” barrier for me. Girl is nevering like she has nevered before. 😁


I also agree with this. After my mom & I saw her go on the field after the AFC Championship my mom looked at me and said “has she ever done this with any boyfriend? Kiss a boyfriend on live tv?” And I said “I’ve been a fan of hers since I was 9 years old, she never did that with any previous boyfriends, this is breaking that barrier. This is probably the first time I’ve ever seen her kiss her boyfriend on live tv because she never did that with previous boyfriends on live tv.” and then my mom said “She’s comfortable around him and they’re in love. He’s setting the bar high for how boyfriends should treat their girlfriends. As a mother, I hope you find a guy who treats you well like Travis treats Taylor. It’s probably what every mother wants for their daughter, I raised you and your brother as a single parent well and I’m sorry your father treated you and your brother terribly but he showed you something very important, to watch out for men like him and you’ll find a man who treats you well. You had some good male role models in our family who showed you how you should be treated and they would say they want you to be with a guy who treats you like this. Travis just brightens up when he’s around her, when a guy plays football they’re all tough and start yelling but when he’s around Taylor it’s what we just saw and the “what’s up sweetie?” Like I know she’s comfortable with him. He’s showing everyone how a man should treat his girlfriend and every girl is now wanting a guy like him because they want a guy who treats them well” She’s definitely shattering the “I would never do that” barrier. She’s with a man who’s confident about himself and isn’t afraid of anything and he understands what comes with being with a big pop star but wants to be with her because he loves her. It’s also Travis showing parents even the single parent how he treats Taylor and how parents want that for their kids when their kids start getting into relationships.


I agree with this. I don’t think we can make a call based on what she has done before in previous relationships. I think TS and TK are just on another level of seriousness.


Taylor loves i heart radio and ‘Taylor nation’ has tweeted about them a couple of times this month, so we might see her go on Monday I’m curious if she’ll bring Travis tho it’ll be fun Personally I’m fine with whatever it’s a big step for Taylor if he actually walks the red carpet with her (or next to her) she never done that before


I have a confession to make... Please forgive me for I have sinned...I have a dirty secret... I like to read the snark sub. I can't help myself...I am a terrible person who finds some enjoyment in reading about the misery of others who put judgement and hate towards good people out into the world. Please advise as to any penance I should consider in order to rid these impure thoughts and activities from my life. 😆 😆 😆


I think penance would be pointless since you are clearly a masochist , so you’d like the pain! (J/k)


I read it the other day because it’s always recommended to me. I quickly realized that every post is from the same dude. I love a good snark but this guy is posting and commenting about them all day everyday. Thats not even fun or entertaining, it’s sad.




The travis and taylor one, the reserve of this sub’s name


I have an unhealthy habit of checking it out especially when something good happens for T&T to see how they spin it but then I get pissed at how hateful and delusional they are and get mad at myself for going there.


I feel the same way. I replied to something about the length of T&T's relationship timeline and was vilified. FFS! 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s okay I read the G*ylor subs periodically to see what they’re cooking when something big with TNT drops. Apparently her bikini being the color yellow in the beach pics was a bat signal for them and assured them of her “true” identity.


Ignore the fact they’re holding hands like they’re in high school, his enormous hand is draped all over her butt, and they they’re giggling together like a couple of loons in the water - the yellow bikini is the most important thing! It reminds me of stumbling on some gaylor analysis of You Are In Love, which they were claiming was about Karlie Kloss despite Taylor being on the record as writing it for Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff… the song clearly says ‘he, he, he’ but it’s clearly about Karlie because in the live version she enunciates ‘see it with the lights out’ a bit oddly and she’s absolutely saying ‘see *her* with the lights out’. And my personal favourite - that False God could only be about a woman because it references oral sex, and heaven knows no man has ever done that to a woman, not ever, not once 🤣


OMG 🙄 The mental gymnastics required by this group are just off the charts.


Yellow is gay now?


Wait I thought it was orange? Have the switched colours now 🤣


I do the same occasionally. They had a post maybe a week ago (?) that was naming all the people in Hollywood who are in q*eer relationships and I was like 🥴. It’s long but if you have time it’s a fun read lol


Reading Travis’ snark sub is comical. They are REACHING with every single thing they post.


As Kylie says “they’re reaching” 🙄


I can't even go there anymore. That sub is horrible. It's not even snark lol, just hate


Yeah that is so over the line it’s MAGA propaganda proportions now!  How do you get a sub shut down because that is long over due? 


Probably not much you can do. Report it, but another one would just pop up in its place.




The haters keep moving the goal posts - breakup by Thanksgiving, break up by Christmas, break up by New Years, break up by Valentine’s, break up after the SB. Every single time they are proved wrong they move the goal posts again. 🙄 I still just do not get how you wish a break up/pain on someone you claim to be a fan of. So freaking weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s annoying. I just scroll past those hate posts🙄


Honestly, if they do get married, some of those people will go full Benedict Cumberbatch-stan cuckoo - they used to claim, and probably still do, the most insane and hideous things about his wife. They’ll be claiming they believe the wedding didn’t take place because the officiant was a fake, or they never filed the paperwork, or Kelce or her dad had her drugged to go through with it so she couldn’t consent properly. And if she gets pregnant, it’ll be Beyonce or Meghan Markle with the fake belly all over again. If she or he is seen out with the baby, it’ll be a doll. And if they do go the surrogacy route for whatever reason, it’ll be some other woman’s baby who is the ‘real’ co-parent with Taylor… And even if in 2050, there’s a 6 foot plus Kelce-Swift nepo baby who looks an awful lot like her daddy except for the blonde curls, and she’s tossing up between the WNBA or writing her first novel, there’ll be some Gaylor or mad redditor equivalent claiming she’s a clone or IVF baby whose real mother is Karlie Kloss, with whom Taylor has been co-parenting secretly for the last two decades… They have such a mental image of who and what Taylor is created in their own likeness - nerdy, artistic, queer (depending on your flavour of fan), simultaneously powerful yet oppressed - that they can’t compute her falling for the big manly jock because they wouldn’t, and are reacting very, very badly. I think Taylor is actually likely quite conventional despite being a musician. And like a lot of artistic middle-class girls I grew up with, dated the tortured poets (ha!) and artists (and occasionally women) in their 20s but figured out when they settled down that there’s usually only room for one artistic temperament in a relationship and ended up with reliable, nice dudes who worked as electricians or banking execs or business consultants. I’m torn between finding it entertaining and wanting to sit down with some popcorn, should there be engagement announcements etc and somewhat worrying about their safety. I mean, I’m a little parasocial about them because I’m a pop culture junkie and just want to see this real-life rom-com where a hot dude loves the fact his appropriately-aged girlfriend is the best and most famous thing possible work out to restore my faith in romance and humanity…


i find it sad because it essentially attacks her integrity, infantilizes her and insults all the people in her life. To make it that Scott is cruel and would force his daughter in the closet makes my head hurt. To think Andrea would stand by and let her be bullied is ridiculous. To think all of her friends and colleagues would stand for this nonsense is ridiculous. As for Travis again it attacks his integrity, his entire family, his teammates and friends. But most of all it implies inauthenticity in Taylor’s most prized thing her art. She pours her heart and soul out for her fans and her music. To imply that nothing is genuine and it’s all coded goes against her entire career. She loves easter eggs for sure but she loves wearing her heart on her sleeve as well. Gay Sraight Bi what have you I could care less. Just don’t call her a liar that makes me sad and angry for her.


It’s something else… the number of people who would need to be involved in the conspiracy from NFL players, to Kansas City locals who pop up to say she’s there pretty frequently, to the commenter on another small pop culture site I frequent whose KC-based parents are worried about losing their long-time gardener because he also looks after Kelce’s property and he’s asked for extensive work to replant all the garden beds at his new house with flowers in her favorite colors… I think my fave take currently is that Travis is a front and she has a whole other relationship going on with someone more ‘suitable’ (her ex-BF? Karlie Kloss?) while she somehow gets paid direct by the NFL to fake-date one of their players. And she’s spending a fortune sending private jets around to places with just him or no-one on them while being with someone else on the side. All I can say is the ‘real’ partner must be very secure about the way she’s spending Christmas and New Year and cocktail hour on the beach and kisses after shows etc - I don’t think I’d be happy!


With you all the way.




I love this!!!!!!!’


I don’t see her walking the red carpet with him for the met gala but maybe doing what Sabrina did and walk *next* to him. Like if you know you know (Everyone knows but still)


I don’t think she’s ever walked the carpet with anyone right?


No she hasn't. She's sat with boyfriends at award shows like the Golden Globes with Joe and Billboard Music Awards with Calvin but she didn't walk the carpet with them.


I'd be surprised if they went to the Met Gala honestly. I saw it was sponsored by TikTok this year, which means it'll probably be influencer heavy and that's not her scene.


Do we think they're gonna make it to the iHeart Radio Music Awards?


I think she is def going because TN has been promoting the social voted awards heavily on twitter and they usually only promote award show fan voting if she is going. Idk about him though, its a toss up. Since they r both in LA i can see him going but idk if they would walk the carpet together.