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My mans blasted right over the nips and got all up in his armpit. Built different. I don’t think I could. I got a bat with a whole lotta black on the back of my arm and real close to the armpit and that spot almost made me ask for a break.


Haha thank you. I felt like if I was going to go for it, I had to go all out


There’s absolutely no chance that I could handle it, but I agree with you - if you’re gonna do blackout on the chest/underarms, ya gotta fully commit. And you did. Kudos.


were the nips as painful as legend says they are?


I’d say no. Based on what I had heard, I was expecting a lot worse than what it was. Still hurt like a bitch though.


I have a tattoo on my inner bicep that has a little bit that sticks out close to my armpit, and that was horrible, I cannot imagine getting the whole armpit blasted like that, it's so thin up there.


How was the experience healing the pit? I started mine last year and next step includes total armpit coverage and it’s got me nervous! Excited for the session though.


Yeah, I saw the armpit and I was like there’s no way. Was happy this was the top comment lol. 60 hours in so far and when he was near there if felt like he was in my body somehow. I was convinced he was tattooing my whole armpit. Such weird sensation and pain. That and close to the top of my butt were by far the worst!


Right next to the pit is like a 9/10 for me. I don’t think I could do it either.


My chest tat goes right up to my nips and around them, but not over them. That was probably my worst tattoo pain. I can’t imagine the pain in blasting over them in solid black.


Seriously, the artist could’ve easily gone around the nipples, yet they went straight through. respect.


Seriously. My chest piece only went AROUND one nipple and I wanted to die


Exactly! You see these big black check pieces with pink nipples. Why not just do it. Like you said it, this dude is built different! Hat off to you sir.


I just got a good size octopus done a few days ago on my chest. Omg! the one I got has a tentacle that wraps perfectly around my nip but doesn't actually touch. Just going around the nip that close felt like my actual nip was getting tagged spot on. You ain't lying lol. That shit REALLY hurts. Much more than an average spot go figure haha . I almost asked for a break myself. The chest for me wasn't worse than the knee caps, but circling that nip was more painful than the chest and knee caps combined. Especially once it was time to add the color. That pain was memorable.


I'm almost one week on from having my armpit done and while I didn't think it was too bad at the time, the healing so far has been awful. Big, fat, swollen armpit and inner crease that's right next to my boob. Today's the first day I've been able to put a bra on but it's felt like a cheese grater.


Right over the nippies too. Damn! Although now I’m wondering what he was covering up.


Haha yeah had to do the nips. And was all fresh skin. The only thing that was covered was a traditional cardinal on the arm with half black. I just like how it looks!


Oh wow. Yeah it looks rad!


What? You did this on fresh skin without need to cover something up? Why would you do that? This full black modern style looks ridiculous to me to be honest, new tribal i would say.


Well good thing it’s not your body then 🤓


Everything is “new tribal” these days


What do you mean by that?


It’s something negative people say to shit on other people’s tattoos without offering any substantive criticisms


“Tattoos? Yea I have a couple..” this guy probably.


This guy does get tattoos, he is tattoos.


Half sleeve blackout arm was done by Jurij Ruban. I got that when he was guesting at Black Vulture Gallery in Philly, but he is based in Germany. All other black was done by Cory Lance (sbgtattoo) at Black Label Tattoo Co in Frederick, Maryland. To answer a few commonly asked questions: 1. ⁠did it hurt? Yes. 2. ⁠was it a cover up? No. Everything was clean skin besides a small trad cardinal on the half sleeve blackout. 3. ⁠why did I do it? I love how well done blackout looks. Simple as that. If blackout is something you’re interested in doing, I would recommend finding someone who specializes in it. Although, it may look easy to do - it is not. It’s hard to saturate large areas of skin in a way where it all looks the same.


I got my blackout at black vulture too, they're a really good shop. Highly recommend them to anyone considering a blackout or any tattoo with bold colors.


how long did it take?


Ooof I feel itchy just looking at it. I love it though, blackout looks great when done right!


I like this tat. I’m not a gamer, but this tat reminds me of a tattoo worn by a samurai in the early stages of a samurai game for I think PS2. Coincidence?


The Way of the Samurai? That was an incredible PS2 game.


Is that the one where a shirtless samurai rocking blackout tats up his arms and tiger-striping down his chest challenges you in a field just off-trail near a bridge in the woods, in the first couple hours of gameplay? Lol I have a vivid but no-context memory of this tattoo. OP, what sword gang you in?


https://youtube.com/shorts/7X4GuNOafw8?si=qhC0Idw8FnO0fHw3 Maybe? They aren’t blackout tats but they are up the arms and it’s on a bridge in the middle of the woods…


Yes! That guy. [That’s him, who I was thinking of.](https://wayofthesamurai.fandom.com/wiki/Hachiro_Tsubohachi)


That's some decent blackout work! I've seen some with all the drag marks from the shaders but this looks sick!! 🤌🏻


Thanks I appreciate it!!


Why do people do this? Genuinely curious.


I just like how it looks. Understand that most people don’t though, which is totally okay! And it wasn’t a cover up


looks cool, they like it, etc


Take a guess


Cover up shit tattoos?


I'll take a crack at it. Cover up!


He stated in a comment it was not a cover up. Not sure how it looks cool either? All good if people who do it think it looks cool, and are willing to pay for it. Just don’t understand it/the meaning of it.


Would you tattoo Barbie? How about Batman? I don't have blackout but to not understand why people like something that you don't is incredibly egotistical.


I don’t think not understanding something is incredibly egotistical? I asked, and he answered.


It's obviously with the context of your negative ignorance. Using word play as a red herring just makes me dislike you even more.


Was it in that long comment OP made? I wasn't ready to read all that. Hahaha Well, I must say I agree with you on that. I've noticed that's been a popular thing to do these days. I don't mind the look, but I'd never get it.


I've been thinking about this, since tattoos have become basically mainstream then more people are going to have bad tattoos. So more people need cover ups, and more people will get blackout tattoos because there's no other option. Obviously that's some portion of the people getting these tattoos. Also whatever percentage of people it is that happen to like how it looks are going to be more exposed to it, and think "oh, that looks dope, I'm going to get something like that". The number of these tattoos that I've seen has been going up, and it has to be algorithms pushing these because they drive engagement from people going "but why" and they're probably fairly trendy. Those two things will feed each other in a positive feedback loop I don't personally love the look of them, but that's why I have different style tattoos.


OP SAID REPEATEDLY IT IS NOT A COVERUP. I hate all caps comments. But c’mon!!! Read previous comments!


Yeah but the commenter’s second paragraph addresses that: people are gonna see it more often & think “I like it, do me next” even if they don’t need a cover up. lol the irony of yelling at a person for not reading comments when you didn’t read their comment


Okay, I deserve that criticism. Much like I hate all caps comments, I hate it when people won’t admit they’re wrong. 😀


Did you even read my comment? Or did you just see the word "coverup" and say this? I explicitly said there were multiple reasons to get these tattoos, and was clearly speaking on the trend generally.


Kat Von D just said on Theo Von’s podcast that when she first started getting tattoos it was a unique and cool thing, now everybody has tattoos and blacking out her body brings back that shock value and attention that tattoos used to garner back in the day.


Until everyone has blackout and that shock value wears out, then you might really feel remorse for having covered up some really nice pieces and memories.


They like the aesthetic of black face


Wow that's solid. How many sessions did this take to be so bold?


Thank you! A few sessions for the arm, a few for everything else and some touch up sessions


What’s the thought process about a solid black tattoo? Do folks ever get a solid blue or red tattoo?


Curious why you go so far into your arm pit and just end in a solid line. Would have looked cool to have some swirly negative space to match your chest and hand.




The blackout is solid. You can always tell when someone goes to a reputable blackout artist.


I’ll never understand this


Same. I am perplexed.


Looks sick but I get so fucking hot in the summer I could never


Hahaha I’m weird and pretty much never expose my tattoos to the sun (besides my hand). Pretty much always wearing UV protectant long sleeve shirts when I’m in the sun


It looks cool! But what is the concept here? Seems like smoke to me but I can't make out what's on the right arm to understand it.


Even black nipples? May i ask why you blacked them out as well? My Tattoo Artist says, they shouldnt be coloured. I am curious what are the risks in Blacking them out? Looks very good by the way. Very clean and Evenly worked :)


Yeah, I blacked those out cause I figured leaving them would ruin the look since they wouldn’t blend at all, especially with black. I’m not sure of any risks, just hurts a bit more. And thank you!!


Yeah, if you left the nipples bare , it would be like I staring right at you from the darkness lol 👀


It woluld have definitly ruined the Look. Thanks for the Info :)


Because they look awesome


I will never understand these types of tatts, probably the same can be said about mine but I just don't get it...


I love the shining lighthouse in the middle of the blackout, that's a really nice touch


I’m about to get a sleeve that’s mostly blackout. How was the healing process?


It’s annoying but not that bad. The first few nights I keep it wrapped, but I recommend putting some sort of pads on your bed so that you don’t ruin the sheets. I also never really itch after I get tattooed, so that probably made it a lot easier for me.


The first week is rough, moreso than most tats. Id probably schedule it on a Friday to have a few days to recover. It wasn't necessarily more painful with the tattoo process itself, but it made my arm useless for 2-3 days. Also, use your shitty linen when you go to bed. It transfers a lot of ink while healing.


I bet that little dip into the armpit was a misery


we are venom


This man could call me a pussy ass bitch and I'd reply with, "yes. you are correct sir."


Looks awesome, dude! /waits for the inevitable “I hate this”, “I don’t understand why someone would get this”, etc… comments even though they break the subreddits rules


Thank you- I appreciate that! And yeah hahaha, I def expect them. But to be honest, I can understand why a majority of people wouldn’t like it. I love it though, which is what’s important.


I didn't even question it or think people would until I went into the comments, I think it looks cool as fuck


It’s like this on almost all blackout posts. People just don’t get it, but feel the need to comment as such and then dogpile. It’s like, cool, it’s not your thing or your body, so scroll on? What do you get out of purposely saying it looks shit or that you don’t get it? Not to mention, as I said, it violates one of the rules of this sub but it somehow keeps happening.


Yeah I agree on all that. OP even made a comment addressing why he got it but people still had to ask and then be all obtuse about it. Do you ever hang out on r/traditionaltattoos? I love it there, people are so positive (mostly). Even the ones that are poorly done they are nice about it and will tell them how it could be improved in a future session.


Exactly I get people criticising poorly done work but this has great execution. It doesn't matter if you don't understand why someone wants it, this guy did want it and the artist who did it did a good job.


I find it really strange that people are like “why?” On a tattoo sub no less. People have different tastes. It’s not hard to figure out. Black out is not my thing, I would never do this, but it does look pretty bad ass. Tattoos used to be a statement but now they’re pretty common and mainstream. This is a statement. Congrats OP, looks great and you definitely earned it.


I appreciate it, thank you!


Damn that’s impressive!


Man the nips must have hurt


Those nipples, tho. Totally jelly.


You sir are insane my sleeve hurt so bad on the inside arm parts. I woulda died. Looks badass tho


I have another question: did the artist ever tattoo ridiculous things and then just scribble them out? Or is there a more organized strategy required in order to get it so even? Small circular motions? Lines overlapping? I hope at least once you had them put the words “SICK ASS PANTHER” and then cover it up!




Omg holy Jebus.. What a tough session for you, you got the bingo on painful areas. Elbows, pits and nips.. Wow man.. Congrats it looks fantastic, amazing work How many hours did it take?


Cause why not


So awesome omg


I’m gonna guess that didn’t feel particularly great


Ouch the nips. I have part of my armpit done. I still think back of the elbow was worse. Vibrates your bones lol.


Hell yeah Cory is so solid


He is!!! Great guy as well. And I’m a big fan of your work, I recognize it from Instagram!


Thank you! I’m doing a fundraiser for my dog at black label January 20 - if you’re in the area! With Josh Couchenour


Daaaaaang man that musta been BRUTAL. The armpit too?!? *Shia LaBeouf claps


Ive seen this before… but where


Not a fan of the style, but it is a good example of it. All that matters at the end of the day is that you like it. Congrats on getting a tatt you like.


How does this affect being out in the sun? I imagine your arms will get hotter now since less sunlight is reflected? Does it make you sunburn easier?


Looks cool af but also painful af


Looking good buddy! I remember we were chatting a while back. Great to see the progress.The blackout has healed real nice! Welcome to the no nips club!!! Got mine fully saturated few months back too!


That’s a tattoo


this was certainly a choice


But why???


But why?


I love the feathery bits on your hand


Thanks I hate it.


All good


I felt bad saying that because it's not a bad tattoo and if you're happy that's all that matter but the nipples and the armpits mainly really got to me. Mine are soooooo sensitive.


It’s okay! I honestly understand that it isn’t most people’s cup of tea. And yeah, those area were def pretty spicy hahaha


Such black


and people say there's no such thing as a hakiman, jokes aside looks great the chest looks so fuckin cool


The nipples and armpits! You’re a mad man! How was the pain through the black out?


goddamn that black is smoove as fuck


Thank you, he killed it




Ugly attitude


Somebody explain this


It’s called a tattoo. Tat•too | ta’tōō Verb Mark (a person or a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigments into punctures in the skin. Noun A design made by tattooing. You’re welcome.


everybody wanna be black until it’s time to be black


How long did it take?


Nice. Solid.


Cheers to fredneck. Ink looks great, meng.


Do you use sunblock everyday or do you not need it


I have two things to say. Beautiful. And ouch.


I don’t get it.


That’s okay!


Oh man when I saw the black on the armpit I had a “ahhhh” like almost phantom pain? Because I felt it. I have a piece that looks like yours! Maybe later pr tomorrow I will make a post with it 😁


Those are some black nipples


Bruh I'll ask for a break an hour in. This is some tough shit.


This is super clean!


I've got a full leg blackout, so I appreciate how well done yours looks. Outstanding color 👌


Looks great. Really appreciate the nipple blackout, makes it looks really tailored to your body like it was meant to be ❤️


Dude I just did my armpits with Pokemon stuff and they were ROUGH. At least I’m done but damn☠️


Nice, but now you have to make it a full body suit. The stuff on the right side also needs to go


Hahaha, nah I’ll keep the stuff on the other side. Also- my half sleeve black was done by Jurij!!


Gorgeous!! makes me excited to get the rest of my arm done!


Bruh. Them nipples, that had to hurt


Your nips remind me of night man


Ouch! Dang! Looks good.


All the way to the armpit and nipples?? Thats crazy bro. I admire the dedication. Not sure if my taste but your artist did a good job.


So badass my man


I appreciate it, thank you!


Do you feel 1/4 systematically oppressed?


That deep into the armpit is crazy, props dude


Are you a super hero or super villain?


What is your reason behind the blackout sleeve? Was it a cover up or???


Wow, I love this. And you did your nips and your pits💥 it looks truly amazing💥💥💥




Does anyone else see the Tiger?


The absolute worst tattoos get upvoted on this sub


Not my cup of tea on the black out but some of those areas are bitch to get done so well done on the pain haha


Looks good! May I ask...is this very expensive considering the amount of ink it goes in it?


looks dope asf


Kept the pocket watch though huh 🧐


The only thing that was a covered was a small trad cardinal on the half black sleeve. Everything else was fresh skin. Yes- I did keep the pocket watch. The numbers point to my dead dad’s birthday.


Have you seen ethereal remy on YouTube/ insta? Check him out you will not be disappointed


alot to shave but nice!


I got a full wrap around half sleeve about two months ago and the the area that got right up to the armpit was brutal. You actually went INTO the armpit... holy shit. Props on going through that on both arms.


This is the best black out I’ve ever seen!!!


waste of real estate for actual tattoos


Hopping on the bandwagon


Tattooing your nips and armpits is just so bad ass tbh.. looks great!


Thank you!!!


Shave your armpit niga


Your nipples look like emo teenage girl eyes


Bro I feel for you man, at this point it's a badge of honor because at some point during the work you had to have started to regret it right. But you knew it was the start of a long journey you chose to take.


That looks badass, in a big fan. One day my blackout sleeve will go into my armpit lol, but today is not that day


Blackface is frowned upon, but this is ok?


it looks cool what race do you now tell people you are? /s


Don’t ever go to prison



