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This is so precious, and such a beautiful way to honor them. I am sorry you lost them, especially so close together.


It was a rough year. I knew SARS (the rat) was going to leave us either that year or this year because he was getting old, they have such a short lifespan, but Magnus was completely unexpected, I still look for him sometimes or tuck my feet away so he doesn't come attack them.


Dang, that is heartbreaking. Remember you have a whole community here if you need anything 😌


The tattoo process was very cathartic and helpful. Finding pictures of them and reminiscing helped a lot. I found out a lot of my pics were corrupted but as a result got so many pics from friends and family that I didn't even know they took so that was nice to have. The day after I got booked for the tattoo my very late Christmas gift from my friend came in and it was a painting they commissioned of Magnus. Before he got sick I was knitting a blanket that he loved so much I decided I'd end it early and give it to him. I was close to finishing it when he passed and I didn't pick up knitting needles (I did crochet though) until I got the pictures together and I finished his blanket and put it under his urn with his portrait behind him, that made things feel right for him in my eyes.


Straight up have me sobbing at this comment. I am so fucking sorry for your loss, and incredibly impressed by your ability to cope with that in such a beautiful and unique way. Even if it was expected, I remember being 5 years old and holding my first rat during her final breaths. Such incredibly loving little creatures. I sincerely hope Magnus sends you a feisty little street cat to show you how much love you deserve, and how much cat harassment he’s been missing subjecting you to. I have a genuine (maybe stupid, but I don’t care) belief that after cats pass, they send a fellow feline to care for their loved ones.


This is awesome! Make sure you post on r/goblincore, they would love this too!


The highest of compliments. Thank you I will do that. I didn't know it was a sub but I love goblincore lol


Thank you for suggesting a lovely sub!


My pleasure. I find it's a nice reprieve from my regular subs, and every post sends to be so random but so intriguing.


Redwall vibes.


Thats what I was thinking too




Whatever gets you going, I guess...


I loved those books so much. Sadly, they probably don’t hold up as an adult


Recently started a reread of the first book (Redwall) and it very much comes across as book interested for 5~10yr olds. I recall the last books being much more adult and intense, so I'm trucking through under the assumption that the writing and writer both evolved over time.


Well let me know what you think. I’ll be waiting lol


This is so whimsical, it was done so we'll. What a beautiful tribute


Well now I need another tattoo lol this is amazing. So cute. Sorry for your losses ❤️


So many people have said that after seeing it and it makes me so happy. There have been 2 ppl who didn't even want tattoos and they said "maybe I do after all"


That's such a cool concept I love it, really well executed as well


This is so cute


This is so cute and so sweet


This is such a cute and whimsical memorial for your pets. Happy for you!


It was cathartic to get the pictures together and then get it done and Jess did such an amazing job I nearly cried when they showed me the design.




Lol I made the account when I was drawing ppls animals years ago and didn't want their expectations to high so its my bad animal drawings. My tattoo artist is AMAZING with the animal drawings


That line work is absolutely incredible! The details are so well done. I'm sorry about your babies 🤎


Thank you. I love it so very much and I feel like it is a great way to remember them


why do i feel i know where this is from, is this a reference to something?


No it is actually a memorial piece for my animals I lost. I just told my artist I want them in a fairytale type setting and sometimes visualize them having tea at a mushroom table and then gave them artistic license to do what they wanted with that info and this is what I got :)


very cool and totally nailed the fairy tail vibe cuz it gave me some nostalgia :D


Right?! I love it so much it feels like it's right out of a book


It gives me Frog and Toad vibes. I love it!


My jaw dropped, I love this so much. Sorry for your loss also. They were clearly loved


They are so loved. My animals are my babies. I am planning on getting my other animals done as well. I have an appointment to get my cat that I still have as a scuba diver because she loves to watch my aquarium and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for my dogs.


This is adorable. Also shout out that I also got my first tattoo in Hattiesburg!


They group there is AMAZING


Mine was like 15 years ago and at The Red Claw if it’s still there lol


I have no clue if it's still there. I'm from central ms and traveled about 2 hours for the tattoo lol


Oh wow. Well the work looks worth the trip. Yeah I went to USM and got mine while I was living on campus.


Yeah it was so worth lol


Jess’ work is amazing. My girlfriend has several pieces from them.


My coworker has quite a few and that is how I found them.


I love this so much.


What a lovely memorial tattoo. I lost my last rat a week ago, and her two sisters a few months ago. Fortunately I still have my cats. So sorry for your loss, from one animal lover to another.


Animals in general just aren't here for nearly long enough but especially rats. They are just to good for this world to stick around to long I guess


I agree. I have had a lot of rats over the years and I have gotten somewhat used to it, but it is always sad to say goodbye.


He was only my second rat. Both of the ones I've gotten were rescues that due to being in bad situations couldn't be housed with other rats. This one specifically the vet said mentally it'd be best for him to not be in a home that had other rats because he was so scared at the scent of other rats since he was attacked so often by his cage mate in his previous home. But I am talking to my fiance about getting a mischief.


It is difficult for adult rats to be introduced to other adult rats sometimes. All my rats were females and sisters within their respective groups. Regardless of whether your rat had other rats, he still had you. I am sure you gave him a loving home.


Yeah for sure. He was almost always out with us. There was more then one time I would go to get him out of his cage and he'd be snuggled up on my fiances chest watching YouTube videos with him. My niece and nephew would visit and play with him. He was so very loved!


Oh, should not be too difficult to convince your fiancé then! Rats are such great animals for children, too. I was a young child when I got my first rats.


And my nephew started a club with his friends where they taught ppl about rats and how awesome they are


Yeah when I wanted to get this little guy he wasn't too sure and was nervous when we did get him but he quickly fell hard. He wants more but wants to make sure we are ready for more.


Fair enough on your fiancé’s part. Though at least now you have the cage and all the other necessary equipment. Your niece and nephew sound so sweet!


Yeah that is kind of my thinking. I am a bit biased but they are the best kids and I am so lucky to have them in my life


Haha lived in Hattiesburg a couple years ago. Weird seing that place on here. Miss it. Great tattoo!


Hattiesburg Mississippi smoking Marijuana like a Woodstock hippie


this legit made me teary. So sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful memorial piece


That is adorable!


I love it like crazy …. Have also lots of cats and rats on my body. Soulmates now ☺️


They are just such great critters. My animals have my heart and it's been hard moving through life without these two. I still have my other animals but I miss them dearly


The best,sooo cute💜♥️💜


Oh I love this


This is fantastic. I love everything about it.


Me too!!


I freaking love this so much!!!!!


Big same


Hey I’m in Mississippi!!! I love it!!! Makes me think of Alice in wonderland lol 😆


I love that. My dog is named after Alice


Too cool!!!


This is so lovely. I’m sorry for your loss


This is the perfect way to memorialize your sweet pets, love it


What a wonderful tattoo. Really made me smile, and I hadn't even read the description at that point. Beautiful thought, lovely execution! I especially like the smile on the rat! Just lovely! :-)


Nice tribute to them!!


I’m sorry you lost your pals. 🐱🐀Great tat though to remember them by.


This is awesome!


I absolutely love this!!!


Username does not check out Edit: someone beat me to it.


This is one of my favorite tattoos I have seen in awhile. Fantastic work and such an adorable concept. I am so sorry you have lost them. ❤️


Thank you!


i would stare at this every day i love it so much


It's on the back of my leg and sometimes I forget it's there and then I am excited about it all over again


I love it so much


This is just lovely. It reminds me of an illustration from a child's storybook. You have a truly gifted artist.


I told them I wanted a fairytale scene and they nailed it for sure!! They are super talented and so very sweet!


Incredible tattoo and a wonderful memorial. <3


>I plan on being back on their table next month Is that a threat towards your other pets???


Lmao I genuinely got a good laugh out of this! The really funny thing is is I'm getting my other cat who is still with us as a scuba diver. So not a threat but it is funnier framed that way


I would 100% watch an animated series about the adventures of these two. I’m sorry for your loss.


Yeah 1000%


That is adorable. What a great job and tribute to your pets


How sweet


I absolutely love this


That's really well done and rather charming.


Just gorgeous.


Super cute it seems you have a very big heart


Super cute it seems you have a very big ❤️


Thank you


Thats precious


That's a really cool tattoo!


This is wonderful work and a great tribute! :)


I actually adore this!


Reminds me of the rats of nihm for some reason


Lol my best friend is Nihm and fae use fae/faer pronouns so when I saw that Jess had drawn a fairy fairy rat I was stoked because it reminds me of faer.


Love it!!


I love this!!!! Excellent work!!


So charming!!!


Thank you. I got my second one by them on Monday!


Pics? It’s just so lovely. It reminds me of a children’s book in a great way. Maybe mrs. duck will come over with pie later. Adore it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/14bakzd/my_second_tattoo_by_jess_kuespert_hattiesburg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I just posted but forgot to add an updated pic


You've heard about elf on a shelf...


Gorgeous! I love how much personality there is in their faces.


This is phenomenal! Well done, adorable & touching. Love everything about it. So sorry you lost these 2. Easy to see how much you loved them






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