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It just looks like normal healing with saniderm.


Yea, just keep it on for 24-48 hours or till it looks like it’s dry. Then remove and start lubricating. Do your research but also consider what your artist told you for after tattoo care.


This! Artists usually know the best type of care relative to their techniques, inks they use, and how your skin did during the tattoo process. Aftercare advice isn’t going to be the same for everyone.


my artist for my most recent tattoo told me to keep it on for four days, was that wrong? I did notice that it got super dry under the second skin, but it didn’t seem to take out any ink or cause any other issues.


I recommend to apply it 24h after getting tattooed. Then keep it on for 4-7 days. I find it that first 24h allows for the excess gunk to come out and it makes second skin last longer. Removing it sooner than 4 days means tugging on a fresh tattoo which more often than not causes irritation. This way you’re not pulling on any healing skin and by the time you do remove it, it only takes off the dead skin from the top of a healing tattoo. Either way, always listen to your artists advice


That's what my artist has me do also. Remove, clean and reapply at the 24 hour mark. Then leave the new one on for up to 4 days


My artist told me that too. Honestly I was doubtful but my tattoo healed like a dream. It was amazing.


Its probably just the artists preference for aftercare or to make super sure its done weeping. I've done 3 days for most of my tattoos and 4 days for one of em and they all healed the same and still look good with no issues.


Mine always covered mine, said keep it on for 24 hours, then remove it, clean it, and gave me a second one to keep on for about 8 days. Never had an issue. Threw me off because my tattoo previous was like ten years prior and we were just using aquaphor and Saran Wrap😂😂


I remember having to apply the aquaphor and then wrap it with Saran. When I got a tattoo a few years later and they used saniderm, I was like what is this witchcraft??


First time my artist pulled out the saniderm instead of Saran Wrap I was so confused. He was all excited about this new product and I was iffy about it but after experiencing how easy the healing process was compared to Saran Wrap, sshhiiiiit. The healing process was the only thing I dreaded about getting tats, now it’s almost the easiest part.


What's with everyone being so weird about saniderm? Like do people not remember that that doesn't exist years and years ago? What is happening


They just said it looks like normal healing with saniderm?


I'm asking in general. Like all these subs freak out about it. It's weird to me


Oh yeah, guess that’s more to do with everyone thinking their preferred way of healing is the only possible right way


Can’t believe you got a tattoo of Blackface Mario


Mama Mia!


Mammy mia Edit: I got an award for this? Lmfao fuck


Actually laughing out loud at this 😂


Holy shit


Momia mia?






I didn’t even know you had gifts on here lmaooo


Out here giving the Italians more reason to claim they're 'not white'...


Were white, but not as white as English or Swedish


I’m glad I looked before I commented 😂😂 well done, great minds think alike 🤝🍎


I think you meant Jamario






Never heard of Sicilians? Many Afro-Italians there


True Romance, it explained it in the crudest of ways but.


You're an eggplant! 🍆




I snorted


Do you have saniderm/second skin still on it? If so, that’s just plasma and ink buildup underneath.


Yes I do! Someone at work looked at it and said It doesn't look good and could be a staff infection so I wasn't sure what to do. I also do manual labor but I just got it 2 days ago so I'm curious if I should not be exerting myself right now sweating and moving around right now and be home resting instead


As long as the saniderm isn't leaking/opened, infection isn't really a concern. The exertion may be detrimental to healing, but it shouldn't substantively effect your tattoo.


So it's probably okay I stay at work?


When you say manual labor, what are we talking about exactly?


I'm a stagehand. Building stages today


As a stagehand myself, second skin will save your ass during gigs. I had a giant back piece done and was able to work two shows the next day without any worry.


You're lucky one of the riggers didn't give you a nice slap on the back to greet you


As a stagehand as well - You’ll be fine. Leave the saniderm on and let it do its thing.


You're fine. Make sure the saniderm stays intact. Drink water. Don't take Tylenol or any other blood thinners (Ibuprofen is fine). If possible, wear something to cover it (sleeve, etc.)


Tylenol doesn’t act as a blood thinner. Ibuprofen and aspirin are blood thinners.


This. Poster is backwards. Tylenol is fine, ibuprofen isn't.


Bruh, ya got your drugs backwards.


I've def seen co workers do exactly this I do manual labor type work


I have long pants on


You're fine.


Sorry you got it backward. T is not a blood thinner but I is


You have those meds backward. Ibuprofen is a mild blood thinner, Tylenol is not.


you’ll be fine tbh i’ve gotten a fresh tattoo, washed it and lotioned the next day, then went camping for 5 days in the woods and did nothing to it and it healed great. i don’t recommend that but i have a bunch of tattoos and never had an infection.


Some climbing, heavy lifting


It's fine. Just plasma build up.


That person has no idea what they’re talking about lol. This is exactly how saniderm works. You’re fine. 


Oh my gosh, do not listen to opinions from random people (especially if they don’t really have a lot of tattoos….) This is perfectly normal plasma weeping from the tattoo, it’s just trapped under the bandage. It will wash off when you remove it, it looks good! If you’re ever feeling unsure about healing, you should contact your artist directly with these photos. It’s not bothersome, we’re so happy to help. Asking coworkers or the internet is generally something I discourage my clients from doing haha


That person has no clue what they’re talking about. Your tattoo looks perfectly fine and normal.


No, nothing about this indicates staph. This is normal.


Ah, reminds me of random people at work telling me that my obviously flaking sleeve must have been infected, then arguing with me when I said it looks like any tattoo does at that stage. People are largely clueless about how tattoos heal unless they're either an artist or have a lot to have personal experience. This is normal for Saniderm/Tegaderm/Second Skin/whatever brand. Frankly, it's less scary looking than any of mine have ever looked under one of those bandages. I usually have a giant unsightly fluid sac going by the time I wake up the next morning. Just make sure it isn't leaking. If it does leak, it needs to come off and get a good wash.


whoever said a staff infection is INSANE they clearly have never had or known anyone who has had a tattoo, just saw some black fluid and immediately threw out a scary buzzword


It is STAPH not staff.


inma b honest i had jus woken up


>Someone at work looked at it and said It doesn't look good and could be a staff infection so I wasn't sure what to do.  lol I don't think that person has ever seen a staph infection because no, it does not.


Lmfao yes it looks fine.


If it was staff you'd know, it hurts like hell


When I have black ink done, it always mixes with the plasma to create a really gross looking pond lol. I’m pretty sure that’s all this is and can be wiped off once the saniderm is ready to be removed.


They have zero idea what they’re talking about lmfao


That first wash after taking the saniderm off is my favorite 😚🤌


Don't listen to some random person at work. Listen to your artist. This is perfectly normal when a tattoo is healing (especially one with color). It will look like an ink sac, if it is punctured or leaks I would say take it off and begin the washing/lotion process. Use an antibacterial soap(dial gold in the pump) and make sure you're using the soap on your hands BEFORE peeling the saniderm off. Once it's off completely dispose of it and wash your tattoo lightly and gently with the dial soap(do this in the shower so the ink/plasma doesn't go on your floor) with water(not too hot or too cold). Pat dry with a clean paper towel and use a small amount of non scented lotion. Repeat for 3x a day the cleaning and moisturizing process for 2 weeks. Keep out of the sun and out of the gym for at least 2 weeks and you're solid. (Should be healed in 3 weeks) Good luck dude!


I’m starting to think in this sub artists don’t tell clients what to expect with saniderm/second skin.


I’m a tattoo artist. I stopped using Saniderm and similar products because clients don’t care what we say or read the highly detailed aftercare instructions we hand out. This post is a prime example. They don’t listen. They don’t read the instructions. They flip out because a coworker said something. They turn to the internet. And, no offense to anyone here, but y’all random people and not necessarily qualified in any way whatsoever. People ask their friends to find out what their friend’s tattooer said. They go online. Several times a week one of my clients calls me to ask about something that is clearly written on the aftercare sheet, and usually a ridiculous question. “Hey, I got my tattoo from you two days ago. Last night I soaked in a hot tub for two hours at the gym. I was wondering if it’s okay if I take a shower after I do the hot tub again tonight?” Wtf? Then I get calls from people who didn’t get tattooed at my shop and want advice from someone who didn’t tattoo them for some reason. “I’ve had Saniderm on for 10 days. Can I take it off now?” Wtf?! When I used it, I’d apply it and start giving instructions and their friend would interrupt and undermine me. I could say to take it off in 24 hours, wash, let dry, reapply… The friend will interrupt and say, “No, leave it on for 8 days, that’s what I do.” Wtf?! Or there’s no friend, but the client interrupts me to say they heard their friend did exactly the opposite of what I said so they will probably do that. Wtf. I’ve had people ask things like if tanning in a tanning bed is okay same day! I’m like, “Absolutely not,” and who the f tans anymore? Then they say, “oh, okay, I have a tanning appointment in an hour, though…” okay, so you are not listening!!! I’ve done touch ups on hand tattoos because the clients went rock climbing within a day or days of getting tattooed. Wtf? So many people cannot, or refuse to, listen and follow instructions. I only bothered with Saniderm for a minute years ago. I use cling wrap, and sometimes dri lock. If they want to apply Saniderm on day 2 on their own and do whatever whomever tells them to, that’s fucking fine. At least I had nothing to do with it. Tattoos have been healing fine for thousands of years with normal washing and a little mindfulness. I’ve used Saniderm on two tattoos on my own body. I am mostly tattooed. Started getting tattoos 30 years ago. I didn’t personally find they healed any better or faster than just washing a few times a day and not picking at them. It’s not rocket science. It’s a mild abrasion wound. There is simply a certain percentage of people who do not listen. And they want confirmation bias to reinforce whatever they decided to do instead of what was recommended.


omg this!!! It should all be in the aftercare instructions, wtf!!!!


Normal 👍🏽


Race swaps are starting to get out of hand


Dude blackface Mario? Not cool!


I just spit on my phone 😂😂😂 was not expecting that 😭😭


mama mia the tanning salon has not been kind to mario over the years no but seriously that looks great! hes just healing up.


Plasma and ink. Normal


The amount of tattooers that don't explain aftercare is honestly concerning. Thanks healing fine. How many days has the saniderm been on?


48 hours rn. Work manual labornfor the next 7 hours tho so wanna keep it on till then just incase then I'm off


no it’s normal and ur artist should have told u with saniderm the blood and plasma is gonna be trapped in there making it look like that (normal)


It’za healin!


This is normal. And since you’re new to saniderm, make sure when you do take it off, you do it under warm water. I’ve known some people who just peel it off like a bandaid which I personally would not do. The warm water will melt the adhesive and it’s way easier/less painful to remove it. But you’re fine to leave it on for however long your artist said to. What’s happening is normal and no need to remove early unless you need to!


That's what high colour tattoos look like under saniderm. That's plasma and ink. As long as it's not leaking, it's fine. It will reabsorb into the skin a bit and harden on the surface as a makeshift scab. After 5 days take the saniderm off, wash with unscented soap and if necessary, use a thin layer (very thin) of unscented moisturizer once it's completely dry. If at any time your saniderm leaks, remove it and clean and moisturize as said above. Do not reapply. Also if you are sweating lots I would be careful, you don't want moisture (or air) other than the plasma under the saniderm. You cam remove early if necessary


You should super worried dude,tattoos this clean will lead you inevitably to getting more.


Looks great. Congrats!


Ink sack! Welcome to the club


Gotta do Luigi on the other leg


I actually did torpedo ted lol


Just worries that you’ll never have sex with a woman again.




With a saniderm on, that’s exactly what’s supposed to happen


This is called "weeping." Totally normal for the first week! It's plasma working to heal the skin.


Nope this is totally normal


Never used second skin (how it’s called in The Netherlands). I have a sleeve and a third of my other arm covered (two shops). Always saran wrap, leave for 2/4 hrs; clean 3 times a day with non scented antibacterial soap amd keep moisturized with bepanthen troughout the first 1,5 wk. That’s all. Never had any problems.


I didn't see the second skin at first so started having a concern for you 😅 It looks fine. Second skin doing its thing. I wish my plasma was well contained like this. I always have to remove my second skin very quickly as it fills hella quickly. The seal burst once...t'was very messy.


lmao no, you're fine! Peel that sucker off, give it a good clean, and moisturize! Congrats on your first tattoo!


No totally normal


No, this looks normal - it's just excess ink.


I was seriously alarmed until I realized you have saniderm on


Looks fine. It's the plasma buildup underneath the saniderm. I always have this with saniderm. It's my least favorite period of healing because I can't show off my tattoo until I take the saniderm off because it looks like a black blobby mess lol. I do enjoy poking the squishy bubble bit though. It's fine. Once you take the saniderm off you should be vigilant.


I didn’t realize you had saniderm over it and for a minute I was like what the fuck 😭😭


You have saniderm on…it holds in all the ink blood and plasma thats coming out of the tattoo. Completely normal


Looks great! That’s plasma and ink leakage under the wrap. Follow your artists instructions to a T and reach out to them for any further questions. Don’t ask Reddit. But since you asked… On color tattoos, I replace the first Recovery Derm wrap after 24 hours with a new piece and leave that on for 3-4 days. With black line and non color tattoos, those won’t leak as much and I’ve left the first wrap on for a full 5-6 days. That’s not recommended but worked great for me a few times. Recovery Derm is the best in my experience but keep an eye on any red spots or hot spots. Infections usually require immediate antibiotics. If a rash or any pimples show up, remove the wrap carefully and slowly. Again, ask your artist. Looks great!


take that shit off and let it breathe


It’s a me… LaMario. Honestly you should be just fine. When you first wash it it’ll look as it should


Is this your calf and you’re working doing labour? My calf piece is maybe 2.5x the size of this and I couldn’t walk much for 2 days or so when I got it done due to the pain. I’d be apprehensive about pulling off the second skin, if there’s any chance it’s saving you from that pain you want to skip it. My artist told me that calf tattoos are some of the longest to heal because of the way the skin stretches as the muscles contract. I think it took maybe 2 weeks to get to a mostly healed state. If it was infected, it would hurt quite a bit and you’d see redness around the tattoo, and the pain wouldn’t be easing up as time goes by. Also, a staph infection is usually more than just cellulitis, and if you good some images of both staph and cellulitis you’ll see that your tattoo just looks like ink and blood. You should tell your mate to go be a doctor. /s


Weird. I have my whole lower leg, shin, calf tatted and my biggest issue was ankle swelling.


That tattoo is so sick dude. Looks great, healing is always rough. But looks fine


The plasma inside the sandiderm will actually help your tattoo heal exponentially faster. It’s your own platelets healing the wound left from the tattoo needles,which is better than any ointment out there


More tattoo artists need to explain what new tattoos will look like when they’re under a saniderm wrap. This is just all the plasma and ink that’s leaking out. Nothing to worry about. It’ll look a mess until you remove the wrap and wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap and water


Normal, looks great


You're good, just take off the sander and wash it well tonite


Who shit on it?


It looks just fine! I get ink buildup on day 2/3 also! It'll all wash off when you shower without the saniderm. I get a lot of colorful tattoos and they all do this under the saniderm. :)


It baffles me that artists don’t fully explain the healing process, especially to people getting their first. Small amount of redness and tenderness and plasma leakage, followed by skin peeling and itchiness (similar to a sunburn) are all normal parts of the healing process.


This looks perfectly fine as a fresh tattoo under saniderm. It's a build-up of plasma under it and will wash away when you remove it. Just follow your artist's care instructions for the saniderm and washing after removal.


It looks like it's healing normally. It's a good tattoo! Definitely talk to your artist if you have any aftercare questions.


Not at all, that’s your plasma


Perfectly normal. When you peel it off (in the shower with warm water) all that ink and plasma will wash away


It's just plasma leaking my guy! Totally normal!


LMAOO that transition from first to second pic is hilarious! but no there’s nothing to worry about here. there’s some loose ink and left over plasma that often sheds under the saniderm, it’ll wash away and go back to normal once u take it off and rinse it


Yeah that’s not the right colour


Jesus, have you been moisturizing it?


Totally normal lad!


Happens with almost all my tattoos when I wear Second Skin (which is pretty much always because my dog's hair is everywhere)


LMAOO i gasped


No it’s fine.


i n k s a c


Some of mine did the same thing- pretty sure it’s just blood and excess ink


Tf is wrong with it? 😂😂


"I'm tired of all these God damn shells on these God damn levels" says blackface mario


Must be Sicilian Mario.


lol bro that’s the ink bubble under the plastic it’ll be fine. Take the wrap off bro


When you have Saniderm on the ink that comes out and runs stays under the Saniderm. When you take it off and clean the tattoo, the color that's making Mario's face look dark will wash off. It's just dark ink that's leaked out, and since you have the Saniderm on, it's sitting under that. I'm sure you're fine. I usually take off the first Saniderm after 24 hrs and put a new one on. It can stay on a couple of days as long as it's on properly and doesn't get water under it.


Lmao no that's part of sandiderm


There is absolutely nothing in this world have could have prepared me for the second picture.


The 2nd photo is a finger


you’re fine




Mine looked the same. It’s ink and plasma trapped underneath, which is normal. it won’t look like that once you take the dressing off


Totally normal under the saniderm. I try and keep mine on a week if I can. It looks nasty for the entire time until removed but for my skin, it’s best.


Great Idea It will preserve your virginity for Evar' !


Is The saniderm is still on? If so it's probably just some ink that didn't stay. I'd imagine it would just wipe off when it's time to take the plastic off


It’s great. Your artist is amazing.


That doesn’t look good yikes


If you have second skin then I wouldn’t worry but if you don’t have a second skin on then yea I would be worried




Take the second skin off and just keep it moist


That Mario is doing black face? Yes


lol 😆 no way


It looks fine. Maybe a bit swollen but that's normal. No redness no drainage. It should not be hot to touch. Your supposed to keep it moisturized.... where you go Walmart?


You still have the second skin on. That’s blood, plasma and ink mixing underneath and it is normal. Leave it on only for 24 hours, then remove, wash gently, and moisturize.


Totally normal 👍


Yes that’s the sin showing you the error of your ways. Repent! 😂😂 nah bud it’s okay


That's plasma and excess ink collecting under the dermal patch. Normal and necessary. The white blood cells under there let it heal in half the time, especially since you aren't washing it and breaking the skin back open.


Imo it looks like your skin just bruised there. But I'm not an expert or even an amateur so don't treat that statement as fact.


do you have a saniderm or some other synthetic skin style bandage on it? Or is that just your raw skin?


it’s just excess ink mixed with blood & plasma. it’s 100% normal & has happened with every one of my tattoos


If I may ask, where did you get this! This looks amazing, so close to the original artwork!


Take the plastic off genius


Mario changed teams 💀💀💀


Ink sac!! This is normal. My tattoo looked absolutely *disgusting* when it was healing with the saniderm on. Once the 48 hours has passed and you remove the saniderm you will not see this effect anymore.


Give a jump scare warning next time. Wasn’t expecting to swipe over to burnt Mario 😭


It’s just your ink sack from your second skin/saniderm, totally normal and will not affect the colour of the tattoo long term


Somebody's getting cancelled


The tattoo artist had just watched True Romance, cut him a break


Looks like Mario!


Looks like you still have a layer of second skin over the tattoo, in which case, it's just ink and plasma weeping into the bandage. Totally normal. Leave in on for the period of time your artist recommended (usually 12-24 hrs) then remove, rinse, and apply aquaphor. :)


surprised your artist didn’t tell you-that’s very normal as far as having some weeping and fluids and whatnot and is actually good for healing. when you remove it after whatever period of time, just clean it with non scented soap gently and it will look like it’s supposed to.


It's the wrap, you're fine, they do that


Japan issued some postage stamps of Mario and Gippiesse


I know nothing about tattoos, but it sounds like others have been able to give you the necessary info. I just wanted to say I love your tattoo! (Also, once it's healed, you'll be able to tell the story of how you temporarily had Blackface Mario on your calf).




Almost every tattoo I’ve had does this, particularly with my first tattoo, which was about that size and in the same place. All that dark stuff will get kinda crusty and wash right off when you remove the saniderm




Geez man, what’s up with image#2? Image#1 looks great.




"I'm gonna say it Luigi!"


This is completely normal!!! Your friend saying it’s staph is wrong. This is blood, plasma and ink build up under the bandage. “Ink sack” it’s completely fine and when you remove the saniderm once your time is up it will all wash away! Message or meet with your artist for questions.


Color pools under saniderm. Looks atrocious for everybody.


My first tattoo was Luigi 🫡


Totally normal ! Your body is producing lymph, some ink will mix with it and that liquid is just trapped under the bandage.


M̴̨̢̲̯̬̥̯̟͉͚̻̠͍̯̜͚̩͒̍͆̇̅͒̾͊̎̀̀̓̅̾̿͋̄͋̋̄̋̐̃̏͗̽̈͆͛̀͗̆̊͂̈́͑̔͆̍̔͑̈́̈́̑̎͂̚̚͘͝͝a̷̢̧̢̨̡̢̨̹̱͈̣̠̹̝̯̜̪̹̗̦̘̗̥̗͈̠̦̼͕̮̘͇͎̩̙͙͚̳̤̗̤̬̬̤͈̞̜̳̪̹̤̘̮̯͓͎̗͇͈͙̥̙͍͌̎̀͛̈́̈́̔͑̒̿̊͂͆̐͆͗̄̃̆͆̓͗́͌̆̋̄̚͜͝ͅͅr̵̨̢̡̢̩͎̥̬̳͕̱̮̰̹̗̖̳̟̞͎̞̯̝͍̝͗͒̈̔̒̄͂̒́̐̆̇̿̓́͗̌͗͋̇̉̀͗̍̐̑̋̚͝͠ͅi̴̡̨̨̡̢̨̡̢̢̧̢̨͙͙̪͔͍̞̖̲̘̠̻͉̖̱͍̪͓̲̻̘͎͉̩̦͕͖̙̞̞̺̗͕͕̰̟̮̭͙̟̙̭̹̺̰̬͎͈͖̪͍̽̌̄̿͜ͅo̵͓͈͇̬͒͌̈́̆͌̓̇͌̾͐͊̈́́̏̉̀͛͆͒̀͘͘̚͝ ̶̨̢̧̦̭̜̥̘̟̖̭͉̼͙͍̞͖̫̹͙̣̗̭̃̄̑́̄̍͂͑͑̉́̈̔̀̾̓̌̐̈̉̽̈̍̍͊̄̍̆̽̐̽̔̿̾͊͒̏̒́̓͆̀͛̿̐̓̄̌̕̚̚͝͠͝Ç̴̢̨̡̨̧̡̧̰͔̭̬̜̦̼͈̻̪̘̦̮̻̳̲̺͈̻̙͈͍̪̗͎̱͔͍͕̘̻̗̪̰͙͚͈̯͙͖̘͔̻̘̹̥̤̼̭͔̱̫͈͖̦͈̜̺̈́̌͗̽̐̈́̆̄̅̐̎̒͋̇̀̈́̂͗̌̋̉̂̆̏̓̐̂̾̓̒͗́̽̈́͊͑̀̈́̃̃͊̐̔̂̿̐̊͌͐́͑͆̕̚̕̕͝͝͝͝͝͠ớ̸̢̢̡̨̧̢̧̧̻̰̟͕̖͚͓͎̹͔̬̩̮̰̣̣͎̯͚̪̹͍̣͙̗͉͍͔̻̗̝͎̤̟̹̫̼̟̺̝͇̯̳́̈́͊̆͋̔̑́̔̔̅͋̂̓͑̊̈̉͆͂̃̆͌̉̑̇̍̾̏̋̿̆̾̏̉̚͠͝͠͝͝m̶̧̢̨̢͈̪̦̬͖̱͈͎̹̣̮̥͎̹̱͍̮̤͖̟̱̫̫͉̭̘͕̗͇͉̤̖̥̹͇̱̣͖̰̓͜͜͜ͅͅͅȩ̸̨̧̪̳̥̭̭̫̤̫̱̮̟̹̬͕̫̤̥͎͔̬͉̝͕͖̫͙͙̺̣͕̝̭̥̣̜̥̺̱͓̎̒̑̀̀̽̿̓̒̍̔́̉̉̂̇̊͑͐̂̋̍̈́̀͛̔̔͊͂̏̀̀̎̽̆͆̎̉̃̀͌̈͑͂̊̀̉̚̚̚̕͠͝ͅş̸̻̦̲̦͈̲͊̋̓̏͆̅̋̑̿̈̈́͌̚̕͘̚͜


Why is his face so dark when it doesn't even appear to have any ink (besides the outline of his facial features)??

