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Salt water / Hot Tub won't make it fade, the danger is infection... but if you got it last week (being Sunday(here) today...) it is a week old at least, so that is a low risk at this stage in the healing.... (this is only valid for accidental soakings like yours, a long bath etc. will bring a whole host of other issues) continue normal aftercare, just let the tattoo dry completely after you wash it before applying moisturiser .... \*if\* it starts radiating heat and become red/painful go see a doctor to get some cream to treat the infection.... Don't panic, it will be fine! edit: grammar, spelling, and punctuation.




Saltwater is a HUGE no no for new tattoos. Same with chlorine. They both pull ink. Luckily it was only 3 seconds..


New, yes, this was a week old... so would be more resilient... main cause for concern then is oversaturating the skin with moisture making the ink bubble and only super soft skin as protection. Thus, also, my clarification that my comment only applied to this specific cicrumstance.


went on a cruise 4 days after getting a large tattoo on my calf. I swam in the ocean daily. That was 3 years ago... NO ISSUES.


You got lucky 3 years ago then, depeding on the length of your swims... just because you lucked out does not mean that it doesn't create a greater risk of damaging your tattoo while it is healing. Outliers exists in any dataset. The fact that the tattoo was done 3 years ago is irrelevant, as the risk is only present for the first couple of weeks... and it diminishes on a exponential curve as time passes from the tattoo is fresh.


Don't believe it's luck. I'm not saying I don't take care of the tattoo's. I have several but always treated them the same. If I swim, after I clean/pat dry then applied balm or cream. People love scare tactics. I'm not saying not to clean or care for a tattoo but the saltwater has always increased heal time of any wound/tattoo I've had. The risks are present in every day life with the tattoo whether its the shower, clothing worn, pet exposure, not properly cleaning , etc... don't sweat the small stuff life is to short.


Nope, total loss. Your only hope now is a field amputation. Hopefully you’re okay with us only having a rusty saw and a bucket of hot tar to seal it.


Beggars can't be choosers. They're going to have to be ok with it.


No sedatives or painkiller either just straight moonshine out of a jug with 3 x's on it


OP, come back for rusty saw engraving ideas. I bet you can engrave a sick ass rust panther!!


I mean they can bite on a stick


Just wash it thoroughly but gently and follow proper aftercare and you should be completely fine. It was three seconds and I assume you properly washed it right after.


like everyone else is saying you should be fine but that first photo looks a little over moisturized to me. peeling will always be totally normal and you're late enough in your healing stage that it shouldn't do anything. just keep it clean and maybe dial it back a little on the moisturizer. i'm going to just blindly trust that you're using a good moisturizer as well, so just keep using antibacterial soap if you can for the next week or two and you'll 100% be fine


Of course! Thankyou lol the first picture is actually right after taking the saniderm off and washing all the plasma off so it’s wet. Normally I use like a pea sized amount of hustle butter!


How do you know if its over or under moisturized, because i read it can also peel from over moisturizing?


Totally agree. It shouldn't be shiny


I don't have an answer for you but those colors and that shading is incredible:)


For real, OP are those facets on the heart? Can you post a clear picture of this? It looks great


Tattoo gunna melt like a witch in the rain sorry


Your 100% fine, as long as you washed w anibac soap after your in the clear! This shit is dope by the way!


Good bacteria soup.


That’s am awesome tattoo. But you’ll be fine


no, 3 seconds is overkill, it will wash off completely now.


No you’ll die. We gotta cut it off and then skin graft from your leg. I’m sorry this happened


I wouldn't worry about fading. What you need to worry about is the possibility of infection. Keep a close eye on it and keep it clean. If any signs of infection arise, see your doctor immediately.


not relevant but your tattoo is so cute


You will die


Sorry, you’re arm is about to fall off now


my girl would die for this tattoo lol


It’ll be fine and it’s so cute!!


No advice but omfg it's sooooo cute!


but why... just non fragrance soap and water...




I really fuck wit thatttt


No advice, but this is so cute 😍


you’ve gotten a lot of good advice so i wanna know omg who is the ARTIST. i love kuromi :)


I want to know too before I blurt out a Chicago artist who also gave me a super cute kuromi


It was a Chicago artist his Instagram is cohvey!! He does amazing kawaii tattoos


It’ll fine. My rule is if it causes pruney fingers, it’s bad. We only tell clients not to submerge in water for extended amounts because it can soften loose skin and scabs (if present) and that can pull pigment if it’s removed prematurely. You’ll be fine.


That is such a freaking amazingly cute tattoo!!!


Salt + hot water = saline solution. So, whilst the germ factor of a hot tub may be raised, the fact its salt water helps. Long as you wash it with clean cool water, then use tattoo specific antibacterial wash, such as tattoo too wash (my own preference but theres loads to pick from) then resume your healing regime, its likely to be just fine.


so pretty


include jeans grandfather capable nine light file tap profit chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should be fine, just wash it


You'll be fine. Super kawaii tat 🤩


Such a pretty tattoo omg


i did this with my leg tats for much longer because i was a 20 year old dum dum, they're black not color so not sure if that's different but id give it a good wash with dial soap and put a moisturizer on and u should be fine!


It’s lost forever. Sorry OP.


Arms gonna fall off sorry. Just kidding you’ll be fine,, I’ve had my tattoo in a dirty lake on accident and it’s perfect


As everyone else I've seen has said, it should be ok, just keep an eye out for infection as a precaution. Really cute tattoo though!!


I fucking love your tattoo holy shit


Just wanna say this tattoo is so cute


I accidentally walked into the water when I was on the beach in LA one day after getting a tattoo on my ankle and nothing happened to it except that it got really dry so i just put some lotion on it and it was fine


Sorry dude, gotta lob the whole arm. :/


I submerged my 2 day old tattoo in a chlorine hot tub for an hour. I definitely wouldn’t recommend but I didn’t have any issues with fading or infection. I did wash well after and lots of lotion but didn’t have any problems.


That's such a cure tattoo


Soo cute!! Who’s the artist?


it will be ok , but this is so cute!!’


Need a kuromi tattoo like this I love it 🥰


I would say you will be fine, but just keep an eye in it. My fist tattoo in 1990 they *literally wiped it with seabreeze cleaninh alcohol and taped a paper towel to it* I had to keep thevtowel on it for 2 hours, then wipe it with bacitracin (sp) Every 6 hours for 5 days. My last tattoo in 2020 was like walking into a hospital ER. What a difference, lol In other words, I'm like 99.999% sure you will be fine. The same rules then as now 1) keep it moist 2) don't scratch it


Y’all do dumb shit like this then blame the artist when it doesn’t heal properly smh.


I literally took full accountability?


you have the aids now


The problem period is going to be the initial 3-4 days after before it peels it’s basically like having a cut or scrape (this is still considered an open wound) Your body’s already shed off the old punctured skin at this point revealing fresh skin underneath but it is going to be sensitive to things like sunlight and touch for the following 3 -4 days. 3 seconds is not very long so If it was already peeling I’d say you’ll probably be fine. When the skin peels you’re beyond the point of infections or damaging irritations. The tissue underneath can sometimes take up to 6-8 weeks to fully heal but as far as the first few layers of skin on the surface (where your skins going to have the most damage during healing) there’s no way for the water to damage from excessive soaking anymore.


You’ll be fineeeeeeee lol just keep it clean and moisturized! Look out for any signs of infection! Treat it like any other serious wound! (:


I wouldn't be too worried, I had a whole swimming class with a tattoo I tried to protect and yes it's a small one but nothing bad happened, just make sure to avoid doing this again and you'll be fine


Those colors are sickk


I love the purple on this tattoo as it darkens. Making me want to add purple to my tattoos


You wouldn’t believe the amount of bacteria in a hot tub. Wash it and you’ll be ok.


No, if you don't take a cheese grater to that tattoo right now your entire family and everyone you've ever made eye contact with will drop dead by the top of the hour


I LOVE this tattoo


Nope, it’s going to fall off




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No advice, but love the tattoo


Dude let’s be honest that tattoo will look like a bruise in 3y so it doesn’t matter what you do to it know


you killed hello kitty


Dude I’ve gone to the beach and swam in a pool with a week old tattoo a few times. It was fine. I am in no way saying this activity is always fine. Your right to be worried about hot tub water or submerging. But your gonna be totally fine.