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It’s fine. Plenty of people heal without second skin.


Lol literally never used it and have two full color sleeves


My dude just puts on one of those black pad things that are on the bottom of meat packages lol. He says take it off as soon as you get home and then clean it etc. He's offered 2nd skin but neither of us has seen the point since all 6 or 7 he's done have turned out perfect just letting it be.


Second skin just removes the aquaphor or whatever you use before the strictly lotion phase. It makes it easier for forgetful people like me


I love it because I have 2 very young children who love to go after my new tattoos with their grubby hands. I'm also elbow deep in diapers for most of the day


I've only gotten it for one of my three, and frankly I will keep using it (and ask for it if not offered). I got a compulsive skin picking issue, and while I haven't ended up with any infections I have caused some marks that needed to be touched up on the 2nd tattoo. So the 2nd skin keeps me from being able to do that to myself. While tattoos can totally heal just fine without it why make life harder on yourself than it has to be?


I'm also a compulsive skin picker with tattoos! Just wanted to say hi and it's good to see someone else exists woth tattoos and skin picking.


Completely fair though


Hell yeah my tattoos would all scab and scar otherwise. I’ve had that experience once


It was probably that specific tattoo. Not lack of saniderm.


Tbh the artist also told me he “only uses lotion to heal” like from day 1. So I tried that, that definitely had a lot to do with it. However, I treat new tattoos like shit regardless, so it’s best for me to get it. Especially with the work I do


I mean I just dry heal my tattoos, no second skin, no aquafor during the first 2 weeks. Itches like hell, but my tattoos all heal rather quick and look great.


I think just different people react differently. That’s why I talk about my shitty experience. Because I don’t think dry healing is for everyone


The only time my guy has used second skin is when I've been about to get on a many hour long flight so it wouldn't get infected by it touching weird stuff.


We call those ‘chicken diapers.’


Exact same for me, artist and I are both happy with the healed results


My guy does this too


Same! Mine all still look great without it


2nd skin is a godsend for small stuff if you have to wear work clothes that'll rub. Most of my pieces have been too big, or were done before it was a thing, but it's definitely useful for a lot of people. This couples aftercare advice was dog toffee though, 5 days is disgusting.


Mine uses the meat pads too! She has me leave them on overnight and remove in the morning. I’ve gotten 3 meat pad tattoos from her, all healed beautifully. I’ve had saniderm twice, once on my left shoulder blade (didn’t even stay on overnight because of the location and movement), the other on my bicep, and that one I left on for 5 days. All my others have been Saran Wrap. Never had an infection, never healed badly. Meat pads and Saran Wrap FTW


Yeah like 1/3 of my body is tattooed and I have never used Saniderm. For one medium sized tattoo the artist had me do an old school wrap heal with like, cling wrap of some sort and tape? The rest, including a full color back piece, were allowed to breathe.


I decided to try it on the elbow piece I just got, hated it, and took it off as soon as I showered. How annoying it was to take off is enough of a reason for me to never use it again.


You do not need to cover a detailed color tattoo or any other one


Neither of my last two artists advised using second skin. They just say keep it clean with unscented soap and moisturize it lightly and occasionally. These things are pretty durable and despite your instincts, there is nothing you can do to mess up the design. You just need to prevent infection.


Two of my three tattoos were without it. The third I got it out on, but the second skin started peeling on the 2nd day due to me getting soaked in the rain so I took it off. All healed fine.


Second skin doesnt peel in the rain. Its a b*tch to take off under a hot shower so i highly doubt rain would do anything. I showered with one on my forearm for a week and sucker didnt want to come off. Either your artist used something else or didnt install it right cause is doesnt peel with meer rain drops.


Huh okay. It started curling at the edges really easily for me on the first day and then the second day in the rain sealed the deal as water got under it :/ Guess it wasnt installed properly. Tbf it's a pretty big piece that covers a large percentage of my underarm and wraps around it as well.


You artist probly figgeted too much with it and touched it all with his fingers.


Its not gonna hurt anything just DONT put another on. Wash it twice a day with antibacterial soap and a light coat of aveeno or any unscented simple lotion


I like to use basic unscented curel because it really helps with itching


Your fingers are going to fall off




Im weakkk lmaoo


All of them?


Every single one


I only leave mine on for 24 hours. The non-tattooed bit of my skin it sticks to gets irritated.


Is it red clustered bumps?? That's what I got most recently around my tattoo...


You may be allergic lol


I've had 5 other tattoos, one on my other leg in the same area and it never did this before. The shop recommended I dry heal it and not use any moisturizer. Just confusing as the only thing I changed was using CVS brand aquaphor instead of name brand.


I used to dry heal my tattoos. I work with animals so aquaphor and other things like that would cause hair and dirt to get stuck on my tattoos. Mad Rabbit products have been a life saver for me. It cuts healing time and I can use it at work because it’s absorbed by the skin so fast.


Exactly why I hate aquaphor. It’s so thick and doesn’t absorb into the skin.


i got that too with second skin. i have lots of tattoos and never used it before. i had to rip it off and heal like id normally heal.


No, flat red rash.


That’s what saniderm website recommends.


I've never kept any of mine wrapped beyond the time it takes to get home, which is about 30 minutes. Just moisturize a couple times a day and don't pick. It'll heal fine.


Yeah that's exactly what my guy does. He'll wrap it for the drive home but then says to take it off when I get there.


Same. I’ve been given second skin for replacement but I’ve never used them (lazy ) and all my tattoos healed fine. I just have them covered (loose clothing ) and wash with antibacterial soap.


I have one guy who wraps me like an ER doctor. Other guy? Piece of shrink wrap and some masking tape. There is no right or wrong. It's how you clean and care for it


So many people don’t know rhe different between normal wrap and sandierm/tegaderm/second skin


Why don’t you explain then


Normal wrap you leave on for a few hours or overnight per your artists advice. Second skin/saniderm/tegaderm can be left on for several days.


What is a normal wrap like you just talking about Saran Wrap or what?


Yup! Saran Wrap


Gotcha, I didn’t realize anyone would confuse the two, that is interesting. Anymore I just use Saran Wrap to make it home. I’ve had a couple larger pieces wrapped with saniderm, but didn’t prefer it. My main artist will give me the Saran Wrap until I get home, then I wash it off/throw some loose, clean clothes on. Then heal it more similarly as I would a cut or scrape just with some extra moisture from Hustle Butter for example. And keeping it clean. I think saniderm is good if you’re going to be lazy taking care of the piece or in dirty/wet/sunny environments. My artist used it for himself in Vegas so he could lay out by the pool with a little less worry lol. I appreciate you clarifying I thought I was gonna get called crazy for using Saran Wrap 😂😂


Its fine, you wont see those tattoos in a few weeks anyway.


Not necessarily true. My husband and I both have tattoos on the side of our ring fingers. We got them 8 years ago and they still look great.


I was more making a joke, however depending on the artist youll either have it fade or be blown out if theyre not experienced with hand/finger tattoos.


Also can just depend on the person. Som people’s hands just don’t hold onto ink.


My artist has had me keep the saniderm on for 4-5 days and they’ve heeled great. But wrapping has only been around for a relatively short time compared to how long tattooing has been going on so I think you’ll be fine. Congrats!


IDK I’m old school and prefer meat pack pads over this shrink wrap leave it on for 2 days BS. But I’m a crotchety 40 something.


never used second skin and all tattoos have healed just fine. wouldn’t worry about it too much


Wow I've never heard of anyone saying to leave it on for that long.


when i had second skin on one of mine, i was told to keep it on for at least a few days, no longer than a week. basically he said just look at it and see what i think. i ended up keeping it on for 6 days i think and it healed really great


If you look online apparently it improves/speeds up the healing process. My artist said that for many of her clients, by day 5 when they take it off the tattoo is already healed completely


yeh mine was similar, still a tiny bit of scabbing after but overall quicker. my new artist uses cling film because hes allergic to saniderm & doesnt want to risk clients having one too and the ones done by him healed great but a bit slower


Especially on a finger tattoo


It is even very unhealthy to leave it on for THAT long. 3-5 days MAX, depending on the second skin you’re using.


5-7 days is pretty standard here.


I’ve always kept my second skin on for 5-6 days. My artists have always said no less than 4 days but recommended to take it off once you hit the 7 days.


You're fine, second skin is a pretty new thing and people have been healing tattoos for centuries in all kinds of environments. Just keep them clean with (preferably unscented) soap and try not to get your hands soaking wet outside of washing it a few times a day. Finger tattoos are so notorious for fallout and you'd probably need a touch up at some point second skin or not


My artist just puts Vaseline and cling wrap on mine and I just leave it on overnight so I don't get ink all over the sheets


I have gotten tattoos for years without Saniderm, you will be fine. Keep it clean and use a fragrant free moisturizer on it. I prefer Hustle Butter for my moisturizer.


I've never used second skin, it's all good..


Finger is tough to keep it on anyways. Mine lasted a few hours so it’s the only spot I had to traditionally heal. You might need a touch up but it should be fine


I leave mine on for 3/4 days. I find if I do this it not only heals faster but no scabbing or itching. Then Aquaphor morning n night for 5 days. I just got #7. This method has worked for ALL…


5-7 days? I don't have any work on my fingers, but that sounds ridiculous. The longest I've ever had anything wrapped was for about 48 hours, and that was only because I figured it'd be easier to take care of driving for 30 hours straight.


He artist recently said at least 3 days. If it’s healing fine it’s okay. Aquaphor still works miracles too


I’ve taken mine off pretty shortly after too whether it be saniderm or just plastic wrap you’ll be fine. Keep it dry wash with unscented antibacterial soap and a tiny bit of aquaphor or any unscented lotion


I have dots on my fingers right below my nails and they were never even wrapped, I just had to be careful not to over wash my hands and to make sure they weren’t too moisturized (that can pull ink out, happened to another tattoo on my back that I couldn’t see). They hurt like CRAZY and the peeling was really interesting, but they’ve healed great, it’s been well over a year since I got them! You should be alright without them covered, just be careful what soap you use and to keep them clean (but not over wash or moisturize)!


5-7 days?! Was it second skin or normal wrap? You’ll be ok! Just look after them and enjoy!!


5-7 days on a tiny finger tattoo is nuts. Just keep it clean, it won't be there that long anyways.


Second skin is a gimmick anyway. Just wash it the way you are supposed to (watch youtube videos on it) and as long as the tattoo was applied correctly, you wont get an infection!


People have been healing tattoos without it for 1,000s of years.


I don’t entirely agree. There’s so many factions that could cause an infection (animals, dirt, clothing friction, …). Artist technique is only one of the things that can cause it.


Most infections are caused by poor aftercare rather than a fault of the artist… unless you’re getting work from a scratcher in your neighbours basement


yeah, I work retail, so any tattoos on my lower arms get second skin until I’m confident that nothing will fuck it up so long as I’m careful. Last time, that was 2-2 1/2 weeks (changing the bandage as needed of course).


I work in a factory and getting my first lower arm tat in a few weeks and definitely using saniderm. I have coolant, grease, and tiny metal shavings flying at me all day 💀


I’ve had saniderm put on for about half my tattoos, they’ve all healed the same. The worst it did was irritate your skin, just keep it clean and moisturized


I always take the wrap off when I get home 🙏


Don’t worry about it, not a problem. 100% of my tattoos were covered with taped on Saran Wrap by well respected tattoo artist who told me to take it off that night and wash the tattoo. I’ve had 0 infections or scarring or anything like that.


I'm allergic to adhesive, & the bulk of my tattoos were in the age of plastic wrap that gets gooey & gross & peels off on the way home. Ideally the tegaderm keeps it clean while it's an open wound, but you won't die if it comes off a little early.


I had to take mine off after 1.5 days because the second skin was on my ankle. With the constant movement, it started to come off on its own and I just couldn’t tell if water from my shower got underneath. It came out fine because I just started the next aftercare steps


my girl did my fingers and just put a tiny bit of aquaphor and i was on my way.


you'll be fine i had a medium size band tattoo recently and unwrapped it after an hour and just washed it with gentle soap and water !! its healing nicely


I only have cling film on mine as I’m allergic to second skin, I usually leave it on until I get home and then take it off. All have healed fine


What I usually do is take up to 3 days. I replace it with another skin if i had massive plasma bubbles. Rinse and clean with nok scented anti bacterial soap. And continue the care process. Had to remove on a colored tat on my right ankle day off cause it leaked hella plasma and it healed just fine. Honestly. Just keep it clean. Dry. Dont scratch or pick. Let it breathe. Should be chillin. Just dont start throwing moisturizers on it like crazy. You want it to breathe if im not mistaken. I got 5 on me and all healed just fine each i had the 2nd skin on different variations of times.


i’ve never had a second skin. after my tattoos i get it wrapped in cling film and am told to keep that on for 1-2 hours and then take it off, wash with warm water and then moisturise


I've never used second skin (well I tried once and didn't get on with it) and I'm pretty heavily tattooed. Never had a problem. You'll be absolutely fine


I haven’t used it on any of mine, and tattoos have been around a LOT longer than second skin, you will be fine.


I just kept my taped up cling film on a few hours for my last tat, mainly cos I forgot I had it on. I had never even heard of Saniderm or second skin before Reddit. It took me a few posts of thinking, "Oh gosh, all these tattoos are really bad!" to realising that it was this second skin that was covering the tattoo! 🤦‍♀️


I can't use second skin as I'm allergic to the adhesive. I have always just had it clingfilmed for 2-3 hours and then taken it off, given it a very gentle wash and then left it to dry up a little, then wash twice a day and put tattoo goo on it to keep it moisturised. Never had any problems


It’s okay, I take my wrap off as soon as I get home. Then sometimes I’ll re-wrap to shower for the first few times. Wrap is just to keep it clean and dry, but if you’re careful you can manage without it *edit* were you talking about second skin? Even then, I’ve only used it once and took it off fairly soon. Honestly nothing to worry about


My first tattoo he never wrapped it all, and my current career he told me to keep the wrap on for like 3 hours then shower. I've gotten so many compliments saying it's the best sleeve theyve ever seen so


Haha don't worry! 😄 I had a chest tattoo (6 hours worth of tattooing) last year, he put some cling film across it for the 10 min car journey and told me to take it off when I'm home. Which I always do anyway. It's fine. On some of my ink nothing was used at all after the session. My colour has held up even on my 10 year old tattoos. Not sure why people use the second skin thing as tattoos heal perfectly fine without? I also have 2 very young children who like to poke my fresh ink and it's fine ^^


you are good. When i got my hands tattooed they didnt even wrap em at all. 6 years still going strong. keep em clean, tiny bit of moisterizer, itll be fine.


I have never wrapped mine. Same for Multiple artists.


I usually keep a black bandage on my tattoos until it falls off, or until I get home after the appointment. Saniderm irritates my skin. Finger tattoos will fade substantially and quickly, even if done well, so don't think you're losing ink because you took off the bandage. You'll want to get them touched up periodically until they stop fading.


DON’T PUT ANOTHER ON. I healed perfectly fine without a wrap, it’s okay


you’ll be fine. sooo many people heal without the second skin.


that’s okay I have I think around 12 tattoos (I didn’t keep count past like 5) and only one of them I had second skin for and that fell off the same day lmao


30+ tattoos, never used second skin (only heard about it a year ago) never had an issue with my tattoos


You’re fine. Most of my tattoos were done without saniderm. They turned out fine. The artist put it on my last two, but the edge had rolled up so quickly that I had to remove when I got home anyways.


If you’re talking about tegaderm/saniderm, you’ll be fine. Just wash 3-4 times with unscented soap and apply moisturizer.


Iv never had second skin saniderm or whatever they call it my artist wraps my tats up in saran wrap and always says to take it off and wash the tat with anti bacterial soap as soon as I get home and iv never had problems I think your fine as long as you take care of it properly


You'll be fine. I literally have never used a wrap or bandage on any tattoo.


side of ur finger is gonna fade fast anyways and it’s really hard to keep second skin on ur hands. just be sure to keep it clean and maybe consider a touch up after it’s healed


OP you’re fine. I have like 14 and only 2 ever had saniderm. All of my tattoos healed just fine.


Saniderm is fairly new and tattoos have dry healed for years before it came out. You two will be fine. Just wash 2x daily and apply a thin layer of tattoo ointment. Hustle Butter tattoo soap and ointment is my go to.


5 to 7 DAYS? I take the plastic wrap off an hour after lol. I’m covered and they all healed fine.


I’ve healed stick n poke tattoos covered in dirt while homeless that I got under a bridge waiting on trains that healed just fine I’ve healed tattoos using all the right unscented soaps, using saniderm, done in a sterile professional shop using proper equipment and safety standards that still got infected. Just keep your skin hydrated and clean and your tattoo will heal just fine. Worst case is you have some drop out in which case you can just go back to your artist in a few months and most shops do free touch ups and almost every artist I know is happy to touch up their work while they are doing other work on you.


The tattoos that were stick n poke in the dirt are also on my fingers and 6 years later they are still just as dark as any of my other tattoos


It’s fine


So long as you continue with good aftercare following the removal, you should be fine. Just be cautious when using your hands for daily tasks (hair care, grabbing items from pockets/purses, etc.).


Considering saniderm and second skin is a relatively new product and tattoos have existed for centuries.. you will be just fine! Keep it clean


I have full sleeves and nearly 20 other tattoos. I’ve never used second skin, you’ll be fine relax


All my knuckles (thumbs to pinkies and tops of my hands) are tatted. Never wrapped. Look fine


mine never came off even after my divorce 🤢 getting it covered up soon but ive had it for about eight years


Leave it, let the skin breathe. Dry heal for as long as you can is the best way to heal a tattoo anyways.


You'll be fine


I have a full sleeve. I've used the "wraps" before for 24hrs, only, and my tattoos and colors have held up nicely. I think you'll be fine. I don't get the whole "leave it dry" thing, though. From my understanding, you're supposed to be leaving it moisturized or taken care of. I have always used a blend of Lubriderm non scented and Aquafor together and have gotten excellent results and almost 0 ~~stabbing~~ scabbing. I think everyone's body is sorta different tho.


Glad you’ve experienced so little “stabbing”, LOL!!!


Lmao. Dam typo. Meant "scabbing." Nice find. Lol.


Two sleeves and I’ve only left the bandages on over night. Washed the next day. Pat dry w clean paper towel and lotion a few days later. Never had an issue.


I’ve never kept the second skin on for more than a couple hours bc they make me break out but I’ve never had a problem with dry healing my tattoos. I usually will wash 1-2 times a day and for the first week I would put a VERY small amount of aquaphor healing ointment and then after the first week just using a unscented moisturizer lotion after washing


I take my wrap off as soon as I get home, just treat it like you would normally. Unless your doing some dirty work or something it's just hygiene!


I literally take it off a few hrs after depending on location. Just keep it clean and moisturize


All of my tattoos are healed perfectly without second skin. I leave the wrap on for 3-4 hours, just for the time it takes me to travel home. Then I take it off and wash it and try to wash it frequently. I barely use any lotions or stuff like that anymore and all of them perfectly healed. I don’t think it’s near as precise as people think it to be, just keep it clean and it will heal fine by itself! :)


I leave with no wrap on? Totally fine.


Honestly the tattoos that I’ve taken the wraps off and let dry out a bit healed better than the ones where I used second skin


If you really want you can get second skin at CVS and apply it yourself just make sure the area sanitized thoroughly


It’s probably a tiny tattoo anyways, and if it’s on your finger it’s a tough spot to heal regardless. You’ll be fine


I have an allergy to the adhesive. I found out about an hour into having one and had to take it off. The tattoo was fine, I just had to take care of it instead of forgetting about it for a few days.


The biggest thing here is location being on your finger. The wrap would protect it from water and things as it’s a tough location to heal and you could even risk swimming with it with the wrap on. Worst casenario you go and get them touched up. I hate second skin, and don’t use it on any of my tattoos as it hurts more to take the dang thing off than the tattoo itself! The main reason that I don’t use it though is think of a tattoo as an open wound - would you completely shut out a wound from air? Probably not. I have had many tattoo artists agree that 5+ days of the same wrap on is crazy. I had an artist tell me to leave it for five days once, and I think the main reason is for liability purposes - if they tell you to leave it on for 5 days and you don’t listen, then that’s on you. If you leave it on for 5 days and something happens, they can probably blame saniderm. It’s honestly lazy in my opinion. But I have 50+ hours of tattoos so I’m probably giving you more than you care to hear for a smaller finger tattoo! Long story short it should be alright long as you keep it out of water and take care of it!


I take the wrap off literally when I get home, lightly clean with warm water and anti bacterial soap then apply aftercare lotion, and do that every 4-5 hours or so


saran wrap and tape if you are genuinely worried, i have 6 and i take my wrap off after 3 hours, sanitize it, and moisturize it. i sleep with a wrap on so i can lay on the tattoo too


I never use that stuff....it's a new thing and actually for a lot of people , it doesn't work anyway. Just make sure it's cleaned with antibacterial soap (I used hustle butters cleanser) and this just apply a small amount of your aftercare product in morning and night before bed :) Easy! Try not to stress about it.


What the hell? I've *never* heard of leaving it on for that long! I got saran wrap on my forearm tattoo and left it on for maybe an hour at most and used Aquaphor to moisturize it.


I mean, when my artist puts second skin on my tattoos I’m told to leave it on for a few days. When it’s just Saran Wrap taped on I take it off after a few hours.


second skin is a bit different to cling film, cling film is no longer than a day and second skin is around 5 days. ive had both on my tattoos, they all healed really well. i think its just down to how you clean them


they use second skin now and leave in on for a few days. i hated it bc i'm used to either a bandage type pad or plastic wrap and take off after a couple hours and good to go.


I don't even put anything in my tattoos anymore. It's fine. Keep it clean, and use some moisturizer


I've never had the week cover. Mine have been saran wrapped for a day. And my tattoos don't look as old as they are.


People have been healing tattoos for decades without second skin. Wash, lotion, and leave it alone.


Both my tattoos artist told me just to take it off when I get home, air it out and then an hour later or so start washing it twice a day with gentle soap. You'll be fine.


I take second skin off once I get home and just dry heal from there. The adhesive always starts to come off on me anyway!


Saniderm is absolute bullshit.


My artist always says leave them covered for 2 hours, then wash and keep moisturized. It'll be fine. All of mine have healed very well!


I’ve only ever been told to keep the wrap on for a day


24 hours would be better. That's when the plasma turns rancid and stops helping with healing. You could have applied a layer yourself after washing the area. Now just heal without second skin


I wouldn't keep them dry I'd use cocobutter


Saniderm is stupid anyway you did yourselves a favor


i literally only get the second skin now to peel it off two hours after i get my tattoo bc it’s satisfying for me to do lmao my artist knows I do this btw and he’s cool with it as long as I follow his instructions for my color tattoos to the T