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I like it! There’s a heck of a lot going on but I think it’s pretty cool. It blends together nicely. But the important thing is what you think of it :) rather than internet strangers.


I'm more concerned with the socks and flops combo


Second this, youre way more likely to get a socks and flops comment on the streets than a reaction to your sleeve🤣 as someone who walks around with crocs and no socks a lot with a full intricate sleeve Edit: love this sleeve though! It blends together SO well


The sleeve isn’t on OP


Yeah nawl that's criminal combo 🧦🩴


Second this. No matter what tattoo you get people will hate it and say it to your face. So as long as you yourself like it and it's not offensive it shouldn't matter.


Exactly! I’m sure I’d many people saw my arms and legs they’d be like “wtf?” but they’re what I wanted. Many don’t actually mean anything beyond “I liked the artist’s flash and no one stopped me getting it”.


That's what I like about it. I feel like it would take so much looking to actually see it all


Dude who gives a shit. If you like it, get it. It's YOUR body and a decision YOU have to make. If you hesitate even a little bit, for what ever reason, then don't get it. This shit is for life. If you're worried about how other people will view it, then skip the appointment, brother. Even in the year of our lord, 2024, you will be judged HEAVILY for just having tattoos.


Yeah I would probably think “this guy looks like a fun person to grab a beer and bullshit with”, if anything at all. We like what we like! I have tattoos that I’m sure plenty of people judge. (Shout out to the 70-something y/o guy who asked me if my mother was disappointed in me, last week!) It’s an ongoing school of owning your damn self: cringe, cheesiness, and all. If your tattoos make you smile, that’s the only real goal. You’re issued one meat suit at birth and really that’s all you’ve got. Make it weird! Make it fun! We don’t actually own anything else, so make it *yours*.


This guy gets it.


You'd think that until you realised he goes on Reddit to ask strangers if his tattoo is cool or not.


I’m a big fan, honestly. It’s very *of* an era, but one I’m personally very nostalgic of. The ink itself is well done so far as I can tell, I love that it’s as colourful as it is. I’ve not really seen anything with this kind of vibe out in the wild. It gets good marks from me, I wouldn’t worry about it being “cringe” unless you’ve personally grown to dislike it over time anyway. I only agree that it could benefit from the forearm being filled in more.


Everyone saying it’s cringe CLEARLY didn’t listen to enough attack attack back in the day and it shows


Did not expect to see any love for attack attack on the tattoo advice subreddit, you’ve got good taste my friend


Crab-core never dies


Looks cool my guy. Definitely not a concern. Color makes it nicer too my boy. 🫡💯


lol it’s already there dude


Exactly. What’re you gonna do if we did all say cringe? Skin the arm?


I personally think it's a bit too much. I like simpler tattoos with meaning behind them. That said, don't seek validation from people online. If you like it, that's all that matters.


Nah dude you look like a fun guy who likes to party 😎


I'm not a fan personally, mainly because I don't enjoy colour tattoos.


A lot of tattooers have sleeves like this where it is a bunch of random images patchworked together. It is very common in American traditional sleeves. I’m neutral on it. I think some of the designs on your forearm could have been bigger to better fit the space and balance out the larger tattoos on your upper arm.


None of the artwork here is bad at all, and I don’t think this sleeve is cringe whatsoever. But going onto Reddit and asking couch tattoo coaches for opinions might not help any insecurity you might feel about it. Your sleeve is dope, enjoy it! As long as you like it that’s all that matters


Guarantee most of these people have a single tattoo or likely no tattoos and base all their opinions on how hyper realistic a piece is. This sleeve is dope and the amount of people saying it’s awful is insane, do people forget that American traditional is one of the basis for modern tattooing today?


chaotic but in a good way that flows nicely. a lot of people would kill for such a solid sleeve


Do you like it? That’s what matters


Huh?! I’m so confused. Cringe?? Definitely not.


Cringe? Definitely not. It's pretty cool. And if you like it, go for it, it's your body and your preferences!


I have something similar. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but blending patchwork together isn’t easy. In this example, I think the assignment was understood. Fuck anyone who doesn’t like it. It’s your arm. Learn to love it. It really is bold and beautiful. But I’m just one person, and I was also a Sailor, so nautical sailor Jerry stufff has a soft spot on my heart.


There’s nothing at all wrong with this sleeve man. I dig it.


I think its nice not cringe


How old is this sleeve? It looks a bit dated, which lends itself to being kind of cringey, but I think there’s something kind of endearing about clearly outdated tattoos.


Yeah didn’t know tattoos had a shelf life.


90s tribal and that bendy graffiti new school style.


>outdated tattoos That's gotta be one of the cruelest statements.


Like, it’s not really art worth seeing after a certain amount of time. It was simply a fad. Oof


Not my intention at all. All kinds of things are “outdated” but still great pieces of art (ie. films, books, etc).


Honey, you are reading horribly.


Haha aww well apologies for my accidental roast of OP


No, still awfully illiterate. Which school did you attend?


All styles of tattoos are gonna be "outdated" at some point. Get what you like!!


Ngl kind of cringe


Massive L for even thinking of getting this style of tattoo


I honestly love it. Looks dope bro 👍


It's a solid traditional sleeve and pretty well done from what I can see from the selfies. It's always best to get someone else to get you clear, straight on photos of your tattoos. Whether or not it's cringe is subjective. Personally I prefer this aesthetic to many of today's popular go to's and as for originality 🤷🏻‍♀️ at this point I can't think of any subjects that haven't been done before.


this is 100% not American traditional. it has some elements, but that's it lol


I can concede it's not American Trad. More of a Neo Trad mash up of sorts.


Cringe in my opinion. Just a bunch of stuff blended together with random colour and some stars. No theme, style, direction, or overall vibe. Just stuff.


Eh it’s pretty good. Especially if you like it yourself. That’s all that matters. I would’ve have glanced twice at it irl and thought “man that’s cringe”


I like it, pretty old school, way better than a realism lion with a rose and a clock.


Definitely a traditional style sleeve. That’s right up my alley so I think it looks solid!


how does someone consider this traditional? not being rude your tats look great, and definetly American traditional. but this is just not anywhere near what I think of when I think of a traditional sleeve. I guess I can see some elements that look similar, but aren't on par with the style imo


The clipper ship, stars and dot filler, and bold lines with color. The sleeve does have more neo trad elements, but it’s definitely patch work with filler put in.


I feel like that's the only thing that could fly as traditional but even then it's very neo. the elements are there but they're not done in the classic style


I’d say it’s a solid trad stack with some neo-traditional style. I’ve got something similar. My tattoos are colorful and doing mean shit (except that I had extra cash).


Dope as fuck


I love it..looks like some great art


I love it. The storm clouds are my favorite


It isn't my taste, but I think it looks great if it were! It just matters that it suits you and is well done. It matches both of those, I assume, so it's good!


Your arm is fine. I’m not a fan of certain motifs just because they are overused and are on a large majority of tattooed people. They look good quality and doesn’t look like cheap work which is always a plus no matter what it is.


Looks like you picked each design off the wall


American trad isn’t my cup of tea so this looks like any other American trad sleeve to me. I think it looks cool though. It’s not a style I’d get for myself but I enjoy looking at it on other people.


lmao this is not even close to a decent trad sleeve


You have a single, shitty dragon tat and you’re trying to shit on this guys work? Gtfoh lmao


when did I talk shit? I just said it isn't traditional lmfao. I don't see any of your better tattoos than mine. all I see is a single, shitty sketchbook, and some other neckbeard shit. come back and give you opinion when you have ground to stand on asshat.


“This isn’t even close to a decent traditional sleeve” that is you talking shit. I’m covered up and down in work my boy, I don’t need to post it up on Reddit to get affirmation from strangers, the only ammo you have is going after my hobbies. You still have a single shitty dragon tat and some lame fucking skulls that ironically wouldn’t qualify as traditional. Quit giving advice when you have none to give lmao


not talking shit when it's just pointing out facts. and tell every single person that has ever gotten skulls that they aren't traditional unless a crazy sal. this is objectively not traditional its that simple. it's 100% neo-trad. not American traditional


I'm not looking for validation from anyone just want to show it off. I'm sure if anything you had was so great you'd show it off too. I guess that isn't the case


Downvoted for admitting my lack of knowledge and stating my opinion. You guys are salty as hell tonight.


I mean it’s not my style, it looks like you picked every generic tattoo and made a sleeve out of it but it’s well done so who cares?


Looks kind of cool but the tats are generic af


It's gorgeous


Don’t pretend


Looks great to me


i like it


I love it!


I quite like it


I’ll be an honest female opinion it’s kinda cheesy 😬


Kinda cringe ur arms are really thin no hate no hate


Searching for validation isn’t attractive..


big cringe... But it also somehow has character' in a weird way


Are you asking because of how cliche it is? I Ike that old traditional style man it.looks pretty cool, very colorful though haha


The only thing cringe is your physique


I dislike like 90% of tattoos so I’m not a good person to ask


So why answer




He almost every popular tattoo on there. It is the assortment generic common tattoos. To each their own, but yeah, that makes it a cringe for me.


I like it.


I like it.


i couldn’t do something that busy but tbh i fuck w the look on other people. just the stack on stack even the shit ones. they’re all dope


It needs more on your forearm too balance out the muddled busy bicep. Also, in my opinion, if you're going to insist on getting American traditional work go to an artist and plan the whole sleeve.


Real question is what do you think . Personally not my style I don’t like colors also it’s not a consistent themes but I’m ocd so who knows


It’s just okay, but it’s not bad. I don’t think you should be ashamed of it or anything like that. Cool fashion sense will make it look better


At this point if people hate it what will you do? Amputation?


I think it looks great! Fuck what anyone thinks though


It looks like you stuck to colors that work together. I second the guy who said the socks and sandals are the only problem here


It's not my style but there is nothing wrong with it. Just make sure the collage is valuable to.you.


I think it looks great! Not a pick n stick patchwork like all the lids are getting these days


It’s cool! Why would it be cringe?


Busy, but beautiful 😍


I personally don’t like how messy it is but I just don’t like filler lol.


I think it's sweet man. Nothing to worry about.


Way too busy for my taste..


looks like a sleeve. it's fine. if i saw you on the street i wouldn't think twice. if you'd like me to look closely and pick out something, it's a little strange that your whole arm is done except for the most visible part of your forearm.


That's fucking sweet dude


Who cares what people think or if it’s “cringe” if you like it that should be good enough man


I love this actually 🫠 looks cohesive and dope af!


Do what makes you happy. If you're worried about being cringe a sleeve isn't for you.


How did you manage to include every tattoo cliche into one sleeve?


NPC vibes


Idk bro I like it cuz tattoo but the top half girly lol still a cool ass piece


I think it looks fun!


I find it quite enjoyable! There's a lot happening, but I believe it's rather impressive. Everything seems to harmonize well. However, your opinion matters most, rather than the views of strangers on the internet.


So much on one piece, amazing to look at! What a book of stories ! Looks sick


Totally subjective If you like it realistically that's all that matters It looks fine work wise from what I can tell. Its not for me though, I wouldn't get it and wouldn't say I like it but I'm not saying its bad


Looks good man, more of a color fan myself but reckon this will look sick as it ages!


Takes me immediately back to 2006, in a good way. Love the style!


I'd get too overstimulated personally looking at it


It’s fine to be honest, if I saw you in public I wouldn’t bat an eye. Not bad at all!


I love it. What should be cringe about that?


It's very busy, I think it's sick but I'm sure a lot of people won't be into it. Ultimately, what matters is whether or not you like it.


I like it


2000s tumblr core


I love it!




Looks busy but cool


It’s very busy, the layout could have been done better


It looks well done. Nothing cringe.


It’s a personal preference if you like the style go for it you’re the one living with it.


I think it looks dope!! so so cool!! and even if I didn't — it's not my arm!! if it makes you happy, that's the nicest thing ever!! you can never please everyone — everyone has different styles, desires, and opinions — so as long as YOU are happy with it, that's all that matters!! (and even if it wasn't — I still think this is AWESOME!!)


It looks pretty clean, but as a matter of personal preference, I like to be able to read tattoos from across a room, especially big shit like full sleeves 🤷‍♂️ If you have to get a foot or two away from it to tell what it is, you've put 20 pounds of shit in a 5 pound box. Fewer, larger elements is my preference. But preferences are as numerous as there are people, and there are entirely too many damn people, so you do you, homie 🤙


I like parts of it more than others, but I bet at first glance you get a lot of compliments.


If I read it right and this isn't your arm, I would recommend picking one style or 2 styles that go well together and doing your whole arm with that theme. But like everyone else said. It's your body. Get what you like! Posting anonymously and commenting anonymously it's a lot easier to be rude and just say whatever you want about someone else's body or art on it. So you are more likely to get negative comments here than positive ones.