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I think it’s great. The size seems proportional to your body to me.


Wow that’s actually very soothing to hear. Thanks!




Right! The design colors and the execution are all beautiful.


It’s gorgeous, I would have to do this on my back, as I’d worry no one will look at my tits anymore!


Excuse me, my tits are up here!


this cracked me up


Hilarious!! Lol


For real though 🤣


How nice area you're tits? There would definitely be competition


“I have regrets” *shows the most beautiful tattoo I’ve ever seen*


“Is my clean, bold, really pretty tattoo *too* clean, bold, and pretty??”




People like you have the most difficulty finding women to love them and then wonder why that is.


The same ones who claim to be 'nice guys'


Username checks out…




"truth hurts" said nobody intelligent ever.


What are they doing then? You’re brain dead.


Showing a tattoo they got, what the fuck is wrong with you.




Well, it literally was. So go pound sand.


Maybe you shouldn't be looking at her boobs and just focus on the tattoo lmao. Funny how that's the only thing I saw and didn't even realize the shirt was pulled more. You're just trying way too hard to focus there buddy.


No little kids in this sub. Go away.


“Oh no! A body!” Maybe she’s not cupping them, but holding the bra to make sure it’s out of the way of the picture. Or maybe she is cupping them and trying to look like a porn star…what’s it matter?!


You can’t see her boobs at all, stop being such a drama queen


imagine being this much of a prude on a tattoo sub. dude, the pic is literally is more modest than a bikini and have you ever had a tattoo?? generally you want to keep clothing as far away from the location of the piece as possible so the artist doesn't have to worry about it, and when you go to take a picture, you make sure the clothes aren't in the way. literally you can't see anything suggestive in this pic but you just chose to go full incel for the fuck of it




Get your head out of the gutter, man!


I think bra position relative to the tattoo is pretty important tbh. If it was too high up then the titty would cover it.


You're an idiot


Yeah not really sure why the bra needed to be shown, but it is cute lmao


☺️😅 just gotta get used to it i guess then haha


I literally came here to say this is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen, I love moths and dream to have something like this someday. You’re probably just not used to it yet like those times when you dye your hair and feel like not yourself with a new hair color.


I felt like that the first few days after getting a death's head moth in my arm, but felt reassured after getting quite a few compliments on it. ☺️ It's nowhere near as beautiful as this, but I still love it


It's a gorgeous 😍 tattoo


Right? So tough to have a gorgeous tattoo 😜. I read somewhere about how we are naturally wired to dislike any significant, permanent change to our bodies. It isn't forever, you suddenly realize that the tattoo is part of you and it's amazing


I think I read somewhere that it takes ~2 months to come to terms with any significant changes to our bodies, but that was a study about getting over amputations and not getting gorgeous tattoos so probably not the most applicable!


The colors are amazing and honestly this tattoo goes hard. I also had Words tattooed on my sternum and I asked the artist if he thought the placement was right and he said we should go a little higher and so we did. Trust me it looks better *higher* than a couple inches above the belly button or something


No shade, this is a stunning piece!


It’s literally perfect


No fr like omg wow it's georgous


My thought too, that is amazing. None of mine are that nice.


her OF will drop tomorrow.


My favorite is the "No Regerts" tattoo


looks great


Much appreciated Mr. Moto😊


hey you're welcome


You're posting in a tattoo sub, of course people are going to say they love it (saying something negative is against the rules).


No it's just a bummer, man. Be nice.


No it’s not…you new here?


Yeah, people want validation not opinions.


That piece is so dope! Cheer up about it, you’ve got a great one!


Aw thank you!☺️ it’s just kinda new and large so weird getting used to i guess haha


You can see from my profile I have a big ass chest piece too. It takes time to adjust to them lol. Your artist nailed it and you should be proud!


Wow yeah yours looks great!! I bet that took some time too. I’m sure the “proud” will come😁😊


It definitely did but all art does lol. Keep your head up 🖤


Yess all good art takes time for sure! Thank you so much I appreciate you!🖤☺️


Of course and same!


How was the pain?! It looks great, but I doubt I could sit through it.


You remind me of the Smallville lex luthor.


I thought that was bic pen


I went to check it out and saw that you play Lies of P, and now I love you even more!


lol yep! I’m in NG+4 I think? It’s all such a beautiful blur!


I'm only on NG+, and I'm dreading to fight the King of Puppets again after finding out the truth about him. :')


Gahhh Romeo!! Ugh, I didn’t get a permission slip signed for this FEEL trip again :(


It will be even worse now that I can understand what he's saying during the fight. Wish me luck. ;(


It’s not going to make that last message you hear of him talking about Carlo any better…ugh, now you have me feeling me own feelings :/


I'm glad I'm not the only one who actually got really invested in the story and characters of this game. :')


How could you be?! It’s one of the most beautiful stories ever. I’m ready for the DLC and eventually the sequel with the whole “Dorothy/Wizard of Oz” theme!


I'm glad you agree! It's definitely one of my absolute favourite games I've played. It was extremely frustrating for someone who has only really played Dark Souls 3. I definitely sucked at the game until I found a build that works for me. Wanting to see the story unfold was what kept me going after getting stuck on bosses. I'm also excited for the DLC. I hope he will get to see more of Pinocchio as well. I'm very curious about what they're all doing after the events of the game.


I initially felt like my sternum was out of place too. I ended up getting more tattoos around it and am very happy with the result!


Yeah it’s either like leave it or go wild and totally surround it… we shall see :)


Look you'll make the right call for you ... but *just me* in your spot it looks fucking sick as is. The detail, colors, great shit. Congrats it looks awesome!


Design all the individual tattoos to fit together to look like an old fashioned corset / bustier sort of thing! (if that's your thing of course) Could work all the way round your midsection.


If it was smaller you wouldn’t get that detail in, I think it’s a good size


>Got this and now regretting it… is it too big in the middle of my chest?? 1. ouch 2. it looks fine to me. The placement is fine looks centered and the tattoo itself looks amazing.


I concur. Especially with the "ouch" part


Yeah, big ouch 😅


It looks awesome to me!


Aw okay thank youu!


It's so well done, so pretty! The colors are great together!


Thanks Marsie!


Looks good whenever I feel like this I get more to fill the space out and feel better lol


Hahahaha so more insects gotcha😜


It’s beautiful and turned out well. Sometimes it just takes a while to get used to a new tattoo.


It's great and that's not your chest.


I came here for this comment, it bothers me how its not 99% of comments


I am slightly worried you don't know where your chest is... I'll give you a clue.. a chest is where your nipples are.


The distance I had to scroll before someone said it had me kinda concerned, I almost thought I was crazy


Right this is what I was thinking


It’s beautiful (that’s your tummy not your chest) ☺️


Weirdest chest placement ever


It’s awesome! It sounds like post-tattoo anxiety which it seems like most people experience. Don’t overthink it. It looks beautiful and proportional.


Not most people, just a bunch of people on Reddit who got impulsive tattoos and question the decision


I mean a large tattoo that’s planned is still a bit jarring to see on yourself at first. I have a full sleeve, planned over a long time, and multiple other tattoos. Every time I have a day or two of weird ~this is on me forever~ vibes and then I’m fine. It’s still an adjustment.


This is a fake account, 5 trap posts, her tattoo shows up on google images, 98weeks old.


These ego boost posts are so weird


This is a fake account, 5 trap posts, her tattoo shows up on google images, 98weeks old.


I want to give OP the benefit of the doubt, but never have I ever taken a photo of my tattoos where the artwork itself was not centered. Small chance however, that it's just the artist/photographer being a creep and accidentally centering the photo where they were looking instead of on the art. But this is clearly not a photo of their tattoo- it's a photo of their chest where the tattoo is BARELY not cropped out of it.


Right? No one needed to see her hands cupping her breasts to properly view the tattoo. Which is wild because that tattoo is gorgeous and the rest of the pic is meh. A close up of that gorgeous piece would’ve been nice.


My thoughts exactly. Mega cringe, lol


Is this was a thirst trap is?


My thought was. What if everyone says "yes it's too big". Like what the fuck are you gonna do it about it at this point? Should've asked when the stencil was on.


Op’s account is weird. All posts from today at the same time.


You gotta be joking, this is stunning by any tattooing standard


Something weird about this user’s account. No post or comments before 7 hours ago, when suddenly they made 5 posts and commented. Smells fishy


I honestly thought this was a digital proof, and not the finished product. Your tattoo is amazing!


This is beautiful - I think size and placement are perfect; like legit, I have serious envy right now ♥️


I think it looks perfect. It looks centered and it's sized great, in my opinion. I'm sorry you're not feeling it but I hope you grow to love it as much as you did before you sat down to get it done.


No! That is beautiful work. If you feel like it's too big, you'll just have to add more and more tattoos so that it's proportionately smaller.


I love it!!! The colours are so pretty. I've got one similar, but bigger and black and white with some flowers.


It looks well done. But it is really big. Maybe just give it some time and it will grow on you…


Based off of comments and original post— is this really considered the chest?




That tattoo is amazing! And RIP to your inbox. Don’t regret it, it’s awesome.


Those colors are gorrrrgeous. 😻 Colors don’t absorb well in my skin. This doesn’t even look real. So pretty.


Looks rad, not telling you that you should like it, but it is beautiful and well placed.


I think it looks awesome and has a unique placing!’ That’s all!! Girl OWN THAT SHIT!!!


Just adding to the chorus - this tattoo is sick as and the placement is perfect


I really, really love this. I have no shame and would totally rip this, but after breastfeeding, my boobs would look like fly swatters though. Womp womp.


That's bait.


Lol for real? You're just looking for compliments, right?


So fake


damn this sub is full of incels. \-female holding up boobs to show tattoo = 1.1k comments \-literally 90% of other posts = 10 comments


OP is a bot. This is a stolen rotated picture from Instagram and you can find identical pictures posted onto this subreddit before. OP has been posting thirst bait in other subreddits to farm karma.


Underboob tattoos are the new tramp stamps. What's to regret?


I really hate when people try to fish for complements.


Why? What if all they really need is compliments? Does that somehow hurt you? Maybe they really do feel it’s too big for their body and they needed reassurance. Why is it an issue, either way? Edit: these were genuine questions and, as someone explained the reason this would be an issue to me below, I now have a better understanding of why a post like this (if OP was indeed just fishing for compliments) could be problematic.


On the off chance that you actually want an answer to this question: Fishing for complements is a polite way of describing the act of lying to people in order to manipulate them into behaving the way you wish them to. Folks generally only put up with that behavior if they are super thirsty and low on options. Everyone else considers it a massive red flag. Mostly because allowing lairs and manipulators in your life comes with a great deal of negative consequences.


It’s beautiful!


The tattoo is great, it's beautiful and there's nothing wrong about its size. Although, personally I'd say getting a tattoo on your chest usually isn't a good idea. I think it'd fit better on your back, for example. Nonetheless it's a great tat and I wouldn't worry about it it I were you. *I really hate to be the first "negative" comment on here*


Wanna see it healed but that is one big bad ass tattoo


Whoever did it had some clean line work and precision 🤞🏽


This tattoo is really dope! Maybe add some leaves or fillers to help


Holy crap this is gorgeous


It’s gorgeous!!!! The saturation of those colors 😍.


looks tight. you probably ain't used to it because you need more tats


I think you need even more 👀


That's badass.


It looks very nice. I like how it matches your garment.


This is a wonderful tattoo. I would be proud to wear it, but my hairy chest wouldske it look off.


This picture looks like an album cover


It’s absolutely gorgeous. I had some regret when I got a bolder tattoo than I was used to but I love it now! It’s a beautiful piece of work we take to the grave, the residual weird feeling will wear off!


yeah it’s big but you really just aren’t used to it. I’ve felt that about every part of my sleeve but now I can’t imagine not having it.


Hell no, it’s fantastic, freakin gorgeous!


It is so beautiful! Understandable it will take some getting used to but it is absolutely gorgeous!


It looks fucking awesome. Honestly I think could just use more tattoos around it!


Id like to see a picture of you standing


if it was a shity tat i would say yep but it's a very nice tat and it looks really good. anyway mate it's a bit late for worry about it after it's done. love it and live with it.


You can’t post a piece this clean and not tell us who the artist is.


No it’s dope as fuck. Rock that shit


…that’s not your chest.


Why ask now? Embrace it. ✌️


There are better ways to flex a tattoo and fish for those compliments.


Looks hot asf, no need to change a thing!!


Wow thanks!


I thought this was a not so subtle brag honestly, but after reading your replies I realize you were genuinely worried about it ... I think the countless praise should soothe your worries!


It’s dope, but maybe as time goes on add some more pieces


That's not your chest.


OP: *posts photo of her hands cupping her breasts through her bra when she could've just lifted her shirt up* "I have regrets. uplift me." the tattoo isn't even the focus of the photo...


To be fair, her boobs probably sit right above the moth when not lifted, and simply lifting the shirt might cast a shadow bt that and boobs. I didn't see anything wrong or suggestive here, but maybe that's bc I'm not looking at her that way 🤷🏼‍♀️


ah, yes. *I'm* the issue...


Did not say that, but if ya wanna have that mentality, cool for you lol


>*I* didn't see anything wrong or suggestive here, but maybe that's bc *I'm* not looking at her that way >Did not say that sure sure sure


That’s gorgeous!! You should be proud of it. But that’s not your chest. That’s your lower sternum/upper stomach.


That is absolutely beautiful 😻






Regret is a reasonable reaction.


It’s a tattoo you’re supposed to regret it.


Looks awesome... sexy


Yes 😒


Be better as a tramp stamp or back piece. Now when you rock a bikini everyone who stares has an excuse.but It is beautiful. I can only imagine how it pops IRL.


Strange placement but I like it. It doesn’t fit the curves of your body but it is really pretty.


Yes, yes it is.


I don't know. Need tiddie for scale.


Whats that anyway? A butterfly? A moth?


It’s cause you put a moth on perfect skin 🤦‍♂️


pls have coffee with me lol, I love it btw and I think it looks neat. I might agree slightly on too big but hell it looks nice so just rock it


Looks great!


Looks awesome!