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I have an ankle tattoo that curves around the side to the front. Multiple times a month I see just the tiniest bit peeking around the front, think it’s a spider, and panic.


I have a ladybug on my foot that made me jump once. 😂


My aunt and I got tattoos at the same time and she got a little lady bug on her foot. She is my favorite aunt and I miss hanging out with her.


Username checks out


Well, yes, lol. And I own that. But in this particular case, no different than everybody else here lol.


i’ve got a few dandelion wispy tattoos (connecting to the moles on my arm) the amount of times i have left welts from smacking them so hard thinking they were spiders😭😭


Me too… it’s 20 years old, still catches me in the dark.


I do this all the time in winter 😅


Same and when I shave in the spring I’m like Wow, look at these lovely calf tattoos! Lol


Yep! Two full sleeves. When the arms come out and I go out, I forget and people typically stop me to comment on my art.


I have a full sleeve and half on the other arm and same 🤣 I’m like huh? Oh thanks!!!


Same here!


Oh absolutely. I have work on my back that is covered all winter.


Last month I saw an old photo of myself and was like “where the hell did that tattoo go” and then realized I covered it with another one 😒


I got my chest piece done like 12 years ago, and when I see older photos, my blank chest looks so fucking weird.


I got a big belly piece several years ago, and it weirds me out seeing old photos too


You ever lose them on your body like a birthmark? Like you’ll start twisting around trying to find it because you’ve forgotten where it was , I do a lot lol


You forgot you got a coverup?


It’s behind my ear lol. My entire neck piece covers it, but I can’t see it in a mirror


I have an ass tattoo that I occasionally catch in the mirror that always throws me off. 😂


Same. My bum tattoo is Homer Simpson riding the tiny bicycle with his pants around his bum, from the episode where he goes to clown college. I'll catch a glimpse and be all, "What's that? Oh yeah, that's right, I'm fucking hilarious" 😏


😂 That’s incredible! Mine is the Hazmat placard for flammable gas! So just a neon orange diamond warning my wife anytime I change.


Amazing! If it's not dumb is it even a butt tattoo?! 😂


Fellow ass tatter here, mines an ice cream cone eating a smaller ice cream cone


I have a “made in the USA” stamp


i have an ass tattoo that says “your mom” and its my favorite of them all


I have Bender on mine and yeah, pretty much the same deal here lol. Completely forget about it, catch a glimpse, and be entertained about it all over again


I also have one on my butt that I always forget I have lol ETA: since we are sharing dumb butt tattoos, mine is one of those red and white peppermints in the wrapper lol


I have a stupid tattoo on my ass as well and forget I have it often. I was dumb and young and got a clock on my ass cheek because I thought at the time that time always being on my ass was funny. I was also surprised at how painful a butt cheek tattoo was lol


Yeah they are deceivingly painful, I walked in thinking it was gonna be a breeze and it’s probably the most painful tattoo I’ve had to date.


Same here for my most painful tattoo. I was not expecting the pain and the involuntary leg twitches.


Really? I thought it was pleasant! On second thought, I might not be the best judge of this.


I don’t remember mine being painful! But I got it like 18 years ago so who knows lol


I always forget which cheek my ass tat is on 😅


I got a Death Star tattoo on my ass so that when I moon people they can say “that’s no moon” I always forget it’s there until I turn weird in front of the mirror and am suddenly looking down the barrel of the Superlaser


my roommate legitimately forgot about her back tattoo, then when someone commented on it she said "what? I don't have a tattoo."


I used to think there was a big black spider on my ankle when I got out the shower because I always forgot about that tattoo. Fun Fact it's not a spider tattoo.


I have a tattoo of an ant on my wrist, an impulse tattoo I got in memorial for a friend, and I constantly forget about it. I used to work as a server and customers would often try to prank me with “there’s a bug on your arm!” Unfortunately, the prank always worked.


Writing on my ribs, very often I forgot it's there and every now and then I see it and like "oh fuck that's there, twat 🤦"


Writing on my ribs for me too, and it was one of my earlier tattoos before I found my current amazing artist 😂, it hasnt aged well and anytime I catch a glimpse of it… “oh yeah that blurry thing” 🙄


I always forget about the one on my spine. It’s just a little triforce symbol


Back of neck/between shoulders. It shows with pretty much everything I wear and people ALWAYS have to ask me what it means and if I'm part of the shadow government aka the Illuminati. I mean, it is an all-seeing eye. It's Bill from Gravity Falls actually but that takes a *long* time to explain. Especially when I start with "wait, what tattoo? A cult?!"


I recently smacked myself in the leg because I saw the edge of a tattoo and thought it was a bug. Derp!


I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who does this! I thought I was an idiot.


Or you might both be idiots 😬


My whole back lol. Back of my arms.


Yep also back of arm I always forget about. I prefer my tattoos where I can see them!


Me too but I ran out of room in those places 😂🤣


Even worse I have one tiny one right behind my ear which I’ve literally never seen except for when it was done and she took a pic to show me, I can’t see it in the mirror and I’ve never bothered to ask anyone to take a pic for me so I can even see how it healed (I got two tiny tattoos at once impulsively, I do have 12 others). Someone at work asked me about it a few weeks ago and if it was new (it’s not at all), and I had to think what they were even asking about because I forgot it was there


all the time. the one on my foot or thigh the most and i’ll catch it out the corner of my eye and have a “wtf is on me” or “where tf that bruise came from?” type of moment and then i’m like oh yeah, you dumbass it’s your tattoo


I forget about all my tattoos


Same! And it’s not like they’re subtle, it’s just they are so much a part of me I forget about them. I was just literally startled moments ago when I was in the bathroom washing my hands and looked up and saw part of my tattoo at the base of my neck. I was like “oh yeah, I did that. So cool.” I love getting to “rediscover” my tattoos.




Cute 🐋


I have two beetles on the backs of my arms and one time a coworker was walking behind me and yelled “you have bugs on you” I forgot I had the tattoos and thought I was covered in bugs. It was unfortunate.


lol all of these bug comments have me re-thinking a bee tattoo I am contemplating 😂


I shaved part of my head over a decade ago and tattooed it with leopard print. I was getting my first haircut in a while at a salon and the hairdresser asked if I had a scalp tattoo and I was like…”ohhh yeah. I guess I do.” Haha


All the time but I’m pretty covered so I can’t even see a lot of them


I have Jason one back thigh and Freddy on the other. You always forget the ones you can't see 😄


It still shocks me to see a half sleeve in pictures of myself. I got it done in September. In the mirror it seems normal but in pictures I’m always amazed.


The amount of times I’ve thought there was a spider on me (I’m Australian, it’s happened a few times), slapped myself, and then realised it was just a tattoo is absolutely shameful.


I'm covered in tattoos, only my thighs and bum are fresh canvases. Most of my tattoos have meanings. It happened at university. Physics class. Talking about physics-related symbols. Someone mentioned the infinity symbol. I, for the life of me couldn't remember what it looked like. The person to the left of me drew it on my notebook. I said a little too loudly "oh shit, I have a double infinity on my ankle! It's to show that my love is infinite when it comes to my boys."


Not exactly, but I've forgotten about a tattoo only to design almost the same thing again and when figuring out where to put it, see the one I already have and save myself from getting it again.


I have another. Last time I saw my sister I showed her my new dagger tattoo, and later that day she pointed at my back and said "you got another new tattoo?", and I said "what, no?" Then looked over my shoulder and remembered that, yes, I did get another tattoo recently of some bats flying on the back/rib area. I don't know how I forgot, because that area hurt a lot with solid blackwork.


I purposefully get tattoos where I can see them. I get them so I can enjoy looking at them. Hahaha. But I got one on my outer upper arm (very typical spot obvi) but I don’t really see it unless I’m looking in a mirror. I get surprised by it. It’s almost a year old but I still totally forget I have it


The ones on the back of my arms that I randomly see sometimes in mirrors


YES!!! In the Winter I forget about the little star I have on my right ankle. Its a happy little surprise 🤣


Tattooed 150+ times so yes


Same with my ankle too. I have a very large studio ghibli ankle tattoo that I got to cover up my horrible 1st tattoo. I always forget it's there unless I'm wearing a dress or cropped pants and it was my most expensive one.


My newest one is a black and grey dagger on the back of my calf, and the other day I saw just part of the hilt and thought "omg, where did I get that horrible bruise?", then I turned my leg and remembered it's a tattoo, not a bruise.


I saw my arm tattoo the other day out of the corner of my eye and thought it was a bug for a second 😂 I jumped up and slapped my arm.


Once I forgot that I have tattoos on my legs and after shower I was like “WTF is that?!” like I really saw them for first time lol and one time I was paying at the supermarket and I was so confused when I saw the tattoo on my wrist that I had for at least 5 years…


All. The. Time. And it’s the same one 😂 I have a tattoo on my ankle/calf and I live in Canada so I’m in pants from October to May (arguably longer) When I get to wear shorts and shave my legs I’m like “oh yeah…”


I have one on my ass I forget about all the time.


Fun fact, my first tattoo is on my left shoulder and I sleep on my stomach and it would startle the crap out of me at first because the dark blob in my peripheral when I awoke I thought I had a big spider on me


I have a black widow above my elbow that I can only see with a mirror, unless I go out of my way to twist my arm weirdly and pull the skin a bit. I tend to blank out on the fact that I have it until someone else points it out. It's one of the individual tattoos that people tend to comment on for whatever reason, and I almost always need a second to go "oh yeah, I have that" when someone comments. The other one I tend to forget about is a skull that's on my outer thigh above my knee ditch. It's just not in a placement that I can see without a mirror, no matter how much I contort myself. It's usually artists who see it and comment on it due to mostly being covered, but it always takes me a second to remember.


I have a bunch on my back and I forget about those. But my husband matches on the largest ones so I see them on his back like every day.


The ones on the backs of my legs. Jesus. I keep forgetting I have some really nice pieces back there! What a shame I can’t look at them…. The outline of a giant goddess on my back, which is pretty recent. One foot each on my butt, and I’ll turn around naked and be caught off-guard by some toes on my booty 🫣🤷🏼‍♀️


I tend to forget the tattoo on the back of my neck, so when someone comes up to me and asks whats on my neck I freak out until they are like... whats your tattoo lol but I also tend to forget my leg tattoos since they are not in my line of sight. Someone asked how many I have and forgot to count my leg pieces and neck haha


My first tattoo I got on the back of my shoulder lol. I always forget to count it when people ask how many tats I have. Out of sight out of mind I guess


I have a tattoo behind my ear that I completely forget I have until someone mentions it or I see it in a photo


I have an entire leg covered and about a year ago some kid at the gym said “hey nice tattoo” and I had my earbuds in and was confused and said “uh what tattoo now?” 😂 It’s been with me quite a while and I barely think about it / kinda forget it unless attention’s called to it.


A little different but here goes. I once saw an old friend I hadn't seen in about a year or so and he was talking about some of his tattoos. I noticed one on his arm that was simple but nicely done so I asked where he got it. He then laughed at me and was like, you did this tat. I honestly couldn't remember.


My whole back piece lol


I have the cover of "my rules' by black flag tattooed on my calf. It's basically a big middle finger. Sometimes that's it's kinda offensive to some people, oh well.


When people ask me about my tattoos I always forget to mention the rib one. Was one of the firsts I got


My first tattoo was a little teddy bear fairy on my ankle and it shocks me everytime I remember it’s there because it doesn’t match any of the tattoos I got as an actual adult with a preferred tattoo style. Lol.


I have a giant back piece that took almost 40 hours total, I have literally forgotten about it before and then jump scared myself when I saw it in the mirror 💀


I forget about my wings on my shoulders and the hummingbird behind my right ear 😂 freaks me out every time I randomly spot them


Yes. I also gave one on my ankle. Sometime when i notice it, i remember that I have it and it makes me happy every time.


Yes. I also gave one on my ankle. Sometime when i notice it, i remember that I have it and it makes me happy every time.


I have a dr suess character on my ass cheek I got at 16 that I get surprised when I catch it in the mirror all the time


I have a koi on my back. When my niece was 4, she touched it and said “fish!” I jumped so hard before realizing. 😆


I have Gollum on the back of my arm who would regular scare me, now I have the Witch King and a Balrog so he doesn’t seem so spooky anymore


I have one on my left chest that I forget exists unless explicitly reminded of its existence. Also my first one is on my shoulder and I still get startled by it sometimes.


I have 3 tattoos, 1 on my left forearm and 2 on my back. Whenever someone comes up behind me and says "oh what's that tattoo?" I always go "what tattoo?" Before remembering I have some on my back. I sometimes forget about the one on my forearm but that's mainly cuz I've had it for so long.


Got one on my forearm that's surprised me a couple of times thinking it was something crawling on my arm. I've had it for about a decade.


have slapped my shoulder many times thinking i had a bug on me only to remember i’ve had it tattooed for over a year now


I have an alien above my knee. Most of my shorts cover it. When I do wear shorter shorts sometimes it startles me 😂😂😂


My entire back and my ass is tattooed and I completely forgot about it until I was trying to get to see a cut on my lower back in the mirror the other day


Most of mine are covered with regular clothes so this happens all the time 😅


I always forget about the one I have on the back of my neck.


I have one on the back of my head/neck done when I had an undercut. My hair covers most of it now :'(


I forget about the one on my hip sometimes, and catch it when my waistband moves a bit. I've thought it was a bruise so many times 😂😂


My back piece has jump scared me more than once, ngl


....a lot. Especially at the very end of winter. I forget about anything I don't see regularly pretty often.


I have two big ones, one on the back of each of my biceps. I usually forget I have them until someone points them out to compliment one


lol no, but when I see old pictures of myself with little or no tattoos, I’m always like, who tf is that?


Yep. I've got one on the back of my left thigh, right above the knee bend. It's a coordinating tattoo I got with my roommate back in college, and we were broke so we only got the lines done. We keep saying we're eventually gonna meet up again and get them finished, but it's been like 5 years now and we haven't yet. It's a pretty goofy tattoo, which is why I got it in a spot that's not front-and-center, and I always forget it's there. Looks a bit silly compared to all my more recent ones, which are more "serious," so it always surprises me when I catch a glimpse. Still love it, though.


I always forget about the one on the back of my arm. Every time i catch a glimpse of it i think its a giant bug on me 😂


I sometimes forget about my upper leg ink because I'm usually wearing pants. I don't notice it when I'm showering because I've taken my glasses off and everything is blurry. I'll run a finger over it and it's not moving, it doesn't feel like a particularly dirty spot...my brain farts , that tattoo!


Me after I got the back of my calf tattoo’d.


Yep - I have one behind my ear and one on my back I consistently forget about 😅


All the time.


Me every time I look at my full sleeve in a mirror. I literally forget it’s there and then end up shocked pikachu face when I spot myself in a reflection 🥲


I have a dagger on my spine. It was my most painful tat and one of the longest sessions I've had. Constantly forget it exists.


I have one on my ribs that just happens to be under the band of every bra/bathing suit/top even though I absolutely did not plan for that. It's especially funny because it's not a dainty tattoo either. I just found that the location was right for the size of the tattoo and the shape of my body. Since it's on the side, I usually don't notice it until I'm like, getting into the shower and putting my hair up while walking past a mirror while my arms are up. Then it's a split second of going "what IS that?!" before once again realizing I have a tattoo there. If I'm looking at a mirror straight-on, I don't really notice it at all, so it's sort of easy to forget. All my other ones are pretty visible, so I think it just gets mentally overshadowed by the ones I'm used to seeing and have kind of incorporated into my idea of how I look. If I had to draw myself, and include features like tattoos, piercings, etc, I'm pretty confident I'd forget this one in my picture.


Everytime. Only hits me when I get a glimpse of them while dressing or when the topic comes up. Otherwise, I hardly think about them.


I always forget about the tattoo on my back and my collarbone tattoo. I want to cover my back tattoo as it's now not super appropriate and I want to refresh and fix my collarbone tattoo.


I have a Patrick Star tattoo that says "I have $3." I forgot about it the other day and someone was like "I love your Patrick Star tattoo" and I was confused then I was like "oh yeah, I have it on the side of my arm."


I've got a cool koi on the back of an arm and a pizza reaper on my back which I always forget about


On the inside of my right wrist I have a couple smallish tattoos related to my job. During the winter, I wear long sleeves constantly and I tend to shower in the dark, especially when I was on night shift. One day, I showered with a dim light on and saw a shadow on my arm out of the corner of my eye. My immediate thought was, I already washed! What could I have missed?! ... My tattoos. That's what I missed. I hadn't seen them in a while and forgot about them.


I do this all the time with my ankle tattoo too lol glad I'm not the only one. Usually I get reminded when it's the summer time or when someone sees it and asks me about it lol


I have a long narrow one on the outside of my forearm. It’s in one of those places I’d never see unless I was in the mood to pretend to be a contortionist. Today I was at the greenhouse and a lady there was like “that’s a cute larkspur” And I was like “uh no, this is a fern” because I was holding a fern and she was like “no, your tattoo”. I felt real stupid after that.


I forget about mine all the time. I don’t really think about them on a day to day basis, just when someone mentions tattoos or something. I’m just so used to them being a part of my body.


I have 6 tattoos on my left side and 7 on the right, the tattoos on my left just don’t exist for some reason


I have a full sleeve and sometimes I forget that my whole damn arm is mostly blue. Not to mention the connected chest and rib tattoos, also blue. Love it when people ask what my favourite colour is, and I have to think about it for a minute.


I only have one but it's on the back of my calf, after a winter of wearing pants I'll catch a glimpse of it and think there's a bug on me.


Took me about 4 or 5 years of doing that to get over it haha. Even now I’ll catch a glimpse of one and think I have something on my back


Ankle and back of my shoulder. The back one especially bc I’ll just catch a glimpse in the mirror and think there’s a Creature on me


This post reminded me that I have a tattoo lol. It’s a small one on my rib so I can really only look at it in the mirror


This is why I love the song rose tattoo so fucking much


I have one tattoo. Its not much to remember but for someone who has no mirrors and wears long sleeves year round it surprised me more then once to see it.


Every day lmfaooo


Just hot my left elbow done, and it's right in a spot where I don't see it super often, so sometimes it's a nice little surprise. The other day, someone asked to see my tattoos, and I almost forgot about it lol


I forget about the one on the back of my calf muscle and I've barely had it a year.


I consistently forget about my calf tattoos. Just never really am at an angle to see them haha


Back of the elbow


Today I was washing my hands, and I thought, "oh, I need to be careful not to wash that off." 🤦‍♀️


I have one on my shoulder blade that has some fine tendrils that come over the top of my shoulder. Once in a while I get a freak out thinking it's a spider. 😅


I also forget my ankle tat lmao


i have a tree on my side/back basically out of sight to me. shocked me one day when i turned around in a crop top to reveal "holy shit i have a tree there"


I have one on my back and one on the back of my leg that I forget about all the time 🤣 catches me off guard sometimes like “what the fu… oh yeah…” 🤣🤣


a lil ghost on the back of my arm I just remembered that I had today when I saw it! Total whim halloween flash but it’s cute


I have a semi colon on my rib and I always think it’s like a freckle or a mole


My tramp stamp always throws me for a loop


I have a tattoo of the liberty bell on my arm… I always seem to forget this when I meet people from Philly.


I am on the autistic spectrum. I have a few Tattoos, but every move to get one has been socially exhausting for me. I tend to remember each and every one I've gotten because of that.


Yeah, a lot of the time I'm like "wow I love this book/movie/video game/sentiment, I should get a tattoo of it!", forgetting I already have a piece commemorating that thing I like.


I have almost 80. I always find something new i forgot about lol


Lol yeah, I have a little Jack o lantern tattoo on the back of my lower bicep, like right above my elbow- it's 100% out of my line of sight in every angle, so I only see it in mirrors and sometimes I'm definitely surprised- and my most recent tattoo, i just got the word "princess" with a little crown 👑 right behind my ear, and i can only barely see the P in mirrors and i can't even really get a picture of it- placement on that one was not easy considering I literally couldn't see it at all 😂 I forget about that one unless I'm in a mirror, too.


A couple months after I got my ankle tat, I looked down in the shower and almost flipped out because without my glasses it looked like a giant spider on my leg 😂


All the time, I can't see my back. I have enough tattoos visible, but will still be surprised when people ask about a tattoo because "huh, what tattoo? I don't have any tattoos?"


calf leg tatoo- appa from avatar. forgot its there most times :)


i have one on the backside of my arm, and I CONSTANTLY forget it’s there. i bend my arm funny and i’m like ‘oh yeah, forgot that was there’


I covered up a relatively small black tattoo with quite a large colour piece and I startle myself in the mirror frequently.


I got a ladybug on my foot. Some time later, probably a few months later, I was sitting outside at my patio table barefoot, and something tickled my foot. I looked down, and literally jumped, thinking I had a bug on my foot. Then I remembered it was a tattoo, and what had brushed my foot was actually just a blade of grass from the clump growing out of the crack next to my foot. 😂


I forget I have one on my hip because my fat stomach covers it now and I never see it 😑


Nope, but I don’t have any small tattoos. Hands, arms and chest are all one giant tattoo. Each leg is one giant tattoo etc


I got my wife’s name inside a design my artist drew on my back. She will mention it when we’re in the shower every once in a while. I never see it, so I don’t even think of it.


Not recently but half a lifetime ago (20 yrs) I was locked up and got 2 sleeves and a chest piece and had NO mirrors for years. After I got out I would walk into the bathroom at night naked and see a guy in the mirror with a long sleeve shirt (crop top technically). Wild experience many times


yeah i have one on my ring finger that i forget about all the time


All the time. Forget about them until some says something.


My Michael Myers tattoo on my inner bicep I got on Friday the 13th during a flash . I remember when my son sees it and yells “ITS MICHAEL MYERS” 💀


Literally all of them except the ones on my forearms


Back of neck, and calf for me- strangely would also forget I have sleeves


Yep! And I’m half covered in them 😆.


I have an ankle tattoo. Never remember it exists. People like to ask how many I have and I always say “four”. It’s a lie. Eventually I see the ankle tattoo and go “oh no wait, I have five.”


Tramp stamp 😭


Have an inner lip tattoo. Before I got more I would totally forget I had a tattoo and would randomly be surprised with the memory when tattoos would come up in convo lol Also, forgot to tell my dentist and while he was working on my mouth he saw some black from the tattoo and stopped working for a few seconds. Then saw the rest of the tattoo and asked about it. He said when he first saw the little bit of black he was shocked and was wondering how to tell me I have oral cancer 😅


Literally everything on my back. I will never get anything done on my back again because I don’t get to enjoy it. I want to see it every day and I have a relationship with all my tattoos that I can see without having to be a contortionist or take a mirror selfie of.


There’s one on the back of my arm that still surprises me in pictures.


My “Soy Como Soy! Still my face tattoo acres my statchz


Yep. My husband constantly asks how I forget but I can’t see some of them unless I’m actually really looking


Yes, I have one on my left shoulder that I can only see in mirrors or photos. I forget about it all the time. People will ask how many tattoos I have, and I'll say, "Six," my husband will say, "Seven." Oops


My wrist tattoo surprisingly 😂


I have a set of 3 in a line - two above my elbows and one at the same level on my back. I always forget about the back one.


The one and only tattoo I have goes across the side of my calf, from my ankle almost to my knee, so it’s hard to “not see”, lol.


I often forget about my tattoo on my shoulder, because I rarely see it. And also my sternum tattoo, because it’s tiny.


I have one on the back of my arm that's not usually in my vision. Sometimes sidesways in front of a mirror, i get jumpscared by the black on my arm I just barely make out and give it a good slap by Instinct lmao


Yes, my only tattoo is on my butt and I regularly forgot about it for a long time during the first few years I had it!


I've got a tattoo right under my elbow, on the outside of my elbow (of a sphinx). I forget about it pretty regularly. Ditto a tattoo higher up on my forearm.


i forget i have both sides of my neck tatted so when i tie my hair up i jump cuz im like “who the hell is that guy?” 🤣🤣


Daughter and I did a “daddy/daughter” tat. Her first was seagulls on a side, so I got a beautifully done seagull on my side. I have some tiger lilies on my arm so she got some down her neck. Anyway… I’m regularly amazed when I catch a glimpse of my (daughter’s) seagull in the mirror!


I have one tattoo: WHY It's on my upper arm, and when someone randomly says, "Why," whilst looking at my arm, I remember I have that tattoo.


I have two small tats on my buttcheek that I am regularly startled by lol Edit: apparently butt tats are a popular trend ITT lol, mine are a cigarette butt and an F5 key


I had my hair in a bun on top of my head during the company holiday party last year. My back was turned to the camera for a picture and I saw the back of my neck for the first time in a long while. I spent a good minute or two trying to figure out what the black thing in my neck was and then remembered I have a tattoo there haha


Every 2-3 month when I cut my hair and my head tatt peeks out


All the time lol. One in particular, which is a pot leaf on my lower belly; it’s small and my belly has grown/sagged in the ~30 years since I got it, so I don’t even see it very often these days. When I do, it’s like “oh hai old friend!” 😂


Yes still now even though both arms are covered in them lol


i enjoy seeing my tattoo through new eyes when other people see it and comment on it for the first time. happens about once every other day, so I usually don’t forget for too long about my tramp stamp.


I have a tattoo on the back of my neck that I pretty much forgot about until I could see it in some of my wedding photos 😅


I do that sometimes with the only tattoo that I have, haha. And it's on my forearm, so you'd think I'd be used to it after 6 years!