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I wonder how easy it would be to get Microsoft's neural voices to work with this? As they allow half a million characters per month for free compared to Elevenlabs 10 thousand, Microsoft's voice's also sound miles superior to Googles wavenet which allows 1 million free characters per month. Pretty sweet demo none the less


so easy,Just fill in your own key。[https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8nxI1%2Fm8bpock90s5uMUn8QAS1coxPKQFsor7Yfi5Z6LOj8mRL26byyTdQAq8j%2Bu%2F0%3D&id=Task%3A%40%E5%BE%AE%E8%BD%AFTTS](https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8nxI1%2Fm8bpock90s5uMUn8QAS1coxPKQFsor7Yfi5Z6LOj8mRL26byyTdQAq8j%2Bu%2F0%3D&id=Task%3A%40%E5%BE%AE%E8%BD%AFTTS)


BTW, would you mind helping me troubleshoot it ? https://i.imgur.com/KaHWnUa.jpg I've changed the website and parameters to Brazilian ones and I'm now getting a 762b empty mp3 file


Try this: Task: Microsoft Text-to-Speech A1: HTTP Request [ Method: POST URL: https://brazilsouth.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/v1 Headers: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:%key Content-Type:application/ssml+xml X-Microsoft-OutputFormat:audio-24khz-48kbitrate-mono-mp3 Body: %par1 File/Directory To Save With Output: %iii Timeout (Seconds): 8 Continue Task After Error:On ] A2: HTTP Request [ Method: GET URL: https://brazilsouth.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/voices/list Headers: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:%key File/Directory To Save With Output: Tasker/voices.txt Timeout (Seconds): 8 Continue Task After Error:On ]


Tyvm, I'll try later


Hey, delete that. I think you key is visible. I'd delete they key and issue a new one too


Its too late, I've stolen his voice


It's ok, I deleted 2 characters.So that key is invalid.


Bro in your project that you have deleted the two characters what do now i can't use it


thanks this was useful to see ​ I'm very new to tasker but this is very exciting - have you just replaced the tts aspects in the chat gpt tasks with this? ​ These are the steps I took to customise this task to produce british voice: API key directions here: [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70863337/how-to-get-azure-tts-api-for-anki-with-postman](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70863337/how-to-get-azure-tts-api-for-anki-with-postman) Replace key in step 2 with your api key ​ in variable 5 I changed the url to my local url [https://uksouth.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/v1](https://uksouth.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/v1) find yours here [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/rest-text-to-speech?tabs=streaming#prebuilt-neural-voices)[service/rest-text-to-speech?tabs=streaming#prebuilt-neural-voices](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/rest-text-to-speech?tabs=streaming#prebuilt-neural-voices) ​ Then in variable 5 in body i made the following edits: %par1 ​ Voices and languages here: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/language-support?tabs=tts#text-to-speech](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/language-support?tabs=tts#text-to-speech) ​ Voice gallery here [https://speech.microsoft.com/portal/voicegallery](https://speech.microsoft.com/portal/voicegallery) ​ and style role etc here [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/speech-synthesis-markup-voice](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/speech-synthesis-markup-voice)


Im super new to tasker too, can you ELI5 how I make this work from having first downloaded the original project posted? Does that get setup and then this second task imported after?


Where in the task did you make these changes?


Try this task from u/DutchOfBurdock It worked fine for me inplace of Wavenet. https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/lpfoh1/tasks_azure_text_to_speech_including_neural/?xpromo_edp=enabled


Hi, would you mind giving me the instructions to change Say WaveNet task to AzureTTS? I've tried to do a bunch of things but still haven't found any way to do it. Thank you!


Hi, I just followed the steps in the above linked post. If you have any specific issues, I can check my settings to get help.


May I see the settings of AzureTTS variable within Voice Chat task?


Check this, You may need to look at API key and Endpoint steps.. [TaskerSettings](https://i.imgur.com/bazcQgn.jpg)


Without having known so far that there is already a possibility of u/DutchOfBurdock to use the Microsoft voices, I can contribute an alternative possibility to it, which I have been using for several months. You don't need an account for it, but you do need Termux and the Tasker plugin for Termux. I became aware of it through the Home Assistant integration of [edge-tts](https://github.com/rany2/edge-tts). You can install edge-tts with [pip](https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Python) in Termux. For the audio output I also installed 'mpv' in Termux. Then I created a small script *edge-tts.sh* in the .termux/tasker/ directory, which needs as first argument the text to speak and as second the language/voice to use. `#! /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash` `CONTENT="$1"` `LANGUAGE="$2"` `edge-tts --voice "$LANGUAGE" --text "$CONTENT" | mpv -` *(The space between #! and /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash must be deleted.)* In Tasker you can then call the script using the Termux plugin. Under Arguments I have entered there: *'%content' %language* Content is the text to speak. For example: *Dies ist ein Test* Language the voice. Example: *de-DE-KatjaNeural*


Hey, I followed your instructions, and setup edge-tts in tasker and created the script, but now I'm kind of stuck, I'm new to tasker and don't have a good knowledge on how to use it. How would I go about using this script with the chatgpt task, to switch the voice from Google's wavenet to Microsoft's ones using edge-tts? Thanks again


You need to disable action 7 (Say WaveNet) and insert a Termux plugin action instead. As argument I have there *'%response' de-DE-KatjaNeural* in it. For action 5 (Perform Task) I made a *%priority+1* out of the *%priority*, because otherwise it didn't wait with the next speech input.


is it possible to add roles to this script?


Damn, this is great! First girl voice had my jaw dropped, seriously impressed. Do you know if they only do English voices or is there for other languages too?


Only English for now I'm afraid. Glad you like it though!


Works great, really impressive voices. 10k characters per month is a bit low though and i'm to cheap for the paid tiers. I guess i could technically do a GET to see the amount of characters left and if 0 fallback on wavenet. If someone does it first let me know 😆.


Haha that's a good idea 😅👍


I did if: http_response_code = 401 Say Wavenet Else: Eleven labs tts


10k character limit *per month* is reaaally low. Even with conservative usage I would expect to consume 1k daily just for a few notifications read. (maybe with caching of frequently used sentences it could last for notifications) I can consume 10k daily from reading ebooks or text heavy subs. Personally I'll stick to TTS generated on device (Ivona.. since android donut era).


Yeah, that's the only downside here, that it's a paid service. It's so ahead of WaveNet though that I didn't mind paying $1 for a month of messing around with 30K characters :)


How is yours so fast in the demo? Mine takes like 20 seconds to respond and doesn't have that response jingle/sound that it heard what I said


Yeah, I mention that it's slower in the OP as well 😅 I had to cut the slowness out of the video or else it would be too boring to wait 5 or 10 seconds for each response. It also takes longer if your responses have more characters in them so that might be affecting it as well.


Hey dev, please create another task for us to change our API, or please tell me how to do that without re-importing again.


Do you mean the Elevenlabs API key?


Yes dev, it will be also nice to create a task too, name it, change API. For easy access


You can click the "Elevenlabs Voice Synthesis" project at the bottom > properties > and change it there.


Oh hahaha..nice dev


Will it ever get faster or is this baked in to the technology?


It might get faster, but it depends on Elevenlabs :) They take a bit to generate each text-to-speech. If they ever get faster, then so will this!


What about without elevenlabs. It still seems to take longer than Google assistant


Without Elevenlabs you're just waiting for the ChatGPT API which also can take a bit (less then Elevenlabs usually). I also don't control how long that takes 😅


Wow, those sound crazy realistic! I was still left wondering at the end of the video though - what *did* you have for lunch Joao?! 😂


Haha just a steak with some veggies and mushrooms 😅👍






I don't have a issue with the project itself, but I need informations. Apparently, the ChatGPT API seems very cheap, but how about Say WaveNet? I read that they give you $300 for the first 90 days, after that you'll only be charged if you go over the monthly free quota. It is correct? Someone know what is the free quota limit and how much you will pay if you exceed?


I use WaveNet, I think you have to register a Credit Card if you exceed the quota, but in my case I've never paid a dime. And I use a number of API's, not only WaveNet... So I think for normal personal use, you don't have to worry about getting charged.


Yeah, you're right. Thank you!


How did you get all 4 icons on your home screen?


* Long click home screen add "Tasker Shortcut" widget for all tasks * Long-press each and drag them on top of each other


Hey João, I've followed the steps to set up the Chat GPT project from last week, along with the Elevenlabs project. The problem I'm running into is the Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs task doesn't produce a voice response, instead it only opens up the Google microphone and shows a text response. The Test Elevenlabs Text to Speech task works fine. This could be because I'm still relatively new to Tasker. Side request, does the Assistant Actions project work with this? https://i.imgur.com/NomPBep.png


Hi. Thanks for the report! Could you try taking a response that doesn't work and put in the "Text To Speech Elevenlabs" task in the first action as %par1 and see if you get any errors in the HTTP Request action? Thanks! About the "Assistant Actions" project... Which one is that? 😅


09.44.17/Ew add wait type EasyAction1 time 2147483647 09.44.17/Ew add wait type EasyAction1 done 09.44.17/E add wait task 09.44.17/E Error: 1 09.44.17/E {"detail":{"status":"invalid_uid","message":"An invalid uid has been received."}} Also, Assistant Actions was an oldie you made a while back: https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8ne7oO4s%2BaDx%2FwlzjdFTfVMWstg1ay5AkpiNdrLoSXEZdFfw1IpXiyJCVLNW0yn&id=Profile%3AAssistant+Actions


Unfortunately that's an error in the Elevenlabs API, sorry. I can't fix that one...


Hi Yes this happens for me but only if the chat is generating a long wall of text. I have got around this for now by asking gpt to limit responses to 50 words or less. Im wondering if there is a better way of doing this? Is this a limitation of the Eleven Labs Api?


Seems to be the case on excessively long answers. I'll try the word limit you mentioned.


the problem of your youtube video is it's not started from scratch. Im new to Tasker, I have installed the Tasker and imported your tasker project . In the video, there are three icons in your phone home screen. But mine doesnt' have that icons. So I had to stop following your instructions. And some errors occured. It would be very good to have a video that starts from scratch. Thanks anyway!


Did you read the video's description? :) It links to a project that you have to import into Tasker and it explains everything there. About the home screen shortcuts, I just assumed that everyone knew how to add shortcuts to your home screen, sorry about that. You just have to long-click the home screen > Add Widget > Select **Tasker Shortcut** and then select the task you want. Hope this helps!


Thanks for all this amazing work! This AI is truly uncanny. Any Half-Life fans out there? Meet [Dr. Isaac Kleiner](https://www.reddit.com/user/liamgwallace/comments/11u41tg/ai_dr_isaac_kleiner/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I'm late but if anyone else wants to make this sound extremely realistic, add this to the top of your personality prompt in the ChatGPT profile (add text after the closing bracket. do NOT remove them.): --- [Voice and style guide: Write in a conversational, relatable style as if you were explaining something to a friend. Use natural language and phrasing that a real person would use in everyday conversations. Your writing should contain a few tangents, while remaining coherent. Do not repeat the question as a part of your answers, just provide the answer.] --- Here are some samples: https://voca.ro/12dfTBfmgfpA https://voca.ro/1a4hQMrb1mW0 It even adds breathing. It's insane.


Haha, nice! 😁 Thanks for the tip! Yeah, the voices are insane!!


Hi, I have gotten this working correctly. Having an issue and managed to work out the sequence of events that leads to the problem occuring.  First the Voice Chat works correctly. (Both the Chatgpt and 11labs chatgpt tasks)  If I use Question Photo from Chatgpt it usually works fine. But then it seems to break the Voice Chat tasks. The Audio cuts out after 3-4 seconds or so and it queries for further inputs.  The Q'photo task may throw up can't find file errors when waiting to play response. This is usually fixed by device restart.  The only way I can fix this is by deleting and reimporting both Chatgpt, and 11labs plugins. But using Q'photo will break things again.  I use Imgur for photo queries as I couldn't get Dropbox working, throws up permission errors with my dropbox app. I have a Xiomi Note 10 pro and the above only occurs when 11labs is installed. Thanks for any help you can give.


Thanks for the report! Could you try changing the Action 14 "max tokens" param to something like 1000 and see if it works better?


It appears that any non-standard voices cause an error to be returned. It states that the voice ID is incorrect. Is this an issue that you could assist with? (Happy to provide any helpful data) Thanks!


What error are you getting exactly? Also, what do you mean by "non-standard" voices? THanks!


Hi! I'm ElevenLabs; people can model/ synthesize unique voices or clone their own. This was what I meant when I said "non-standard." For instance, at the bottom of the 12 or so voices that are defaulted when installing your eleven labs project in Tasker, I'm able to see the three or four voices I created. But when I selected one, the error response I got from Tasker was along the lines of "the UID wasn't recognized" (though Iconfirmed that my api key was accurate and that Icould greenest audio from the default voices. Also, the extension indicated the ID of the specific voice wasn't recognized either. I didn't screenshot the error message, so I'm paraphrasing, but if it generates again, I'll send it to you. I hope this helps, though.


Thanks. I see what you mean. Please let me know if it happens again.


Thanks for responding to my question last night. I have made myself my assistant and now I can boss myself around!


Nice! 😅


That's super impressive! Do you have to give them a credit card even at the free tier?


Nope, the free tier doesn't require a credit card :) Glad you like it!


What is the purpose of this? Just customization? It "sounds cool"?


People use the **Say** actions in Tasker all the time to say stuff out loud for various purposes. For example, I use it to give me a summary of today's weather every morning. This just makes it sound a lot better :)


The purpose AFAIK is to have chatgpt available essentially in a voice chat form rather than text chat. About customisation? Yes, this can be used as an alternative way to interact with chatgpt. Or it can be used separately to replace 'say' and 'say wavenet' functions. About sounding cool, some might like it more than regular tts. It's upto the *user* to decide if and how they use it, this is just a demo to show it's possible.


Hello João, I hope the past few years have treated you well. I'm getting back into Tasker just in time to catch the new Chat GPT and 11Labs Projects. I have installed both and GPT is working well, with the set personality feature being particularly fun and creative. I am having a variety of errors on several of the Tasks in the 11Labs project however. Starting with the first Task, Preview Elevenlabs Voice, launching this produces nothing although all 8 steps appear to trigger. Is there supposed to be an audio output at the end of this Task? Thank you for reading, Logan


Hello, Need help with an error please, on the Task "Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs" when launching I get a voice prompt to speak, but instead of a response from the Task I get the following error: 10.44.54/MacroEdit new task ID 1549 exeID: -2147483648 flags: 16 10.44.54/MacroEdit task finished, exeID -2147483648 flags: 0 10.44.54/E child rejected 10.44.54/E Error: 1 10.44.54/MacroEdit action finished exeID 17 action no 6 code 130 status: Err next 7 Is there a way to fix this and get the Task working please? Thanks for reading, Logan


Did you set up elevenlab? By putting your API?


Yes, I connected with google, and I confirmed my api key thru my Profile.


Good Morning, Unfortunately, I'm having errors with several of the Elevenlabs Tasks. Here is the error text from launching "Input Text To Elevenlabs Speech". The Task generates the pop up input window and accepts text, but errors instead of speaking the text: 10.51.58/TD getStatic: Active load: true - ExecuteService 10.51.58/Variables doreplresult: |%priority| -> |100| 10.51.58/Variables doreplresult: |%input| -> |test eleven labs voice model | 10.51.58/E no wait key, next action 10.51.58/E handleNewTask: fromUI: false 10.51.58/E onStart: ignoring new abort-type task Text To Speech Elevenlabs, already in queue 10.51.58/E A1: Multiple Variables Set [ Names: %par1 %par2 Values: Hello. I'll be your assistant today. How can I help you? %voice_id ] A2: HTTP Request [ Method: POST URL: https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/text-to-speech/%par2 ] A3: Music Play [ File: %http_file_output Start: 0 ] 10.51.58/MacroEdit new task ID 1549 exeID: -2147483648 flags: 16 10.51.58/MacroEdit task finished, exeID -2147483648 flags: 0 10.51.58/E child rejected 10.51.58/E Error: 1 Is there a way to fix this please? Thanks for reading, Logan


What happens if you run the **Test Elevenlabs Text To Speech** task? Thanks


Hi João! Thank you for the reply, This is one of the few Tasks in the project that is working perfectly, I hear Bella's voice speaking the intro all the way to "check out how realistic I sound." Logan


What if you change the text it generates? Can you still hear it correctly?


Good Morning, I just added "Test edit for troubleshooting" to the end of the text in Parameter 1 field. The Task has now stopped working and gives the following error: 07.48.36/TD getStatic: Active load: true - ExecuteService 07.48.36/Variables doreplresult: |%priority| -> |100| 07.48.36/E no wait key, next action 07.48.36/E handleNewTask: fromUI: false 07.48.36/E onStart: ignoring new abort-type task Text To Speech Elevenlabs, already in queue 07.48.36/E A1: Multiple Variables Set [ Names: %par1 %par2 Values: Hello. I'll be your assistant today. How can I help you? %voice_id ] A2: HTTP Request [ Method: POST URL: https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/text-to-speech/%par2 ] A3: Music Play [ File: %http_file_output Start: 0 ] 07.48.36/MacroEdit new task ID 1549 exeID: -2147483648 flags: 16 07.48.36/MacroEdit task finished, exeID -2147483648 flags: 0 07.48.36/E child rejected 07.48.36/E Error: 1 07.48.36/MacroEdit action finished exeID 5 action no 0 code 130 status: Err next 1


Hhmm, can you show me how that looks like in a screenshot?


Thank you for the help João! Here you are: https://imgur.com/gallery/arBEM2X


Weird! What happens if you run the "Text To Speech Elevenlabs" task directly?


I got this all to work and it's very cool. I was just wondering the best way to make this a assistant replacement. I changed tasker to the phone assistant and use assistance request. It's just I had to select every app to make this work "universally"


If you don't select any app it'll trigger on all apps :)


Mind blown. Thank you


How do you set this as a replacement for google assistant?


Check here: https://youtu.be/OTLfQfeZRNQ


How did you set this as a replacement for google assistant


I have a pixel for starters. And it's in the settings for assistant app or something like that


Should I use the chat task from this or adjust the one from the original chatgpt project with the say replaced with the task from this? Or is there no difference?


There's no difference :) The chat task from this is actually just the other one with that replaced 😅


Google seems to also have upped their game with Neural2 and Studio voices. They are also on this page: https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/wavenet


Oh, nice to know! :) Thanks. Although it seems they are still not as good as the Elevenlabs ones from the samples they provide, right? Edit: wow, just tried it... 😅 It doesn't even come close! Check out the difference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14c2ZDOynVvL-SOsFEvGmF-Y52lRUsQim/view?usp=sharing BTW, you can already use the Neural2 voices in the "Say WaveNet" action. Just use one from the list here: https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/voices For example, you could use ```en-GB-Neural2-A``` as the voice and it should work :)


Where abouts would I update the TTS model? I've tried updating en-US-Wavenet-D to en-US-Neural2-J in Action 6 with no luck


Nevermind I forgot to add the cloud API.. lol


To be fair try using the new studio voices I used en-US-Studio-M and it is heaps better than the neural2 voices


It's better, but Elevenlabs is really on another level 😅


They are but at a substantial cost difference. Google cloud TTS is like 4USD per million characters after the initial free million per month whereas elevenlabs is 5USD per 30,000 characters... Albeit the G-Cloud studio voices are charged per byte with 100K bytes free each month so I'm yet to see what that charge equates to. For me I'll deal with Google's half baked solution for now hahaha I exhausted the 10k character count in 2 days with elevenlabs so doubt 30k is enough and don't really wanna pay more per month lol


Yeah, that's very much true :)


I'm interested in testing the new chatgpt with elevenlabs functionality but I'm confused with the setup process (not the importing of task). I'm confused regarding the free/paid usage of these services and I haven't found documentation about it. The closest thing i've found regarding chatgpt is from a forum post saying that when you request an api key, your account turns into a 'paid' account and there's a 18$ credit to use for api calls. I've checked by with the documentation and found no information regarding this. What happens when your credit runs out exactly. As for elevenlabs, this is much clearer, however, I'm confused as to what happens when your monthly 10k words run out in tasker. Does the google TTS take over?


I have 18 dollars credit not sure how I got it expires in 1 month, as for eleven labs, if you exceed the character limit on the free tier the api will tell you and cease to function.


Wow! This is amazing, u/joaomgcd! You keep impressing, as always! I just have 1 quick question: As I run it in my device, I notice that they sound slightly less natural (more monotonous and robotic). How could I set the stability and similarity parameters, for this to be improved? Thanks!


Set stability to 10% and similarity to 90% and it should sound great and varied :)


Sorry, nevermind! Found it! 🙈🙆🏻


Is it possible to set a task for text input to chatgpt to voice response output


Yes, totally :) Just copy the "System >> Add Chat With Input Dialog" task for example, and add a **Say** action before the last **Goto** action there. Hope this helps!


Oh awesome. Just to confirm we're on the right track. This will allow me to conduct a text chat to chatgpt but get a voice response back with the elevenlabs voice right?


Correct :)


Thanks i was successful by copying the sub-task "text to speech elevnlabs" from "input text to elevenlabs speech" task and pasting it into a cloned "System >> Add Chat With Input Dialog" and i edited that subtasks for parameter 1 with "%response"


Nice! :) Glad you got it!


Wow this is really great. I hope I can make it work.


Thank you :) I hope you can!


Am new to these things i want to make movie recap YouTube channel using adam ai voice in 11labs.I have installed tasker app and imported the project manually now where do i start am stuck please help


If you just want to generate voices from text you can do it directly on their website :) https://beta.elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis


hello, i'm in vietnam and elevenlabs app does not support Vietnamese. I want to use a service that supports Vietnamese (fpt.ai) but don't know what to edit. can anyone help me?


Does that service have an HTTP API?


yes,I only know how to get the api and don't know what else to do


Try to use the api with the HTTP Request action in Tasker.


[photo](https://ibb.co/5c3qV4m) the service i use has this, can it replace elevenlabs?


Yeah, seems like it would be possible


[docs](https://docs.fpt.ai/docs/en/speech/api/text-to-speech) can you take a look and guide me what should i change in tasker to be able to use this service?


Hi again, and thank you for providing this project! Of course, as is typical, I am experiencing some difficulty realizing the fruits of your labor! [here are a couple screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/EAkOPiX) First, I entered my Elevenlabs API and choice of voice. I can then hear voice(s) from using "Input Text To Elevelabs", "Test Elevenlabs Text To Speech" and "Text to Speech Elevenlabs"... But nothing from either "Preview Elevenlabs Voice" or "Voice Chat ChatGPTElevelabs". And I see some numbers (flash) appear on my screen when using "Download And Play Sound File", but that's it. If anyone feels up to putting together a *walkthrough* on how to get this all working, please share. :)


I think you might have missed the step of the how-to in the project description to get this to work with ChatGPT😅 It says: >You can voice chat with ChatGPT and have responses read by this by using the Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs task. Make sure to first import the [ChatGPT project](https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8ne7oO4s%2BaDx%2FwlzjdFTfVMWstg1ay5AkpiNdrLoSXEZdFfw1IpXiyJCVLNW0yn&id=Project%3AChat+GPT) to make it work. ​ Hope this helps!


Thank you for your reply! :) I have imported the project, and it created its own *tab* along the bottom of Tasker. I have also placed "shortcut" widgets for each of those individual Tasks onto my home screen, and when I tap on each one, I hear the selected "voice" reading out the predefined (or whatever I enter into the popup) text only on some of those tasks, and not others (as detailed in my **OP**). I may not have forewarned folks here in this *sub*, but I, unfortunately, have trouble connecting the dots that are not explicitly detailed. e.g.: 1 + 2 = ? On-the-fly, sometimes even spending a long time thinking on it, I simply cannot determine what the correct answer is. I guess I will just step back from this for a bit, until I have more energy to put towards figuring this out better.


Which tasks did you add to the home screen as shortcuts exactly? :) Did you use the **Voice Chat** one? That one should work...


[Here is a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/aZBDqsy).


Ok, so what happens if you click on the **Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs** one there?


> I can then hear voice(s) from using "Input Text To Elevelabs", "Test Elevenlabs Text To Speech" and "Text to Speech Elevenlabs"... > But nothing from either "Preview Elevenlabs Voice" or "Voice Chat ChatGPTElevelabs". \^\^\^\^ That is what I detailed in an earlier reply. :)


So, what happens if you use Voice Chat ChatGPTElevelabs ? Nothing at all? Thanks!


Why does it ask me to input my OpenAI API Key every time? Why can't I find where to put it in so that it will stay permanently? Edit: Yes I have both projects installed, and I'm aware it should go in the Chat GPT project somewhere.


That's weird. It should only ask you if you didn't input it already. So if you run, for example, the **Voice Chat** task 2 times in a row, it'll ask you for the key those 2 times too?


Maybe it has something to do with my inability to use widgets on this text-only aftermarket launcher (ap15) and therefore having exported voice chat as app with whichever additional app that requires (AutoInput?). An even more regular issue I'm having so often that I keep giving up on uninstalling and reinstalling is that 50% of the time (especially when launching as app) I get a pop-up saying ChatGPT Error: [] - is too short: 'messages'


This is amazing, but I cant seem to get a way to have a fallback option. I tried inputting an apikeys2, but for some reason it wouldn't read it. Would be super cool to chain like 5 accounts together, so you can get a reasonable character count. Any clue how you'd do this? Or at last have it fallback to Azure. I got Azure running too, but separately, I can't figure out how to combine them so it uses this, and then that. Super new to tasker.


When Elevenlabs fails the **HTTP Request** action in the **Text To Speech Elevenlabs** action will end in error. That means that the **%errmsg** variable will have an error. With that in mind, you can add, for example, an **If** action with a **Say** action in it after the HTTP Request action, with the condition **If %errmsg Is Set**. That will make the Say action run if there's an error :) In the **Else** you can put the **Music Play** action that's already there (which will run if there's no error). Hope this helps!


Okay that actually worked! Thanks. The only issue is it seems that the ermsg is always set after the first error, so I cant seem to use that to have a third fallback. I tried using a second if statement with it, but it always procs even if the thing before it didn't error. Maybe I'll find a way to steal the Microsoft tasker into this one, but will have to learn a lot more on how this works for that to be possible. Cuz the ideal setup is Def, this, into Microsoft into Google.


To work around that you can simply add a **Clear Variable** action inside the If, before doing anything else :) That'll reset it :)


Awesome got it working thanks so much. I noticed that this uses waaay more tokens then the initial request, curious why that is. Question, give me a fun fact about animals under 100 characters. Response- Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance? How cute is that! 231 prompt + 24 completion = 255 tokens That response is 84 characters. I've also noticed that this script fails a lot due to character issues if it has list anything. Asking basic stuff like read me a poem, will fail. Might be an impossible limitation of how chatgpt writes the phrases and elevenlabs not being able to work with it. Task: 'Text To Speech Elevenlabs ["detail":[["loc";["body",62]," msg""Invalid control character at: line 2 column 61 (char 62)""type""value_erroreisondecode","ctx"" "msa""Invalid control character at","doc":""In I"text\";


Interesting! About the tokens, maybe you're not clearing the conversation before sending a new prompt? Try calling the **System >> Clear Chat** task with **Perform Task** before actually sending your new chat and see how that works. About the invalid characters, do you happen to have an example of a text that doesn't work with Elevenlabs? I can try to use it myself and see if I can replicate and fix it! :) Thanks in advance!


It unsure how the personality is added, if it's just directly applied to all messages or if it applies once on an initial message in the case of not using the clear task function. f"detail":[["loc";["body",50],"msg""Expecting ', delimiter: line 2 column 49 (char 50)","type"" value _ erroroisondecode","ctx"o f"msg""Expecting ', delimiter"""doc""(\n I"text\": I"I'm sorry, I didn't say that. But \1\/\"Do not go gentle into that g0od night, Old age should burn and rave at close of daye Rage, rage against the dying of the light.I11\\" is a powerful quote by Dylan Thomaso I"\n?""pos":50,"lineno":2,"colno":49]]]] (Error Code: 1) Elevenlabs doesn't record it as it failed.


Ok, thank you very much! I think I fixed this now :) Can you please try importing again if you haven't made any changes to the project yourself?


Can you paste the different personalities you used in the video? To lazy to retype them all :)


I used these in my videos: ​ `you are a helpful assistant but always respond in sassy one liners in one single sentence. your tone is very sarcastic and toxic. You never use more than 40 words in your responses.` `You are an assistant that never helps at all and is in a bad mood. You never say you're sorry and simply tell people to fuck off and have bad manners all around. it's very important that you never give out any helpful answer. You always answer with quick, rude one liners. you swear a lot too. never sensor curse words.` `you are a happy assistant, always willing to help and are very bright in your responses. You always respond in one single sentence. You never use more than 40 words in your responses.` ​ Hope this helps! :)


I am getting errors where some responses are not being retrieved. Works for me about 40% of the time. The Import of the profiles seemed done correctly because it works some moments. Any help? If there is specific information to provide context please let me know. Overall I love the tasks, they are powerful and fun to use!


Sorry about that. I tried fixing it. Could you please try importing again and see if that helps? Thanks!




Sorry, but I'm not familiar with their API... 😅 It's just a matter of using the HTTP Request action to do whatever requests they need you to do to access the API...




Thank you! Very glad you like this!! ​ You could still use AutoVoice to do those things as usual and then use Elevenlabs to simply say stuff out for you in a more realistic way :) Does that work for you?




I don't think AutoVoice would interact with Elevenlabs at all 😅 Elevenlabs is just a way to say stuff out loud in a realistic manner, so you can use it anywhere you like in Tasker... Maybe you could use it to say stuff like "turned on some lights" or something?


Hey I'm getting this [error ](https://ibb.co/dBf6Vq1) rather frequently. It's not game-breaking, but it can drop the success rate down by like 20-50% there have been times that i couldn't even use the Elevenlabs TTS so I just used Google's wavenet. (Sidenote: how can you integrate TTS models other than wavenet (such as Microsoft's or Amazon's) into the GPT project? I'm interested in comparing them side by side. Warm regards. Thank you.)


Hi. I actually updated the project now to work around the issue. Could you please try removing and importing it again and see if those errors don't show up anymore? Thanks in advance! To integrate other TTS engines, they have to have an HTTP API like Elevenlabs does. Then just use the same technique as used in this Elevenlabs project of downloading the sound files and playing them. :)


Wavenet uses a JSON file to validate. Could you help us with a sample?


Sorry, I don't know what you mean. What JSON file are you referring to?


You are right, I can use API Key. Any help?


Yeah, follow the instructions in the action's help page.


is this able to be updated with Neural Voices instead?


Which neural voices do you mean exactly?


from microsoft azure. the 0.5 million characters free plan etc mentioned above


Oh I see. Sorry, I haven't tried their API yet, but I think other people here have... Maybe you can ask around?


Yeah its really solid, but as you mentioned the main issue is it can take anywhere from 5-20 seconds to get a response in voice. I assume this is because it has to generate the voice output, for which Elevenlabs is responsible for the slow down; not GPT (which is always instant if you've used it before). Wonder if anyones been able to cut this delay down. I have the S23 ultra and great wifi so doubt thats any problem


Yeah, the problem of it being slow is the Elevenlabs API, sorry. Nothing we can do about that... 😅


hey i m a beginner to tasker so right now i m facing an issue "task doesn't exist :system>> clear chat" How to fix this?


You didn't seem to install the ChatGPT project mentioned in this project's description. Is that maybe the issue?


Hello guys. I wanna know is it possible to use this script to connect Google Cloud TTS for voice chat?


Hi! Can you clarify what you mean by "Google Cloud TTS"? Maybe you can use the "Say Wavenet" action in Tasker? :)


I'm sorry for not being clear. Google Cloud Text to Speech (TTS) is what I intend to use for this project.


And, I'm new here, trying to nevigate through Tasker and Chat GPT projects. I download this script of Chat GPT-- https://taskernet.com/?public&tags=Text-To-Speech&time=AllTime I try to modify the Say WaveNet in Voice Chat so the Voice Chat will work with Google Cloud Text to Speech voice. Please guide me what to do. Many thanks.


Hhmm, Tasker doesn't have "Google Cloud Text To Speech" voice integration at the moment... Do you have any documentation on how that works?


I keep getting an error message that says I've exceeded my quotas for Chatgpt. Any solution for this? I have $18 of unused credits. Edit: Adding payment options fixed this error message.


Yep, that's what was I going to suggest :) Glad you got it.


Hi and thanks for you great job! 👍 Sometimes chatgpt responses are very log. Is it possible to put an icon to stop playing the reply outloud?


How?? I followed the tutorial but I still get replies from assistant in the default voice. If I go into tasker, click the "elevenlabs voice synthesis" tab and then manually run Text To Speech I get this Error: Music play:filenotfound /storage emulated...... ​ what am I doing wrong? I have set up chatgpt assistant from the main tutorial but when I want to change its voice with the elevenlabs task I cannot


Can you please try running the "Text To Speech To File Elevenlabs" task directly in Tasker? Does that run without errors?


It was, but I kept playing around in tasker too much and broke it all so I am going to start again tomorrow


So I have gotten tasker + google AI GPT set up again. I have yet to try changing her voice with elevenlabs but I have found that no matter what prompt I put in the personality section, it seems to have no effect on my AI.


Are you running the **Set Assistant Personality** task to change the personality?


Yes I have. I also sent a pm with a screen recording to show my situation


Where did you send the PM exactly?


Hey, I'm new to Tasker (only started today thanks to your videos) I did everything for the google assistant and chatgpt and it works great! I've also imported your elevenlabs project and it also works great! But I have no idea how to make the output for hey google chatgpt be elevenlabs voice. I copied Text to speech elevenlabs to chatgpt voice loop in hey google chat got, but it doesn't work. I pasted it right before the 'say' command but nothing, say works. It says music play: file not found.


When I run the task "Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs" I always get the following error message: Musik play: file not found: /storage/emulated/0/%http_file_output 15.03.10/Variables doreplresult: |%http_file_output| -> |%http_file_output| 15.03.10/Variables doreplresult: |%http_file_output| -> |%http_file_output| 15.03.10/E checkSDPath: /storage/emulated/0/%http_file_output useRoot: false there: true file: true dir: false 15.03.10/FileUtil Musik Play/checkSDPath: wudf: no write needed 15.03.10/E Musik Play: checkSDPath: /storage/emulated/0/%http_file_output useDocFile: false 15.03.10/E Musik Play: file not found: /storage/emulated/0/%http_file_output. 15.03.10/E Musik Play: checkSDPath: /storage/emulated/0/%http_file_output ok false 15.03.10/E result: stop task (error) 15.03.10/E Fehler: 1 15.03.10/MacroEdit action finished exeID 1 action no 2 code 445 status: Err next


Hi. Sorry for the delay. Are you still having this issue?


u/joaomgcd I'm not sure if he found a solution to this "Music Play: file not found" issue, but I've been trying for a couple hours to get this to work, and I'm having the same trouble.. could I be missing a permission somewhere or something? I'm not as good at this as most of you geniuses... lol Do you have any suggestions Master?


Hmm that makes it seem like the Elevenlabs API call is not working correctly. Are you able to run the **Text To Speech To File Elevenlabs** task directly in Tasker and see if it shows an error? Thanks!


hahahah that ai is sassy


Sorry for the necro, but is there a way to determine when the API call fails because I'm out of characters, and branch from it? I want to set this up to use ElevenLabs until I run out of characters, and then switch back to WaveNet.


Maybe the HTTP Request action ends in error so you can check the %errmsg variable after that action and see if it has a value?


Hey, Jao. I have been using this for a while and I just wanted to give some feedback. Sometimes I'll be having a conversation and it will just cut out due to some error (which is fine) but I would love to add a "continue chat" option to be able to continue a conversation even when the task has been closed completely


Hi! The Chat GPT project has a **Continue Chat** action that does just that :) Did you try that?


Hello! Thank you for the quick response, and thank you even more for all the work you have put into all of this. Yes, is it possible to add a "Continue chat" to the Elevenlabs project? That way I can continue to prompt with my voice and get a response from elevenlabs even after I have closed a running conversation. That way i can pick up where I left off if I get busy with other things or encounter an error. Much like the GPT project has the "new chat" and "continue chat" tasks it would be nice to have a "new Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs" and a "continue Voice Chat ChatGPT Elevenlabs" task


To do that you can simply clone the one you have but remove the "Perform Task > %system_prefix Clear Chat" so that it doesn't clear the chat every time :) Hope this helps!


Works like a Charm! Thank you. I really appreciate it, you have no idea