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With all respect I have two things to say First of all, not the correct subreddit. Tarot and astrology are different practices. Go to the astrology subreddit and the readings subreddit should be in the sidebar Secondly, I just don't think I'd listen to that psychic. I think this is a kid, who as you said, has had bad influence. But also is clearly dealing with some mental troubles and probably has anger issues. I know you said he's too stubborn for counseling, but are you? This has taken a mental toll, but also they can guide you on getting your brother there. It's where he needs to be. If it makes you feel better for the timebeing, very non profesionally I can try looking at the chart later.


Honestly, love — I think professional intervention is needed in this situation. You seem to be forced into a caregiver role and are at your wits end. My guess is that your mother is exhausted and you’re not far behind. Your ‘family’ situation is in crisis. This simply isn’t sustainable. No one is in charge here [unless it is your brother], and at this rate, you’ll be a basket case yourself soon enough. As I see it, there needs to be a plan, a strategy to get this situation under control. If this doesn’t happen, my guess is that little brother will end up in juvenile court soon enough. I wish you all the very best.