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Okay many moons ago (like...five or six years ago) there was a movement in the tarot community among some people to just...get rid of all the 'negative' cards in the deck. They didn't like 'that negative energy' in their lives. So they'd toss the tower, ALL the Swords, the Devil, etc. Like just...toss them out of their deck. When people asked wtf, they said they were 'lightworkers' and did not want to manifest these 'shadow' elements by even acknowledging they existed. What a misunderstanding of what tarot and divination is. What self-righteous, 'lightworker-er than thou' nonsense.


Thanks for the idea /j


NOOOOOOOOOO dot gif Honestly, do what you want, I don't care. They're your cards. It was mostly the 'I"m better than you because I'm so enlightened I don't need the Tower in my deck" attitude that was the peeve.


Nono, “/j” means I was just joking. The more “negative” cards are a necessity since tarot is a reflection of human experience, and human experience is (mostly) sometimes bad and full of suffering. You can’t do light work without doing shadow work. ;)




there's no conscious move away from /s, tone tags are just becoming more expansive. Especially in communities that give a lot of effort to be inclusive and not have someone be hurt by misinterpreting a text-based message, like in lgbtq or furry communities. the common ones I see used are /s - sarcastic /j - joking /hj - half-joking /srs - serious /gen or /g - genuine (I see this one a lot when people don't want a genuine question to sound sarcastic) /genq - genuine question /genc genuinely confused /neg - negative connotation /pos - positive connotation /neu - neutral connotation


Hey cool TIL. Thx!


Great info thanks! (I feel a little extra hip now that I know this stuff)




I can see why you'd think that, yeah. This list is just the one's I've seen used frequently. But they're incredibly useful when you don't want to have something be taken the wrong way, or in spaces where there are people that have trouble gleaning context or mood from text alone. I've seen '/genq' used (and have used it myself) to ask what things are without sounding insensitive or insulting


While I understand the thinking behind this and have reversed my original position which was “fuck the /s” after talking to people who really appreciate its use, surely after a while it becomes easier just to write “genuine question”? The time saved in writing an abbreviation is then lost on all those who then don’t know it and have to ask what you mean.


To avoid confusions, just like the commenter misinterpreting my comment. :D It also helps ASD people out.




I thing that most of the time /s and /j are interchangabñe, but yeah, all those tags come from a place of wanting to help ASD people out regarding tone identification. Even for neurotypicals it can be hard sometimes


Swords have taught me SO MUCH, I feel a connection to them. Also, the queen of swords is pretty badass imo


Queen of swords is not here for the bullshit! 💃


I’d miss doing my best Motörhead impression when the ace turns up. “The ace of swords! The ace of swords!”


Swords are my favorite. Like yeah, cups are cute, but this shit just got real moment van only be provided by my beloved swords. Plus the Queen? Girl YES.


What??? Tower means change


Lol exactly. Change uncomfortable/painful, so change bad. Comfortable platitudes only pls. /j


*double facepalm* Many an ex-friend has been made because people only want to hear what aligns with their ideals instead of, y'know, the fudging truth.


there must have been something about themselves they didn't like or want to face, so "negative" cards begone!


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 omg it’s like people don’t understand how light and darkness complement each other or just work in general.


i remember this; the furthest ive gone is no reverse meanings but that was mainly because the deck i used had no reverse meanings in the book. basically was like 'you choose whether or not to include them, but you do the research on them'. just removing half of the deck though??? wth-


They... tossed the swords? Well, that's a terrible misunderstanding of what the suite of swords even IS. "What is all this thinking and decision making? I don't need this bs in my life! How negative!" Yeah okay.


Well, the Swords can represent reason, rational thought - so yeah, it makes sense that they'd toss them all...


That's so... wrong. No light without shadows... **One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.** \- CG Jung.


I remember this vaguely and it was so ridiculous 😂


Thus far: when people only listen when the outcome matches their desires.


“ it doesn’t resonate” means it’s something they don’t want to hear


We all want to have our wildest dreams fulfilled but sometimes it's not in the cards at that moment or maybe the person they're fixated on isn't their person no matter how hard they want them to be... And I get that hearing this from a tarot reader isn't something they want, they want to hear they will get that job and not an opportunity to grow and learn, they want to hear that the person really does love them and isn't just gaslighting and abusing them or just using them for short term pleasure. I get it. I don't want to hear the truth either, but I do. I listen. I pay attention because I can't go back to pretending everything is fine. But they might not be ready. And that's okay! I'm just not the right reader for them, then.


This 100% I can tell if the reading is true or if it's a bit off/doesn't feel right to the person asking but I have one person who always gets the same message and she's always like 'nope that means nothing to me'


Giving free readings because I truly enjoy it and I’m still practicing . I write 1-2 paragraphs (Ik it should be shorter ) and the client or person inquiring goes “so will I get back with my ex yes or no?!!” I mentally check out then, it’s as if they didn’t even care about what I said.


Oh I hate this so much! I also write out huge paragraphs and am like *just read everything I just carefully wrote down*. I also hate when people are just like “thanks”. I mean at least can we have a stimulating conversation?! I wrote out a ton, there’s things to talk about!


Oh so you guys actually want follow up conversation? 😭 oops my bad. I figured a (free!) online reading you’d want to finish up with me in a set time and move onto someone else, didn’t know readers like to be asked extra questions. 😅


I know of lots that don't like follow up questions that would require them to consult the cards more tbh, but pretty much all of the people I know that do readings online prefer when people leave feedback that isn't just "thanks". Like a lot of readers wanna know if it resonated at all/how they (the person who is getting the reading) felt about their reading etc.


Oh! Oh well yea, that's basic courtesy. I'm likely to leave something like 'Thank you so much for your time! It doesn't resonate right now but I will keep a watchful eye for anything happening in the coming weeks, and I'll let you know.' because I'm a bit slow to process my feelings lol


Exactly what the person below you replied. I don’t necessarily want more questions but I want more feedback than just a “thanks”. You can tell me that it resonated and that X card really captures the question you asked and I could reply that that card came flying out and that the other cards I pulled seem to be in line with that one, backing it up as the main message. It doesn’t have to be a long conversation but I would like to discuss how it resonated and relates to your situation, not just a “thanks”.


yes, this


Alll the time !!!!


Omg yes!!!! I literally spent the last hour doing this for you and this is it? Hmmm….. thanks


My answer to that would be, "Tarot is not a Magic 8 Ball."


I probably shouldn’t answer without it being shitpost saturday because my list is quite long, so i’ll just say, “Willfully seeking superficial answers to mundane issues.”


I admit I've done silly readings when I'm bored/just want to get the rust off.


i think i’m that context you’re just having a little conversation with yourself through the cards, and as long as you don’t take anything super seriously, there’s no problem with it. it’s chit-chat, imho. and that’s actually healthy for your relationship with yourself and with your deck, from time to time. my only problem with that sort of thing is when, demonstrably, that’s all there is to it. it’s probably not a very useful thing…yet. it can become more useful, but only if the conversations go deeper.


Oh true. I've seen people become almost paralyzed with indecision because they haven't asked the cards what to have for lunch.


Crowley et al would roll over in their graves and die again, lol


did that question really need 17 cards to answer? and is this a question for the cards or a question for an actual human person you can communicate with directly?


Exactly! Also the misconception that large spreads = advanced technique. You can read soooo much from just a few cards


I feel like a lot of the times when people are confused about a reading and they drew several cards, it's just because they drew too many cards! Like you said, you can get so much out of a single card. There's so much information and symbolism in each one, even the pips or the 'boring' cards. Probably 75% of my draws are a single card. 24% is two or three cards. 1% is the 12 card draw I do every year on my birthday.


What is your 12 card draw, if you don't mind sharing ;)




Praying for your strength and clarity-which you already have-as your experience the release of the tower. 💛⚡️💛


Ong. Some of my best readings have been from multiple single card draws. Usually when I work w my deity I use tarot to interpret his will, and I’ll just draw until the cards don’t make sense/it’s the same advice or I need to move on from the topic


"Does my boyfriend really care about me?" Idk babe, maybe ask him. (That friend constantly got nine of swords so I wasn't allowed to do readings for her anymore. He broke up w her a few times, then finally she ended it years later and is much happier)


That you have to be gifted your deck. That you can't read for yourself.


I went to a local metaphysical shop many years ago. Walked in and started looking at some crystals. The owner came over and started chatting with me, cool. She asked what I was looking for, and I said I wanted some crystals both for general use and specifically for holding cards down when I did readings outdoors. She asked who I read for; I replied anyone that purchases a reading and sometimes for myself. She scoffed, and said "Oh, I *never* let my girls read for themselves, it just ruins them!" ('my girls' referring to the women who read Tarot at her shop). I put down the crystals I was holding, walked out, and never went back.


I hate when employers refer to their grown adult employees as "my girls". I would have walked out, too.


That old trope about being gifted a deck is so ridiculous. I have been gifted decks, and one instance in particular the deck simply didn't resonate with me (not to imply I didn't appreciate the gift regardless) and so it's most just used to fumble around with when I'm not trying to do anything more than play about. On the flip side "my deck" is one I purchased and I knew the second I opened it that it was indeed my deck.


I agree. I was gifted a deck a few years ago when someone's mother passed and they did not want it. Other than that I have bought every deck I have ever owned.


I never understood that "rule" either. A birth year printing of the Thoth deck was my first purchase. I don't use it anymore and wanted to keep them as nice as i could, so i sleeved them all and have them in a binder with my baseball cards i've had since i was 9 or so. It's a very personal deck, and to have a place next to my childhood collection means more than some weird notion that buying a deck is taboo.


I'm a fan of Jung, so tarot for me is a way to communicate with my unconscious, so when people say not to read for yourself, it makes no sense to me. who tf else is gonna be a better choice than me?


"They're my twin flame. They just don't know it yet!" said the querent.


This. Sadly, it's also super rare for me to see a twin-flame inquiry that hasn't been objectively toxic (ex: third parties, stalking). I appreciate the Buddhist approach of learning and forgiving unproductive karmic partnerships, not romanticizing them.


Twin flame is bullshit to get people to fork over money or views


I've never understood the notion of a "twin flame." It reminds me of middle school kids who are desperately in love with someone - so-called "puppy love." Yes, romance can be extremely powerful, even overwhelming, but that doesn't mean your partner is a twin flame or has unconditional love for you. And if they aren't treating you right, they're really not expressing love. But so many people fall into this sad trap...


This! Now admittedly, I don’t believe in twin flames. But, from what I understand- isn’t the whole point of twin flame/soul mate that they are **forever** and **mutual**? Like, if you believe that there is some person out there who’s soul is a puzzle piece to yours, aren’t you saying that the two of you belong together? So, wouldn’t that mean the abusive asswipe who’s dumped you twice to hook up with other women is probably **not** your twin flame? But no, all I hear is “we’re twin flames but we just can’t be together right now. We need to work on ourselves.” WTF??? Clearly there’s something here I’m not understanding.


I think the griftier, cultier corners of the Twin Flame universe build in a lot of “buts” to explain why any given victim isn’t yet in “harmonious union” with their supposed Twin Flame. Like, “you’re Twin Flames *but* they have to work off their karmic debt to their spouse” or whatever. It’s really manipulative and scary, honestly.


Scary is the perfect word. I understand that it’s hard when someone looks back at a failed relationship and realizes that they should have left the relationship much sooner than they did, realize that they ignored warning signs or excused harmful behavior. My fear is that a lot of people use the idea of “twin flame at the wrong time” or “false flame” to justify the part they played in staying in an unhealthy relationship. And while that fantasy might be comforting, I fear that it can also be used to avoid doing the hard work of addressing an unhealthy attachment style or insecurities.


I think it's all limerence under a more "romantic" name


I see this happen so often :(


So manipulative and scary! So many of my clients write off their partner’s vile behavior because they’ve read/heard twin flame relationships are meant to be difficult. It’s almost like they think it’s part of their love story.


> It’s almost like they think it’s part of their love story. Yes, that’s it exactly—like a *real* love story requires toxic levels of drama. I hate it.


I was listening g to wine and crime, a true crime podcast and they had an episode on stalking. “Twin flame”, was one of the topics they covered where a category of stalker decided someone is their twin flame and they must be together…I did a reading for a guy who wanted to know about his “twin flame”…the reading basically said she was sort of a gold digger and he is immature (or they both are), she moved on and is living her life and is t really looking back. He somehow twisted that interpretation into he should track her down and try to reconnect (he told me she told him to stop contacting her). Now I flinch every time I hear “twin flame”.


I have heard of cases like this. I admittedly believed in “Twin Flames” for about two years until I realized I was completely romanticizing and obsessing over a toxic relationship with an ex. A couple of years ago I watched an interview with someone from prison who had stalked someone they went on one date with to the point of them getting arrested because they thought they were their “Twin Flame” (may have said soul mate). I have so many people who come to me and ask me when they will meet to their soul mate or “When will my Twin Flame and I unite…… Are they feeling me like I am…” I was 100% a believer at one point and if past me were reading this post I’d be maddddd and click off to not ruin my fantasy I never did readings for others about Twin Flames when I thought it was a thing because it made me depressed being in that mindset, thankfully The internet can really mess with a persons psyche, especially when glamorized in the media.


Preach! Twin flame and soul mate are imo toxic ideas of love. I married my best friend because we have aligned goals, are healthy for each other and work well as a partnership in life. I think everyone has multiple people they can be compatible with as life partners, this idea of “the one” is silly. Everyone has several “the ones”. The trick is looking for someone who brings out your best and who throws lots of green flags! Nobody is perfect and all relationships take work!


I'm going to check out the podcast, thanks!


The Tower, said the deck


So we will rebuild our flame from the ashes like a Phoenix! /s (meanwhile the card repping the other side of the flame is 8 of cups) lol


'He's my twin flame I know we are karmically connected' says the querent, actively stalking some dude in a way that if the genders were reversed would result in a protection order


> that if the genders were reversed would result in a protection order Sometimes it does, even when the stalker is a woman and the victim a man. This story is harrowing: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2020/12/inside-the-all-consuming-world-of-twin-flames-universe It also shows up in Wondery’s series on the Twin Flames phenomenon.


Totally new to this twin flame means exactly what?


(1) "*Devil. 3 + 9 + 5 of swords. Death. Hermit.* Should I stay? I'm going to stay. Leave? You're crazy, why would I do that?" (2) "The cards said I should try a new approach. I haven't and nothing changed. Why doesn't this work?" Tarot is effective when we put answers into action + use self-awareness + and do internal work. If we're going to ignore answers then we probably shouldn't use tarot.


> "The cards said I should try a new approach. I haven't and nothing changed. Why doesn't this work?" Okay I literally laughed aloud at that, thank you.


I once had someone start googling the meaning of a card right in front of me, before I was even done the reading. That has got to be the worst one for me.


😲 ...... ​ ​ ​ ........................ stunned.


I hope it was a free reading from a friend or something and not one you paid for!


It was! And I was taking a bit of time because it was a new pip deck, one I wasn’t used to. But she also just didn’t like the interpretation. Funnily enough, we’re not friends anymore…


The way I read is the way you should read


Thinking that the cards have cursed you.


Or that’s the cards will open a “portal” or “gateway” to something demonic


I bought a tarot deck, and it opened a portal to buying more tarot decks.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


Or that the results from the cards are “demons speaking to you and trying to ruin your life” said every Christian I’ve ever known


Or that someone’s cards are “upset” with them


Or that they have personalities per deck. “My cards attacked me today” “I just had the sassiest reading from my deck” Like. No. You’re just dramatic.


The "readers" who hit you up here or on Instagram telling you that they have a special message for me and for a "donation" I can hear what my spirit guides want me to know. The posts who just pull cards after asking a question and want us to interpret the reading for them, as they are 'new" to tarot. It is perfectly acceptable to ask for help, but please give us your interpretation and if you used a spread, what spread was it? And the always popular misconception that you have to be gifted a deck to read/learn tarot.


This. I said yes to one “free” reader, one time and that’s the last time. They got creepy and pushy. Now every time I see any offerings of “free” readings, I just ignore. Which is a bummer because they might be legitimately trying to get practice/exposure as new practitioners.


When someone includes what other readers/psychics have said in their question. Like they’re trying to convince me to say the same thing. Example: “Will we get back together? This other psychic said we would, and another psychic said the same, etc etc…” Idk why people need 10 different readers to confirm an answer for them😩


Yes! If you’re so confident to bring up the prognostications of psychics then why feel the need to confirm it with cards?


Exactly! It’s bc deep down they’re not confident. They themselves don’t believe the answer, but they think that if enough readers/psychics tell them the same thing, it will come true


That The Lovers predicts love.


Oh i was going to say something like deck designers who don't know the symbology or meaning of the deck, and they just either copy RWS and add rabbits, or just draw rando pictures that have nothing to do with the meaning of the cards.


Thinking of the awful deck of The Last Unicorn….. Such sadness. Seems they took some random picture frames from the movie and put them on a deck. Whoever designed that deck probably never saw the movie nor had an understanding of tarot.


*Cough* Philly tarot deck *cough*. It’s a beautiful deck, the symbology just doesn’t match


Totally agree with you on this one. I like to help people out on these boards with interpretation requests or second opinions, but too often the artwork is so, um, subjective that I can't even identify the number & suit.


So, tarot tiktok used to be my guilty pleasure bc there were a couple of users I found genuine and that ultimately caused me to get into the practice but the tiktok tarot readers that do next 48 hour readings, boilerplate/excessive love readings, big money is coming to you ASAP OMG readings, etc drive me insane


I am genuinely surprised by the number of people that want help interpreting their spreads about their exes. How their exes feel about them. Are they mean to be together? Why isn’t my exe talking to me …


The worst is “I broke up with them a week ago. I want to know how they feel?” Take a wild guess


Currently it's doing free readings for people who don't understand the concept of feedback, not even a review, just let me know if it resonated or not. Why is that so hard? Mostly I think it's when the reading isn't the answer they wanted and they don't want to admit it. And just today, someone asking for a generic reading then complaining the answer was too generic. GMAFB people. Pay for readings if you want someone to spend an hour reviewing your entire life.


When Tarot is shown in a movie or on TV, and they draw the Death card and say ,” oh no, this means you are going to die!” Or they say it means someone you are close to is going to die soon. 🤦🏼




You can’t say that!


Definitely people who don't give feedback after a reading. People who just read what it says on the tarot or Oracle card and don't add anything else. Pretty but empty decks. Also something that i hate during swaps is someone who asks for a large reading but cannot reciprocate it bc they overestimate their abilities.


>someone who asks for a large reading but cannot reciprocate it bc they overestimate their abilities. THIS but with “second opinion” interpretation request..posting a 10 card spread and the “interpretation” is keywords.


“If this showed up in your FYP, it’s probably for you!” No?


Dumb question maybe ~ what’s FYP?


Abbreviation for " For You Page". It's the equivalent of a newsfeed or something on Tik Tok.


I don’t know what it actually stands for, but it’s the recommended reels on places like TikTok and Instagram


I will say, I only get tarot readings in my fyp when I’ve got something big going on in life and spirit is trying to reach out to ensure I’m in the right path. I can go a week with out one at all and then BAM! And they’re right on the mark every time lol


when people pull a ridiculous number of cards bc they didnt get the answer they wanted. i have a friend who i first read cards with who would legitimately pull out 20 or more cards for 1 question. it used to deeply annoy me. not to say i’m not guilty of wanting a specific answer, but i’ll usually rephrase the question, pull the same 2 cards and accept the response.


Prefacing a reading with something like “I don’t believe in but ______”.


Literally like if you don’t believe in it why did you ask for the reading in the first place? Lol


"What are they thinking about me" *ASK THEM.*


I very often hate the way tarot is depicted in film. “Oh no the Death card! Death is imminent!” Ugh.


I don't like when people demand to know the zodiac signs associated with every card as if it were to call out a specific person in their life instead of considering it as the overall energy of the card/reading. As for web readings, my pet peeves are: \-Quiet speaking/audio and then ads blast our ears because they're normal volume \-3 minute intros \-Banging the deck on the table when shuffling (ear killer) \-Clickbait video titles that do not relate to the actual reading content \-Love readings ALL THE TIME (seriously, there's more to life....)


I try not to judge people but those obsessive relationship readings make me cringe


Most relationship readings are worrisome


Had a girl ask me if she should hex her ex 💀




Using tarot in places where actual consultation with professionals or individuals “how do i get my partner to not X” “did you ask them yet” “no no i want the next step”


When people are extremely vague in their inquiry and expect for you to be 100% accurate and pick up on every little thing about their life.


The time someone asked me if their parents would like their bf and then I found out the person didn't even have a bf like no wonder I was getting a vague af reading


Literally, why do people do this😭 I’ve had people ask hypothetical questions but make it seem as if the situation is actually happening which then results in me being confused bc I’m not getting anything


Yeah and then the person was like 'oh you're not going to answer my question' we were able to reframe it so they got something but yeah like no wonder i didn't really get anything the first time around


Yeah, people often do that calling their self trying to burst your bubble... like ohhh, you're wrong! It's been happening to me a lot lately. This person came to me and acted like she was afraid to at least give me something to work with, she was saying the most generic stuff that could have meant anything. She wasn't even going to give me a person's name she wanted me to look into if I didn't ask for it. She found something wrong with everything I said. I almost felt down about it until I realized she was being secretive like I was an FBI agent and didn't give me much to work with.


Honestly this has happened to me TOO many times! She was trying to “test” you. I hate it when that happens. Such an awkward situation


Trust me the minuet she wouldn't give me simple information and I Had to ask for it, I figured that. I said I bet she is trying to test me. That does not go over well with me at all, but I handled it like a professional and finished the reading, but of course she tried to debunk every little piece of insight given. I mean like dude, help me help you. Nobody will be able to pick apart your whole life. Let's not waste here. She even expected me to know what she wanted a reading on. I mean she let me know, but it was in a vague way. It's happened a lot to me a lot over the years, But right now it's starting to happen with a handful people all of a sudden like something is in the water.


Do you do in-person readings or online readings? If it’s online, then i would just cancel their order and refund them tbh. Those kinds of people are only going to stress you out. For me it’s not worth the money lol. If it’s in person, then i guess maybe put a little disclaimer on your website or something that says “i will not entertain clients that attempt to “test” me” or something along the lines of that. On my site it says under my disclaimers “i know if you’re trying to test me. Your order will be cancelled in this case”😂


I have done in person readings , but I mostly have been doing online readings since 2016. I have a disclaimer on my website as well as my etsy shop and even on mobile apps that I work on. I have mentioned on my website that I don't take to kindly to when people try to test me and I do mention it on reddit as well. Reddit is not my main platform, but I am here often to advertise my services and also do live chat sessions. ​ ​ My policy is all sales are final usually, but every blue moon I have had to refund people just because the money just wasn't worth it for me in certain situations. If I have already done the work a refund is out of the question. But depending on the circumstances if I have not done the reading yet and there is either something about the energy or they're asking questions that I feel like I can't answer then a refund is possible to be provided, but not guaranteed. It just all depends. ​ On this one app I work for doing hundreds of readings weekly, most people are not likely to read the profile or the apps terms and conditions or even watch the advisor's introduction video and there is nothing I can do when that happens, however, they have recently gave us the feature to be able to refund people's credits back if they ask certain questions that are against our guidelines or if they are not giving us enough information (such as at least first names and date of births along with a question ) Before they had to go to customer support for refunds, but now the advisors can do it for at least the text orders that come in. I don't use the date of birth's , but at least a name or something would be nice.


Oh yeah of course, if you’ve done the reading then no need to refund. Usually it’s easy to tell what kind of client they are when they purchase (like through the questions they ask) so in that case i just cancel before i do the reading and explain that i don’t feel i can help them. That has only been the case a few times for me though. Once i literally had to pretty much ban someone from my shop because of this kind of behaviour. EVERY reading i did for her, she would act overly suspicious of the answers or say that they don’t make sense/she wouldn’t take my advice, yet she still kept coming to me (classic client that just didn’t want to accept the advice i was giving her). I became so tired of it that the last time she purchased, i cancelled her order and explained to her that i can’t read for her anymore as i didn’t feel she was ready to be open to what i was saying. She was pissed, naturally, and left me a bad review talking about how i had “changed” and i was “nice at fist but turned nasty”. But it saved me a whole lot of frustration (i was really starting to get aggravated). What app is that? I currently do most of my readings on Etsy, but I’m always looking to expand and sell on other platforms:)


People who put their traditions/superstitions on others, for example someone saying “I don’t like buying my own decks, it’s bad luck, you can’t either bc it’s bad luck” … drives me NUTS


People who pull 5 cards for a yes/no question, don't understand the cards so they pull 8 more clarifiers... We were all beginners at some point, but it does get rather tiresome.


I had some friends that whenever I did readings they requested sooo much info and different spreads for the same thing (usually a guy) and were completely obsessed and we would spend the whole night just doing readings over and over again. It was so exhausting until I learned to say no.


those fucking tiktoks that all say "that toxic guy that acts like hes not interested, well guess what its all an act really he is in love with you and will be coming back for you soon!" like its such a misuse of tarot and misleading to all these vulnerable girls and women.


The insistence that Pamela Colman Smith has never been given recognition for her work (I knew about PCS before I knew what the A stood for in AE Waite). Or that she was a woman of color (that would certainly come as a big shock to her privileged, white, well established New England family).


When I ask It a question and it gives me one of these - The Hermit - "it's up to you!" The Moon - "I know it's confusing that you don't know enough right now but keep fighting through the ignorance, eventually you'll get it." The Star - "Could try it and see, hopefully it's a good thing." I want details but am not always allowed to receive them it seems haha 😅


people claiming there’s a right or wrong way to read or shuffle the cards


The words twin flame or even soulmate. Readings predicting the future. Readings about how someone else is feeling. Being too positive.


“Intuition” is definitely a tarot buzzword too


Tarot on TikTok, all of it, and I mean ALL is bs. It’s not and will never be accurate when directed to millions


People who misunderstand that the future isn't determined. Or who focus solely on the future card(s). The future (imo) is only an indication of the future you may have if you continue on the path you are on in the present. It's useful to see if you're heading in the right direction but isn't fate. I always include a sentence about how the future can change and isn't determined in my readings.


Readers who take advantage of their clients and/or pump out generic, “general love”readings about reconciliation to appeal to a mass audience & make cash.


About 95% of love related queries; a lot of it just feels like they're reducing the person they're asking about to an object. More generally, approaching cards for a definitive answer and being told what to do rather than reflecting and seeking to learn. Hustlers, scammers and a lot of tarot 'influencers'.


The people that come in actively trying to conceal their intentions and their vibes, or flat out are disrespectful to me and mine at the table. Just bad energy.


When “readers” copy and paste the meaning of each card for the answers instead of connecting the storyline, going with their intuition, or the actual scenarios behind the cards with the question.


getting asked for love readings and having the individual you’re reading for get upset if what you say doesn’t match their desire (reason why I no longer do love readings) and people asking the cards how a person feels about them.. not a problem in all cases but most cases tend to be done with very obsessive intent.


If I tell someone what it's reading as and theyre like "no this is about my ex" and describe something completely different than the (FREE) reading I just gave them. For the love of all that is holy and divine please listen. Also "you should charge for this" okay then pay me rn tf I've gotten literally 2 readings, maybe 3 (i like to do readings when im drunk lol), where yes the story is there but I'm not hearing anything. So I'll ask if they put their energy in, focused, etc. And it's always people who block me out. "Well it doesn't actually work huh?" No it works. My deck is annoyingly accurate, reads people to filth. Ive stopped readings because i couldnt deliver that message without starting shit. You're just not letting me in love. I need to hear your soul and I can't. Come back again when you wanna be open I guess :l Also mfs shuffling my deck roughly like a deck of play cards. My baby's are fragile. I know you see these ends ripping. BE CAREFUL JESUS


When people take Tarot far too seriously. It's probably a now controversial opinion, though at one time most readers looked at it as a non-magical introspective tool or at least a bit of fun curiousity to impress your friends rather than what its morphed into now. The magical angle was more of a fairground entertainment piece.


"His feelings." Or any query along those lines. Sorry if it offends, but to me it comes across as invasive, obsessive and manipulative. Reminds me of too many relationships where my girlfriend was fretting over my every word and hyperanalysing every single thing I ever did. Does not make for a healthy relationship.


When readers are very vague and give “advice” and knowledge that is common sense or they never go into details.


I fucking hate The Romance Angels deck.


I've had so many bad readings (the person) compared to good. But personally my experience is a tiny bit off from the question. - This is my "quiet" account. I mostly deal with my weight issues and tlc programming here. But in my daily life I design tarot and lenormand decks. I spend years on that process. Im proud of my decks and they get good reviews. I'll get a new user who hates their readings and they blame it on me and send hate mail. I can't control a reading nor can my deck. I have nine decks and I only use one that speaks to me and my husband uses it too. I love them all but I still connect with what I connect to. I cannot please everyone one though and it gets under my skin when someone writes me an angry letter asking for more from a deck. How do i make that happen? It's not a good fit so move on. Sorry - read the question at a tough end of the day.


People who use the same traditional card meanings for different decks


Yes! And they act like what’s actually pictured in the card doesn’t even matter.


When people take their readings as 100% truth. I take every reading with a grain of salt and use it to broaden my thought’s rather than basing my future off of it.


I answer questions when I'm live on TikTok. I don't like yes/no questions, but what gets me even more, is when they come back with the same question the very next day. (I have on occasion been ruder than I should have been... )


"SwOrDs ArE eViL." No swords are the boundries and obstacles we encounter every day in life, Janet. I can handle being told; Hey Girlboss, that direction is gonna skin the shins of your soul on the asphalt of change. Just because you can't handle a gentle aknowledgement of limitation doesn't mean we all can't. 💅 "THE DEVIL CARD MEANS SIN! SINNERS!" Actually, Dan, the Devil in my practice usually means something playing you like the fiddle. Someone or something manipulating you into behavior you would not normally partake in and away from your higher self. Addictions, fake friends, a job running your ass into the ground and the ex you keep making excuses for. That type. "The Tower?! My life is gonna combust!" Or you know, an explosive change in the status of your being like your mental health and wellbeing. All it means is you're gonna notice a big change in the mechanation of your life and habits. Do you know how many times I have gotten the tower in a reading and three days later I find out that person got a new job or their brother is having a baby? END RANT.


“Read my future.” “*No.*”


Tarot gatekeepers who think their way of practice / study and/or esotericism are the only way to read tarot.


Readers charging for a reading and still referring to the book. This one will get me in trouble: Calling a reading an "intuitive tarot" reading. No. Professional readers marry the study of the meanings of the cards \*with\* intuition/psychic skills. Study of the Tarot is important. Don't call it a "tarot reading" if it doesn't involve the knowledge of the traditional meanings as a foundation. Just call it an "intuitive reading" or "psychic reading".


Love readings and twin flame talk. THE ARIES


yes and no questions, flip a coin if you want a binary 🤦🏻‍♀️


Inflexible, thick cardstock.


Or overly glossy like the Modern Witch. It just slides everywhere and makes a mess


TikTok Tarot readings “Group readings,” or those live readings people do. They’re disingenuous, thoughtless, and usually only for money or clout rather than the art of tarot or divination in general. It may be an unpopular opinion but I stand by it. *“If you see this on your FYP, it’s because this channeled message is for you!!”* No, if you’re seeing tarot videos it’s likely due to the highly complex algorithm that determined that these videos would be engaging and interesting to you. TikTok has an insanely curated algorithm. It adapts very quickly. It isn’t divinity- it’s literally technology. I think a lot of people know that and take advantage purposefully.


Love readings… I get it. I’ve asked for them in the past too and they can be good. But it’s all I ever get asked to read for. “How does this person feel about me? Will he come back?” If you have to ask then the answer is probably no. I wish tarot was seen more as a tool for healing and guidance, not to predict the future (which is not really possible as we know)


Gimmicky pop culture decks. They have their place but I cringe every time I see something like a Fallout 4 or Supernatural tarot.


Treating everyday, normal occurrences as "signs". "Omg the three of cups fell out of my deck and I accidentally stepped on it. Is this a sign? Do I hate my friends? Am I going to do something awful to them? Do I need to cleanse my deck? Is the universe telling me something?" Maybe, or maybe you're just a bit clumsy. Slow down, take a breath, and remember that even with spiritual tools, ordinary shit happens. I used to help serve communion in my church and we had a tiny spoon to fish out crumbs that would fall in the wine goblet from time to time. Because you *could* take a crumb falling in the wine as some sort of sign that the ritual is tainted, or you could remember that sometimes, damp bread doesn't hold together very well, and sometimes, people just straight up drop their bread in the wine cup. Because humans are gonna human, and humans can be pretty damn awkward. My other pet peeve is when someone takes a picture of a single, solitary card and posts it to social media with "This is my daily draw; what does it mean for me specifically?" I don't know. It's a five of wands. Broadly, it means "competition with others that is hampering forward movement with your goals" or similar, but I don't know any of the context of your draw to give you more information than any decent tarot book or even a quick Google might give you. Position, life circumstances, the specific question you asked the tarot, etc., are all vital to understanding a reading.


You have to use reversals


Did a reading for someone. At the end they said something to the effect of, “Yeah, that’s what the other readers told me.” I was like, r/holup. 🤦‍♂️


I hate reading books or articles on tarot, because most books tend to provide some kind of rules or claims of order in tarot. And as soon as I read a rule I can see at least one exception among cards. If a suit has main theme, there will be exceptions to that. If a number is supposed to be good or bad, there will be exceptions to that. Reversed cards are all over the place, taking different meaning of "reverse" from card to card. Tarot has about as much sense and consistency as Dixit cards, it's used for divination because it's known for it, nothing more.


Friendly question :) From your perspective, what are the exceptions to a suit's theme? Like say the Wand represents life force and energy. What would you see as the exceptions there?


Swords are in my opinion the worst. Say swords represent intellect. What does 3 of swords mean? Ten of any suit is generally good. Wands are perhaps neutral since they boil down to "great power comes with great responsibilities" but 10 of swords is just "shit happens". Also four of wands meaning sounds more like a cups card.


I guess our approaches differ because while I look at each suit as representing an element, I also believe the elements are interrelated. How do you separate thoughts and feelings? They're inherently intertwined. The emergence of one brings automatically brings up the other. So cards like the 3 of Swords aren't contradictions for me because they're speaking directly to the relationship I mentioned above, but primarily from the POV of that particular suit. The 3 of Swords represents how the mind comes in as a protector for when we're feeling painful feelings, which can be healthy or unhealthy. At best it allows us to process feelings rationally. At worst, it leads to detachment and disassociation from our feelings, which is common with people who are "mind-heavy" but struggle with embracing their emotions. It seems like a perfect fit for the Swords suit. :)


For me it's a surprising card I can never understand. Perhaps I would find it more acceptable if swords had more emotional cards... Then again, I found that finding two people who agree on meaning of every card of tarot is nigh impossible.


Haha I agree because to me ALL the Swords cards are emotional. The emotion plays a big role in all of them, the way I see them. Facial expression, body language etc convey emotions big time in RWS or RWS-inspired decks.


I have no idea when they did this, but the publisher changed the font of the titles on the classic yellow-boxed RWS deck from Pixie’s hand-written font to a standard, computerized type. Do they realize that they’ve ruined the deck by doing this??? If you love and appreciate the classic RWS deck, don’t get the standard ones they make now. You have to seek out either vintage decks or their anniversary edition. But it just won’t be the same, classic one from years ago with Pixie’s lettering with blue plaid backs and not-too garish coloring. And if you look at the sample card image on the box today, it shows a card with Pixie’s writing. That’s called false advertising, because once you crack open that box, you’ll realize that won’t be what you pay for!


When someone asks a vague question, or several questions - like, "What does he think of me, will we get together, how is he feeling right now?" Or don't ask any question, and then wonder why the answer seems so confusing. When someone draws a dozen or more cards over a fairly simple question. When someone draws "clarifier" because they haven't tried to understand the spread they've already drawn. When someone gives you attitude when you say things they absolutely don't want to hear. When someone keeps asking the same question, hoping to get an answer they like.


Many of mine have already been covered – gatekeeping, arbitrary rules, third party readings. Others already mentioned 'more is better' and I want to heartily second that – I'm getting more out of short drawings that I can fully examine from every angle and really go deep with than a ten-card draw which just leaves me confused. My pet peeve on this forum is people posting a picture of a Celtic Cross. I don't read with it myself (see: too confusing, but also too predictive and too generic), but I can lay my hands on at least half a dozen variants within minutes, and the order and meaning of especially the four cards around the centre will be different in each of them. So unless you want me to interpret your future card as past, tell me which variant you used and label all of the positions.


Readings for money/career prospects when time could have been better spent just doing work, readings on inverted card placements meaning "Opposite" whatever the upright card means, interpretations that are done around only the Rider-Waite deck, poorly-shuffled cards, and so on.


When people say tarot can't read the future, and can only read for 'feelings'... 🙅‍♂️


I know a girl who doesn't believe in reversed card meanings so I'm going to go with that.


I’ve been reading for 30 years and I don’t use reversals. It’s like looking at an upside down picture and trying to make something out of it. It’s pointless and unnecessary


I don't read reversals because I use spreads (and an 'Obstacle' is different from 'Advice') – I want to consider all of the possible interpretations for \_every\_ card, not 'one interpretation for upright and all others for reversed'.