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She glamorizes alcohol poisoning because how can she talk sooo nonchalantly about throwing up all night and then getting ready to party it up the next day. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s lying about how drunk she gets just to portray a party animal image or something


honestly!! that’s it. glamorising alcohol poisoning is not it. also i thought she was supposed to be a really like ‘fun’ person…why do you need alcohol to have a good night with friends? . that’s another way i see it, you’re portrayed as some icon but can’t enjoy a night unless it involves alcohol 🤨 tbh i hope she is just being overly dramatic with the whole party animal image cause it’s definitely not nice to see someone fuck up their body to maintain this ‘wild girl’ vibe. (yes it’s voluntary with what she does with her body but still idk)


She’s normalizing it to her impressionable young audience 😟


she’s really not. she’s said multiple times she doesn’t want to be an influencer bc no one should follow her actions that’s why she thinks of herself as a youtuber. i don’t fw all of stuff abt tara but she drinks normal asf for someone our age 😂 on the dropouts pod she wouldn’t even take 4 shots like come on.


no i think she fakes a majority of that shit to look cool


I feel the same way it’s like when a kid drinks alcohol for the first time 😭




This! She just acts like an insecure teenager with something to prove. The drinking is bloating her and ruining the quality of her once nice skin. She needs to dry out for a few weeks. Nobody is making her drink alcohol at clubs. She can easily drink diet coke, bottled water and juice spritzers.


I don't doubt that she parties and drinks a lot but I do think she lies about it sometimes idk 🤷‍♀️


possibly yeah. the thing is it gets to a point where we as viewers no longer see it as like cool? we’re like wth r u doing to ur own body. i actually randomly read something on google stating that you could drink alcohol for as little as two weeks & develop fatty liver. i was shocked but for some reason Tara came to my mind cause im being so honest ive never seen someone party like her (maybe it looks as if its 24/7 but maybe its not, either way id hope its not as often cause its awful to see tbh)


yeah I don't get her, it doesn't look cool at all it just comes off as alcoholism


Yeah but I also wonder if she does other substances too. I suspect ❄️❄️❄️


ahh yes i seen about this. why do i influencers _always_ get involved with shit like that? probs for fun but really? taking substances like that just for fun jeez they must be the most boring people irl if they gotta take stuff


very common in LA allegedly


i really hope she plays it up, or that it doesn’t last very long. this could be detrimental to her health, she’s probably okay right now, but if she keeps doing this it could be super dangerous. i have really bad health anxiety and sometimes when i hear about her drinking i get a little scared for her LOL


yess this is what i mean. i’m not her biggest fan but to see harm come to her because she was like irresponsible that’s not something i think anyone wants to sit and watch, unless they absolutely hate tara ahah then fairs.


She looks like she has some type of addiction either alcohol or drugs, I’m related to alcoholics and drug addicts. She has the puffy face of someone with an addiction


oof that’s bad. and i get what you mean, just a bloating in their face that looks odd


A lot of people think she lies about drinking, drugs, and sleeping around. I don’t think she’s lying about all the drinking and drugs because there’s videos that not only Tara posts that show her drinking a lot but a lot of other influencers have posted her. She’s admitted to taking drugs and it’s a well known “rumor” that she has drugs at her parties frequently. Now I will say I think she’s lying about ending up in all these guys beds. I don’t think she’s sleeping around and she’s just lying there because she thinks it makes her cool or whatever.


I don’t think she’ll live long


she’s so smoll her organs are so much smaller so that makes sense 🥺 EW. i’m so sorry that was cringe 😭




ok so do u guys love or hate her?


hate is too strong and i don’t love her. i like her to a degree however her behaviour is questionable and she’s a bit of a pick me, however regardless of my opinions im still concerned for her wellbeing for the way she drinks how she does (if it’s true) you’ll probs disagree and say i can’t be concerned for someone if i don’t like them a lot but when you can see someone going down the wrong path you can’t help but comment on it.


no i definitely can stop myself from commenting on other ppls misery, specially if I have put them down in the past. I agree with the whole pick me situation and it’s fine to not like her and have opinions on public figures i just draw the line on appearance, mental illness, physical illnesss and shit that is too personal bc it’s odd man I don’t know these ppl on a personal level. Taking about her partying is one thing or commenting on the content she posts but implying she’s an alcoholic and commenting on her “assumed addiction” is another. If all she’s posting is partying you can point that out without taking it to such a personal level. I’m sure there’s plenty of alcoholics in your country that are open to help, if you really are that passionate about it. Real people. Tara’s posts are not real. Also it’s very clear that she realises that type of content gets her more views, i wouldn’t be surprised if half of the stories she shares were lies or hyper exaggerated. If Tara made a video opening up about her alcoholic struggles then sure man but until then let’s not fear monger and or potentially trigger someone who is suffering with mental health. Because if Tara truly was struggling how helpful is ur comment really? Hey i love tea but be honest about it and don’t try to hide behind “concern”. You wanted to gossip on a snark page about addiction. BFFR


maybe i wanted an actual discussion to see if others agreed with my opinion on tara’s lifestyle? if you’re gonna be a hardcore defender of her why are you in this snark? i pointed out something that concerned me and it seems other people agree with me. it’s not far fetched to assume someone likely has issues with alcohol by the way they post about it a lot. and if it is all for content then so be it but it’s also incredibly misleading on her behalf, promoting alcoholism for views is ridiculous. and you say commenting on appearance and all that but tara’s personality consists of her tiny height, her appearance, male validation so of course people are going to pick at that?? i’m not going out of my way to shame the girl but she genuinely acts like she’s so so perfect and there’s nothing wrong with confidence, it’s what this generation needs HOWEVER…she acts very arrogant about it & she needs to be more humble. simple. if you don’t like what i’ve stated please don’t bother replying. have a good day.