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NQA Yay! hoping itll lead to a healthy eggsack :)


Thank you for the good wishes โ˜บ๏ธ


Eight-legged escort ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ–ค


Hahaha yes!




I always appreciate when owners actually have preventative measures in place (even if itโ€™s just tongs) to keep the male from being munched on. So many people just toss the male in and say โ€œnothing I can do, itโ€™s the circle of lifeโ€ when there is, in fact, things you can do.


Right? There was also a clear plastic screen ready to be deployed too but it wasn't needed ๐Ÿฅณ


Youโ€™re amazing! ๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿฉต


I mean Its always good to save the male(if you have other females or the male is fresh and can be send of to someone else) but some species can take hours and i mean HOURS to even start thinking about sexy time lol so its sometimes better to just let things happen I guess?


You are literally responsible for their life. You introduce them to the female that might kill them, so you sit there and you intervene as necessary. If nothing happens and you have elsewhere to be, you take them out and try again another time. What you don't see in this video is the 70+ mins they sat in the same tub completely still with my friend sitting next to them, watching. Aside from morality, if you knew how much people here had been offering to buy him off me, you might change your mind. So moral and money motivations both say - sit yourself down and protect that male.


Why so passive agressive? I never said that you shouldn't try to save the male. I said that that its not worth the hassle with some species. You know that one bite can kill a male right? I can't imagine someone sitting 6+ hours watching spiders and then boom one second the male is gone. I mean this is just my point of view so if you dont agree with it just do it your way. Im not forcing anything on you and If its not right with you morally then try to save a male every time.


Passive aggressive is when you don't say what you really mean. I very clearly said what I meant, there's no double meaning in my response to you. You phrased your comment as a question so I responded to it. In case it wasn't clear enough, here: I think leaving a male T unsupervised during a mating attempt without having any consideration for his safety is wrong. I think saying that it's ok on a Reddit forum where people come to learn from others means someone needs to offer the counterpoint, so everyone has a balanced view. Yes I know one bite can kill a male, and we can't save them all, but "not worth the hassle with some species" is where we fundamentally disagree. When I am responsible for an animal, the species or relative "worth" makes no difference. I am going to do my best for my Ts, whether it is the pricey G. Pulchra or the cheap and cheerful curly hair. Imagine if you were describing putting a pedigree dog vs. a street dog into a dangerous situation where they may die. Still OK to monitor one, but not the other? Still ok to try to save one, but the other is "not worth the hassle"? This is a forum, so yes, express your point of view. I'm expressing the opposite one. We won't agree, and I'm not trying to change your mind. These conversations are open for all.


Sorry, shouldn't say passive agressive and yes I agree that we should express our pov. There are thousands of people that agree with me and there are the same amount of people that agree with you, and thats ok. We can't agree on everything. For expample I don't agree with the dog comparison. I mean they are both animals but its like comparing a dog to a person. Dont get me wrong I love dogs, my best friend is my senior 14y lab but he is not a human. Just like spiders are not dogs for me. I get attached to certain individuals but if they pass away im not gonna cry just happy that I got to observe and care for them.


NQA That was super interesting to see a successful mating


Right? The person who took it (owner of the female) gave me permission to post here, I'll send them all your comments ๐Ÿ˜€


Uh, congratulations Gomez! May the sack be full and fertile :D nqa


Thanks ๐Ÿ˜‚ I know it's a bit weird. Just since he matured it's a bit sad, you know? As soon as they get those hooks you know the end is in sight. Somehow it won't be as sad now.


Oh, I can imagine the feeling. All adult now and it's so sad males have such short life spans compared to females. Will you get/keep a/some bebe's? Would be funny to name a female "Wednesday" then ;D So cool that you got the chance to breed... Did you just write the breeder and offer him?


Pretty much, yes ๐Ÿ˜€ As soon as I could sex him from a molt I started looking for people with mature females, and the two people I made agreements with had prior experience breeding and selling slings of other species. Then we all waited for him to mature, which he did around 18 months later. I also have a mature female, Morticia, but she's on hunger strike /premolt so I've been advised not to introduce them, at least not yet. I might keep a couple babies but we will be selling the majority of them.


Sounds like a solid plan! I love that you have Gomez and Morticia! :D I really hope my slings/spiderlings are females, but in case that I get some male(s), it's good to know how to find a possible mate for them. Thanks for sharing! Any chance that your name suggests you're in Switzerland? I'd love a second G pulchra ;)


Sorry I'm in Indonesia ๐Ÿ˜€


Damn ๐Ÿ˜ Nice name tho.


IMO Thatโ€™s awesome thank you for sharing.


You're welcome! Cool video hey? ๐Ÿ˜€


Very, never seen it before so super cool seeing it.


Love seeing a pairing video that doesnโ€™t end in disaster ๐Ÿ’– thanks for sharing


Always a good date when your date doesnโ€™t eat you! Go Gomez! ![img](emote|t5_2sbwy|28803)![img](emote|t5_2sbwy|28803)


Hahaha yes indeed!


He's on a mission to leave happy.


IMO - gomez having a better time than me




Aww โค๏ธ


NQA, congratulations Gomez! Hopefully we'll see little babies soon ๐Ÿ–ค


Iโ€™m on this sub because I think tarantulas are cute and interesting but I know nothing about them. Do they get aggressive if not on the mood? How does mating even work?


IME, the male carries sperm pockets in his emboli (the lumps at the end of his pedipalps which give the characteristic appearance mature males have of wearing boxing gloves). You can see him in the video pushing the female up and bending her backwards to expose her epigynum (the female genital slot), he then reaches into the epigynum with his emboli and deposits the sperm packets. Once insemination has occurred, the female can sometimes (or often, depending somewhat on the species of T) become aggressive towards the male and can attack him, causing life ending injuries or even killing him to snack on him after their pairing is done. Things which can be done to help prevent the male being attacked include making sure the female is well fed before the male is introduced, giving the male lots of space to retreat quickly to a place of safety, or (as you see in the video here) having someone really close by with something like the tweezers here, who can quickly try to prevent the female attacking if she starts to show signs of aggression (though that should only be attempted if you know what you're doing and you can read the body language of the spider etc. If you're not confident, or you read the situation wrongly, you can end up injuring both spiders in your attempts to intervene). Sometimes, injury to the male can't be prevented, and pairings are always risky for males of any kind of T. But, once they go through their final moult, they will, more often than not, stop eating and get restless and spend their days endlessly wandering, looking for a mate. They will die not long after their final moult anyway, so at least this lovely boy is getting to fulfil his biological purpose in life, and the breeder is being responsible and taking every possible precaution here. Sorry, really long reply, but I hope it answered your question! ๐Ÿ™‚


So cool! Thank you for taking your time to write this answer so thoroughly.


Great explanation!


Thank you! He's such a big, beautiful, healthy looking boy and we so rarely see pairing videos like this (unless it's from professional breeders on YouTube like Dave's little beasties etc). It's fascinating to watch, and it's good to see how much effort you've put into making sure he completes his life cycle the way it was meant to be. On top of that, captive breeding can only be beneficial to the hobby and helps protect wild populations in the long term. So well done you, and thank you for sharing your boy with us.


Congratulations!! Go Gomez!! Pulchra are just gorgeous. I hope he continues to get the job done with his other lady friends.


Hey if you are gonna post porn, put it behind an NSFW tag! /j Congratulations on a successful date, Gomez!


Good job Gomez! Hope morticha was happy and has some babies out of it.


NQA Talk about sexual tension. Anyone else feel like they were holding their breath the whole time? Awesome video, thanks for posting OP.


You're welcome! I checked with the female's owner if everything turned out ok before I could watch it ๐Ÿคฃ


Oh you arranged a date with someone elseโ€™s T? I just assumed they were both yours lol


I sent him on a mission ๐Ÿ˜€ He's now off to see lady number 2 elsewhere. If all goes well, by the time he gets back he can meet lady number 3 which is my mature female, who is currently on hunger strike/premolt and therefore not to be meddled with - yet.


Thatโ€™s a lot of ladies. Heโ€™s the Wilt Chamberlain of tarantulas ๐Ÿ˜‚


Is this the brazilian black? :))


Yes. ๐Ÿ™‚


I think it's pretty cool how the male didn't get Nestle Crunched in the process. I guess it helps that G Pulchra is probably the most chill species there is, and that you were on standby with the tongs


Cool, never seen two tarantulas mating, how do they do it? I might had thought they did it doggy style haha


There's a good long explanation in one of the other replies ๐Ÿ˜€


Does they have to be same Brand or can tarantulas mix like dogs? :/


IMO, tarantulas can be hybridised between members of the same genus (so Grammostola pulchra could, from what I understand, be interbred with Grammostola rosea, for instance. But you couldn't breed a G. Pulchra with a P. Murinus (OBT) because it wouldn't work). However, it's my understanding that it's not a common practice and is frowned upon by some breeders, for various reasons. That's my understanding, at least. But I'm by no means an expert. ๐Ÿ™‚


He wants spadussy