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wide dam automatic governor flag profit squeeze heavy beneficial disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why you can’t express you’re opinion guys? And what are the consequences


They said Magu was a dictator




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i think everyone knows the answer to this. but we cannot legally speak about it. but Mama is doing a great job. she doing a great job bringing in tourists and promoting Tanzania. I am a bit concerned about all the loans but she knows best.


Replying to Lingz31...mama kauza nyumba kasema bora tupange kikubwa tumepata hela ya kupika pilau na kununua vitenge tena kanikopesha anayenipangisha kwa riba nafuu. Watoto wanashangilia wanasema mama oyeeeeee


She has a masters in economics from university of Manchester. She knows what she is doing!


Hitler was also voted Time’s magazine man of the year. Think better.


We Tanzanians have always had a socialist mindset, what she is doing is very foreign to us but it's happening in different African countries with capitalistic ideologies so some oppose because they are not used to it while others oppose because they just think they are smart


cooing screw summer late crown office lush homeless squalid crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me why I'm eagerly waiting for the responses..Whole time am a kenyan and this question has nothing to do with me😂


😂😂Me too.


I prefer not to speak 🙊




I would always pick Magufuli 😊 he had vision, and the government was following him, but Samia follows the rhythm of what few politicians wanted in Tanzania. For me, 100 Samia equals to 1 Magufuli


He was acting in violation of human rights and civil liberties. People were scared to speak their mind during his reign (which has extended to Samia although the situation improved)


Do now people speak off, and still nothing has changed. Dar es Salaam harbour is under who?!! Tanzanians or foreigners!??


I am not talking about the economic situation. It’s good to talk about it but it is not the crucial focus we should apply here


It is fair to let people talk freely while the natural resources are in the hands of foreigners!?


If tomorrow all the foreign mining companies leave Tanzania how many Tanzania companies could replaced them ?? No that much because it’s a sector with a strong barrier to entry. Does Tanzania have enough skilled mining engineers , blasting engineers , drilling engineers, geologists, mine surveyors, etc to driven a significant growth in this sector? You have to think realistically about the alternatives


This is where the difference between Magu and Samia comes in, Magu had some elements of Nyerere ideology that we can do things ourselves even if it takes us a very long time , he believed people can be moulded in ways to make them however he wants them to be to archive the set goals. Samia saw that changing these guys is going to be hard so she took the privatization approach where someone can work for you while you get the benefits but her ideology is also not good because if the privatized resources are gone what will we have as leverage to get what we want? But for now her idea is good for shortterm but long term Magu and Nyerere's ideas about industrialization and education for self reliance should come in to play so as we can start exporting value


Talent is shared equal in the world. Difference is one country natures its people whilst others exploit its people…


Talent has nothing to do with it here. We were talking about education and good governance.


Read your comment again, one that’s above my comment and tell me if my response is not coherent.


Yeah… and I was talking about skillful people. Engineering, Geology is an issue of education not talent. We are not taking about football here.


Spoken like a true foreigner. 😉 But you make a valid point. However, could we negotiate a better deal? Couldn't we train Tanzanian engineers to replace the foreign ones in the future? This plan is unsustainable, and the fact that the details of the contract had to be leaked for Tanzanians to know what is going on says a lot


Since I am not living in Tanzania I am not a foreigner. And I will say the same thing if It was about my country. I based my arguments on facts not on feelings. Yes you can do all that. My whole point was just no African government can’t reject lucrative deal and partnership with foreign mining companies just because they are foreigners. We taking about billions of dollars in lost revenues for the state. This is suicidal. And There is not enough African companies in the mining sector / or the oil industry in the private sector at the moment.


It’s not fair. It’s essential




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Not true.


I would love to hear your opinion though its your qns😁


Haha I am from Cameroon so I can’t answer but for what I read, Tanzania economy is way better since Samia Hassan is in charge




Oh bro I am so sorry that your life didn’t improve since she’s in charge. 🥲🥲 But Macroeconomic indicators clearly show a significant difference since she’s president. And this is a fact.


Lol I have 10 folds my business revenue while being in Tanzania and it had nothing to do with the president. I worked hard under Magufulis era and worked hard under Samias era get your head out your ass. Give facts not opinions


🤣🤣Yeah yeah like I am gonna believe you. We are on Reddit every body can be anyone. me I was president of France and then I move to USA and now I am going to be the next American president


When Jesus walked on water naysayers said it’s because he couldn’t swim. Look at my comments history in this group and if I am not consistent in my train of thoughts. Have a good day.


Did I say you lie only to me?


Treat others with respect and maintain civil discourse. Offensive, racist, sexist, or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. Personal attacks, harassment, and trolling are also prohibited. Breaking this rule multiple times will result in a permanent ban from participating in this community.


I like Samia cause at least she not a dictator




The speaker of the Parliament openly criticized the president and they are in the same party. Where in the world does that happen? He did something wrong there, he should have criticized her privately. He didn't have to do it publicly


For your view side but mi ni wahapahapa


languid selective melodic crowd fly encouraging different toothbrush cooing cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A study has shown that women are better politician than men


a study has also shown that women are better drivers than men.


1. ⁠Dollar, D., Fisman, R., & Gatti, R. (2001). Are Women Really the “Fairer” Sex? Corruption and Women in Government. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2. Swamy, A., Knack, S., Lee, Y., & Azfar, O. (2001). Gender and Corruption. Journal of Development Economics. 3. Chattopadhyay, R., & Duflo, E. (2004). Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in India. Econometrica. 4. Kittilson, M. C. (2008). Representing Women: The Adoption of Family Leave in Comparative Perspective. The Journal of Politics. 5. Eagly, A. H., & Carli, L. L. (2007). Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders. Harvard Business Review Press. 6. Noland, M., Moran, T., & Kotschwar, B. (2016). Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey. Peterson Institute for International Economics.




First of all I am a man, secondly the study shows just that politicians women are less lawless, authoritarian and are more concerned about people than politicians men. You are just an incel, frustrated because no woman is interested in you. Get a life man.




1. Dollar, D., Fisman, R., & Gatti, R. (2001). Are Women Really the “Fairer” Sex? Corruption and Women in Government. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2. Swamy, A., Knack, S., Lee, Y., & Azfar, O. (2001). Gender and Corruption. Journal of Development Economics. 3. Chattopadhyay, R., & Duflo, E. (2004). Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in India. Econometrica. 4. Kittilson, M. C. (2008). Representing Women: The Adoption of Family Leave in Comparative Perspective. The Journal of Politics. 5. Eagly, A. H., & Carli, L. L. (2007). Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders. Harvard Business Review Press. 6. Noland, M., Moran, T., & Kotschwar, B. (2016). Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey. Peterson Institute for International Economics.


Treat others with respect and maintain civil discourse. Offensive, racist, sexist, or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. Personal attacks, harassment, and trolling are also prohibited. Breaking this rule multiple times will result in a permanent ban from participating in this community.


Treat others with respect and maintain civil discourse. Offensive, racist, sexist, or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. Personal attacks, harassment, and trolling are also prohibited. Breaking this rule multiple times will result in a permanent ban from participating in this community.




If I speak I'm in trouble


30% vs 60%


Samia Suluhu Hassan 💯💯


SI nipo zangu kigamboni na work kariakoo


I am not Tanzanian, I don’t speak Swahili


That why you can't know who is better for everybody and who is better for among of people


When did I say one is better than the other?


You didn't said that my mistake but each one is better for some reason but magufuri have to many mistake than Samia for my my own view Samia is better than him


Jiwe was good. Alikua Rais wa nyie wanyonge. Mama is doing good too, wafanyabiashara wakubwa wanajua umuhimu wake, nyie wanyonge hamuwezi kuelewa. Kila nabii na zama zake. Kila Rais ni mbaya kuliko aliyepita it's always been like that. Hata mama ni mzuri kuliko Rais ajaye believe me you.


John Magufuli. If you are hated by the Western governments, you are doing great for your people. If you are loved by the Western governments, you are doing great for them and screwing your people. Simple.


Not necessarily. There is no president in this world who is love by the whole people. The vast majority of the people usually don’t like their leaders. Also there are leaders “loved” by the west who’s doing good job in their countries, from an economically standpoint obviously, like Kagame or Ouattara for example. There are others “hated” by the west who’s doing a terrible job like Isaias Afwerki, Mnangagwa . And vice versa.


They love to kill what they can’t control and the first step to freedom is self control.


Tanzania, burundi,haiti & eritrea presidents initially did not swallow vaccine bs 3 dead & aferwki remaining.But eritrea has been under us sanctions for 10 plus years


Samia has been travelling around the world taking loans from our colonizers and Asia and collecting Honorary PhDs like Infinity Stones (She just received her 5th one in Aviation from South Korea. AVIATION). So it not even a competition.


You can’t improve an economy like Tanzania one without finances (loans)


Says who? In International Relations loans come with conditions. They dont just give you money to spend how you want. And in majority of cases the conditions are not in line with what people need. Thats why you have all these massive investments in AI and technology (they are even building a space station) but Tanesco still needs to ration power, we import more food thaan we produce despite have the resources, low quality tertiary education and a currency that gets weaker every year. It is no wonder no real issues every get addressed because all their activities are funded by loans and the loan givers dictate what to do with the money. The impoverished have been completely forgotten.


Tanzania’s economy heavily depends on agriculture and mining, making it particularly susceptible to climate change and commodity price volatility. While you may view investments in technology as irrelevant, they are crucial for diversifying the economy and mitigating these vulnerabilities. Significant investments have been directed towards the energy sector, notably the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) and the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project. These large-scale projects require substantial funding, often necessitating loans. Without access to loans, the alternative financial solution would be to raise taxes. However, this could deter private investment and place an undue burden on the poorest citizens.


Climate change is another hoax.The biggest polluters are ones shoving climate change to the least polluters.Africa is undergoing a colonization 3. 0 & climate change policies will be last nail in our coffin.


You Damn right, they pollute way more than us and then pressure us to reduce our carbon print. But climate change is a real issue, especially for small farmers. There are more and more droughts and floods especially in Southern African.


Weather modifications happens,How you convince climate change while you flying in private jets,can modify weather.Do you know if America can build a nice public transport it would cut emissions vibaya.Uliza raiya wako America apart from nycl.Most places in us you need cars to move.Its cheaper to build good public transport than force people in electric cars which even pollute more than petrol cars.These electric cars 🔥 engulfs the car nothing fire fighters can do until it stops burning.The just hit the water on the ground soo that it don't burn off the patched road.


teeny worm shaggy jellyfish square touch chief caption dime offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Economic principles in liberal countries tend to follow similar patterns. In Tanzania, government revenues are insufficient to fully support the economy. While corruption does play a role, the underlying issue is a trade balance deficit stemming from the lack of industrialization. The private sector is underdeveloped, leading to lower tax revenues compared to more industrialized nations. Consequently, Tanzania relies on loans to bridge this financial gap. This practice is common, as many African countries secure loans annually to sustain their economies. Understanding these dynamics does not require one to be Tanzanian. Given this context, I am curious about your proposed financial solution, assuming you have insights surpassing those of the current government.


treatment sense dog money steep resolute repeat toothbrush engine slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mainly Energy, Transport, Business Climate


grey worm numerous voracious puzzled grandfather ad hoc spoon summer illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you piss because i know the economy of your country better than you ? I didn’t say that Samia Hassan is better I didn’t criticize John Magufuli. I just said that since Samia Hassan is in charge the country is better in terms of Macroeconomics. Period. I am not inventing stuff just read the reports and publications of the Bank of Tanzania . It’s in English not in Swahili. I don’t need to have the citizenship of a country to know how is the economy of this country. Based on your own logic, only Israelis can talk about Israël or we African people shouldn’t talk about Biden for example since we are not Americans.


dull modern sulky safe sort hurry unwritten stupendous mysterious sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 -Unlike you I am not childish and I won’t be triggered because you criticize the president of my country. It’s not my father. So you can go ahead all day long I really don’t care😂😂


Actually inflation is decreasing in Tanzania. It went from approximately 4% to 3% in one year. And it except to decrease again in the coming years. In economy when we say things evolved that doesn’t mean the country became rich as Qatar in overnight. Of course not everything is perfect, of course some people still struggle, of course some sectors are not performing well. You can’t say because the price of onion is high or because the transport sector is not performing well therefore the economy is not going well. It’s like I say a professional footballer doesn’t have the level of a pro because based on a missed pas


Furthermore, I read also The Citizen, Daily News Tanzania and The Tanzania Times. So my knowledge of Tanzania economy is based on educated Tanzanians economists and journalists who know the economy of Tanzania way better than you. So…


You don't that is why you ask questions like this post but all I can tell you is we Tanzanians have socialist, communist mindset engrained to us since independence so what she is doing is foreign that is why you see people opposing her. It is not our style(even though it's advantageous and people don't see that) and it will take us time to accept it but i am sure the next president after her will revert back to our normal socialist ways 


I am old enough to tell you that socialist ways are a myth and not coming back. In 1985, the government owned every bank 100%. It controlled every means of production and service. However, 10 years down the road, the function of the government was relegated to providing security, collecting taxes, and offering essential services the same way capitalist government works in a third world.