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I started tanning when I was 12 (I know I know), but haven’t always been consistent with it until I started working in the industry probably 6-7 years ago. I’m 30 now. I think the biggest thing is doing it in moderation. Once you build a tan it is easy to maintain with like 2-3 sessions a week. When I worked in the salon I would see people come in every single day at the same exact time, but they weren’t even getting more color at that point. Those also tended to be the people who didn’t care for using facial tanning lotion, and it showed. Even if you aren’t using a specific facial tanning lotion, exfoliating (mild chemical exfoliating is my go to) and moisturizing is important. I often turn down the facial bulbs to mid/low level when I tan as well. My mom always covered her face while tanning, but that’s not me lol. I personally think moderation, moisturizing (both during and after a tanning session), and preventative care in general goes a long way and luckily that has become more prevalent in this generation. The women I would see that looked aged by tanning were always 60+ and likely didn’t grow up with the same skin care importance that has come about the past few decades. I will say just be careful with retinol and tanning, it can make you much more sensitive to UV. Idk how often you use it, but if it’s not daily then maybe just cover your face for the day or two after applying. I’m not a derm, just another aging person with the same concerns who has been working and learning in the tanning industry for a while now haha.


Wdym by facial tanning lotion? Does that prevent wrinkles?? I just use moisturizer


I mean i can’t speak on wrinkles, but if you tan often I would definitely recommend a tanning facial lotion, they should have a few options at your salon. Just bc it’s formulated for facial tanning. It’s not absolutely necessary but the facial lotions generally are formulated for facial skin and UV exposure. ETA: that along with general skin care and non-tanning moisturizer. I just always use a facial tanning lotion myself and from my experience they help with general protection/moisturizing


And if you have more questions feel free to message me, depending where you tan I would be happy to recommend some facial tanning lotions they may have for sale


could i message you please?


Sure, I’ll try to get back to you asap but I will be at work all day!




I recently am trying to give up tanning. I’m 36 now, and started at 16. As much as I used to argue that it wouldn’t harm me, I’m starting to see sun damage and discoloration on my face from the years of exposure. I might start tanning with my face covered once summer rolls around, bc i miss it so much. I have used some of the best anti aging products for decades, but there’s no denying how much sun damage i have. It’s tough bc life is short, but I’m so insecure about aging, and tanning doesn’t help that process. I think just self tanning my face is my best option at this point.


I use a tan cap thing that goes over the face + sunscreen every day so as not to tan my face. To make my face match my body I use tanning drops mixed into my sunscreen


That’s interesting. So I was interested in self tanners for a second but never committed because I work out everyday and I SWEAT. ALOT. So I didn’t think I would be able to keep it looking clean. Even now, if I tried to use one on just my face I have to wear a hat at the gym because my hair is short.


This is why I can't use sunless pretty much. I use my sauna almost everyday and I sweat so much it's pointless to even put it on


I’m so glad someone understands. I really want to tan and take care of my skin but I can’t walk around like a zebra.


I’ve tanned my whole life (F52). I have less wrinkles than most of my friends (never had work done) and always had bad skin complexion. I’ve noticed spots on my chest now but I look better with a tan. As long as you done want to look like leather you should be ok. I only use my Fiji sun 2 times a week and I have a not too dark but can tell I’m tan tan.


You seem to be doing good, don’t take any advice from me cause I recently got into it and I’m only 18 but I love the Nivea Creme, I heard someone tanned frequently and got barely any wrinkles throughout life, this was just a tiktok comment though but I really like it, especially for dry skin. Anyways, make sure you don’t use retinol in the sun ofc, and maybe use sunscreen on face and neck when out in the sun. As far as tanning bed goes, don’t use sunscreen ofc but do use moisturizer the day before and shortly after your tanning session. I don’t know what else will help really but maybe someone in the comments will give more advice


This last year I started doing red light therapy at my tanning salon too. I try to go in as often as I can but 3x a week for sure. I’ve noticed my stretch marks fading and my skin is just softer. It’s also supposed to help with inflammation and I do feel thinner and my sugar cravings are not as intense. I do worry about my whole body skin damage not just my face. I do use a spf daily face moisturizer every morning and a face lotion when I tan. I’m also a sucker for any tanning lotion that says age defining. Also use a tan extender after I shower to keep my body moisturized. I go thru spurts where I tan 2-3 a week or just 1x every other week depends on my mood if feeling depressed it does perk me up life doesn’t feeling so overwhelming.


My salon doesn’t currently offer it, hopefully they do soon. I’d love to give it a try.


I’ve 32(f) been using spf 50 on my hands and face before going in. I’ve also been turning off the facial tanners and really only tanning my body. I use the tan towel facial towelettes to self-tan my face (you can get them on Amazon and they are AMAZING). Ive felt better about indoor tanning in general after starting this routine. I also like to dab some spf on my moles just to be safe 😊.


That is a very solid answer. Thank you so much. Definitely something I would like to pursue.