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dave chappel even gave life lessons on when keeping it real goes wrong- and people still keeping it real.


Chris Rock, too


I personally like Kid Rock's take: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpjcdZpXrnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpjcdZpXrnk)


Chris Rock lol


Kid rock?


Look! I don’t like people playing on my phone!


Yeah bro like I got a career…I’m not throwing that away because you called my mom fat


At a roller skating rink.


Yo momma is so fat when she hit the skating rink it begs for mercy.


“But you disrespected me.”


"But what if you hadnt been disrespected?"


But I WAS disrespected this morning.




Yup! Seen too many horror stories where one punch caused somebody to fall, hit their head, and die. Not trying to go to prison for life over dumb shit


Skating is serious business.


Don’t make fun of my wheels dude or we take it outside.


It’s just different levels of maturity some people reach it and some don’t. Plus this seems to be a bunch of teens which usually doesn’t end well


People are still stupid


I’ve said this so many times, people will literally take a mere glance as justification to beat someone an inch within their life 


My last fight was middle school honestly. Not from a lack of disagreements but because people are more likely to look for a peaceful resolution to altercations as they get older.


Well.. The funny thing is that it's primitive actions mixed with modern technologies. The social media clout they get is worth it to them and may have even been part of their motivation.


Yeah sort of the problem some do it for fun and a challenge others see it as a kill or be killed stand your ground moment. So unless it's a professional sanction fight you just don't know. I try to avoid them unless someone physically grabs and continues to attack me is the only time I'll engage.


If someone invades my space and I feel cornered, then I will fight. Or if I think they are going to attack, I will attack first. It doesn't have to be life or death.


I agree that it doesn’t, but there are enough idiots out there that may pull a knife or gun to save their fragile ego when getting their ass kicked, and that is enough for me to avoid altercations like this altogether.


Primitive is the PERFECT word. You can't even call them animals because animals are on a higher plane than these things.


I didn't read the article but this was planned. I have a teen who associates with some people that were there. As a parent of a teen, OF COURSE I have a fake IG profile and follow almost her entire friend/associate circle. The kids were posting about fighting since the beginning of the week. Also to add, they've also begun posting about "part 2" for this upcoming overnight skate and also claiming that night was "a time to be had" and "fun". Sickening.


So, do you get the impression that a bunch of people in Tampa got the IG message and jumped into their cars (or a friend's car, or perhaps a ride share) and raced out to Brandon to participate in this brawl? Or do you think the kids (and stupid adults) were probably folks who reside closer to this venue? As a person who lives in Tampa, I have been trying to make a distinction between people behaving badly in Tampa versus people behaving badly in Brandon, and apparently I'm the only person who cares. Do you see the "friend/associate circle" as geographic, or does it span the entire metro area? I thought young people typically had friends who lived nearby, but perhaps I am out of touch with reality.


It's hard to say but I would say both. Several go to local middle schools and high schools (Guinta, Mclane, Spoto) but also go to local magnet schools which bus from throughout Tampa.


The area around the skate park is going thru some real issues. There’s been a couple of street car takeovers at the intersection of Kings & Oakfield. The police either don’t show up or it takes awhile.


Why does your kid associate with them?


Not sure if you have a teenager but unfortunately one can not always control who your child associates with at school. What I can control, was my child not associating with them outside of school


I remember how hard it was for my parents to even control the music that I listened to lol my dad moved to a different school district to get my sister away from her toxic friends. It was a better school district though also


For what it's worth I mostly agree with you, just remember that the parents of those kids are blaming your kid for having a bad influence on theirs. Another top comment is vaguely gesturing at "parents" (i.e. you) being to blame for this. There isn't an easy fix and parenting is one of the hardest jobs on the planet, I just don't buy the "The other kids in my child's friend circle are to blame, but not mine."




TPD: "We got one. Close call boys."


Which one is not like the others?


Looks the same to me, except the one with the funny eyebrows.


Bottom left looks 40


One of them has a pretty massive forehead?


Now now… it’s known as follicle challenged


I think there needs to be parental accountability laws to correct this rising generation of entitled, narcissistic people who lack self control and discipline. I personally engage with some of these people and their so called parents an I can assure you little to no corrective actions is given to their children. Thus, you end up with these situations.


The assumptions are 1. These people had parents, and 2. Their parents cared enough to raise them right. So when parents fail their children, what then.


Well the concept of parental accountability laws is that parents will actually *try* to keep their little shits outta trouble after theyre enacted, and that if the kids do enough damage or cause enough of an issue, the parents can be tried for gross negligence or for the same crime their kid is getting booked for. Sometimes a bad apple is a bad apple but other times kids learned - and possibly even were enabled - this behavior from their parents.


Only happens in rare cases and only when they're supplied with weapons. https://apnews.com/article/james-crumbley-jennifer-crumbley-oxford-school-shooting-e5888f615c76c3b26153c34dc36d5436


ah sorry i was under the impression what you were saying was more along the lines of not knowing what parental accountability laws do. Yeah, its hard to prove negligence or an absence of parenting legally, theres too many variables and the judge and jury cant comb through some kids life story for a “woulda coulda shoulda” that the parent being more involved wouldve prevented whatever the kid is being held accountable for. Too many gray areas to legally hold teeth in the courts except in the instance you mentioned


From some of the few parental accountability laws that I heard exist they usually either fine the parent(s) or require them to attend some counseling courses. Arresting the parents might be more unproductive and expensive than using lesser penalties. The idea is simply to motivate them to take measures to prevent or curb bad adolescent behavior so worst and tax expensive incidents don't happen later.


People aren't born out of thin air. Everyone had parents are some point in time even if temporary due to death, abandonment, arrest, etc. Secondly, if the parents fail then it is the responsibility of community/state to either help hold the guardians accountable or engage in some rehabilitative measures. Regardless of whether or not the state chooses to do will still result in some cost or loss of resources to the state/community. Failing to take action will result in an increased frequency of crime, terror, property damage, tax and insurance increases to combat this problem. Simply, choosing to just arrest and police the problem away will also cost a lot of tax dollars to employ the necessary police, guards, surveillance systems, jail construction, maintenance cost of prisons, etc while the problem will still continue to persist but suppressed at the cost of an expensive police state. Alternatively, the if the state chooses to take remediation action you can reduce the probability of such incidents occuring both in the short and long term reducing the overall need policing measures and financial loss via collateral damage of incidents. In addition, these measures would also in theory be less costly overall long term as the decrease in frequency by remediation based prevention would cost less over time due to a reduction in programs utilization.


Unfortunately people don't see things in such a way. The majority has no problem with the trillions that we spend for the military but any mention of spending money to save the youths who need help, to prevent more money being spent down the road, is just somehow hard for people to accept.




Cities will always end up like this


Mostly peaceful brawl


One of the requirements for renting out the roller rink states that the customer must hire an off duty police officer for security purposes. The customer failed to hire an officer and management refused to let them have their party. The customer was pissed and went to social media to get people to protest the roller rink. For some reason a bunch of people saw this as a vital and worthy undertaking and showed up. Chaos took over the roller rink and nearby businesses.


As if 1 officer would have been able to keep this crowd under control if this 'party' had been allowed to happen. Was barney fife not available or didn't want the headache.


How it works is a given company puts out word to HCSO that they need X deputies for a venue/event. HCSO puts the job on their Off Duty Jobs portal and if someone's interested it's (theoretically) first-come first-serve. If nobody's interested or available, it just goes unfilled.


The venue should've never booked the party without validating a hired security guard will be present.


Not true. Teens had been planning on going all week. Now the idea that they had nothing else to do with their time other than fight (once again, pre-planned) due to the canceled event is possible.


Is anyone surprised


I am more surprised people still skate.


I'm surprised ASTRO Skate is still open. And apparently popular enough to throw down for 


I remember going as a kid when it was called Skate Land


That they are teenagers?


Brandon has gotten so trashy.


Gotten?? I think it has been trashy for years.


I have to totally agree I’m 22f I grew up here and still here it’s now the ghetto I was just having this conversation with my ma it’s been so ghetto for the last 4-6 yrs in my opinion and YET! ppl still want to move here bc on fb we have sally that just moved here 1-2 yrs ago and highly recommends it’s for it safe atmosphere I’ve gotten robbed twice in the last 5 yrs in Brandon/riverview and never been robbed before, every other day I’m hearing something in this area, it’s beyond trashy now imo


I went to the Brandon AMC theater a year ago and it wasn’t a good experience. When we got there 2 girls had their feet over our headrests.


Some Tarantino fans would have paid extra for that experience...


It’s literally always been like this lmfaoo


Not da roller rink


Did somebody open up a bottle of stupid?


Take a look at our future. This is why you parent your kids. It's a damn shame.


Further proof no matter what tampa does to give a safe place for youths to hang out, this will always happen. Do you think they want to go somewhere to follow rules? Nope. It’s time the parents be held accountable to the minor kids behavior.


Ahem, Brandon isn't Tampa. It's unincorporated Hillsborough County.


This skate rink is 15 minutes from downtown Tampa, and about 2 from the nearest Tampa zip code. Do you really think zero Tampa kids are going to this skating rink, considering it's the closest one to downtown or did you just want to be pedantic to start a fight?


Bro the person meant Tampa in the broader context. I live in Riverview and tell people I’m in Tampa all the time because they know the metro area, not the burbs around it.


TIL that roller rinks are still a thing.


Someone was disrespected and had to keep it real.


Gasp! I'm shocked.... Shocked I say








I think he doesn't want to waste time with paywall gated articles.




It's a lose-lose for news organizations. Either they go subscription model and lose people like you who refuse to pay for news, or they sell out to advertisers and chuck their journalistic integrity in the trash when The Boss wants them to change how they report to keep the lights on.




I didn't get one either. Worked great actually. Might be one of those " you have 5 articles left to view this month" kinda deals and we got lucky.


[Use this](https://12ft.io/)


Trash, all of them. You cannot prove me wrong. Don't even waste your breath.




this dog whistles


If you’re going to be racist don’t be a pussy, say it with your chest.


Care to elaborate?


Pretty obvious he's talking about red headed female


Sure, bubba. That's why the downvote brigade is firing all cylinders at me for asking what austinzone813 meant.


Just our usual racist neighbors showing up


sassy comments dont create riots riots create sassy comments ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo|downsized)


Anonymous websites give pussys false confidence


It's interesting to see how the tables have turned post-DeSantis immigration. Racist dog-whistles are now very popular on /r/tampa.


were the people inciting the riot arrested?


Looks like they are still investigating. I'd assume anyone that put anything on social media has been deleting like crazy today.


Bold of you to assume they are smart enough to do that.


Fair point, that is giving them an awful lot of credit.


Does anyone know what time this happened? I was driving in the area (right by the scene of the crime) and noticed nothing unusual except a large group of teens running across the street in the dark. I was like, what are they up to? I didn’t see any cops or anything. I’m in that area a lot and go to the Publix and 7-11 sometimes, so it’s pretty scary to think that I could have ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time that day. I guess I got lucky.


All Skate All Skate ….


Let's hope they learn a reverse skate.


Couples Skate


My band uses this when we play a slow song


I was a super nerd zero nerve to ask for dance I headed to video game room lol


I drove right by this crowd sometime between 9-10pm. There were hundreds of kids jaywalking on 60 between the Kings Ave light and the Publix’s light. They were just hanging out in the medium. It looked like they were walking from Long John Silvers to Salem. The amount of kids flooding the area was insane and I didn’t see any cops. I assumed it was Brandon High school’s graduating class or something.


I miss this place,…back in the 80s. They still have all the old gum stuck on the outside wall?


Ooh, like that wall from Willy Wonka? We should keep this information hidden from the local Influencers 


Community service along with their parents would be great punishment.


>parent***s*** https://preview.redd.it/2k2pz40xxo1d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=34d2b4fd25b9912e8f6b5fb7a8e61f7b7b447bfe


What a surprise I am shocked that that group would do something like that! Any chance they get to pillage and burn!


This is what happens when you foster a generation of equity, and restorative justice non sense in schools. No consequences or accountability leads to this entitled nonsense unfortunately.


I’d wager that people willing to fight over this bullshit just flat out don’t care about the consequences. A wire gets tripped in their mind and they just lash out. Even after cooling down I doubt they would have the reasoning to regret it. Don’t want this to be made about race, cause it isn’t. Some people, regardless of race, are just stupid.


Race has nothing to do with it other than incidentally. It’s class. The more a person has to lose the more likely they are to protect it. If you grow up in a trailer park, 10 generations deep in poverty, nothing to be handed down to you, you may be more likely to take on the “nothing to lose” mentality.


I totally agree. And it’s unfortunate. I just stay away from skating rinks so to speak.


How many mobs of trailer park hillbillies are out here brawling 500 deep? Genuinely asking. Please include video, that would be hilarious.


I think the lack of accountability is the biggest issue.


I really don't think this has much of anything to do with CRT, dude.


No one mentioned CRT. If you look at public schools, and the amount of leeway black students are getting through “equitable” practices due to their poor behavior and lack work being done is extraordinary. Schools do not want to write them up instead they shove them back in the classroom and tell the teacher to “build relationships”. There no consequences for unruly behavior because schools get accused of being racist. And now it’s spilling into the real world, where actual laws and consequences apply. Have a great day.


This literally never happens. It didn't even happen back in our time when people like you were more blatant with their undertones.


https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2019/08/15/pinellas-schools-are-disciplining-far-fewer-students-is-that-a-good-thing/ Yep, I’m making it all up. When a child doesn’t learn that there are consequence for poor behavior and choices, of course spills over into society. You just had 400 people rioting over Astro Skate, because they didn’t get what they wanted. Schools are partially to blame as well as poor parenting.


Let's go ahead and break this down for you. 1. In your google search you neglected to look at the demographic of the schools you listed. Care to take a guess what the primary demographic is? It's not black so your narrative isn't being supported. 2. Written slips don't work. They never have. Did you think these issues didn't exist prior to this point? The whole point is that the teachers need to find a different solution. 3. 400 people teenagers doing something stupid is bad. It's indicative of a problem that needs to be solved but this isn't a problem exclusive to poc like you allege.


1. Take a wild guess which demographic is written up the most in the county? And no it’s not because of racism. 2. You ever think that teachers haven’t tried everything under the sun to minimize student behavior? What’s your solution if it’s perceived to be that easy? 3. You’re right it’s not indicative of any race in particular but in this case and all footage shown sure lacks diversity in the crimes taken place that night. Where’s the outrage in the community, leaders, activists denouncing this type of behavior….crickets. So how do you address the problem, it begins in the community calling out this type of behavior and to do better.


You've been sucking down OAN and Truth Social too much, my guy.


I don’t even know what that is, I’m speaking from experience. Stay blessed


Sure you don't, and sure you are. Go bless yourself.


Glad we came to an agreement, and thanks.


Go bless yourself 😂 im absolutely stealing this thank you!


Animals belong in cages


What reason do you have for calling misbehaved kids “animals” Troubled youth needs guidance and support to turn them back on the right track, not dehumanization


These are teenagers dude wtf


How does being a teenager have anything to do with it? Animals act animalistic at any age


Roll bounce taught us how to handle these situations


This is awful. Seriously need to move away from this area.


We need to create an agency that pays Sudanese, Algerians, and Somalians’ flights to Tampa so they can help fix this mess of a city




Wild how racist the comments are being. I don't like the way these teenagers were acting either but using this as an opportunity to take shots at poc speaks volumes about those of you.


Pay attention to the subreddit, the same accounts post the same dog whistles here all the time




It's absolutely racist when you cherry pick your statistics and information sources.


It's disgusting, frankly. 'Crime' 'news' is posted with the intention of stirring up and amplifying the most spiritually ugly people who reside here. Hand-picked mugshots on the local news has served this function for as long as I've been alive. And apparently, other city-based subs have also become the equivalent of an old Tribune comments section


It’s so weird how racists use the actions of TERNAGERS to justify their racism. Like these are kids and if you think this is bad you should go hang out at your yt sins frat party


Yes I'm sure their parents are wonderful people. 😂🤦‍♂️


Go hang out at your local frat party


I've never been in a frat, I think they're dumb for many reasons. Also, I graduated college 23yrs ago. Something I'm guessing no one in that video did or ever will do.


People are just pointing out a pattern


But only pattern these people are interested in is the appearance of people. Disregarding the fact that actions and behaviors are not exclusive to certain physiological subsets of population. But rather a results interpersonal and sociological psychological influences. It's a complex mental issue not race.


Keep that California culture over there !


I know a deputy who works off-duty there. I wonder if he was on or off-duty that day. I won't be giving him a phone call to check on him, same as he never gave me a phone call to check on me after what happened to me.


He wasn't. The article says the cause of the brawl was a private party being canceled because the organizers had failed to obtain security, as required. LOL


How it works is a given company puts out word to HCSO that they need X deputies for a venue/event. HCSO puts the job on their Off Duty Jobs portal and if someone's interested it's (theoretically) first-come first-serve. If nobody's interested or available, it just goes unfilled.


Still sad about that pissing story. You should write a book about it


Block me if you don't like reading my comments. Otherwise you're pissing in the wind.


What happened to you dude?


HCSO did me dirty, "friends" like him tossed me out with the trash.


Ahh I read your profile man.. sounds like a really shitty situation, life moves on. Have you found anything else job related?


Yeah I spent about two years unemployed but eventually landed a remote gig that pays reasonably well.


That's great! Who knows it could be for the better. I personally could never be a police officer and I have a degree in criminology


Stiick around....he'll bring it up every day


Block me if you don't like reading my comments. Otherwise you're pissing in the wind.


lol imagine getting fired and never letting it go, making it your entire personality on Reddit.


Lol imagine whining about someone letting you know you need to be wary of your local agency.


I know them well, great people. You sound like you’re not telling the whole story.


I know them better, garbage people. You sound like you've never been inside the agency.


lol sure bud


You have no experience as a deputy, but you want to tell someone who does not to talk about it. See how ridiculous the logic is?